
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

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The emissaries [Al-Mursalat] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah The emissaries [Al-Mursalat] Ayah 50 Location Maccah Number 77

By those [winds] sent forth in succession,

and scatter [rainclouds] far and wide,

And by those [angels] who bring criterion[1];

leaving no excuse or giving warning –

what you are promised will surely come to pass.

and when the messengers are summoned[2],

until which Day has all this been postponed?

For We determined it; How excellently We determine!

[They will be told,] “Proceed to that [Fire] which you used to deny!

Proceed to the shadow [of smoke] ascending in three columns,

that provides neither shade nor protection from the flames.

Indeed, it [i.e., Hell] throws up sparks as big as castles,

[They will be told,] “This is the Day of Judgment: We have gathered you along with the earlier generations.

So if you have any scheme, then plot it against Me.”

[They will be told,] “Eat and drink joyfully, as a reward for what you used to do.”

When it is said to them, “Bow [in prayer],” they do not bow.

In which message after this [Qur’an] will they believe?