The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia
Towards providing reliable exegeses and translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the world languagesThe family of Imran [Aal-e-Imran] - French Translation - Muhammad Hamidullah - Ayah 62
Surah The family of Imran [Aal-e-Imran] Ayah 200 Location Madanah Number 3
إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَهُوَ ٱلۡقَصَصُ ٱلۡحَقُّۚ وَمَا مِنۡ إِلَٰهٍ إِلَّا ٱللَّهُۚ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَهُوَ ٱلۡعَزِيزُ ٱلۡحَكِيمُ [٦٢]
Voilà, certes, le récit véridique. Et il n’y a pas de divinité à part Allah. En vérité, c’est Allah qui est le Puissant, le Sage.