
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

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Qaf [Qaf] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah Qaf [Qaf] Ayah 45 Location Maccah Number 50

But they wonder that a warner has come to them from among themselves, so the disbelievers say, “This is something strange!

What! Is it when we die and become dust [will we return to life]? That is a far-fetched return.”

We certainly know what the earth consumes of them [after their death], and with Us is a Preserved Record[2].

as a source of insight and a reminder to every slave who turns [to Allah].

The people of Noah rejected [the truth] before them[4], as well as the companions of the Well[5] and Thamūd,

and the dwellers of the Forest[6], and the people of Tubba‘[7]. All of them rejected the messengers, so My warning was fulfilled.

Were We wearied by their first creation? No indeed, yet they are in confusion concerning the second creation.

When the two angel scribes, constantly accompanying him[9], one on the right, and the other on the left[10].

Not a single word he utters but there is with him a vigilant watcher, ready [to record it].

And the Trumpet will be blown[12]; that is the Day of [the given] warning.

Everyone will come, accompanied by an angel to drive him and another to testify[13].

His angel-companion will say, “Here is the record ready with me.”

[It will be said to the two angels], “Throw into Hell every obstinate disbeliever,

[Beware of] the Day when We will say to Hell, “Have you reached your fill?” It will say, “Are there any more?”

[It will be said], “This is what you were promised; this is for everyone who constantly turned [to Allah] and was dutiful,

They will have therein all what they wish for, and We have yet more[16].

the Day when they will hear the Blast [of the second Trumpet] in truth[21]. That is the Day of Resurrection.

Indeed, it is We Who give life and cause death, and to Us is the final return.

On the Day when the earth will be rent asunder for them as they hasten forth [from their graves]; that is an easy gathering for Us.