
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

Towards providing reliable exegeses and translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the world languages

The Prophets [Al-Anbiya] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah The Prophets [Al-Anbiya] Ayah 112 Location Maccah Number 21

He said, “My Lord knows every word spoken in the heavens and earth, for He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”

Yet they say, “This [Qur’an] is a set of jumbled dreams! Rather, he has fabricated it! Rather, he is a poet! So let him bring us a sign just as the earlier messengers were sent with[1].”

Then We fulfilled Our promise to them: We saved them[4] and those whom We willed, and destroyed those who transgressed all bounds.

We have sent down to you [O people] a Book in which there is honor for you[5]. Do you not then understand?

If there had been gods besides Allah in the heavens and earth, both realms would have fallen in disorder. Glory be to Allah – Lord of the Throne – far above what they ascribe [to Him].

He cannot be questioned for what He does, but they will be questioned.

They say, “The Most Compassionate has begotten offspring!”[13] Glory be to Him! In fact, those [angels] are His honored slaves.

Rather, it will come upon them suddenly and stun them; they will not be able to avert it, nor will they be given respite.

And this [Qur’an] is a blessed reminder which We have sent down. Are you still denying it[21]?

They said, “Bring him then before the eyes of the people, so that they may witness [his trial][23].”

And [remember] Noah, when he called out[29] to Us before, so We responded to him and saved him and his household[30] from the great distress.

And [remember] David and Solomon, when they passed judgment about the tillage into which some people’s sheep had strayed at night[31], and We were witnesses to their judgment.

And [remember] Job, when he cried out to his Lord, “I have been struck by adversity[36], and You are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.”

And [remember] the Man of the Whale [i.e., Jonah] when he departed in anger[38], thinking that We would not take him to task. Then he cried out in the depths of darkness[39], “None has the right to be worshiped except You. Glory be to You! I have certainly done wrong”.

And [remember] Zachariah, when he cried out to his Lord, “My Lord, do not leave me childless, for You are the Best of Inheritors.”

It is not possible for any town that We have destroyed to ever come back [to this world][41],

If these [idols] had truly been gods, they would not have entered it. But they will all abide therein forever.

They will groan therein with anguish, and they will not be able to hear anything.

They will not hear its slightest hissing, and they will abide forever in whatever their souls desire.

Indeed, there is a message in this [Qur’an] for devoted worshipers.

But if they turn away, say, “I have proclaimed the message to you all alike[46], and I do not know whether what you are warned of[47] is near or far.

I do not know; perhaps this [delay][48] is a test for you[49] and an enjoyment for a while.”

[The Prophet] said, “My Lord, judge [between us] in truth. Our Lord is the Most Compassionate Whose help is to be sought against what you describe[50].”