
The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

Towards providing reliable exegeses and translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the world languages

The Standard [Al-Furqan] - English Translation - Rowwad Translation Center

Surah The Standard [Al-Furqan] Ayah 77 Location Maccah Number 25

Say, “Is that better or the Eternal Paradise which has been promised to the righteous?” It will be as a reward for them and as a final destination.

They will have there whatever they wish for, abiding therein forever. That is a promise that your Lord has taken upon Himself.”

On the Day when He will gather them along with those whom they worshiped besides Allah[5], He will say, “Did you mislead these slaves of Mine, or did they stray from the right way on their own?”

Thus they will deny all what you say[6], so you cannot avert [punishment] nor can you get any help. Whoever among you does wrong[7], We will make him taste a great punishment.

On the Day when they see the angels[8], there will be no glad tidings for the wicked, and [the angels] will say, “Absolutely forbidden for you[9].”

Those who disbelieve say, “Why was the Qur’an not sent down to him all at once?” [We sent it] in this way so that We may strengthen your heart thereby, and We have revealed it in a gradual manner.

Also [We destroyed] ‘Ād and Thamūd, and the people of the Well[19], and many generations between them.

He would have almost led us astray from our gods if we had not been so devoted to them.” But when they see the punishment, they will come to know who is further astray from the right way.

Then We gradually draw it towards Us [i.e., Then the sun climbs up]?

It is He Who has made the night as a garment[25] for you, and made sleep for rest; and has made daytime for returning to life[26].

So do not obey the disbelievers, but strive against them with this [Qur’an] a great striving.

It is He Who created human beings from water[30], then made between them bonds of kinship and marriage, for your Lord is Most Capable.

We have not sent you [O Prophet] except as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.

When it is said to them, “Prostrate to the Most Compassionate,” they say, “What is ‘the Most Compassionate?’ Shall we prostrate to what you order us?” And it only increases their aversion.

the punishment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, wherein he will remain disgraced forever,

It is they who will be rewarded with high palaces [in Paradise] for their perseverance, and they will be received therein with salutations and greetings of peace,

Say [O Prophet], “My Lord would not care at all about you, were it not for your supplication[41]. Now since you have rejected [the truth], the inevitable is bound to come[42].”