
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

Towards providing reliable exegeses and translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the world languages

The Romans [Ar-Room] - French Translation - Muhammad Hamidullah - Ayah 57

Surah The Romans [Ar-Room] Ayah 60 Location Maccah Number 30

فَيَوۡمَئِذٖ لَّا يَنفَعُ ٱلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ مَعۡذِرَتُهُمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ يُسۡتَعۡتَبُونَ [٥٧]

ce jour-là donc, les excuses ne seront pas utiles aux injustes et on ne leur demandera pas à chercher à plaire à [Allah].