
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

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The Spider [Al-Ankaboot] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah The Spider [Al-Ankaboot] Ayah 69 Location Maccah Number 29

Alif Lām Mīm[1].

They will certainly bear their own burdens, as well as other burdens along with their own burdens[3], and on the Day of Resurrection they will certainly be questioned concerning what they used to fabricate.

He punishes whom He wills and shows mercy to whom He wills, and to Him you will all be returned.

When Our angel-messengers came to Lot, he was distressed by their coming and felt troubled on their account[10], but they said, “Do not fear nor grieve; we will surely save you and your family, except your wife; she is one of those who will remain behind.”

You [O Prophet] never recited any book before this, nor did you write with your hand. Otherwise, the people of falsehood would have raised suspicions.

They ask you [O Prophet] to hasten the punishment. If it had not been for a time already set, the punishment would have come to them. But it will surely come to them by surprise when they least expect it.

on the Day when the punishment will overwhelm them from above and from below their feet, and He will say, “Taste [the punishment] for what you used to do!”

How many creatures there are that cannot carry their provisions! It is Allah Who provides for them and for you, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

showing their ingratitude to what We have given them and enjoy themselves, but they will soon come to know.