
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

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The Bee [An-Nahl] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah The Bee [An-Nahl] Ayah 128 Location Maccah Number 16

Allah’s decree is coming[1], so do not seek to hasten it. Glorified and Exalted is He far above what they associate with Him[2]!

He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose. Exalted is He far above what they associate with Him!

And He has created the livestock for you as a source of warmth and other benefits[4], and from them you eat.

There is beauty for you in them when you bring them home to rest and when you take them out to graze[5].

And [He created] the horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride and for adornment, and He creates other things that you do not know.

It is upon Allah to show the straight path, while other ways are deviant. If He had willed, He could have guided you all.

And He has placed into the earth firm mountains, so it does not tremor with you, and there are rivers[10] and pathways so that you may find your way,

Is then He Who creates equal to one who cannot create? Will you not then take heed?

If you try to count Allah’s favors, you will not be able to enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Then on the Day of Resurrection, He will disgrace them and will say, “Where are My [so-called] partners for whose sake you used to oppose [the truth]?” Those who were given knowledge will say, “Today disgrace and misery will befall the disbelievers.”

And it will be said to those who fear Allah, “What has your Lord sent down?” They will say, “All that is good.” For those who do good in this world, there is a good reward[17]; and the home of the Hereafter is far better. What an excellent home for those who fear Allah!

[We sent them] with clear proofs and scriptures, and We have sent down to you [O Prophet] the Reminder to explain to people what has been sent down to them, and so that they may reflect.

Or that He may seize them while they are going about[27], and they will have no escape?

Or that He will seize them when they are in a state of fear? But your Lord is indeed Ever Gracious, Most Merciful[28].

To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and earth, and constant devotion is to Him alone. Will you then fear anyone other than Allah?

Whatever blessing you have, it is from Allah. Then when you are afflicted with hardship, to Him alone you cry out for help[32].

showing their ingratitude for what We have given them. Then enjoy yourselves now, but you will soon come to know.

They assign a portion of what We have provided for them to those [idols] who know nothing. By Allah, you will surely be called to account for what you used to fabricate.

To Allah they ascribe daughters[33] – glory be to Him – but for themselves they choose what they desire [i.e., sons].

They attribute to Allah[36] what they dislike for themselves, and their tongues make false claim that they will have the best [reward][37]. Without a doubt for them there will be the Fire, and they will be neglected.

Allah has created you, then He causes you to die. Among you are some who are left to reach the most decrepit age[45], so that they may know nothing after having known much. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, Most Capable.

On the Day when We raise up a witness[54] from every community, no excuse will be accepted from the disbelievers, nor will they be allowed to make amends.

If Allah had willed, He would have made all of you a single community [of believers], but He causes to stray whom He wills and guides whom He wills[59], and you will surely be questioned about what you used to do.

Do not take your oaths as a means of deceit between yourselves, lest some feet will slip after they have been firm[60], and you will taste the evil consequences of preventing people from the way of Allah, and for you there will be a great punishment.

Whatever you have will come to an end, but whatever Allah has will last forever. And We will surely grant those who remain steadfast their reward according to the best of their deeds.

He only has power over those who take him as their patron[64], and who - under his influence - associate partners with Allah.

Say, “This has been brought down by the Holy Spirit[66] from your Lord with the truth, to strengthen those who believe, and as guidance and glad tidings to the Muslims.”

There came to them a messenger[71] from among themselves, but they rejected him, so the punishment seized them[72] while they were wrongdoers.

He has only forbidden to you carrion, blood[73], flesh of swine, and what is slaughtered to other than Allah. But if one is compelled by necessity – neither driven by desire nor exceeding the need – then Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

It is only a brief enjoyment, then for them there will be a painful punishment.

Abraham was a model of excellence[75], devoted to Allah and inclined to true faith, and he was not one of those who associate partners with Allah.

Then We revealed to you [O Prophet] to follow the religion of Abraham, inclining to true faith[77], and he was not one of those who associate partners with Allah.

If you retaliate, let your retaliation be the like of what you suffered. But if you bear with patience, it is surely best for those who are steadfast.