
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

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The Event, The Inevitable [Al-Waqia] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah The Event, The Inevitable [Al-Waqia] Ayah 96 Location Maccah Number 56

When the Inevitable Event comes to pass,

there will be none to deny its occurrence;

it will bring some low and raise others up[1].

the people of the right – how blessed will be the people of the right[2]!

And the forerunners [in faith] are the forerunners [in Paradise].

[They will be seated] on jeweled couches,

with cups, pitchers, and glasses [of wine] from a flowing spring,

And [they will have] maidens with wide gorgeous eyes,

The people of the right – how blessed will be the people of the right!

[They will be] in the midst of thornless lote trees,

and elevated mattresses [on beds].

Indeed, We have perfectly created them [i.e., their spouses],

And the people of the left – how wretched will be the people of the left!

[They will be] in scorching wind and scalding water,

Say, [O Prophet], “Indeed, the former and later generations

This will be their welcome on the Day of Judgment.

It is We Who created you; why do you not then believe [in resurrection]?

Have you thought about the semen that you emit?

If We willed, We could reduce your harvest to rubble, leaving you to wonder and lament,

and instead [of thanking Allah] for the provision you are given, you show ingratitude?

Then why [are you helpless] when the soul reaches the throat,

If you are not subject to retribution, then why do you not

If that dying person is one of those who will be brought near to Allah,

then [he will have] comfort, fragrance[14], and a Garden of Bliss.

[He will be told], “Peace be to you, for being one of the people of the right.”

then he will be welcomed with scalding water,

and he will burn in Blazing Fire.