
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

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Stoneland, Rock city, Al-Hijr valley [Al-Hijr] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah Stoneland, Rock city, Al-Hijr valley [Al-Hijr] Ayah 99 Location Maccah Number 15

Alif Lām Ra[1]. These are the verses of the Book and a clear Qur’an.

We do not send down the angels except for a just cause, and then [the disbelievers] would be granted no respite[4].

It is We Who have sent down the Reminder[5], and it is We Who will preserve it[6].

This is how We let this [denial] enter the hearts of the wicked[7].

They will not believe in it, although the examples of the earlier people are well established.

except the one who manages to eavesdrop, he will then be pursued by a visible burning flame.

And We have made therein for you means of sustenance and for those[8] whom you do not provide.

Indeed, it is We Who give life and cause death, and We are the Inheritors [of all things].

When I have shaped him and breathed into him of My spirit[12], then fall down before him in prostration.”

Allah said, “O Iblīs, what is the matter with you that you were not with those who prostrated?”

He said, “I am not such to prostrate before a human whom You created from sounding clay, made of aging mud.[14]”

He said, “Then get out of here[15], for you are accursed,

Iblīs said, “My Lord, then grant me respite until the Day they are resurrected.”

Allah said, “You are of those who are granted respite[16],

And Hell is certainly the promised place for them, all together.

They said, “Do not be afraid; We give you glad tidings of a knowledgeable boy[24].”

They said, “We have given you glad tidings in truth, so do not be of those who despair[25].”

He said, “Who would despair of his Lord’s mercy except those who are misguided[26]?”

except his wife[28]; We have decreed that she will be among those who stay behind.”

They said, “We have come to you with that [punishment][30] which they have doubted.

We have come to you with the truth, and we are certainly truthful.

They said, “Did we not forbid you from [protecting] people?”

By your life [O prophet], they were wandering blindly in their intoxication [of lust][34].

And their place is located by a known route[37].

So We punished them in retribution, and both [places][39] are by a clear highway.

So they were seized by the blast early in the morning.

Indeed, your Lord is the Absolute Creator, the All-Knowing.

just as We sent down [punishment] upon those who divided [their religion][48],

those who split the Qur’an into different portions[49].

Then proclaim what you are commanded, and turn away from those who associate partners with Allah.

So glorify your Lord with praise and be among those who prostrate [to Him][51],

and worship your Lord until the certainty [of death] comes to you.