
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

Towards providing reliable exegeses and translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the world languages

THE ANT [An-Naml] - French Translation - Muhammad Hamidullah - Ayah 5

Surah THE ANT [An-Naml] Ayah 93 Location Maccah Number 27

أُوْلَٰٓئِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَهُمۡ سُوٓءُ ٱلۡعَذَابِ وَهُمۡ فِي ٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ هُمُ ٱلۡأَخۡسَرُونَ [٥]

Ce sont eux qui subiront le pire châtiment, tandis qu’ils seront dans l’au- delà les plus grands perdants.