
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

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The Thunder [Ar-Rad] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah The Thunder [Ar-Rad] Ayah 43 Location Maccah Number 13

And on the earth there are neighboring [yet different] tracts of land, and gardens of grapevines, grains and palm trees – some growing in clusters from one root or standing alone. They are all irrigated with the same water, yet We cause some of them to excel others in taste. Indeed, there are signs in this for people of understanding.

They ask you [O Prophet] to hasten the punishment before the good[3], even though there have already been similar punishments before them. But your Lord is indeed forgiving to people despite their wrongdoing, and your Lord is indeed severe in punishment.

He is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the All-Great, the Most Exalted.

It is the same [to Him] whether one of you speaks secretly or in public, and whether one is hidden in the darkness of the night or walks about openly in the daylight.

For each person there are successive angels[7] in front of him and behind him, guarding him by the command of Allah. Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own attitude and conduct[8]. But if Allah intends punishment for a people[9], then it cannot be averted, nor will there be any protector for them besides Him.

To Him alone should all supplication be addressed[12]. But those whom they supplicate besides Him do not respond to them in any way, except like one who stretches out his hands for water to reach his mouth, but it will never reach it[13]. The supplication of the disbelievers is all in vain.

“Peace be on you, for what you have patiently endured. How excellent is the final abode!”

those who believe and whose hearts find tranquility in the remembrance of Allah, for indeed in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find tranquility.

Thus did We send you to a community before which other communities had passed away, so that you may recite to them what We have revealed to you, yet they disbelieve in the Most Compassionate. Say, “He is my Lord; none has the right to be worshiped except Him. In Him I put my trust, and to Him is my return.”

There were messengers before you who were ridiculed, but I gave respite to those who disbelieved, then I seized them[27]. How [terrible] was My chastisement!

Is He Who watches every soul in whatever it does [like others]? Yet they ascribe partners to Allah. Say, “Name them! Or do you presume to inform Him of something that He does not know on earth, or it is just a show of words?” No, but the falsehood of the disbelievers is made appealing to them, and they are hindered from the [straight] path. Whoever Allah causes to stray, he will have none to guide.

Whether We show you [O Prophet] part of what We warn them or cause you to die [before that], your duty is only to convey the message, and the reckoning is for Us.

Those who disbelieve say, “You are not a messenger.” Say, “Allah is sufficient as a Witness between me and you, as well as those who have knowledge of the Scripture[34].”