
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

Towards providing reliable exegeses and translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the world languages

Originator [Fatir] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah Originator [Fatir] Ayah 45 Location Maccah Number 35

Is one whose evil deed is made appealing to him so he deems it good [like one who is rightly guided]? It is Allah who causes to stray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. So do not let yourself collapse in grief for them. Allah is All-Knowing of what they do.

If you call upon them, they cannot hear your call, and even if they were to hear, they could not respond to you. On the Day of Resurrection they will disown your associating them as partners with Allah[5]. And none can inform you like the All-Aware.

nor are the depths of darkness and the light[8],

We have sent you with the truth as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner. There has never been any community except that a warner came to it[11].

so that He will reward them in full and give them more out of His bounty[14]. He is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative.

And they will say, “All praise be to Allah Who has taken away from us all sorrow. Indeed, our Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative,

As for those who disbelieve, there will be the Fire of Hell; neither will they be sentenced to death, so that they may die, nor will its punishment be lightened for them. This is how We recompense every disbeliever.

They will be screaming therein, “Our Lord, take us out; we will do righteous deeds, unlike what we used to do.” [They will be told], “Did We not give you long enough lives to take heed for anyone who wished to take heed? And the warner did come to you. So taste! The wrongdoers will have no helper.”