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Surah The Pilgrimage [Al-Hajj] in English

Surah The Pilgrimage [Al-Hajj] Ayah 78 Location Maccah Number 22

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ ٱتَّقُوا۟ رَبَّكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ زَلْزَلَةَ ٱلسَّاعَةِ شَىْءٌ عَظِيمٌۭ ﴿١﴾

O mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed, the convulsion of the [final] Hour is a terrible thing.


Ya ayyuha alnnasu ittaqoo rabbakum inna zalzalata alssaAAati shayon AAatheemun

Ahmed Ali

O YOU PEOPLE, fear your Lord. The great upheaval of the Hour will indeed be terrible.

Ahmed Raza Khan

O people, fear your Lord; indeed the earthquake of the Last Day is a tremendous thing.


O men, fear your Lord! Surely the earthquake of the Hour is a mighty thing;


Mankind! fear your Lord; verily the quake of the Hour shall be a thing mighty.

Hilali & Khan

O mankind! Fear your Lord and be dutiful to Him! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour (of Judgement) is a terrible thing.


O people, be conscious of your Lord. The quaking of the Hour is a tremendous thing.


O mankind, fear the (wrath of) your Lord! Indeed, the earthquake of the Hour (of Judgement) will be an awesome thing.


O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour is a terrible thing.


O mankind! Fear your Lord. Lo! the earthquake of the Hour (of Doom) is a tremendous thing.


O mankind! Be wary of your Lord! Indeed the quake of the Hour is a terrible thing.

Qaribullah & Darwish

O people, have fear of your Lord. The earthquake of the Hour shall be a great thing.


People, have fear of your Lord; the quake (of the physical realm) at the Hour of Doom will be terribly violent.


O people! guard against (the punishment from) your Lord; surely the violence of the hour is a grievous thing.

Wahiduddin Khan

O People! Fear your Lord. The catastrophe of the Last Hour shall be terrible indeed:

Yusuf Ali

O mankind! fear your Lord! for the convulsion of the Hour (of Judgment) will be a thing terrible!

يَوْمَ تَرَوْنَهَا تَذْهَلُ كُلُّ مُرْضِعَةٍ عَمَّآ أَرْضَعَتْ وَتَضَعُ كُلُّ ذَاتِ حَمْلٍ حَمْلَهَا وَتَرَى ٱلنَّاسَ سُكَٰرَىٰ وَمَا هُم بِسُكَٰرَىٰ وَلَٰكِنَّ عَذَابَ ٱللَّهِ شَدِيدٌۭ ﴿٢﴾

On the Day you see it every nursing mother will be distracted from that [child] she was nursing, and every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy, and you will see the people [appearing] intoxicated while they are not intoxicated; but the punishment of Allah is severe.


Yawma tarawnaha tathhalu kullu murdiAAatin AAamma ardaAAat watadaAAu kullu thati hamlin hamlaha watara alnnasa sukara wama hum bisukara walakinna AAathaba Allahi shadeedun

Ahmed Ali

The day you see it every suckling female will forget her suckling, and every pregnant female will discharge her burden. You will see men drunk, yet it will not be intoxication. The torment of God will be severe.

Ahmed Raza Khan

On the day when you will witness it, every nursing mother will forget her nurseling and every pregnant one will discharge her burden, and you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) will see people as if they are drunk, whereas they will not be intoxicated, but the fact is that Allah’s punishment is very severe.


on the day when you behold it, every suckling woman shall neglect the child she has suckled, and every pregnant woman shall deposit her burden, and thou shalt see mankind drunk, yet they are not drunk, but God's chastisement is terrible.


The Day whereon ye behold it, every suckling woman shall forget that which she suckleth, and every burthened woman shall lay down her burthen; and thou shalt behold mankind as drunken, whereas drunken they will be not, but the torment of Allah shall be severe.

Hilali & Khan

The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunken, but severe will be the Torment of Allah.


On the Day when you will see it: every nursing mother will discard her infant, and every pregnant woman will abort her load, and you will see the people drunk, even though they are not drunk—but the punishment of God is severe.


On the Day when you witness it, the suckling woman shall utterly neglect the infant she suckles, and every pregnant woman shall cast her burden, and you will see people as though they are drunk, when they are not drunk; but dreadful shall be Allah's chastisement.


The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunk, but Allah's torment is severe.


On the day when ye behold it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling and every pregnant one will be delivered of her burden, and thou (Muhammad) wilt see mankind as drunken, yet they will not be drunken, but the Doom of Allah will be strong (upon them).


The day that you will see it, every suckling female will be unmindful what she suckled, and every pregnant female will deliver her burden, and you will see the people drunk, yet they will not be drunken, but Allah’s punishment is severe.

Qaribullah & Darwish

On that Day you will see every one that suckles shall forsake her suckling, and every carrier shall miscarry, and you shall see mankind drunk although they arenot drunk; dreadful will be the punishment of Allah.


When that hour comes, every breast-feeding mother will drop her baby out of fear and every pregnant female will cast off her burden. You will see the people behaving as though they were drunk, while, in fact, they are not drunk. They only will look such because of the severity of God's torment.


On the day when you shall see it, every woman giving suck shall quit in confusion what she suckled, and every pregnant woman shall lay down her burden, and you shall see men intoxicated, and they shall not be intoxicated but the chastisement of Allah will be severe.

Wahiduddin Khan

when that Day comes, every suckling mother shall forsake her infant and every pregnant woman shall cast her burden and everyone will appear intoxicated, although they are not: the punishment of God will be severe indeed.

Yusuf Ali

The Day ye shall see it, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling-babe, and every pregnant female shall drop her load (unformed): thou shalt see mankind as in a drunken riot, yet not drunk: but dreadful will be the Wrath of Allah.

وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَن يُجَٰدِلُ فِى ٱللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍۢ وَيَتَّبِعُ كُلَّ شَيْطَٰنٍۢ مَّرِيدٍۢ ﴿٣﴾

And of the people is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge and follows every rebellious devil.


Wamina alnnasi man yujadilu fee Allahi bighayri AAilmin wayattabiAAu kulla shaytanin mareedin

Ahmed Ali

And yet there are men who contend about God without understanding, and follow every wayward devil

Ahmed Raza Khan

And among people are some who argue concerning Allah without knowing, and blindly follow every rebellious devil.


And among men there is such a one that disputes concerning God without knowledge and follows every rebel Satan,


And of mankind is he who disputeth respecting Allah without knowledge, and followeth any Satan froward.

Hilali & Khan

And among mankind is he who disputes concerning Allah, without knowledge, and follows every rebellious (disobedient to Allah) Shaitan (devil) (devoid of each and every kind of good).


Among the people is he who argues about God without knowledge, and follows every defiant devil.


Among people there are some who wrangle about Allah without knowledge and follow every rebellious devil,


And among mankind is he who disputes about Allah, without knowledge, and follows every rebellious Shaytan.


Among mankind is he who disputeth concerning Allah without knowledge, and followeth each froward devil;


Among the people are those who dispute about Allah without any knowledge, and follow every froward devil,

Qaribullah & Darwish

Among people there are those, who without knowledge, dispute about Allah and follow every rebel satan,


Some people argue about God without knowledge and follow every rebellious devil.


And among men there is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge and follows every rebellious Shaitan;

Wahiduddin Khan

Yet there are some who dispute about God without having any knowledge and they follow every rebellious devil,

Yusuf Ali

And yet among men there are such as dispute about Allah, without knowledge, and follow every evil one obstinate in rebellion!

كُتِبَ عَلَيْهِ أَنَّهُۥ مَن تَوَلَّاهُ فَأَنَّهُۥ يُضِلُّهُۥ وَيَهْدِيهِ إِلَىٰ عَذَابِ ٱلسَّعِيرِ ﴿٤﴾

It has been decreed for every devil that whoever turns to him - he will misguide him and will lead him to the punishment of the Blaze.


Kutiba AAalayhi annahu man tawallahu faannahu yudilluhu wayahdeehi ila AAathabi alssaAAeeri

Ahmed Ali

Who, it is inscribed, will beguile whoever follows him, and lead him to the torment of Hell.

Ahmed Raza Khan

(The devil) Upon whom is decreed that whoever befriends him, he will certainly mislead him and show him the path to hell.


against whom it is written down that whosoever takes him for a friend, him he leads astray, and he guides him to the chastisement of the burning.


Against whom it is prescribed, that: whosoever befriendeth him, him he shall lead astray and shall guide him on to the torment of the Flame.

Hilali & Khan

For him (the devil) it is decreed that whosoever follows him, he will mislead him, and will drive him to the torment of the Fire. [Tafsir At-Tabari]


It was decreed for him, that whoever follows him—he will misguide him, and lead him to the torment of the Blaze.


although it is decreed about him that he shall lead into error whosoever takes him for a friend, and will direct him to the torment of the Fire.


For him (the devil) it is decreed that whosoever follows him, he will mislead him, and will drive him to the torment of the Fire.


For him it is decreed that whoso taketh him for friend, he verily will mislead him and will guide him to the punishment of the Flame.


about whom it has been decreed that he will mislead those who take him for an ally, and conduct them toward the punishment of the Blaze.

Qaribullah & Darwish

against whom it is written down that whosoever takes him for a guide, he guides astray, and leads him to the punishment of the Blaze.


It has been decided that satan will mislead and submit anyone who establishes friendship with him to the torment of the burning fire.


Against him it is written down that whoever takes him for a friend, he shall lead him astray and conduct him to the chastisement of the burning fire.

Wahiduddin Khan

it has been decreed concerning anyone whom he befriends, that he shall mislead him and guide him to the punishment of the Fire.

Yusuf Ali

About the (Evil One) it is decreed that whoever turns to him for friendship, him will he lead astray, and he will guide him to the Penalty of the Fire.

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ إِن كُنتُمْ فِى رَيْبٍۢ مِّنَ ٱلْبَعْثِ فَإِنَّا خَلَقْنَٰكُم مِّن تُرَابٍۢ ثُمَّ مِن نُّطْفَةٍۢ ثُمَّ مِنْ عَلَقَةٍۢ ثُمَّ مِن مُّضْغَةٍۢ مُّخَلَّقَةٍۢ وَغَيْرِ مُخَلَّقَةٍۢ لِّنُبَيِّنَ لَكُمْ ۚ وَنُقِرُّ فِى ٱلْأَرْحَامِ مَا نَشَآءُ إِلَىٰٓ أَجَلٍۢ مُّسَمًّۭى ثُمَّ نُخْرِجُكُمْ طِفْلًۭا ثُمَّ لِتَبْلُغُوٓا۟ أَشُدَّكُمْ ۖ وَمِنكُم مَّن يُتَوَفَّىٰ وَمِنكُم مَّن يُرَدُّ إِلَىٰٓ أَرْذَلِ ٱلْعُمُرِ لِكَيْلَا يَعْلَمَ مِنۢ بَعْدِ عِلْمٍۢ شَيْـًۭٔا ۚ وَتَرَى ٱلْأَرْضَ هَامِدَةًۭ فَإِذَآ أَنزَلْنَا عَلَيْهَا ٱلْمَآءَ ٱهْتَزَّتْ وَرَبَتْ وَأَنۢبَتَتْ مِن كُلِّ زَوْجٍۭ بَهِيجٍۢ ﴿٥﴾

O People, if you should be in doubt about the Resurrection, then [consider that] indeed, We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot, and then from a lump of flesh, formed and unformed - that We may show you. And We settle in the wombs whom We will for a specified term, then We bring you out as a child, and then [We develop you] that you may reach your [time of] maturity. And among you is he who is taken in [early] death, and among you is he who is returned to the most decrepit [old] age so that he knows, after [once having] knowledge, nothing. And you see the earth barren, but when We send down upon it rain, it quivers and swells and grows [something] of every beautiful kind.


Ya ayyuha alnnasu in kuntum fee raybin mina albaAAthi fainna khalaqnakum min turabin thumma min nutfatin thumma min AAalaqatin thumma min mudghatin mukhallaqatin waghayri mukhallaqatin linubayyina lakum wanuqirru fee alarhami ma nashao ila ajalin musamman thumma nukhrijukum tiflan thumma litablughoo ashuddakum waminkum man yutawaffa waminkum man yuraddu ila arthali alAAumuri likayla yaAAlama min baAAdi AAilmin shayan watara alarda hamidatan faitha anzalna AAalayha almaa ihtazzat warabat waanbatat min kulli zawjin baheejin

Ahmed Ali

If you have any doubt, O men, about being raised to life again, (remember) that We created you from dust, then a drop of semen, then an embryo, then a chewed up lump of flesh shaped and shapeless, that We may reveal (the various steps) to you. We keep what We please in the womb for a certain time, then you come out as a child, then reach the prime of age. Some of you die, some reach the age of dotage when they forget what they knew, having known it once. You see the earth all withered, then We send down rain upon it, and it bestirs itself, swells, and brings forth every kind of beauteous verdure.

Ahmed Raza Khan

O people, if you doubt your revival on the Day of Resurrection, then ponder that We created you from dust, then from a drop of liquid, then from a clot, then from a piece of flesh formed and without form, so that We show you Our signs for you; and We keep whomever We want inside the mothers’ wombs up to an appointed time, then extract you as infants, then in order that you reach your puberty; and among you is one who dies earlier, and among you is one put to the most abject age, so after having knowledge, knows nothing; and you see the earth desolate, then when We sent down water upon it, it freshened up and developed and produced beautiful pairs of all kinds.


O men, if you are in doubt as to the Uprising, surely We created you of dust then of a sperm-drop, then of a blood clot, then of a lump of flesh, formed and unformed that We may make clear to you. And We establish in the wombs what We will, till a stated term, then We deliver you as infants, then that you may come of age; and some of you die, and some of you are kept back unto the vilest state of life, that after knowing somewhat, they may know nothing. And thou beholdest the earth blackened, then, when We send down water upon it, it quivers, and swells, and puts forth herbs of every joyous kind.


O Mankind! if ye be in doubt respecting the Resurrection, then We have created you of the dust, then of a drop, then of clot, then of a piece of flesh, formed and unformed, that We might manifest unto you Our power. And We settle in the wombs that which We will until a term determined. Then We bring you forth as babes, then We let you reach your maturity. And of you is he who dieth, and of you is he who is brought back to the most abject age, so that after knowing he knoweth not aught. Andthou beholdest the earth withered up, and when We send down thereon water, it stirreth and swelleth, and it groweth every luxuriant kind of growth.

Hilali & Khan

O mankind! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then verily! We have created you (i.e. Adam) from dust, then from a Nutfah (mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge i.e. offspring of Adam), then from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood) then from a little lump of flesh, some formed and some unformed (miscarriage), that We may make (it) clear to you (i.e. to show you Our Power and Ability to do what We will). And We cause whom We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed term, then We bring you out as infants, then (give you growth) that you may reach your age of full strength. And among you there is he who dies (young), and among you there is he who is brought back to the miserable old age, so that he knows nothing after having known. And you see the earth barren, but when We send down water (rain) on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells and puts forth every lovely kind (of growth).


O people! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection—We created you from dust, then from a small drop, then from a clinging clot, then from a lump of flesh, partly developed and partly undeveloped. In order to clarify things for you. And We settle in the wombs whatever We will for a designated term, and then We bring you out as infants, until you reach your full strength. And some of you will pass away, and some of you will be returned to the vilest age, so that he may not know, after having known. And you see the earth still; but when We send down water on it, it vibrates, and swells, and grows all kinds of lovely pairs.


O mankind! If you have any doubt concerning Resurrection, then know that it is surely We Who created you from dust, then from a drop of sperm, then from a clot of blood, then from a little lump of flesh, some of it shapely and other shapeless. (We are rehearsing this) that We may make the reality clear to you. We cause (the drop of sperm) that We please to remain in the wombs till an appointed time. We bring you forth as infants (and nurture you) that you may come of age. Among you is he that dies (at a young age) and he who is kept back to the most abject age so that after once having known, he reaches a stage when he knows nothing. You see the earth dry and barren and then no sooner than We send down water upon it, it begins to quiver and swell and brings forth every kind of beauteous vegetation.


O mankind! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then verily, We have created you from dust, then from a Nutfah, then from a clot then from a little lump of flesh -- some formed and some unformed -- that We may make (it) clear to you. And We cause whom We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed term, then We bring you out as infants, then (give you growth) that you may reach your age of full strength. And among you there is he who dies (young), and among you there is he who is brought back to the miserable old age, so that he knows nothing after having known. And you see the earth Hamidatan, but when We send down water on it, it is stirred (to life), and it swells and puts forth every lovely kind (of growth).


O mankind! if ye are in doubt concerning the Resurrection, then lo! We have created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a little lump of flesh shapely and shapeless, that We may make (it) clear for you. And We cause what We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed time, and afterward We bring you forth as infants, then (give you growth) that ye attain your full strength. And among you there is he who dieth (young), and among you there is he who is brought back to the most abject time of life, so that, after knowledge, he knoweth naught. And thou (Muhammad) seest the earth barren, but when We send down water thereon, it doth thrill and swell and put forth every lovely kind (of growth).


O people! If you are in doubt about the resurrection, [consider that] We created you from dust, then from a drop of [seminal] fluid, then from a clinging mass, then from a fleshy tissue, partly formed and partly unformed, so that We may manifest [Our power] to you. We lodge in the wombs whatever [fetus] We wish for a specified term, then We bring you forth as infants, then [We rear you] so that you may come of age. [Then] there are some of you who are taken away, and there are some of you who are relegated to the nethermost age, such that he knows nothing after [having possessed] some knowledge. And you see the earth torpid, yet when We send down water upon it, it stirs and swells, and grows every delightful kind [of plant].

Qaribullah & Darwish

O people, if you are in doubt about the Resurrection, remember that We first created you from dust, then, from a sperm drop, then from a clot, and then from a bitesize tissue formed and unformed, so that We might clarify for you. We establish in the wombs whatever We will for an appointed term, and then We bring you forth as infants, then you come of age. Some of you die, and some of you are kept back to the vilest state of life, after knowing somewhat, they know nothing. And you see the earth dry; but no sooner do We send down rain upon it than it begins to quiver and swell, putting forth every fine variety (of herbage).


People, if you have doubts about the Resurrection, you must know that We created you from clay that was turned into a living germ. This was developed into a clot of blood, which was made into a well formed and partly shapeless lump of flesh. This is how We show you that resurrection is not more difficult for Us than your creation. We cause whatever We want to stay in the womb for an appointed time, We then take you out of the womb as a baby, so that you may grow up and receive strength. Some of you may then die and others may grow to a very old age and lose your memory. You may see the earth as a barren land, but when we send rain, it starts to stir and swell and produce various pairs of attractive herbs.


O people! if you are in doubt about the raising, then surely We created you from dust, then from a small seed, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh, complete in make and incomplete, that We may make clear to you; and We cause what We please to stay in the wombs till an appointed time, then We bring you forth as babies, then that you may attain your maturity; and of you is he who is caused to die, and of you is he who is brought back to the worst part of life, so that after having knowledge he does not know anything; and you see the earth sterile land, but when We send down on it the water, it stirs and swells and brings forth of every kind a beautiful herbage.

Wahiduddin Khan

O people! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, remember that We first created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from clotted blood, then a lump of flesh, both shaped and unshaped, so that We might manifest to you [Our power]. We cause what We will to stay in the womb for an appointed time, then We bring you forth as infants and then We cause you to grow and reach full growth. Then, some of you will pass away early in life, while some of you will reach extreme old age in which they will know nothing of what they once knew. You see the earth, dead and barren, but no sooner do We send down rain upon it than it begins to stir and swell, and produce every kind of luxuriant vegetation:

Yusuf Ali

O mankind! if ye have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider) that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that ye may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known (much), and (further), thou seest the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs).

ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ هُوَ ٱلْحَقُّ وَأَنَّهُۥ يُحْىِ ٱلْمَوْتَىٰ وَأَنَّهُۥ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌۭ ﴿٦﴾

That is because Allah is the Truth and because He gives life to the dead and because He is over all things competent


Thalika bianna Allaha huwa alhaqqu waannahu yuhyee almawta waannahu AAala kulli shayin qadeerun

Ahmed Ali

That is so for God is the undeniable Reality. It is He who brings the dead to life, for He has power over everything.

Ahmed Raza Khan

This is because Allah only is True and because He will revive the dead, and because He is Able to do all things.


That is because God -- He is the Truth, and brings the dead to life, and is powerful over everything,


That, because Allah! He is The Truth, and He quickeneth the dead, and verily He is over everything Potent.

Hilali & Khan

That is because Allah, He is the Truth, and it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who is Able to do all things.


That is because God is the truth, and because He gives life to the dead, and because He is Capable of everything.


All this is because Allah, He is the Truth, and because He resurrects the dead, and because He has power over everything,


That is because Allah: He is the Truth, and it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who is able to do all things.


That is because Allah, He is the Truth and because He quickeneth the dead, and because He is Able to do all things;


All that is because Allah is the Reality and it is He who revives the dead, and He has power over all things,

Qaribullah & Darwish

That is because Allah is the Truth; He revives the dead and has power over all things.


This is because God is the Supreme Truth who gives life to the dead and who has power over all things.


This is because Allah is the Truth and because He gives life to the dead and because He has power over all things

Wahiduddin Khan

that is because God is the truth. It is He who gives life to the dead and He has the power to will anything.

Yusuf Ali

This is so, because Allah is the Reality: it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who has power over all things.

وَأَنَّ ٱلسَّاعَةَ ءَاتِيَةٌۭ لَّا رَيْبَ فِيهَا وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ مَن فِى ٱلْقُبُورِ ﴿٧﴾

And [that they may know] that the Hour is coming - no doubt about it - and that Allah will resurrect those in the graves.


Waanna alssaAAata atiyatun la rayba feeha waanna Allaha yabAAathu man fee alquboori

Ahmed Ali

The Hour will come without a doubt, and God will raise those who are dead.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And because the Last Day will come, there is no doubt in it – and because Allah will revive those who are in the graves.


and because the Hour is coming, no doubt of it, and God shall raise up whosoever is within the tombs.


And because the Hour is coming- there is no doubt thereof-- and because Allah will raise up those who are in the graves.

Hilali & Khan

And surely, the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it, and certainly, Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves.


And because the Hour is coming—there is no doubt about it—and because God will resurrect those in the graves.


(all of which shows that) the Hour shall surely come to pass - in this there is no doubt - and Allah shall surely resurrect those that are in graves.


And surely, the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; and certainly, Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves.


And because the Hour will come, there is no doubt thereof; and because Allah will raise those who are in the graves.


and because the Hour is bound to come, there is no doubt in it, and Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves.

Qaribullah & Darwish

And the Hour is sure to come there is no doubt. And Allah will raise up those in the graves.


There is no doubt about the coming of the Hour of Doom and that God will raise every one from their graves.


And because the hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; and because Allah shall raise up those who are in the graves.

Wahiduddin Khan

The Last Hour is bound to come. There is no doubt about it. God will raise up those who are in their graves.

Yusuf Ali

And verily the Hour will come: there can be no doubt about it, or about (the fact) that Allah will raise up all who are in the graves.

وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَن يُجَٰدِلُ فِى ٱللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍۢ وَلَا هُدًۭى وَلَا كِتَٰبٍۢ مُّنِيرٍۢ ﴿٨﴾

And of the people is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening book [from Him],


Wamina alnnasi man yujadilu fee Allahi bighayri AAilmin wala hudan wala kitabin muneerin

Ahmed Ali

Yet there are some who contend about God without any knowledge or guidance or enlightening Book,

Ahmed Raza Khan

And there is one who argues concerning Allah without having knowledge nor any proof nor a clear text.


And among men there is such a one that disputes concerning God without knowledge or guidance, or an illuminating Book,


And of mankind is he who disputeth respecting Allah without knowledge or guidance or a Book luminous.

Hilali & Khan

And among men is he who disputes about Allah, without knowledge or guidance, or a Book giving light (from Allah),


And among the people is he who argues about God without knowledge, or guidance, or an enlightening scripture.


And among people are those that wrangle about Allah without knowledge, without any true guidance, and without any scripture to enlighten them.


And among men is he who disputes about Allah, without knowledge or guidance, or a Book giving light (from Allah).


And among mankind is he who disputeth concerning Allah without knowledge or guidance or a scripture giving light,


Among the people are those who dispute concerning Allah without any knowledge or guidance, or an enlightening Book,

Qaribullah & Darwish

Some dispute about Allah, though they have neither knowledge nor guidance, nor an illuminating Book.


Some people argue about God without knowledge, guidance, and an enlightening Book.


And among men there is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge and without guidance and without an illuminating book,

Wahiduddin Khan

There are some who dispute about God without having any knowledge or guidance, or any enlightening Book.

Yusuf Ali

Yet there is among men such a one as disputes about Allah, without Knowledge, without Guidance, and without a Book of Enlightenment,-

ثَانِىَ عِطْفِهِۦ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ ۖ لَهُۥ فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا خِزْىٌۭ ۖ وَنُذِيقُهُۥ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ عَذَابَ ٱلْحَرِيقِ ﴿٩﴾

Twisting his neck [in arrogance] to mislead [people] from the way of Allah. For him in the world is disgrace, and We will make him taste on the Day of Resurrection the punishment of the Burning Fire [while it is said],


Thaniya AAitfihi liyudilla AAan sabeeli Allahi lahu fee alddunya khizyun wanutheequhu yawma alqiyamati AAathaba alhareeqi

Ahmed Ali

Turning their backs that they may lead away from the path of God. For such there is disgrace in the world, and on the Day of Judgement We shall make them taste the torment of burning.

Ahmed Raza Khan

With his neck turned away from the truth, in order to deceive from the way of Allah; for him is disgrace in this world and on the Day of Resurrection We shall make him taste the punishment of fire.


turning his side to lead astray from God's way; for him is degradation in this world; and on the Resurrection Day We shall let him taste the chastisement of the burning:


Bending his neck, that he may lead astray from the way of Allah; his shall be humiliation in the world, and We shall make him taste on the Day of Judgment the torment of Burning.

Hilali & Khan

Bending his neck in pride (far astray from the Path of Allah), and leading (others) too (far) astray from the Path of Allah. For him there is disgrace in this worldly life, and on the Day of Resurrection We shall make him taste the torment of burning (Fire).


Turning aside in contempt, to lead away from the path of God. He will have humiliation in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection We will make him taste the agony of burning.


They wrangle arrogantly, intent on leading people astray from the Way of Allah. Such shall suffer disgrace in this world and We shall cause them to taste the chastisement of burning (in the Next).


Bending his neck in pride, and leading (others) too (far) astray from the path of Allah. For him there is disgrace in this worldly life, and on the Day of Resurrection We shall make him taste the torment of burning.


Turning away in pride to beguile (men) from the way of Allah. For him in this world is ignominy, and on the Day of Resurrection We make him taste the doom of burning.


turning aside disdainfully to lead [others] astray from the way of Allah. For such there is disgrace in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection We will make him taste the punishment of the burning:

Qaribullah & Darwish

There is for him who turns his side to lead (others) astray from the Path of Allah, degradation in this life and We shall let him taste the punishment of theburning on the Day of Resurrection.


They turn away (from the Truth) to lead people away from the path of God. Their share in this world will be disgrace and on the Day of Judgment a burning torment.


Turning away haughtily that he may lead (others) astray from the way of Allah; for him is disgrace in this world, and on the day of resurrection We will make him taste the punishment of burning:

Wahiduddin Khan

They turn away arrogantly, leading people astray from God's path. Such men shall incur disgrace in this life and taste the punishment of the Fire on the Day of Judgement.

Yusuf Ali

(Disdainfully) bending his side, in order to lead (men) astray from the Path of Allah: for him there is disgrace in this life, and on the Day of Judgment We shall make him taste the Penalty of burning (Fire).

ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا قَدَّمَتْ يَدَاكَ وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَيْسَ بِظَلَّٰمٍۢ لِّلْعَبِيدِ ﴿١٠﴾

\"That is for what your hands have put forth and because Allah is not ever unjust to [His] servants.\"


Thalika bima qaddamat yadaka waanna Allaha laysa bithallamin lilAAabeedi

Ahmed Ali

That is on account of what you had done in the past; yet God is not unjust to His creatures.

Ahmed Raza Khan

“This is the recompense of what your hands have sent ahead, and Allah does not oppress His bondmen.\"


'That is for what thy hands have forwarded and for that God is never unjust unto His servants.'


That is because of that which thy hands have sent forth, and verily Allah is not a wronger of His bondmen.

Hilali & Khan

That is because of what your hands have sent forth, and verily, Allah is not unjust to (His) slaves.


That is for what your hands have advanced, and because God is not unjust to the servants.


That is the outcome of what your own hands have wrought, for Allah never wrongs His creatures.


That is because of what your hands have sent forth, and verily, Allah is not unjust to servants.


(And unto him it will be said): This is for that which thy two hands have sent before, and because Allah is no oppressor of His slaves.


‘That is because of what your hands have sent ahead, and because Allah is not tyrannical to the servants.’

Qaribullah & Darwish

'This, is the reward for what your hands have forwarded. Allah is not unjust to the worshipers'


(They will be told), \"This is the result of what your hands have wrought. God is certainly not unjust to His servants.\"


This is due to what your two hands have sent before, and because Allah is not in the least unjust to the servants.

Wahiduddin Khan

[God will say],\"This is the reward of your misdeeds. God is not unjust to His servants.\"

Yusuf Ali

(It will be said): \"This is because of the deeds which thy hands sent forth, for verily Allah is not unjust to His servants.

وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَن يَعْبُدُ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ حَرْفٍۢ ۖ فَإِنْ أَصَابَهُۥ خَيْرٌ ٱطْمَأَنَّ بِهِۦ ۖ وَإِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ فِتْنَةٌ ٱنقَلَبَ عَلَىٰ وَجْهِهِۦ خَسِرَ ٱلدُّنْيَا وَٱلْءَاخِرَةَ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُوَ ٱلْخُسْرَانُ ٱلْمُبِينُ ﴿١١﴾

And of the people is he who worships Allah on an edge. If he is touched by good, he is reassured by it; but if he is struck by trial, he turns on his face [to the other direction]. He has lost [this] world and the Hereafter. That is what is the manifest loss.


Wamina alnnasi man yaAAbudu Allaha AAala harfin fain asabahu khayrun itmaanna bihi wain asabathu fitnatun inqalaba AAala wajhihi khasira alddunya waalakhirata thalika huwa alkhusranu almubeenu

Ahmed Ali

There are some men who worship God only from the margin. If there is some profit they are content; but if calamity befalls them they turn about, thus losing both this world and the next. This is indeed a palpable loss.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And there are some men who worship Allah upon an edge; then if some good occurs to them, they are content; and if some trial comes, they turn way upon their faces; a loss of this world and the Hereafter; and this is the complete loss.


And among men there is such a one as serves God upon the very edge -- if good befalls him he is at rest in it, but if a trial befalls him he turns completely over; he loses this world and the world to come; that is indeed the manifest loss.


And of mankind is he who worshippeth Allah as on edge; if there befalleth him good, he in contented therewith, and if there befalleth him a trial, he turneth round on his face; he loseth the world and the Hereafter: that indeed is a loss manifest!

Hilali & Khan

And among mankind is he who worships Allah as it were, upon the very edge (i.e. in doubt); if good befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a trial befalls him, he turns back on his face (i.e. reverts back to disbelief after embracing Islam). He loses both this world and the Hereafter. That is the evident loss.


And among the people is he who worships God on edge. When something good comes his way, he is content with it. But when an ordeal strikes him, he makes a turnaround. He loses this world and the next. That is the obvious loss.


And among people is he who worships Allah on the borderline; if any good befalls him, he is satisfied; but if a trial afflicts him, he utterly turns away. He will incur the loss of this world and the Hereafter. That indeed is a clear loss.


And among mankind is he who worships Allah as it were upon the edge: if good befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a Fitnah strikes him, he turns back on his face. He loses both this world and the Hereafter. That is the evident loss.


And among mankind is he who worshippeth Allah upon a narrow marge so that if good befalleth him he is content therewith, but if a trial befalleth him, he falleth away utterly. He loseth both the world and the Hereafter. That is the sheer loss.


And among the people are those who worship Allah on the [very] fringe: if good fortune befalls him, he is content with it; but if an ordeal visits him he makes a turnabout, to become a loser in the world and the Hereafter. That is manifest loss.

Qaribullah & Darwish

There are among the people such who worship Allah and (yet stand) on the very edge. When goodness comes to him, he is content, but if a trial befalls him he falls upon his face, he loses this world and the Everlasting Life; that is indeed a clear loss.


Some people worship God to achieve worldly gains. They are confident when they are prosperous, but when they face hardships they turn away from (worship). They are lost in this life and will be lost in the life to come. Such loss is indeed destructive.


And among men is he who serves Allah (standing) on the verge, so that if good befalls him he is satisfied therewith, but if a trial afflict him he turns back headlong; he loses this world as well as the hereafter; that is a manifest loss.

Wahiduddin Khan

There are some who worship God half-heartedly, then, if some good befalls them, they are content with it, but if an ordeal befalls them, they revert to their former ways. They lose in this world as well in the Hereafter. That is a clear loss.

Yusuf Ali

There are among men some who serve Allah, as it were, on the verge: if good befalls them, they are, therewith, well content; but if a trial comes to them, they turn on their faces: they lose both this world and the Hereafter: that is loss for all to see!

يَدْعُوا۟ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ مَا لَا يَضُرُّهُۥ وَمَا لَا يَنفَعُهُۥ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُوَ ٱلضَّلَٰلُ ٱلْبَعِيدُ ﴿١٢﴾

He invokes instead of Allah that which neither harms him nor benefits him. That is what is the extreme error.


YadAAoo min dooni Allahi ma la yadurruhu wama la yanfaAAuhu thalika huwa alddalalu albaAAeedu

Ahmed Ali

Leaving God they pray to those who cannot harm or profit them. That is the limit of going astray.

Ahmed Raza Khan

They worship such, beside Allah, which neither harms them nor benefits them; this only is the extreme error.


He calls, apart from God, upon that which hurts him not, and which neither profits him anything; that is indeed the far error.


He calleth upon that, beside Allah, which can neither hurt him nor profit him! that! it is a straying far-off.

Hilali & Khan

He calls besides Allah unto that which hurts him not, nor profits him. That is a straying far away.


He invokes, instead of God, what can neither harm him nor benefit him. That is the far straying.


He invokes, instead of Allah, those who can neither harm nor benefit him. That indeed is straying far away.


He calls besides Allah unto that which can neither harm him nor profit him. That is a straying far away.


He calleth, beside Allah, unto that which hurteth him not nor benefiteth him. That is the far error.


He invokes besides Allah that which can bring him neither benefit nor harm. That is extreme error.

Qaribullah & Darwish

He calls to other than Allah, to that which neither hurts him, nor benefits him; that is indeed far error.


They worship things instead of God which can neither harm them nor benefit them. This is indeed to stray far away from the right path.


He calls besides Allah upon that which does not harm him and that which does not profit him, that is the great straying.

Wahiduddin Khan

He calls on, instead of God, something that can neither harm him, nor benefit him. That is indeed straying far away --

Yusuf Ali

They call on such deities, besides Allah, as can neither hurt nor profit them: that is straying far indeed (from the Way)!

يَدْعُوا۟ لَمَن ضَرُّهُۥٓ أَقْرَبُ مِن نَّفْعِهِۦ ۚ لَبِئْسَ ٱلْمَوْلَىٰ وَلَبِئْسَ ٱلْعَشِيرُ ﴿١٣﴾

He invokes one whose harm is closer than his benefit - how wretched the protector and how wretched the associate.


YadAAoo laman darruhu aqrabu min nafAAihi labisa almawla walabisa alAAasheeru

Ahmed Ali

They pray to him whose bane is more imminent than his boon: How bad the protector and how bad the associate!

Ahmed Raza Khan

They worship one from whom harm is expected more than the benefit; indeed what an evil master and indeed what an evil friend!


He calls upon him who is likelier to hurt him, rather than to profit him -- an evil protector indeed, he, an evil friend!


He calleth upon him whose hurt is nearer than his profit: surely ill the patron! ill the comrade!

Hilali & Khan

He calls unto him whose harm is nearer than his profit; certainly, and evil Maula (patron) and certainly an evil friend!


He invokes one whose harm is closer than his benefit. What a miserable master. What a miserable companion.


He invokes those that are more likely to cause him harm than benefit. Such is surely an evil patron, and an evil associate.


He calls unto him whose harm is nearer than his profit; certainly an evil Mawla and certainly an evil `Ashir!


He calleth unto him whose harm is nearer than his benefit; verily an evil patron and verily an evil friend!


He invokes someone whose harm is surely likelier than his benefit. An evil ally indeed, and an evil companion!

Qaribullah & Darwish

He calls upon him whose harm is nearer than his benefit, an evil guide and an evil friend.


Their worship of such things, in which there is no hope for any benefit, can only harm them. How terrible is such a guardian and companion!


He calls upon him whose harm is nearer than his profit; evil certainly is the guardian and evil certainly is the associate.

Wahiduddin Khan

he calls on that which would sooner harm than help. Such a patron is indeed evil and such a companion is indeed evil.

Yusuf Ali

(Perhaps) they call on one whose hurt is nearer than his profit: evil, indeed, is the patron, and evil the companion (or help)!

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُدْخِلُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ جَنَّٰتٍۢ تَجْرِى مِن تَحْتِهَا ٱلْأَنْهَٰرُ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَفْعَلُ مَا يُرِيدُ ﴿١٤﴾

Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. Indeed, Allah does what He intends.


Inna Allaha yudkhilu allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati jannatin tajree min tahtiha alanharu inna Allaha yafAAalu ma yureedu

Ahmed Ali

God will admit those who believe and do the right to gardens full of rippling streams. Verily God does as He pleases.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Indeed Allah will admit those who believed and did good deeds, into Gardens beneath which rivers flow; indeed Allah does whatever He wills.


God shall surely admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens underneath which rivers flow; surely God does that He desires.


Verily Allah shall cause those who believe and work righteous works to enter Gardens whereunder rivers flow; verily Allah doth whatsoever He intendeth.

Hilali & Khan

Truly, Allah will admit those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds (according to the Quran and the Sunnah) to Gardens underneath which rivers flow (in Paradise). Verily, Allah does what He wills.


God will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. God does whatever He wills.


(In contrast) Allah will assuredly cause those who believe and act righteously to enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow. For, most certainly, Allah does whatever He pleases.


Truly, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous good deeds to Gardens underneath which rivers flow. Verily, Allah does what He wills.


Lo! Allah causeth those who believe and do good works to enter Gardens underneath which rivers flow. Lo! Allah doth what He intendeth.


Allah will indeed admit those who have faith and do righteous deeds into gardens with streams running in them. Indeed Allah does whatever He desires.

Qaribullah & Darwish

As for those who believe and do good works Allah will admit them to gardens underneath which rivers flow. Allah indeed does what He will.


God will admit the righteously striving believers to the gardens wherein streams flow. God has all the power to do whatever He wants.


Surely Allah will cause those who believe and do good deeds to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, surely Allah does what He pleases.

Wahiduddin Khan

God will admit those who believe and act righteously into Gardens watered by flowing rivers. God does whatever He wills.

Yusuf Ali

Verily Allah will admit those who believe and work righteous deeds, to Gardens, beneath which rivers flow: for Allah carries out all that He plans.

مَن كَانَ يَظُنُّ أَن لَّن يَنصُرَهُ ٱللَّهُ فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا وَٱلْءَاخِرَةِ فَلْيَمْدُدْ بِسَبَبٍ إِلَى ٱلسَّمَآءِ ثُمَّ لْيَقْطَعْ فَلْيَنظُرْ هَلْ يُذْهِبَنَّ كَيْدُهُۥ مَا يَغِيظُ ﴿١٥﴾

Whoever should think that Allah will not support [Prophet Muhammad] in this world and the Hereafter - let him extend a rope to the ceiling, then cut off [his breath], and let him see: will his effort remove that which enrages [him]?


Man kana yathunnu an lan yansurahu Allahu fee alddunya waalakhirati falyamdud bisababin ila alssamai thumma liyaqtaAA falyanthur hal yuthhibanna kayduhu ma yagheethu

Ahmed Ali

He who thinks that God will not help him in this world and the next should stretch a rope to the sky then cut it off and see if his mind is relieved (of doubts) by this stratagem.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Therefore whoever assumes that Allah will not assist His Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) in this world and the Hereafter, should extend a rope upwards and hang himself, and then see whether his scheme has taken away what he envies.


Whosoever thinks God will not help him in the present world and the world to come; let him stretch up a rope to heaven, then let him sever it, and behold whether his guile does away with what enrages him.


Whosoever hath been imagining that Allah shall not make him victorious in the world and the Hereafter, let him stretch a cord up to the heaven and let him cut it, and let him look if his stratagem can do away that whereat he enrageth.

Hilali & Khan

Whoever thinks that Allah will not help him (Muhammad SAW) in this world and in the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the ceiling and let him strangle himself. Then let him see whether his plan will remove that whereat he rages!


Whoever thinks that God will not help him in this life and in the Hereafter—let him turn to heaven, then sever, and see if his cunning eliminates what enrages him.


Anyone who fancies that Allah will not support him in this world and in the Hereafter, let him reach out to heaven through a rope, and then make a hole in the sky and see whether his device can avert that which enrages him.


Whoever thinks that Allah will not help him in this world and in the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the ceiling and let him strangle himself. Then let him see whether his plan will remove that whereat he rages!


Whoso is wont to think (through envy) that Allah will not give him (Muhammad) victory in the world and the Hereafter (and is enraged at the thought of his victory), let him stretch a rope up to the roof (of his dwelling), and let him hang himself. Then let him see whether his strategy dispelleth that whereat he rageth!.


Whoever thinks that Allah will not help him in this world and the Hereafter, let him stretch a rope to the ceiling and hang himself, and see if his artifice would remove his rage.

Qaribullah & Darwish

If any one thinks that Allah will not give him (Prophet Muhammad) victory in this present world and in the Everlasting Life, let him stretch a rope to heaven, and let him sever it. Then, let him see if his guile does away with that which has enraged him.


Those who thought that God would never grant victory to (Muhammad), in this world nor in the life hereafter (and now that he is victorious) should hang themselves by the necks from the ceiling, then cut the rope and see if this can do away with what has enraged them.


Whoever thinks that Allah will not assist him in this life and the hereafter, let him stretch a rope to the ceiling, then let him cut (it) off, then let him see if his struggle will take away that at which he is enraged.

Wahiduddin Khan

Anyone who thinks that God will not help him [His messenger] in this world and the Hereafter, let him stretch a rope up to the sky; then let him cut it off and see if his plan can help to remove the cause of his anger.

Yusuf Ali

If any think that Allah will not help him (His Messenger) in this world and the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the ceiling and cut (himself) off: then let him see whether his plan will remove that which enrages (him)!

وَكَذَٰلِكَ أَنزَلْنَٰهُ ءَايَٰتٍۭ بَيِّنَٰتٍۢ وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَهْدِى مَن يُرِيدُ ﴿١٦﴾

And thus have We sent the Qur'an down as verses of clear evidence and because Allah guides whom He intends.


Wakathalika anzalnahu ayatin bayyinatin waanna Allaha yahdee man yureedu

Ahmed Ali

That is why We have sent down these clear revelations, for God gives guidance whomsoever He please.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And so it is, that We sent down this Qur’an – clear verses – and that Allah guides whomever He wills.


Even so We have sent it down as signs, clear signs, and for that God guides whom He desires.


And Thus We have sent it down as evidences, and verily Allah guideth whomsoever He intendeth.

Hilali & Khan

Thus have We sent it (this Quran) down (to Muhammad SAW) as clear signs, evidences and proofs, and surely, Allah guides whom He wills.


Thus We revealed it as clarifying signs, and God guides whomever He wills.


Even so We have revealed the Qur'an with Clear Signs. Verily Allah guides whomsoever He wills.


Thus have We sent it down as clear Ayat, and surely, Allah guides whom He wills.


Thus We reveal it as plain revelations, and verily Allah guideth whom He will.


Thus have We sent it down as manifest signs, and indeed Allah guides whomever He desires.

Qaribullah & Darwish

As such We have sent it in clear verses. Indeed, Allah gives guidance to whom He will.


We have revealed the Quran which contains authoritative verses. God guides only those whom He wants.


And thus have We revealed it, being clear arguments, and because Allah guides whom He intends.

Wahiduddin Khan

We have sent down the Quran as clear evidence, and surely God guides whom He will.

Yusuf Ali

Thus have We sent down Clear Signs; and verily Allah doth guide whom He will!

إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَٱلَّذِينَ هَادُوا۟ وَٱلصَّٰبِـِٔينَ وَٱلنَّصَٰرَىٰ وَٱلْمَجُوسَ وَٱلَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوٓا۟ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَفْصِلُ بَيْنَهُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ شَهِيدٌ ﴿١٧﴾

Indeed, those who have believed and those who were Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associated with Allah - Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, over all things, Witness.


Inna allatheena amanoo waallatheena hadoo waalssabieena waalnnasara waalmajoosa waallatheena ashrakoo inna Allaha yafsilu baynahum yawma alqiyamati inna Allaha AAala kulli shayin shaheedun

Ahmed Ali

God will judge between those who believe and the Jews, the Sabians, Christians and the Magians and the idolaters, on the Day of Judgement. Verily God is witness to everything.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Indeed the Muslims, and the Jews, and the Sabeans, and the Christians and the fire worshippers and the polytheists – indeed Allah will decide between all of them on the Day of Resurrection; indeed Allah witnesses all things.


Surely they that believe, and those of Jewry, the Sabaeans, the Christians, the Magians and the idolaters -- God shall distinguish between them on the Day of Resurrection; assuredly God is witness over everything.


Verily those who believe and those who are Judaised and the Sabians and the Nazarenes and the Magians and those who associate - verily Allah will decide between them on the Day of Judgment; verily Allah is over everything a Witness.

Hilali & Khan

Verily, those who believe (in Allah and in His Messenger Muhammad SAW), and those who are Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the Magians, and those who worship others besides Allah, truly, Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Verily! Allah is Witness over all things.


Those who believe, and those who are Jewish, and the Sabeans, and the Christians, and the Zoroastrians, and the Polytheists—God will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. God is witness to all things.


On the Day of Resurrection Allah will most certainly judge among those who believe, and those who became Jews, and Sabaeans, and Christians, and Magians, and those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity. Surely Allah watches over everything.


Verily, those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the Majus, and those who worship others besides Allah; truly, Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, Allah is over all things a Witness.


Lo! those who believe (this revelation), and those who are Jews, and the Sabaeans and the Christians and the Magians and the idolaters - Lo! Allah will decide between them on the Day of Resurrection. Lo! Allah is Witness over all things.


Indeed Allah will indeed judge between the faithful, the Jews, the Sabaeans, the Christians, the Magians and the polytheists on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is witness to all things.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Surely, they that believe, and those of Jewry, the Sabaeans, the Nazarenes, the Magians, and the unbelievers, Allah will judge them on the Day of Resurrection. Surely, Allah is witness over everything.


On the Day of Judgment, God will make truth and falsehood clearly distinct from each other to the believers, the Jews, the Sabeans, the Christian, the Zoroastrians, and the Pagans on the Day of Judgment. God is a Witness to all things.


Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associate (others with Allah)-- surely Allah will decide between them on the day of resurrection; surely Allah is a witness over all things.

Wahiduddin Khan

God will judge between the believers, the Jews, the Sabaeans, the Christians, the Magians and the polytheists on the Day of Judgement. Surely God is witness to everything.

Yusuf Ali

Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians, Christians, Magians, and Polytheists,- Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment: for Allah is witness of all things.

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَسْجُدُ لَهُۥ مَن فِى ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَمَن فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَٱلشَّمْسُ وَٱلْقَمَرُ وَٱلنُّجُومُ وَٱلْجِبَالُ وَٱلشَّجَرُ وَٱلدَّوَآبُّ وَكَثِيرٌۭ مِّنَ ٱلنَّاسِ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌ حَقَّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلْعَذَابُ ۗ وَمَن يُهِنِ ٱللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُۥ مِن مُّكْرِمٍ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَفْعَلُ مَا يَشَآءُ ۩ ﴿١٨﴾

Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But upon many the punishment has been justified. And he whom Allah humiliates - for him there is no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does what He wills.


Alam tara anna Allaha yasjudu lahu man fee alssamawati waman fee alardi waalshshamsu waalqamaru waalnnujoomu waaljibalu waalshshajaru waalddawabbu wakatheerun mina alnnasi wakatheerun haqqa AAalayhi alAAathabu waman yuhini Allahu fama lahu min mukrimin inna Allaha yafAAalu ma yashao

Ahmed Ali

Do you see how all things in heavens and the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, trees and beasts, and men in abundance, pay homage to God? Yet there are many who deserve the punishment. And whosoever God disgraces will have none to raise him up in honour. God does verily as He will.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Did you not see that for Allah prostrate those who are in the heavens and in the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the hills, and the trees, and the beasts, and many among mankind; and there are many upon whom the punishment has been decreed; and he whom Allah disgraces – there is none to give him honour; indeed Allah may do whatever He wills. (Command of Prostration # 6)


Hast thou not seen how to God bow all who are in the and all who are in the earth, heavens the sun and the moon, the stars and the mountains, the trees and the beasts, and many of mankind? And many merit the chastisement; and whom God abases, there is none to honour him. God does whatsoever He will.


Beholdest thou not that Allah unto Him adore whosoever is in the heavens and on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the mountains, and the trees and the beasts, and many of mankind! And many are there on whom due is the torment. And whomsoever Allah despiseth, none can honour; verily Allah doth whatsoever He willeth.

Hilali & Khan

See you not that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and Ad-Dawab (moving living creatures, beasts, etc.), and many of mankind? But there are many (men) on whom the punishment is justified. And whomsoever Allah disgraces, none can honour him. Verily! Allah does what He wills.


Do you not realize that to God prostrates everyone in the heavens and everyone on earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many of the people? But many are justly deserving of punishment. Whomever God shames, there is none to honor him. God does whatever He wills.


Have you not seen that all those who are in the heavens and all those who are in the earth prostrate themselves before Allah; and so do the sun and the moon, and the stars and the mountains, and the trees, and the beasts, and so do many human beings, and even many of those who are condemned to chastisement? And he whom Allah humiliates, none can give him honour. Allah does whatever He wills.


See you not that whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and Ad-Dawabb, and many of mankind prostrate themselves to Allah. But there are many (men) on whom the punishment is justified. And whomsoever Allah disgraces, none can honor him. Verily, Allah does what He wills.


Hast thou not seen that unto Allah payeth adoration whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the hills, and the trees, and the beasts, and many of mankind, while there are many unto whom the doom is justly due. He whom Allah scorneth, there is none to give him honour. Lo! Allah doeth what He will.


Have you not regarded that whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth prostrates to Allah, as well as the sun, the moon, and the stars, the mountains, the trees, and the animals and many humans? And many have come to deserve the punishment. Whomever Allah humiliates will find no one who may bring him honour. Indeed Allah does whatever He wishes.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Have you not seen that to Allah prostrate all who are in the heavens and all who are in the earth, the sun and the moon, the stars and the mountains, the trees and the beasts, and many people? And many deserve the punishment. He who is abased by Allah has none to honor him. Allah does what He will.


Have you not considered that those in the heavens and the earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the mountains, the trees, the animals, and many people, all bow down to God? But many people deserve His torment. No one can give honor to whomever God has insulted. God has all the power to do what He wants.


Do you not see that Allah is He, Whom obeys whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and the animals and many of the people; and many there are against whom chastisement has become necessary; and whomsoever Allah abases, there is none who can make him honorable; surely Allah does what He pleases.

Wahiduddin Khan

Do you not see that whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, as well as the sun and the moon, and the stars and the mountains, and the trees and the beasts and many human beings -- all submit to God? But there are many who have become deserving of punishment. Whoever God disgraces, will have no one to honour him. Surely, God does what He wills.

Yusuf Ali

Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number are (also) such as are fit for Punishment: and such as Allah shall disgrace,- None can raise to honour: for Allah carries out all that He wills.

۞ هَٰذَانِ خَصْمَانِ ٱخْتَصَمُوا۟ فِى رَبِّهِمْ ۖ فَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ قُطِّعَتْ لَهُمْ ثِيَابٌۭ مِّن نَّارٍۢ يُصَبُّ مِن فَوْقِ رُءُوسِهِمُ ٱلْحَمِيمُ ﴿١٩﴾

These are two adversaries who have disputed over their Lord. But those who disbelieved will have cut out for them garments of fire. Poured upon their heads will be scalding water


Hathani khasmani ikhtasamoo fee rabbihim faallatheena kafaroo quttiAAat lahum thiyabun min narin yusabbu min fawqi ruoosihimu alhameemu

Ahmed Ali

These two (believers and unbelievers) are disputants, who contend about their Lord. But they who disbelieve will be fitted out with garments of flames. Boiling water will be poured down over their heads

Ahmed Raza Khan

These are the two groups who fought concerning their Lord; so those who disbelieved – garments of fire have been fashioned for them; and boiling water will be poured onto their heads.


These are two disputants who have disputed concerning their Lord. As for the unbelievers, for them garments of fire shall, be cut, and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water


These twain are opponents who contended respecting their Lord; then as for those who disbelieved, cut out for them shall be raiments of frre: poured out over their head shall be hot water.

Hilali & Khan

These two opponents (believers and disbelievers) dispute with each other about their Lord; then as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their heads.


Here are two adversaries feuding regarding their Lord. As for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be tailored for them, and scalding water will be poured over their heads.


These two groups (the believers and unbelievers) are in dispute about their Lord. As for those that disbelieve, garments of fire have been cut out for them; boiling water shall be poured down over their heads,


These two opponents dispute with each other about their Lord; then as for those who disbelieved, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their heads.


These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads,


These two contending groups contend concerning their Lord. As for those who are faithless, cloaks of fire will be cut out for them, and boiling water will be poured over their heads,

Qaribullah & Darwish

Those are two who disputed concerning their Lord. Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Boiling water shall be poured over their heads,


(Those who prostrate themselves before God and those who do not) are two groups who dispute with each other about their Lord. For the unbelievers the garment of fire has already been prepared. Boiling water will be poured upon their heads.


These are two adversaries who dispute about their Lord; then (as to) those who disbelieve, for them are cut out garments of fire, boiling water shall be poured over their heads.

Wahiduddin Khan

These two groups, [the believers and those who deny the truth], dispute concerning their Lord. Those who deny the truth will have garments of fire cut out for them; and boiling water will be poured down over their heads,

Yusuf Ali

These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.

يُصْهَرُ بِهِۦ مَا فِى بُطُونِهِمْ وَٱلْجُلُودُ ﴿٢٠﴾

By which is melted that within their bellies and [their] skins.


Yusharu bihi ma fee butoonihim waaljuloodu

Ahmed Ali

Which will dissolve everything within their bellies, and their skins.

Ahmed Raza Khan

With which will melt what is in their bellies, and their skins.


whereby whatsoever is in their bellies and their skins shall be melted;


Molten thereby shall be that which is in their bellies and also their skins.

Hilali & Khan

With it will melt or vanish away what is within their bellies, as well as (their) skins.


Melting their insides and their skins.


causing (not only) their skins but all that is in their bellies as well to melt away.


With it will melt (or vanish away) what is within their bellies, as well as (their) skins.


Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted;


with which their skins and entrails will fuse,

Qaribullah & Darwish

and that which is in their bellies and their skins shall be melted;


It will melt their skins and all that is in their bellies.


With it shall be melted what is in their bellies and (their) skins as well.

Wahiduddin Khan

anything in their stomachs as well as their skins will be melted by it.

Yusuf Ali

With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.

وَلَهُم مَّقَٰمِعُ مِنْ حَدِيدٍۢ ﴿٢١﴾

And for [striking] them are maces of iron.


Walahum maqamiAAu min hadeedin

Ahmed Ali

There are iron maces for them.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And for them are rods of iron.


for them await hooked iron rods;


And for them shall be maces of iron.

Hilali & Khan

And for them are hooked rods of iron (to punish them).


And they will have maces of iron.


There shall be maces of iron to lash them.


And for them are hooked rods of iron.


And for them are hooked rods of iron.


and there will be clubs of iron for them.

Qaribullah & Darwish

for them are hooked rods of iron.


They will be subdued by iron rods.


And for them are whips of iron.

Wahiduddin Khan

There will be maces of iron for them;

Yusuf Ali

In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.

كُلَّمَآ أَرَادُوٓا۟ أَن يَخْرُجُوا۟ مِنْهَا مِنْ غَمٍّ أُعِيدُوا۟ فِيهَا وَذُوقُوا۟ عَذَابَ ٱلْحَرِيقِ ﴿٢٢﴾

Every time they want to get out of Hellfire from anguish, they will be returned to it, and [it will be said], \"Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire!\"


Kullama aradoo an yakhrujoo minha min ghammin oAAeedoo feeha wathooqoo AAathaba alhareeqi

Ahmed Ali

As often as they try to escape from its anguish they would be put back into (the fire), and taste the torment of burning.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Whenever they wish to come out of it due to suffocation, they will be returned to it again and it will be commanded, “Taste the punishment of fire!”


as often as they desire in their anguish to come forth from it, they shall be restored into it, and: 'Taste the chastisement of the burning!'


So oft as they would seek to go forth therefrom, because of anguish, they shall be sent back therein, and taste the torment of Burning.

Hilali & Khan

Every time they seek to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be driven back therein, and (it will be) said to them: \"Taste the torment of burning!\"


Whenever they try to escape the gloom, they will be driven back to it: “Taste the suffering of burning.”


Whenever they try, in their anguish, to escape from Hell, they will be driven back into it, (and shall be told): \"Now taste the torment of burning.\"


Every time they seek to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be driven back therein, and (it will be) said to them: \"Taste the torment of burning!\"


Whenever, in their anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back therein and (it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning.


Whenever they desire to leave it out of anguish, they will be turned back into it [and told]: ‘Taste the punishment of the burning!’

Qaribullah & Darwish

Whenever in their anguish they try to get out of it, they are restored to it. (It will be said): 'Taste the punishment of burning'


Whenever in anguish they will try to come out of hell they will be returned therein to suffer the burning torment.


Whenever they will desire to go forth from it, from grief, they shall be turned back into it, and taste the chastisement of burning.

Wahiduddin Khan

whenever, in their anguish they seek to escape from Hell, they will be driven back into it, and they will be told, \"Taste the punishment of Hell.\"

Yusuf Ali

Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), \"Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!\"

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُدْخِلُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ جَنَّٰتٍۢ تَجْرِى مِن تَحْتِهَا ٱلْأَنْهَٰرُ يُحَلَّوْنَ فِيهَا مِنْ أَسَاوِرَ مِن ذَهَبٍۢ وَلُؤْلُؤًۭا ۖ وَلِبَاسُهُمْ فِيهَا حَرِيرٌۭ ﴿٢٣﴾

Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearl, and their garments therein will be silk.


Inna Allaha yudkhilu allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati jannatin tajree min tahtiha alanharu yuhallawna feeha min asawira min thahabin waluluan walibasuhum feeha hareerun

Ahmed Ali

God will surely admit those who believe and do the right to gardens with rivers running by, where they will be decked in bracelets of gold and of pearls; and of silk will be their garments.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Indeed Allah will admit those who believed and did good deeds into Gardens beneath which rivers flow – in it they will be made to wear armlets of gold, and pearls, and in it their garment is silk.


God shall surely admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens underneath which rivers flow; therein they shall be adorned with bracelets of gold and with pearls, and their apparel there shall be of silk;


Verily Allah will cause those who believe and work righteous works to enter Gardens whereunder the rivers flow, wherein they will be bedecked with brace lets of gold and with pearls, and their garment therein shall be of silk.

Hilali & Khan

Truly, Allah will admit those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, to Gardens underneath which rivers flow (in Paradise), wherein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments therein will be of silk.


But God will admit those who believe and do good deeds into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be decorated therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be of silk.


(On the other hand), Allah will cause those who believed and acted righteously to enter the Gardens beneath which rivers flow. They shall be decked in them with bracelets of gold and pearls and their raiment shall be of silk.


Truly, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous good deeds, to Gardens underneath which rivers flow (in Paradise), wherein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments therein will be of silk.


Lo! Allah will cause those who believe and do good works to enter Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will be allowed armlets of gold, and pearls, and their raiment therein will be silk.


Indeed Allah will admit those who have faith and do righteous deeds into gardens with streams running in them, adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearl, and their dress therein will be silk.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Allah will admit those who believe and do good works to gardens underneath which rivers flow. They shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and with pearls, and their garments shall be of silk.


God will admit the righteously striving believers to the gardens wherein streams flow. There they will be decked with gold bracelets, pearls, and garments of silk,


Surely Allah will make those who believe and do good deeds enter gardens beneath which rivers flow; they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and (with) pearls, and their garments therein shall be of silk.

Wahiduddin Khan

God will admit those who believe and do good deeds to Gardens watered by flowing rivers; there they will be given bracelets of gold and pearls to wear and their clothing will be of silk.

Yusuf Ali

Allah will admit those who believe and work righteous deeds, to Gardens beneath which rivers flow: they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls; and their garments there will be of silk.

وَهُدُوٓا۟ إِلَى ٱلطَّيِّبِ مِنَ ٱلْقَوْلِ وَهُدُوٓا۟ إِلَىٰ صِرَٰطِ ٱلْحَمِيدِ ﴿٢٤﴾

And they had been guided [in worldly life] to good speech, and they were guided to the path of the Praiseworthy.


Wahudoo ila alttayyibi mina alqawli wahudoo ila sirati alhameedi

Ahmed Ali

They will be guided with gentle words, and guided to the commended path.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And they were guided to sacred speech; and they were shown the path of the Most Praiseworthy.


and they; shall be guided unto goodly speech, and they shall be guided unto the path of the All-laudable.


And they have been guided unto goodly speech, and they have been guided to the path of the Praiseworthy.

Hilali & Khan

And they are guided (in this world) unto goodly speech (i.e. La ilaha ill-Allah, Alhamdu lillah, recitation of the Quran, etc.) and they are guided to the Path of Him (i.e. Allah's Religion of Islamic Monotheism), Who is Worthy of all praises.


They were guided to purity of speech. They were guided to the path of the Most Praised.


They were guided (to accept) the pure word; they were guided to the Way of the Praiseworthy (Lord).


And they are guided unto goodly speech and they are guided to the path of Him, Who is Worthy of all praises.


They are guided unto gentle speech; they are guided unto the path of the Glorious One.


They were guided to chaste belief, and guided to the path of the All-laudable.

Qaribullah & Darwish

For they shall be guided to good speech and guided to the praised path.


for they were guided to speak the noblest words and follow the praiseworthy path.


And they are guided to goodly words and they are guided into the path of the Praised One.

Wahiduddin Khan

For they were guided to purity of speech. And they were guided to the path of the Glorious Lord.

Yusuf Ali

For they have been guided (in this life) to the purest of speeches; they have been guided to the Path of Him Who is Worthy of (all) Praise.

إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ وَيَصُدُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ وَٱلْمَسْجِدِ ٱلْحَرَامِ ٱلَّذِى جَعَلْنَٰهُ لِلنَّاسِ سَوَآءً ٱلْعَٰكِفُ فِيهِ وَٱلْبَادِ ۚ وَمَن يُرِدْ فِيهِ بِإِلْحَادٍۭ بِظُلْمٍۢ نُّذِقْهُ مِنْ عَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍۢ ﴿٢٥﴾

Indeed, those who have disbelieved and avert [people] from the way of Allah and [from] al-Masjid al-Haram, which We made for the people - equal are the resident therein and one from outside; and [also] whoever intends [a deed] therein of deviation [in religion] or wrongdoing - We will make him taste of a painful punishment.


Inna allatheena kafaroo wayasuddoona AAan sabeeli Allahi waalmasjidi alharami allathee jaAAalnahu lilnnasi sawaan alAAakifu feehi waalbadi waman yurid feehi biilhadin bithulmin nuthiqhu min AAathabin aleemin

Ahmed Ali

As for those who disbelieve, and obstruct the way of God and the holy Mosque which We have set down for all men, the native and the visitor alike. Whoever puts obstructions in this mischievously will taste of painful punishment.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Indeed those who have disbelieved and prevent from the way of Allah and from this Sacred Mosque, which We have appointed for all mankind – its resident and the foreigner have the same rights in it; and whoever wrongfully intends injustice in it – We shall make him taste a painful punishment.


Those who disbelieve, and bar from God's way and the Holy Mosque that We have appointed equal unto men, alike him who cleaves to it and the tent-dweller, and whosoever purposes to violate it wrongly, We shall let him taste a painful chastisement.


Verily those who disbelieve and hinder others from the path of Allah and from the Sacred Mosque which We have appointed for mankind, equal in respect thereunto are the dweller therein and the stranger. And whosoever will seek profanity therein wrongfully, We shall make him taste of a torment afflictive.

Hilali & Khan

Verily! Those who disbelieve and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, and from Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah) which We have made (open) to (all) men, the dweller in it and the visitor from the country are equal there [as regards its sanctity and pilgrimage (Hajj and 'Umrah)]. And whoever inclines to evil actions therein or to do wrong (i.e. practise polytheism and leave Islamic Monotheism), him We shall cause to taste a painful torment.


As for those who disbelieve and repel from God’s path and from the Sacred Mosque—which We have designated for all mankind equally, whether residing therein or passing through—and seek to commit sacrilege therein—We will make him taste of a painful punishment.


Indeed those who disbelieve and who (now) hinder people from the Way of Allah and hinder them from the Holy Mosque which We have set up (as a place of worship) for all people, equally for those who dwell therein and for those who come from outside, (they surely deserve punishment). Whosoever deviates therein from the Right Way and acts with iniquity, We shall cause him to taste a painful chastisement.


Verily, those who disbelieved and hinder (men) from the path of Allah, and from Al-Masjid Al-Haram which We have made (open) to (all) men, the dweller in it and the visitor from the country are equal there, and whoever inclines to evil actions therein or to do wrong, him We shall cause to taste from a painful torment.


Lo! those who disbelieve and bar (men) from the way of Allah and from the Inviolable Place of Worship, which We have appointed for mankind together, the dweller therein and the nomad: whosoever seeketh wrongful partiality therein, him We shall cause to taste a painful doom.


Indeed those who are faithless and bar from the way of Allah and the Sacred Mosque, which We have made for all people, the native and the visitor being equal therein—whoever wrongfully tries to commit violation in it, We shall make him taste a painful punishment.

Qaribullah & Darwish

The unbelievers who bar from the Way of Allah and from the Holy Mosque which We made equal for all peoples, he who cleaves to it and the tentdweller alike, and whosoever seeks to violate it wrongfully, We shall let him taste a painful punishment.


A painful torment awaits the pagans who create obstacles in the way that leads to God and the Sacred Mosque - which We have made for those who dwell nearby and foreigners alike - and those who commit evil and injustice therein.


Surely (as for) those who disbelieve, and hinder (men) from Allah's way and from the Sacred Mosque which We have made equally for all men, (for) the dweller therein and (for) the visitor, and whoever shall incline therein to wrong unjustly, We will make him taste of a painful chastisement.

Wahiduddin Khan

As for those who deny the truth and debar others from God's path and from the Sacred Mosque which We set up for all people, natives and strangers alike, and all who seek to profane it by evil-doing -- We shall make them taste a painful punishment.

Yusuf Ali

As to those who have rejected (Allah), and would keep back (men) from the Way of Allah, and from the Sacred Mosque, which We have made (open) to (all) men - equal is the dweller there and the visitor from the country - and any whose purpose therein is profanity or wrong-doing - them will We cause to taste of a most Grievous Penalty.

وَإِذْ بَوَّأْنَا لِإِبْرَٰهِيمَ مَكَانَ ٱلْبَيْتِ أَن لَّا تُشْرِكْ بِى شَيْـًۭٔا وَطَهِّرْ بَيْتِىَ لِلطَّآئِفِينَ وَٱلْقَآئِمِينَ وَٱلرُّكَّعِ ٱلسُّجُودِ ﴿٢٦﴾

And [mention, O Muhammad], when We designated for Abraham the site of the House, [saying], \"Do not associate anything with Me and purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who stand [in prayer] and those who bow and prostrate.


Waith bawwana liibraheema makana albayti an la tushrik bee shayan watahhir baytiya lilttaifeena waalqaimeena waalrrukkaAAi alssujoodi

Ahmed Ali

When We chose the site of the House for Abraham (We said:) \"Associate no one with Me, and clean My House for those who will circumambulate it, stand (in reverence), and bow in homage.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And remember when We showed Ibrahim the right place of the Sacred House (mosque) and commanded that, “Do not ascribe anything as a partner to Me, and keep My House clean for those who encircle it and those who stay in it (for worship) and those who bow and prostrate.”


And when We settled for Abraham the place of the House: 'Thou shall not associate with Me anything. And do thou purify My House for those that shall go about it and those that stand, for those that bow and prostrate themselves;


And recall what time We settled Ibrahim in the place of the House, Saying: associate not thou with Me aught, and purify My House for these who circumambulate and those who stand up and those who bow and make prostration.

Hilali & Khan

And (remember) when We showed Ibrahim (Abraham) the site of the (Sacred) House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) (saying): \"Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, [La ilaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah Islamic Monotheism], and sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who stand up for prayer, and those who bow (submit themselves with humility and obedience to Allah), and make prostration (in prayer, etc.);\"


We showed Abraham the location of the House: “Do not associate anything with Me; and purify My House for those who circle around, and those who stand to pray, and those who kneel and prostrate.”


Call to mind when We assigned to Abraham the site of the House (Kabah), directing him: \"Do not associate aught with Me\" and \"Keep My House pure for those who walk around it, and for those who stand and who bow down and who prostrate themselves (in worship),


And (remember) when We showed Ibrahim the site of the House (saying): \"Associate not anything with Me, and sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who stand up (for prayer), and those who bow and make prostration (in prayer);\"


And (remember) when We prepared for Abraham the place of the (holy) House, saying: Ascribe thou no thing as partner unto Me, and purify My House for those who make the round (thereof) and those who stand and those who bow and make prostration.


When We settled for Abraham the site of the House [saying], Do not ascribe any partners to Me, and purify My House for those who circle around it, and those who stand [in it for prayer], and those who bow and prostrate themselves.

Qaribullah & Darwish

And when We settled for Abraham (and Ishmael) the place of the Holy Mosque, (We said): 'You shall not associate with Me anything. Purify My House for those who circumambulate it and those who stand, for those who bow and prostrate.


When We prepared for Abraham the place to build the Sacred House, We told him not to consider anything equal to Me and to keep the House clean for those walking around it, those standing, bowing down, and prostrating in prayer.


And when We assigned to Ibrahim the place of the House, saying: Do not associate with Me aught, and purify My House for those who make the circuit and stand to pray and bow and prostrate themselves.

Wahiduddin Khan

We assigned to Abraham the site of the House, saying, \"Do not associate with Me anything and purify My House for those who circumambulate [the Kabah] and those who stand upright, and those who bow and prostrate themselves.\"

Yusuf Ali

Behold! We gave the site, to Abraham, of the (Sacred) House, (saying): \"Associate not anything (in worship) with Me; and sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or stand up, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer).

وَأَذِّن فِى ٱلنَّاسِ بِٱلْحَجِّ يَأْتُوكَ رِجَالًۭا وَعَلَىٰ كُلِّ ضَامِرٍۢ يَأْتِينَ مِن كُلِّ فَجٍّ عَمِيقٍۢ ﴿٢٧﴾

And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass -


Waaththin fee alnnasi bialhajji yatooka rijalan waAAala kulli damirin yateena min kulli fajjin AAameeqin

Ahmed Ali

Announce the Pilgrimage to the people. They will come to you on foot and riding along distant roads on lean and slender beasts,

Ahmed Raza Khan

“And publicly announce the pilgrimage to all people – they will come to you, on foot and on every lean she-camel, coming from every far distant journey.” (The announcement by Prophet Ibrahim reached each and every soul.)


and proclaim among men the Pilgrimage, and they shall come unto thee on foot and upon every lean beast, they shall come from every deep ravine


And proclaim thou among mankind the pilgrimage; they shall come unto thee on foot and on any lean mount, coming from every deep defile.

Hilali & Khan

And proclaim to mankind the Hajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep and distant (wide) mountain highway (to perform Hajj).


And announce the pilgrimage to humanity. They will come to you on foot, and on every transport. They will come from every distant point.


and publicly proclaim Pilgrimage for all mankind so that they come to you on foot and mounted on lean camels from every distant point


And proclaim to mankind the Hajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every Fajj `Amiq.


And proclaim unto mankind the pilgrimage. They will come unto thee on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every deep ravine,


And proclaim the Hajj to all the people: they will come to you on foot and on lean camels, coming from distant places,

Qaribullah & Darwish

Proclaim the pilgrimage to the people. They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they shall come from every deep ravine;


(We commanded Abraham), \"Call people for hajj - an act of worship accomplished by visiting the sacred sites in Mecca.\" They will come on foot and on lean camels from all the distant quarters


And proclaim among men the Pilgrimage: they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, coming from every remote path,

Wahiduddin Khan

Call mankind to the Pilgrimage. They will come to you, on foot, and on every kind of lean camel, by every distant track

Yusuf Ali

\"And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways;

لِّيَشْهَدُوا۟ مَنَٰفِعَ لَهُمْ وَيَذْكُرُوا۟ ٱسْمَ ٱللَّهِ فِىٓ أَيَّامٍۢ مَّعْلُومَٰتٍ عَلَىٰ مَا رَزَقَهُم مِّنۢ بَهِيمَةِ ٱلْأَنْعَٰمِ ۖ فَكُلُوا۟ مِنْهَا وَأَطْعِمُوا۟ ٱلْبَآئِسَ ٱلْفَقِيرَ ﴿٢٨﴾

That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor.


Liyashhadoo manafiAAa lahum wayathkuroo isma Allahi fee ayyamin maAAloomatin AAala ma razaqahum min baheemati alanAAami fakuloo minha waatAAimoo albaisa alfaqeera

Ahmed Ali

In order to reach the place of advantage for them, and to pronounce the name of God on appointed days over cattle He has given them for food; then eat of the meat and feed the needy and the poor.

Ahmed Raza Khan

In order that they may gain their benefit, and mention the name of Allah on the appointed days as He has bestowed the sustenance to them – the inarticulate animals; therefore eat from them yourself and feed the distressed destitute.


that they may witness things profitable to them and mention God's Name on days well-known over such beasts of the flocks as He has provided them: \"So eat thereof, and feed the wretched poor.\"


That they may witness the benefits to them and may mention the name of Allah on the days known over the beast cattle wherewith He hath provided them. So eat thereof, and feed the hungry poor.

Hilali & Khan

That they may witness things that are of benefit to them (i.e. reward of Hajj in the Hereafter, and also some worldly gain from trade, etc.), and mention the Name of Allah on appointed days (i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th day of Dhul-Hijjah), over the beast of cattle that He has provided for them (for sacrifice) (at the time of their slaughtering by saying: Bismillah, WAllahu-Akbar, Allahumma Minka wa Ilaik). Then eat thereof and feed therewith the poor who have a very hard time.


That they may witness the benefits for themselves, and celebrate the name of God during the appointed days, for providing them with the animal livestock. So eat from it, and feed the unfortunate poor.


to witness the benefits in store for them, and pronounce the name of Allah during the appointed days over the cattle that He has provided them. So eat of it and feed the distressed and the needy.


That they may witness things that are of benefit to them, and mention the Name of Allah on appointed days, over the beast of cattle that He has provided for them. Then eat thereof and feed therewith the poor having a hard time.


That they may witness things that are of benefit to them, and mention the name of Allah on appointed days over the beast of cattle that He hath bestowed upon them. Then eat thereof and feed therewith the poor unfortunate.


that they may witness the benefits for them, and mention Allah’s Name during the known days over the livestock He has provided them. So eat thereof and feed the destitute and the needy.

Qaribullah & Darwish

that they witness profitable things for them and mention the Name of Allah on well known days over the flocks which He has provided them. Eat thereof, and feed the wretched poor.


to see their benefits, commemorate the name of God during the appointed days, and offer the sacrifice of the cattle that God has given them. They themselves should consume part of the sacrificial flesh and give the rest to the destitute and needy people.


That they may witness advantages for them and mention the name of Allah during stated days over what He has given them of the cattle quadrupeds, then eat of them and feed the distressed one, the needy.

Wahiduddin Khan

so that they may witness its benefit for them and, on the appointed days may utter the name of God over the cattle He has provided for them. Then eat their flesh, and feed the distressed and the needy --

Yusuf Ali

\"That they may witness the benefits (provided) for them, and celebrate the name of Allah, through the Days appointed, over the cattle which He has provided for them (for sacrifice): then eat ye thereof and feed the distressed ones in want.

ثُمَّ لْيَقْضُوا۟ تَفَثَهُمْ وَلْيُوفُوا۟ نُذُورَهُمْ وَلْيَطَّوَّفُوا۟ بِٱلْبَيْتِ ٱلْعَتِيقِ ﴿٢٩﴾

Then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows and perform Tawaf around the ancient House.\"


Thumma lyaqdoo tafathahum walyoofoo nuthoorahum walyattawwafoo bialbayti alAAateeqi

Ahmed Ali

Let them then attend to their persons and complete the rites of pilgrimage, fulfil their vows and circuit round the ancient House.

Ahmed Raza Khan

They must then remove their dirt and fulfil their pledges and go around the Free House.


Let them then finish with their self-neglect and let them fulfil their vows, and go about the Ancient House.'


Thereafter let them end their unkemptnesss and fulfil their vows and circumambulate the ancient House.

Hilali & Khan

Then let them complete the prescribed duties (Manasik of Hajj) for them, and perform their vows, and circumambulate the Ancient House (the Ka'bah at Makkah).


Then let them perform their acts of cleansing, and fulfill their vows, and circle around the Ancient House.


Thereafter, let them tidy up and fulfil their vows and circumambulate the Ancient House.\"


Then let them complete their prescribed duties and perform their vows, and circumambulate the `Atiq House.


Then let them make an end of their unkemptness and pay their vows and go around the ancient House.


Then let them do away with their untidiness, fulfill their vows, and circle around the Ancient House.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Then, let the pilgrims accomplish their acts of cleansing, and let them fulfill their vows, and circumambulate the Ancient House.


Let the pilgrims then neatly dress themselves, fulfil their vows, and walk seven times around the Kabah.


Then let them accomplish their needful acts of shaving and cleansing, and let them fulfil their vows and let them go round the Ancient House.

Wahiduddin Khan

then let the pilgrims purify themselves and fulfil their vows and perform the circumambulation of the Ancient House.

Yusuf Ali

\"Then let them complete the rites prescribed for them, perform their vows, and (again) circumambulate the Ancient House.\"

ذَٰلِكَ وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ حُرُمَٰتِ ٱللَّهِ فَهُوَ خَيْرٌۭ لَّهُۥ عِندَ رَبِّهِۦ ۗ وَأُحِلَّتْ لَكُمُ ٱلْأَنْعَٰمُ إِلَّا مَا يُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْكُمْ ۖ فَٱجْتَنِبُوا۟ ٱلرِّجْسَ مِنَ ٱلْأَوْثَٰنِ وَٱجْتَنِبُوا۟ قَوْلَ ٱلزُّورِ ﴿٣٠﴾

That [has been commanded], and whoever honors the sacred ordinances of Allah - it is best for him in the sight of his Lord. And permitted to you are the grazing livestock, except what is recited to you. So avoid the uncleanliness of idols and avoid false statement,


Thalika waman yuAAaththim hurumati Allahi fahuwa khayrun lahu AAinda rabbihi waohillat lakumu alanAAamu illa ma yutla AAalaykum faijtaniboo alrrijsa mina alawthani waijtaniboo qawla alzzoori

Ahmed Ali

Apart from this, whoever respects the sacred ordinances of God, will find a better reward for him with his Lord. You are allowed to eat all cattle except those already mentioned to you. Avoid the repugnance of idols, and false and frivolous talk.

Ahmed Raza Khan

So it is; and whoever reveres the sacred things of Allah – that is then a goodness for him in the sight of his Lord; the inarticulate animals are lawful to you except those the forbidding of which is recited to you, therefore shun the filth of idols, and avoid false speech.


All that; and whosoever venerates the sacred things of God, it shall be better for him with his Lord. And permitted to you are the flocks, except that which is recited to you. And eschew the abomination of idols, and eschew the speaking of falsehood,


Thus it is. And whosoever suspecteth the sacred ordinances of Allah, it shall be better for him with his Lord. And allowed unto you are the cattle, save that which hath been rehearsed unto you; so avoid the pollution of the idols, and avoid the word of falsehood.

Hilali & Khan

That (Manasik prescribed duties of Hajj is the obligation that mankind owes to Allah), and whoever honours the sacred things of Allah, then that is better for him with his Lord. The cattle are lawful to you, except those (that will be) mentioned to you (as exceptions). So shun the abomination (worshipping) of idol, and shun lying speech (false statements)


All that. Whoever venerates the sanctities of God—it is good for him with his Lord. All livestock are permitted to you, except what is recited to you. So stay away from the abomination of idols, and stay away from perjury.


Such (was the purpose of building the Kabah). Whosoever, then, venerates Allah's sanctities will find it to be good for him in the sight of his Lord. Cattle have been made lawful for you except those mentioned to you (as unlawful). So shun the abomination of idols and shun all words of falsehood.


That and whoever honors the sacred things of Allah, then that is better for him with his Lord. The cattle are lawful to you, except those (that will be) mentioned to you. So shun the Rijs of the idols, and shun false speech.


That (is the command). And whoso magnifieth the sacred things of Allah, it will be well for him in the sight of his Lord. The cattle are lawful unto you save that which hath been told you. So shun the filth of idols, and shun lying speech,


That, and whoever venerates the sacraments of Allah, that is better for him with his Lord. You are permitted [animals of] grazing livestock except for what will be recited to you. So avoid the abomination of idols, and avoid false speech,

Qaribullah & Darwish

All that; and whosoever venerates the sacred rites of Allah it shall be better for him with his Lord. The flocks are lawful to you, except that which is recited to you. Therefore, avoid the filth of idols and avoid speaking falsely,


Such are the regulations of hajj. To respect the prohibitions of God is a virtuous deed in the sight of one's Lord. Consuming the flesh of certain animals is made lawful for you. Stay away from wickedness, idols, and false words.


That (shall be so); and whoever respects the sacred ordinances of Allah, it is better for him with his Lord; and the cattle are made lawful for you, except that which is recited to you, therefore avoid the uncleanness of the idols and avoid false words,

Wahiduddin Khan

Such is God's commandment. Whoever honours that which is declared sacred by God may be sure that it counts for good in the sight of his Lord. Livestock is lawful for you, except that which has already been explicitly forbidden. Then shun the abomination of the deities and shun all falsehood.

Yusuf Ali

Such (is the Pilgrimage): whoever honours the sacred rites of Allah, for him it is good in the Sight of his Lord. Lawful to you (for food in Pilgrimage) are cattle, except those mentioned to you (as exception): but shun the abomination of idols, and shun the word that is false,-

حُنَفَآءَ لِلَّهِ غَيْرَ مُشْرِكِينَ بِهِۦ ۚ وَمَن يُشْرِكْ بِٱللَّهِ فَكَأَنَّمَا خَرَّ مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ فَتَخْطَفُهُ ٱلطَّيْرُ أَوْ تَهْوِى بِهِ ٱلرِّيحُ فِى مَكَانٍۢ سَحِيقٍۢ ﴿٣١﴾

Inclining [only] to Allah, not associating [anything] with Him. And he who associates with Allah - it is as though he had fallen from the sky and was snatched by the birds or the wind carried him down into a remote place.


Hunafaa lillahi ghayra mushrikeena bihi waman yushrik biAllahi fakaannama kharra mina alssamai fatakhtafuhu alttayru aw tahwee bihi alrreehu fee makanin saheeqin

Ahmed Ali

Turn uprightly to God without ascribing compeers to Him; for he who associates any one with God is like a thing that falls from the sky and is either snatched away by birds or carried far away by the wind.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Devoting yourself to Allah, not ascribing any partner to Him; and whoever ascribes partners to Allah is as if he has fallen from the sky and the birds snatch him or the wind blows him away to a far-off place.


being men pure of faith unto God, not associating with Him anything; for whosoever associates with God anything, it is as though he has fallen from heaven and the birds snatch him away, or the wind sweeps him headlong into a place far away.


Reclining unto Allah, not associating aught with Him. And whosoever associateth aught with Allah, it is as though he had fallen from the heaven and the birds had snatched him, or the wind had blown him to a place remote.

Hilali & Khan

Hunafa' Lillah (i.e. to worship none but Allah), not associating partners (in worship, etc.) unto Him and whoever assigns partners to Allah, it is as if he had fallen from the sky, and the birds had snatched him, or the wind had thrown him to a far off place.


Being true to God, without associating anything with Him. Whoever associates anything with God—it is as though he has fallen from the sky, and is snatched by the birds, or is swept away by the wind to a distant abyss.


Become exclusively devoted to Allah, ascribing Divinity to none other than Him. Whoso ascribes Divinity to aught beside Allah, it is as though he fell down from the sky whereafter either the birds will snatch him away, or the wind will sweep him to a distant place (causing him to be shattered to pieces).


Hunafa' Lillah, not associating partners unto Him; and whoever assigns partners to Allah, it is as if he had fallen from the sky, the birds caught him in midair, or the wind had thrown him to a far off place.


Turning unto Allah (only), not ascribing partners unto Him; for whoso ascribeth partners unto Allah, it is as if he had fallen from the sky and the birds had snatched him or the wind had blown him to a far-off place.


as persons having pure faith in Allah, not ascribing partners to Him. Whoever ascribes partners to Allah is as though he had fallen from a height, then [his corpse] is devoured by vultures, or [his remains are] blown away by the wind far and wide.

Qaribullah & Darwish

being of pure faith to Allah, not associating anything with Him. He who associates others with Allah is like he who falls from heaven and is snatched away by the birds or carried by the wind to some faroff place.


As the upright servants of God, do not consider anything equal to God. To consider things equal to God is like one falling from the sky who is snatched away by the birds or carried away by a strong wind to a far distant place.


Being upright for Allah, not associating aught with Him and whoever associates (others) with Allah, it is as though he had fallen from on high, then the birds snatch him away or the wind carries him off to a far-distant place.

Wahiduddin Khan

Devote yourselves to God, not associating any partners with Him. Whoever associates anything with God is like one who falls from heaven and is snatched by the birds or carried away by the wind to a distant place.

Yusuf Ali

Being true in faith to Allah, and never assigning partners to Him: if anyone assigns partners to Allah, is as if he had fallen from heaven and been snatched up by birds, or the wind had swooped (like a bird on its prey) and thrown him into a far-distant place.

ذَٰلِكَ وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ شَعَٰٓئِرَ ٱللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِن تَقْوَى ٱلْقُلُوبِ ﴿٣٢﴾

That [is so]. And whoever honors the symbols of Allah - indeed, it is from the piety of hearts.


Thalika waman yuAAaththim shaAAaira Allahi fainnaha min taqwa alquloobi

Ahmed Ali

All this, and honouring the offerings to God, comes from purity of heart.

Ahmed Raza Khan

So it is; and whoever reveres the symbols of Allah – this is then part of the piety of the hearts.


All that; and whosoever venerates God's waymarks, that is of the godliness of the hearts.


Thus it is. And whosoever respecteth the rites of Allah, then verily it is from piety of the hearts.

Hilali & Khan

Thus it is [what has been mentioned in the above said Verses (27, 28, 29, 30, 31) is an obligation that mankind owes to Allah]. And whosoever honours the Symbols of Allah, then it is truly from the piety of the heart.


So it is. Whoever venerates the sacraments of God—it is from the piety of the hearts.


Such is the fact. And whoso venerates the sanctity of all that have been ordained as symbols of Allah surely does so because it is part of the true piety of the hearts.


Thus it is, and whosoever honors the Sha`a'ir of Allah, then it is truly from the Taqwa of the hearts.


That (is the command). And whoso magnifieth the offerings consecrated to Allah, it surely is from devotion of the hearts,


That. And whoever venerates the sacraments of Allah—indeed that arises from the Godwariness of hearts.

Qaribullah & Darwish

All that; and, he who venerates the waymarks of Allah, surely it is from the piety of the hearts.


To respect the symbols of God is the sign of a pious heart.


That (shall be so); and whoever respects the signs of Allah, this surely is (the outcome) of the piety of hearts.

Wahiduddin Khan

Thus it is. He who honours the symbols set up by God shows the piety of his heart.

Yusuf Ali

Such (is his state): and whoever holds in honour the symbols of Allah, (in the sacrifice of animals), such (honour) should come truly from piety of heart.

لَكُمْ فِيهَا مَنَٰفِعُ إِلَىٰٓ أَجَلٍۢ مُّسَمًّۭى ثُمَّ مَحِلُّهَآ إِلَى ٱلْبَيْتِ ٱلْعَتِيقِ ﴿٣٣﴾

For you the animals marked for sacrifice are benefits for a specified term; then their place of sacrifice is at the ancient House.


Lakum feeha manafiAAu ila ajalin musamman thumma mahilluha ila albayti alAAateeqi

Ahmed Ali

, There are advantages for you in these (cattle) up to a time, then their place is the ancient House for sacrifice.

Ahmed Raza Khan

In the cattle are benefits for you up to a fixed time and then they are to be brought to the Free House.


There are things therein profitable to you unto a stated term; thereafter their lawful place of sacrifice is by the Ancient House.


For you in them are benefits for a term appointed, and thereafter the destination is toward the ancient House.

Hilali & Khan

In them (cattle offered for sacrifice) are benefits for you for an appointed term, and afterwards they are brought for sacrifice unto the ancient House (the Haram - sacred territory of Makkah city).


In them are benefits for you until a certain time. Then their place is by the Ancient House.


You may derive benefit (from sacrificial animals) until an appointed time. Thereafter their place (of sacrifice) is near the Ancient House.


In them are benefits for you for an appointed term, and afterwards they are brought for sacrifice to the `Atiq House.


Therein are benefits for you for an appointed term; and afterward they are brought for sacrifice unto the ancient House.


You may benefit from them until a specified time. Then their place of sacrifice is by the Ancient House.

Qaribullah & Darwish

In them, you have benefits until an appointed time. After their place of sacrifice is at the Ancient House.


There are benefits for you in the (sacrificial offerings) of God until the appointed time when you slaughter them as your offering near the Ancient House.


You have advantages in them till a fixed time, then their place of sacrifice is the Ancient House.

Wahiduddin Khan

You may benefit from the animals for an appointed time. Then they must be sacrificed at the Ancient House.

Yusuf Ali

In them ye have benefits for a term appointed: in the end their place of sacrifice is near the Ancient House.

وَلِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍۢ جَعَلْنَا مَنسَكًۭا لِّيَذْكُرُوا۟ ٱسْمَ ٱللَّهِ عَلَىٰ مَا رَزَقَهُم مِّنۢ بَهِيمَةِ ٱلْأَنْعَٰمِ ۗ فَإِلَٰهُكُمْ إِلَٰهٌۭ وَٰحِدٌۭ فَلَهُۥٓ أَسْلِمُوا۟ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ ٱلْمُخْبِتِينَ ﴿٣٤﴾

And for all religion We have appointed a rite [of sacrifice] that they may mention the name of Allah over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. For your god is one God, so to Him submit. And, [O Muhammad], give good tidings to the humble [before their Lord]


Walikulli ommatin jaAAalna mansakan liyathkuroo isma Allahi AAala ma razaqahum min baheemati alanAAami failahukum ilahun wahidun falahu aslimoo wabashshiri almukhbiteena

Ahmed Ali

For every community We have ordained certain rites that they may commemorate the name of God by reading it over the cattle We have given them for sacrifice. Your God is one God, so be obedient to Him. Give good tidings to those who bow in obedience to God,

Ahmed Raza Khan

And for every nation We have appointed a sacrifice, that they may mention the name of Allah over the inarticulate animal which He has provided them; so (remember) your God is One God, therefore submit only to Him; and give glad tidings (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) to the humble.


We have appointed for every nation a holy rite, that they may mention God's Name over such beasts of the flocks as He has provided them. Your God is One God, so to Him surrender. And give thou good tidings unto the humble


And unto every community We appointed a ritual, that they mention the name of Allah over the beast cattle wherewith He hath provided them: and your God is One God, so unto Him submit. And bear thou glad tidings unto the humble-

Hilali & Khan

And for every nation We have appointed religious ceremonies, that they may mention the Name of Allah over the beast of cattle that He has given them for food. And your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God Allah), so you must submit to Him Alone (in Islam). And (O Muhammad SAW) give glad tidings to the Mukhbitin [those who obey Allah with humility and are humble from among the true believers of Islamic Monotheism],


We have appointed a rite for every nation, that they may commemorate God’s name over the livestock He has provided for them. Your God is One God, so to Him submit, and announce good news to the humble.


For every people We have laid down a ritual of sacrifice(- although the purpose of the ritual is the same -)that they pronounce the name of Allah over the cattle He has provided them. Your Lord is One God; so submit yourselves to Him alone. And give, (O Prophet), glad tidings to those that humble themselves (before Allah),


And for every nation We have appointed religious ceremonies, that they may mention the Name of Allah over the beast of cattle that He has given them for food. And your God is One God, so you must submit to Him Alone. And give glad tidings to the Mukhbitin.


And for every nation have We appointed a ritual, that they may mention the name of Allah over the beast of cattle that He hath given them for food; and your god is One God, therefor surrender unto Him. And give good tidings (O Muhammad) to the humble,


For every nation We have appointed a rite so that they might mention Allah’s Name over the livestock He has provided them. Your God is the One God, so submit to Him. And give good news to the humble

Qaribullah & Darwish

For every nation We have appointed a holy ritual, that they pronounce the Name of Allah over the beast of flocks which He has provided them. Your God isOne God; to Him surrender yourselves. Give glad tidings to the humble,


To every nation We have given certain sacrificial rituals. Let them consecrate their sacrificial animals with His Name. Your God is One God and you must submit yourselves to His will. (Muhammad), give the glad news (of God's mercy) to the devoted servants of God:


And to every nation We appointed acts of devotion that they may mention the name of Allah on what He has given them of the cattle quadrupeds; so your god is One God, therefore to Him should you submit, and give good news to the humble,

Wahiduddin Khan

For every people We have appointed rites of sacrifice, so that they may pronounce the name of God over the cattle which He has provided for them. Your God is One God; surrender yourselves to Him; and give good news to the humble

Yusuf Ali

To every people did We appoint rites (of sacrifice), that they might celebrate the name of Allah over the sustenance He gave them from animals (fit for food). But your god is One God: submit then your wills to Him (in Islam): and give thou the good news to those who humble themselves,-

ٱلَّذِينَ إِذَا ذُكِرَ ٱللَّهُ وَجِلَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَٱلصَّٰبِرِينَ عَلَىٰ مَآ أَصَابَهُمْ وَٱلْمُقِيمِى ٱلصَّلَوٰةِ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَٰهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ ﴿٣٥﴾

Who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts are fearful, and [to] the patient over what has afflicted them, and the establishers of prayer and those who spend from what We have provided them.


Allatheena itha thukira Allahu wajilat quloobuhum waalssabireena AAala ma asabahum waalmuqeemee alssalati wamimma razaqnahum yunfiqoona

Ahmed Ali

Whose hearts are filled with awe when the name of God is mentioned before them, who endure with fortitude what befalls them, and fulfil their moral obligations, and expend of what We have given them.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Those whose hearts fear when Allah is mentioned, and those who patiently endure whatever befalls them, and those who keep the prayer established, and who spend part of what We have provided to them.


who, when God is mentioned, their hearts quake, and such as endure patiently whatever visits them, and who perform the prayer, and expend of what We have provided them.


Those---whose hearts, when Allah is mentioned, are filled with awe and who patiently endure that which befalleth them, and these who establish the prayer and of that wherewith We have provided them expend.

Hilali & Khan

Whose hearts are filled with fear when Allah is mentioned; who patiently bear whatever may befall them (of calamities); and who perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and who spend (in Allah's Cause) out of what We have provided them.


Those whose hearts tremble when God is mentioned, and those who endure what has befallen them, and those who perform the prayer and spend from what We have provided for them.


whose hearts shiver whenever Allah is mentioned, who patiently bear whatever affliction comes to them, who establish Prayer, and who spend (for good purposes) out of what We have provided them.


Whose hearts are filled with fear when Allah is mentioned, and the patient who bear whatever may befall them, and who perform the Salah, and who spend out of what We have provided for them.


Whose hearts fear when Allah is mentioned, and the patient of whatever may befall them, and those who establish worship and who spend of that We have bestowed on them.


—those whose hearts tremble with awe when Allah is mentioned, and who are patient through whatever visits them, and who maintain the prayer and spend out of what We have provided them.

Qaribullah & Darwish

whose hearts, when Allah is mentioned, quake, who endure their misfortunes with patience, and establish their prayers, and spend of that which We have provided them.


Those whose hearts are filled with awe on hearing about God, who exercise patience in hardships, who are steadfast in prayer, and who spend their property for the cause of God.


(To) those whose hearts tremble when Allah is mentioned, and those who are patient under that which afflicts them, and those who keep up prayer, and spend (benevolently) out of what We have given them.

Wahiduddin Khan

whose hearts are filled with awe at the mention of God; who endure adversity with fortitude, say their prayers regularly and spend out of what We have given them.

Yusuf Ali

To those whose hearts when Allah is mentioned, are filled with fear, who show patient perseverance over their afflictions, keep up regular prayer, and spend (in charity) out of what We have bestowed upon them.

وَٱلْبُدْنَ جَعَلْنَٰهَا لَكُم مِّن شَعَٰٓئِرِ ٱللَّهِ لَكُمْ فِيهَا خَيْرٌۭ ۖ فَٱذْكُرُوا۟ ٱسْمَ ٱللَّهِ عَلَيْهَا صَوَآفَّ ۖ فَإِذَا وَجَبَتْ جُنُوبُهَا فَكُلُوا۟ مِنْهَا وَأَطْعِمُوا۟ ٱلْقَانِعَ وَٱلْمُعْتَرَّ ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ سَخَّرْنَٰهَا لَكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ ﴿٣٦﴾

And the camels and cattle We have appointed for you as among the symbols of Allah; for you therein is good. So mention the name of Allah upon them when lined up [for sacrifice]; and when they are [lifeless] on their sides, then eat from them and feed the needy and the beggar. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may be grateful.


Waalbudna jaAAalnaha lakum min shaAAairi Allahi lakum feeha khayrun faothkuroo isma Allahi AAalayha sawaffa faitha wajabat junoobuha fakuloo minha waatAAimoo alqaniAAa waalmuAAtarra kathalika sakhkharnaha lakum laAAallakum tashkuroona

Ahmed Ali

We have made the camels signs of God for you. There is good for you in this. So pronounce the name of God over them as they stand with their forefeet in a line. When they have fallen (slaughtered) on their sides, eat of (their meat) and feed those who are content with little, and those who supplicate. That is why We have brought them under your subjugation so that you may be grateful.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And the large sacrificial animals – the camels and the cows – We have made them among the symbols of Allah, there is goodness for you in them; therefore mention the name of Allah over them with their one leg tied and standing on three feet; then when their flanks have fallen, eat from it yourself and feed the one who patiently awaits, and the beggar; this is how We have given them in your control, so that you be grateful.


And the beasts of sacrifice -- We have appointed them for you as among God's waymarks; therein is good for you. So mention God's Name over them, standing in ranks then, when their flanks collapse, eat of them and feed the beggar and the suppliant. So We have subjected them to you; haply you will be thankful.


And the camels! We have appointed them for you among the landmarks of Allah; for you is good therein; so mention the name of Allah over them, standing in rows. Then when they fall down on their sides, eat thereof and feed the contented and suppliant. Thus We have subjected them to you, that haply ye may return thanks.

Hilali & Khan

And the Budn (cows, oxen, or camels driven to be offered as sacrifices by the pilgrims at the sanctuary of Makkah.) We have made for you as among the Symbols of Allah, therein you have much good. So mention the Name of Allah over them when they are drawn up in lines (for sacrifice). Then, when they are down on their sides (after slaughter), eat thereof, and feed the beggar who does not ask (men), and the beggar who asks (men). Thus have We made them subject to you that you may be grateful.


We have made the animal offerings emblems of God for you. In them is goodness for you. So pronounce God’s name upon them as they line up. Then, when they have fallen on their sides, eat of them and feed the contented and the beggar. Thus We have subjected them to you, that you may be thankful.


We have appointed sacrificial camels among the symbols of (devotion to) Allah. There is much good in them for you. So make them stand (at the time of sacrifice) and pronounce the name of Allah over them, and when they fall down on their sides (after they are slaughtered), eat and also feed them who do not ask and those who ask. Thus have We subjected these animals that you may give thanks.


And the Budn, We have made them for you as among the symbols of Allah, wherein you have much good. So mention the Name of Allah over them when they are drawn up in lines (for sacrifice). Then, when they are down on their sides (after slaughter), eat thereof, and feed the Qani` and the Mu`tarr. Thus have We made them subject to you that you may be grateful.


And the camels! We have appointed them among the ceremonies of Allah. Therein ye have much good. So mention the name of Allah over them when they are drawn up in lines. Then when their flanks fall (dead), eat thereof and feed the beggar and the suppliant. Thus have We made them subject unto you, that haply ye may give thanks.


We have appointed for you the [sacrificial] camels as part of Allah’s sacraments. There is good for you in them. So mention the Name of Allah over them as they stand. And when they have fallen on their flanks, eat from them, and feed the self-contained needy and the mendicant. Thus have We disposed them for your benefit so that you may give thanks.

Qaribullah & Darwish

And the camels We have made a part of the waymarks of Allah. In them is good for you. Pronounce over them the Name of Allah, when they are hobbled; and when they have fallen down on their sides, eat of them and feed the impoverished nonrequestor and the requestor. As such We have subjected them to you, in order that you give thanks.


For you We have made the sacrificial camel one of the reminders of God. It also has other benefits for you. Consecrate it with the Name of God when it is steadily standing. When it is slaughtered, consume its flesh and give part of it to the needy who do and those do not ask for help from others. Thus We have made the camel subservient to you so that perhaps you may give thanks.


And (as for) the camels, We have made them of the signs of the religion of Allah for you; for you therein is much good; therefore mention the name of Allah on them as they stand in a row, then when they fall down eat of them and feed the poor man who is contented and the beggar; thus have We made them subservient to you, that you may be grateful.

Wahiduddin Khan

We have appointed for you the sacrificial camels as one of the symbols set up by God, in which there is much good for you. So invoke God's name over them as you line them up for slaughter, and when they have fallen down dead, feed yourselves and feed the needy -- those who do not ask as well as those who do. We have thus subjected them to you so that you may be grateful.

Yusuf Ali

The sacrificial camels we have made for you as among the symbols from Allah: in them is (much) good for you: then pronounce the name of Allah over them as they line up (for sacrifice): when they are down on their sides (after slaughter), eat ye thereof, and feed such as (beg not but) live in contentment, and such as beg with due humility: thus have We made animals subject to you, that ye may be grateful.

لَن يَنَالَ ٱللَّهَ لُحُومُهَا وَلَا دِمَآؤُهَا وَلَٰكِن يَنَالُهُ ٱلتَّقْوَىٰ مِنكُمْ ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ سَخَّرَهَا لَكُمْ لِتُكَبِّرُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَىٰكُمْ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ ٱلْمُحْسِنِينَ ﴿٣٧﴾

Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good.


Lan yanala Allaha luhoomuha wala dimaoha walakin yanaluhu alttaqwa minkum kathalika sakhkharaha lakum litukabbiroo Allaha AAala ma hadakum wabashshiri almuhsineena

Ahmed Ali

It is not their meat or blood that reaches God: It is the fealty of your heart that reaches him. That is why He has subjugated them to you that you may glorify God for having shown you the way. So give glad tidings to those who are doers of good.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Never does their flesh nor their blood reach Allah, but your piety successfully reaches Him; this is how We have given them in your control so that you may speak His Greatness for guiding you; and O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) give glad tidings to the virtuous.


The flesh of them shall not reach God, neither their blood, but godliness from you shall reach Him. So He has subjected them to you, that you may magnify God for that He has guided you. And give thou good tidings unto the good-doers.


Their flesh reacheth not Allah nor their blood: but it is Piety from you that reacheth Him. Thus He hath subjected them to you, that ye may magnify Allah for He hath guided you; and bear thou glad tidings unto the welldoers.

Hilali & Khan

It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is piety from you that reaches Him. Thus have We made them subject to you that you may magnify Allah for His Guidance to you. And give glad tidings (O Muhammad SAW) to the Muhsinun (doers of good).


Neither their flesh, nor their blood, ever reaches God. What reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus He subdued them to you, that you may glorify God for guiding you. And give good news to the charitable.


Neither their flesh reaches Allah nor their blood; it is your piety that reaches Him. He has subjected these animals (to you) that you may magnify Allah for the guidance He has bestowed upon you. Give glad tidings, (O Prophet), to those who do good.


It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is Taqwa from you that reaches Him. Thus have We made them subject to you that you may proclaim Allah's greatness for His guidance to you. And give glad tidings to the doers of good.


Their flesh and their food reach not Allah, but the devotion from you reacheth Him. Thus have We made them subject unto you that ye may magnify Allah that He hath guided you. And give good tidings (O Muhammad) to the good.


It is not their flesh or blood that reaches Allah; rather, it is your piety that reaches Him. Thus has He disposed them for your benefit so that you may magnify Allah for His guiding you. And give good news to the virtuous.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Their flesh and blood does not reach Allah rather it is piety from you that reaches Him. As such He has subjected them to you, in order that you exalt Allahfor guiding you. And give glad tidings to the generous.


It is not the flesh and blood of your sacrifice that pleases God. What pleases God is your piety. God has made subservient to you the sacrificial animals so that perhaps you will glorify Him; He is guiding you. (Muhammad), give the glad news (of God's mercy) to the righteous people.


There does not reach Allah their flesh nor their blood, but to Him is acceptable the guarding (against evil) on your part; thus has He made them subservient to you, that you may magnify Allah because He has guided you aright; and give good news to those who do good (to others).

Wahiduddin Khan

Their flesh and blood do not reach God: it is your piety that reaches Him. Thus God has subjected them to you, so that you may glorify Him for the guidance He has given you. Give glad tidings to those who do good.

Yusuf Ali

It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him: He has thus made them subject to you, that ye may glorify Allah for His Guidance to you and proclaim the good news to all who do right.

۞ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُدَٰفِعُ عَنِ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ خَوَّانٍۢ كَفُورٍ ﴿٣٨﴾

Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone treacherous and ungrateful.


Inna Allaha yudafiAAu AAani allatheena amanoo inna Allaha la yuhibbu kulla khawwanin kafoorin

Ahmed Ali

God will certainly defend the believers. Surely God does not like the traitors who deny the truth.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Indeed Allah repels the afflictions of the Muslims; indeed Allah does not like any extremely disloyal ingrate.


Assuredly God will defend those who believe; surely God loves not any ungrateful traitor.


Verily Allah will repel from those who believe: verily Allah loveth not any treacherous, ingrate.

Hilali & Khan

Truly, Allah defends those who believe. Verily! Allah likes not any treacherous ingrate to Allah [those who disobey Allah but obey Shaitan (Satan)].


God defends those who believe. God does not love any ungrateful traitor.


Surely Allah defends those who believe. Certainly Allah has no love for the perfidious, the thankless.


Truly, Allah defends those who believe. Verily, Allah likes not any treacherous ingrate.


Lo! Allah defendeth those who are true. Lo! Allah loveth not each treacherous ingrate.


Allah will indeed defend those who have faith. Indeed Allah does not like any ingrate traitor.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Allah will defend those who believe. Verily, Allah does not love the ungrateful cheat.


God defends the believers but He does not love any of the treacherous, ungrateful ones.


Surely Allah will defend those who believe; surely Allah does not love any one who is unfaithful, ungrateful.

Wahiduddin Khan

God will surely defend the believers. God does not love the perfidious and the ungrateful.

Yusuf Ali

Verily Allah will defend (from ill) those who believe: verily, Allah loveth not any that is a traitor to faith, or show ingratitude.

أُذِنَ لِلَّذِينَ يُقَٰتَلُونَ بِأَنَّهُمْ ظُلِمُوا۟ ۚ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ نَصْرِهِمْ لَقَدِيرٌ ﴿٣٩﴾

Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.


Othina lillatheena yuqataloona biannahum thulimoo wainna Allaha AAala nasrihim laqadeerun

Ahmed Ali

Permission is granted those (to take up arms) who fight because they were oppressed. God is certainly able to give help to those

Ahmed Raza Khan

Permission is granted to those against whom the disbelievers wage war, as they are being wronged; and indeed Allah is Able to assist them.


Leave is given to those who fight because they were wronged -- surely God is able to help them --


Permitted are those who are fought against, because they have been oppressed, and verily to succour them Allah is potent

Hilali & Khan

Permission to fight is given to those (i.e. believers against disbelievers), who are fighting them, (and) because they (believers) have been wronged, and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory


Permission is given to those who are fought against, and God is Able to give them victory.


Permission (to fight) has been granted to those for they have been wronged. Verily Allah has the power to help them:


Permission (to fight) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged; and surely, Allah is able to give them victory.


Sanction is given unto those who fight because they have been wronged; and Allah is indeed Able to give them victory;


Those who are fought against are permitted [to fight] because they have been wronged, and Allah is indeed able to help them

Qaribullah & Darwish

Permission is given to those who fight because they were wronged. Allah has power to grant them victory:


Permission to take up arms is hereby granted to those who are attacked; they have suffered injustice. God has all the power to give victory


Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them;

Wahiduddin Khan

Permission to fight is granted to those who are attacked, because they have been wronged, God indeed has the power to help them,

Yusuf Ali

To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid;-

ٱلَّذِينَ أُخْرِجُوا۟ مِن دِيَٰرِهِم بِغَيْرِ حَقٍّ إِلَّآ أَن يَقُولُوا۟ رَبُّنَا ٱللَّهُ ۗ وَلَوْلَا دَفْعُ ٱللَّهِ ٱلنَّاسَ بَعْضَهُم بِبَعْضٍۢ لَّهُدِّمَتْ صَوَٰمِعُ وَبِيَعٌۭ وَصَلَوَٰتٌۭ وَمَسَٰجِدُ يُذْكَرُ فِيهَا ٱسْمُ ٱللَّهِ كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَلَيَنصُرَنَّ ٱللَّهُ مَن يَنصُرُهُۥٓ ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَقَوِىٌّ عَزِيزٌ ﴿٤٠﴾

[They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right - only because they say, \"Our Lord is Allah.\" And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.


Allatheena okhrijoo min diyarihim bighayri haqqin illa an yaqooloo rabbuna Allahu walawla dafAAu Allahi alnnasa baAAdahum bibaAAdin lahuddimat sawamiAAu wabiyaAAun wasalawatun wamasajidu yuthkaru feeha ismu Allahi katheeran walayansuranna Allahu man yansuruhu inna Allaha laqawiyyun AAazeezun

Ahmed Ali

Who were driven away from their homes for no other reason than they said: \"Our Lord is God.\" And if God had not restrained some men through some others, monastries, churches, synagogues and mosques, where the name of God is honoured most, would have been razed. God will surely help those who help Him, -- verily God is all-powerful and all-mighty, --

Ahmed Raza Khan

Those who were unjustly expelled from their homes just because they said, “Allah is Our Lord”; and had Allah not repelled some men by means of other men, the abbeys, churches, synagogues and mosques – in which the name of Allah is profusely mentioned – would definitely be demolished; and indeed Allah will assist the one who helps His religion; indeed surely Allah is Almighty, Dominant.


who were expelled from their habitations without right, except that they say 'Our Lord is God.' Had God not driven back the people, some by the means of others, there had been destroyed cloisters and churches, oratories and mosques, wherein God's Name is much mentioned. Assuredly God will help him who helps Him -- surely God is All-strong, All-mighty


Those who have been driven forth from their abodes without justice, except because they say: our Lord is Allah. And were it not for Allah's repelling of someby means of others, cloisters and churches, synogogues and mosques wherein the name of Allah is mentioned much, would have been pulled down. Surely Allah shall succour whosoever succoureth Him; verily Allah is strong, Mighty

Hilali & Khan

Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said: \"Our Lord is Allah.\" - For had it not been that Allah checks one set of people by means of another, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, wherein the Name of Allah is mentioned much would surely have been pulled down. Verily, Allah will help those who help His (Cause). Truly, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.


Those who were unjustly evicted from their homes, merely for saying, “Our Lord is God.” Were it not that God repels people by means of others: monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques—where the name of God is mentioned much—would have been demolished. God supports whoever supports Him. God is Strong and Mighty.


those who were unjustly expelled from their homes for no other reason than their saying: \"Allah is Our Lord.\" If Allah were not to repel some through others, monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques wherein the name of Allah is much mentioned, would certainly have been pulled down. Allah will most certainly help those who will help Him. Verily Allah is Immensely Strong, Overwhelmingly Mighty.


Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said: \"Our Lord is Allah.\" For had it not been that Allah checks one set of people by means of another, Sawami`, Biya`, Salawat, and Masjids, wherein the Name of Allah is mentioned much, would surely have been pulled down. Verily, Allah will help those who help His (cause). Truly, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.


Those who have been driven from their homes unjustly only because they said: Our Lord is Allah - For had it not been for Allah's repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and oratories and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft mentioned, would assuredly have been pulled down. Verily Allah helpeth one who helpeth Him. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty -


—those who were expelled from their homes unjustly, only because they said, ‘Allah is our Lord.’ Had not Allah repulsed the people from one another, ruin would have befallen the monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques in which Allah’s Name is much invoked. Allah will surely help those who help Him. Indeed Allah is all-strong, all-mighty.

Qaribullah & Darwish

those who have been unjustly driven from their homes, just because they said: 'Our Lord is Allah' Had Allah not repelled some people by the means ofothers, the monasteries and churches, the synagogues and mosques in which the Name of Allah is remembered would have been destroyed. But whoever helps Allah shall be helped by Him. Allah is the Strong, the Almighty,


to those who were unjustly expelled from their homes only because they said, \"God is our Lord.\" Had it not been for God's repelling some people through the might of the others, the monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which God is very often worshipped would have been utterly destroyed. God shall certainly help those who help Him. He is All-powerful and Majestic.


Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And had there not been Allah's repelling some people by others, certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah's name is much remembered; and surely Allah will help him who helps His cause; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.

Wahiduddin Khan

they are those who have been driven out of their homes unjustly, only because they said, \"Our Lord is God.\" If God did not repel the aggression of some people by means of others, cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of God is much invoked, would surely be destroyed. God will surely help him who helps His cause -- God is indeed powerful and mighty.

Yusuf Ali

(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- (for no cause) except that they say, \"our Lord is Allah\". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause);- for verily Allah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will).

ٱلَّذِينَ إِن مَّكَّنَّٰهُمْ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ أَقَامُوا۟ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَءَاتَوُا۟ ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ وَأَمَرُوا۟ بِٱلْمَعْرُوفِ وَنَهَوْا۟ عَنِ ٱلْمُنكَرِ ۗ وَلِلَّهِ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلْأُمُورِ ﴿٤١﴾

[And they are] those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish prayer and give zakah and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allah belongs the outcome of [all] matters.


Allatheena in makkannahum fee alardi aqamoo alssalata waatawoo alzzakata waamaroo bialmaAAroofi wanahaw AAani almunkari walillahi AAaqibatu alomoori

Ahmed Ali

Those who would be firm in devotion, give zakat, and enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong, if We gave them authority in the land. But the resultance of things rests with God.

Ahmed Raza Khan

The people who, if We give them control in the land, would keep the prayer established and pay charity and enjoin virtue and forbid from evil; and for Allah only is the result of all works.


who, if We establish them in the land, perform the prayer, and pay the alms, and bid to honour, and forbid dishonour; and unto God belongs the issue of all affairs.


Those who if We establish them in the earth, shall establish the prayer and give the poor-rate and command that which is reputable and restrain that which is disreputable and unto Allah is the end of all affairs.

Hilali & Khan

Those (Muslim rulers) who, if We give them power in the land, (they) order for Iqamat-as-Salat. [i.e. to perform the five compulsory congregational Salat (prayers) (the males in mosques)], to pay the Zakat and they enjoin Al-Ma'ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do), and forbid Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism and all that Islam has forbidden) [i.e. they make the Quran as the law of their country in all the spheres of life]. And with Allah rests the end of (all) matters (of creatures).


Those who, when We empower them in the land, observe the prayer, and give regular charity, and command what is right, and forbid what is wrong. To God belongs the outcome of events.


(Allah will certainly help) those who, were We to bestow authority on them in the land, will establish Prayers, render Zakah, enjoin good, and forbid evil. The end of all matters rests with Allah.


Those who, if We give them power in the land, establish the Salah, enforce the Zakah, and they enjoin the good and forbid the evil. And with Allah rests the end of (all) matters.


Those who, if We give them power in the land, establish worship and pay the poor-due and enjoin kindness and forbid iniquity. And Allah's is the sequel of events.


Those who, if We granted them power in the land, will maintain the prayer, give the zakat, bid what is right and forbid what is wrong. And with Allah rests the outcome of all matters.

Qaribullah & Darwish

those who, if We established them in the land, will establish the prayers and pay the obligatory charity, order with honor and forbid dishonor, and to Allah is the end of all affairs.


He will certainly help those who, if given power in the land, will worship God through prayer, pay the religious tax, enjoin others do good, and prevent them from committing evil. The consequence of all things is in the hands of God.


Those who, should We establish them in the land, will keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and enjoin good and forbid evil; and Allah's is the end of affairs.

Wahiduddin Khan

[They are] those who, if We established them in the land, would say their prayers regularly and pay the zakat and enjoin good and forbid evil. The final outcome of all affairs rests with God.

Yusuf Ali

(They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs.

وَإِن يُكَذِّبُوكَ فَقَدْ كَذَّبَتْ قَبْلَهُمْ قَوْمُ نُوحٍۢ وَعَادٌۭ وَثَمُودُ ﴿٤٢﴾

And if they deny you, [O Muhammad] - so, before them, did the people of Noah and 'Aad and Thamud deny [their prophets],


Wain yukaththibooka faqad kaththabat qablahum qawmu noohin waAAadun wathamoodu

Ahmed Ali

If they accuse you of falsehood, (remember that) the people of Noah, 'Ad and Thamud had accused (their apostles) before,

Ahmed Raza Khan

If they belie you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), then indeed the people of Nooh, and the tribes of A’ad and Thamud have belied before them.


If they cry lies to thee, so too before them the people of Noah cried lies, and Ad and Thamood,


And if they belie thee, then surely there have belied before them the people of Nuh and the 'Aad and the Thamud.

Hilali & Khan

And if they belie you (O Muhammad SAW), so were belied the Prophets before them, (by) the people of Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud,


If they deny you—before them the people of Noah, and Aad, and Thamood also denied.


(O Prophet), if they give the lie to you, then before them the people of 'Ad and Thamud, also gave the lie (to the Prophets),


And if they deny you, so did deny before them the people of Nuh, `Ad and Thamud.


If they deny thee (Muhammad), even so the folk of Noah, and (the tribes of) A'ad and Thamud, before thee, denied (Our messengers);


If they impugn you, the people of Noah had impugned before them and ‘Ad and Thamud,

Qaribullah & Darwish

If they belie you, so too before them, the nation of Noah belied, and Aad and Thamood


If they have called you, (Muhammad), a liar, (remember that) the people of Noah, Ad, Thamud,


And if they reject you, then already before you did the people of Nuh and Ad and Samood reject (prophets).

Wahiduddin Khan

If your opponents deny you, remember that, before them, the people of Noah and the tribes of 'Ad and Thamud denied their messengers likewise.

Yusuf Ali

If they treat thy (mission) as false, so did the peoples before them (with their prophets),- the People of Noah, and 'Ad and Thamud;

وَقَوْمُ إِبْرَٰهِيمَ وَقَوْمُ لُوطٍۢ ﴿٤٣﴾

And the people of Abraham and the people of Lot


Waqawmu ibraheema waqawmu lootin

Ahmed Ali

And the people of Abraham and Lot,

Ahmed Raza Khan

And (so did) the people of Ibrahim and the people of Lut.


and the people of Abraham, the people of Lot,


And the people of Ibrahim and the people of Lut.

Hilali & Khan

And the people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and the people of Lout (Lot),


And the people of Abraham, and the people of Lot.


and so too did the people of Abraham and the people of Lot;


And the people of Ibrahim and the people of Lut,


And the folk of Abraham and the folk of Lot;


[as well as] the people of Abraham and the people of Lot,

Qaribullah & Darwish

and the nation of Abraham and the nation of Lot;


and the people of Abraham, Lot,


And the people of Ibrahim and the people of Lut,

Wahiduddin Khan

So did the people of Abraham and the people of Lot,

Yusuf Ali

Those of Abraham and Lut;

وَأَصْحَٰبُ مَدْيَنَ ۖ وَكُذِّبَ مُوسَىٰ فَأَمْلَيْتُ لِلْكَٰفِرِينَ ثُمَّ أَخَذْتُهُمْ ۖ فَكَيْفَ كَانَ نَكِيرِ ﴿٤٤﴾

And the inhabitants of Madyan. And Moses was denied, so I prolonged enjoyment for the disbelievers; then I seized them, and how [terrible] was My reproach.


Waashabu madyana wakuththiba moosa faamlaytu lilkafireena thumma akhathtuhum fakayfa kana nakeeri

Ahmed Ali

And the people of Midian too. Moses was also accused of lies. So I allowed the infidels respite and then seized them. How was My reprobation then!

Ahmed Raza Khan

And the people of Madyan; and Moosa was belied, so I gave the disbelievers respite and then seized them, so how (dreadful) was My punishment!


and the men of Midian; to Moses also they cried lies. And I respited the unbelievers, then I seized them; and how was My horror!


And the denizens of Madyan. And belied was Musa. I gave rein to the infidels; then took hold of them; so how hath been My wrath!

Hilali & Khan

And the dwellers of Madyan (Midian); and belied was Musa (Moses), but I granted respite to the disbelievers for a while, then I seized them, and how (terrible) was My Punishment (against their wrong-doing).


And the inhabitants of Median. And Moses was denied. Then I reprieved those who disbelieved, but then I seized them. So how was My rejection?


and so did the dwellers of Midian, and Moses too was branded a liar. Initially I granted respite to the unbelievers for a while and then seized them. How dreadful was My punishment!


And the dwellers of Madyan; and denied was Musa. But I granted respite to the disbelievers for a while, then I seized them, and how (terrible) was My punishment!


(And) the dwellers in Midian. And Moses was denied; but I indulged the disbelievers a long while, then I seized them, and how (terrible) was My abhorrence!


and the inhabitants of Midian, and Moses was also impugned. But I gave the faithless a respite, then I seized them and how was My rebuttal!

Qaribullah & Darwish

and the inhabitants of Midian, to Moses they also belied. I respited the unbelievers, then I seized them, and how was My disapproval!


Midian, and Moses had also called their Prophets liars. I gave respite to the unbelievers, then sized them with torment. How terrible was that torment!


As well as those of Madyan and Musa (too) was rejected, but I gave respite to the unbelievers, then did I overtake them, so how (severe) was My disapproval.

Wahiduddin Khan

and the inhabitants of Midian also charged their prophets with falsehood. Moses was also rejected. I gave respite to those who denied the truth, but then I seized them. Consider then, how terrible My repudiation of them was.

Yusuf Ali

And the Companions of the Madyan People; and Moses was rejected (in the same way). But I granted respite to the Unbelievers, and (only) after that did I punish them: but how (terrible) was my rejection (of them)!

فَكَأَيِّن مِّن قَرْيَةٍ أَهْلَكْنَٰهَا وَهِىَ ظَالِمَةٌۭ فَهِىَ خَاوِيَةٌ عَلَىٰ عُرُوشِهَا وَبِئْرٍۢ مُّعَطَّلَةٍۢ وَقَصْرٍۢ مَّشِيدٍ ﴿٤٥﴾

And how many a city did We destroy while it was committing wrong - so it is [now] fallen into ruin - and [how many] an abandoned well and [how many] a lofty palace.


Fakaayyin min qaryatin ahlaknaha wahiya thalimatun fahiya khawiyatun AAala AAurooshiha wabirin muAAattalatin waqasrin masheedin

Ahmed Ali

How many a habitation given to wickedness have We destroyed, whose roofs tumbled down, which fell into ruins. How many a well and fortress reinforced lie abandoned!

Ahmed Raza Khan

And many a township did We destroy, for they were oppressors – so they now lie flat on their roofs, and many a well lying useless and many a palace in ruins.


How many a city We have destroyed in its evildoing, and now it is fallen down upon its turrets! How many a ruined well, a tall palace!


How many a city have We destroyed, while it was a wrong- doer--and it lieth overturned on its roofs, -and how many a well abandoned and how many a castle fortifred!

Hilali & Khan

And many a township have We destroyed while it was given to wrong-doing, so that it lies in ruins (up to this day), and (many) a deserted well and lofty castles!


How many a town have We destroyed while it was doing wrong? They lie in ruins; with stilled wells, and lofty mansions.


How many towns have We destroyed because their people were steeped in iniquity: so they lie fallen down upon their turrets! How many wells lie deserted; and how many towering palaces lie in ruins!


And many a township did We destroy while they were given to wrongdoing, so that it lie in ruins, and a deserted well and castle Mashid!


How many a township have We destroyed while it was sinful, so that it lieth (to this day) in ruins, and (how many) a deserted well and lofty tower!


How many towns We have destroyed when they had been wrongdoers! So they lie fallen on their trellises, their wells neglected and their ruined palaces!

Qaribullah & Darwish

How many a village We have destroyed in its harmdoing, so that it lies fallen upon its turrets, and how many an abandoned well, and empty palace!


How many were the unjust dwellers of the towns that We destroyed. From their trellises to their lofty mansions, all were toppled and their wells were abandoned.


So how many a town did We destroy while it was unjust, so it was fallen down upon its roofs, and (how many a) deserted well and palace raised high.

Wahiduddin Khan

How many a town We destroyed which was given to wrongdoing, so that its roofs fell down, and how many a well is deserted and how many a lofty castle is in ruins.

Yusuf Ali

How many populations have We destroyed, which were given to wrong-doing? They tumbled down on their roofs. And how many wells are lying idle and neglected, and castles lofty and well-built?

أَفَلَمْ يَسِيرُوا۟ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ فَتَكُونَ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌۭ يَعْقِلُونَ بِهَآ أَوْ ءَاذَانٌۭ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا ۖ فَإِنَّهَا لَا تَعْمَى ٱلْأَبْصَٰرُ وَلَٰكِن تَعْمَى ٱلْقُلُوبُ ٱلَّتِى فِى ٱلصُّدُورِ ﴿٤٦﴾

So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts.


Afalam yaseeroo fee alardi fatakoona lahum quloobun yaAAqiloona biha aw athanun yasmaAAoona biha fainnaha la taAAma alabsaru walakin taAAma alquloobu allatee fee alssudoori

Ahmed Ali

Have they not travelled in the land that they could have the heart to understand, and ears to hear? It is not the eyes alone that do not see, oblivious are the hearts within their breasts.

Ahmed Raza Khan

So have they not travelled in the land, to have hearts with which to understand and ears to hear with? So it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the bosoms, that are blind.


What, have they not journeyed in the land so that they have hearts to understand with or ears to hear with? It is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts within the breasts.


Have they not marched forth in the land, so that there might become unto them hearts to understand with or ears re hear with? Verily it is not the sights that are blinded but blinded are the hearts that are in the breasts.

Hilali & Khan

Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.


Have they not journeyed in the land, and had minds to reason with, or ears to listen with? It is not the eyes that go blind, but it is the hearts, within the chests, that go blind.


Have they not journeyed in the land that their hearts might understand and their ears might listen? For indeed it is not the eyes that are blinded; it is rather the hearts in the breasts that are rendered blind.


Have they not traveled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.


Have they not travelled in the land, and have they hearts wherewith to feel and ears wherewith to hear? For indeed it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts, which are within the bosoms, that grow blind.


Have they not travelled through the land so that they may have hearts by which they may exercise their reason, or ears by which they may hear? Indeed, it is not the eyes that turn blind, but it is the hearts in the breasts that turn blind!

Qaribullah & Darwish

Have they never journeyed through the land so that they have hearts to understand, or ears to hear with? It is not the eyes, but the hearts in the chests that are blind.


Have they not travelled (sufficiently) in the land to have understanding hearts and listening ears? It is their hearts which are blind, not their ears.


Have they not travelled in the land so that they should have hearts with which to understand, or ears with which to hear? For surely it is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts.

Wahiduddin Khan

Have these people not travelled through the land to make their hearts understand and let their ears hear; the truth is that it is not the eyes that are blind but the hearts that are in the bosoms that are blinded.

Yusuf Ali

Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts.

وَيَسْتَعْجِلُونَكَ بِٱلْعَذَابِ وَلَن يُخْلِفَ ٱللَّهُ وَعْدَهُۥ ۚ وَإِنَّ يَوْمًا عِندَ رَبِّكَ كَأَلْفِ سَنَةٍۢ مِّمَّا تَعُدُّونَ ﴿٤٧﴾

And they urge you to hasten the punishment. But Allah will never fail in His promise. And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of those which you count.


WayastaAAjiloonaka bialAAathabi walan yukhlifa Allahu waAAdahu wainna yawman AAinda rabbika kaalfi sanatin mimma taAAuddoona

Ahmed Ali

That is how they ask you to hasten the punishment; but God does not go back on His promise. Verily a day with your Lord is equal by your reckoning to a thousand years.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And they ask you for the punishment – they are impatient – and Allah will not make His promise untrue; and indeed a single day before Allah is like a thousand years in your calculation.


And they demand of thee to hasten the chastisement! God will not fail His promise; and surely a day with thy Lord is as a thousand years of your counting.


And they ask thee to hasten on the torment, whereas Allah shall not fail His promise. And verily a day with thy Lord is as a thousand years of that which ye compute.

Hilali & Khan

And they ask you to hasten on the torment! And Allah fails not His Promise. And verily, a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you reckon.


And they ask you to hasten the punishment. But God never breaks His promise. A day with your Lord is like a thousand years of your count.


They ask you to hasten the punishment. Allah shall most certainly not fail His promise; but a Day with your Lord is as a thousand years of your reckoning.


And they ask you to hasten on the torment! And Allah fails not His promise. And verily a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you reckon.


And they will bid thee hasten on the Doom, and Allah faileth not His promise, but lo! a Day with Allah is as a thousand years of what ye reckon.


They ask you to hasten the punishment, though Allah will never break His promise. Indeed a day with your Lord is like a thousand years by your reckoning.

Qaribullah & Darwish

They ask you to hasten the punishment. Allah will not break His promise. Each day with your Lord is like a thousand years in your reckoning.


They want you to bring upon them their punishment without delay. God never disregards His promise. One day for God is equal to a thousand years for you.


And they ask you to hasten on the punishment, and Allah will by no means fail in His promise, and surely a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you number.

Wahiduddin Khan

They ask you to hasten the punishment; God will never go back on His promise. A Day with your Lord is like a thousand years in your reckoning.

Yusuf Ali

Yet they ask thee to hasten on the Punishment! But Allah will not fail in His Promise. Verily a Day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning.

وَكَأَيِّن مِّن قَرْيَةٍ أَمْلَيْتُ لَهَا وَهِىَ ظَالِمَةٌۭ ثُمَّ أَخَذْتُهَا وَإِلَىَّ ٱلْمَصِيرُ ﴿٤٨﴾

And for how many a city did I prolong enjoyment while it was committing wrong. Then I seized it, and to Me is the [final] destination.


Wakaayyin min qaryatin amlaytu laha wahiya thalimatun thumma akhathtuha wailayya almaseeru

Ahmed Ali

To how many habitations did We give respite, though given to wickedness, and then seized them. To Me they had to come back in the end.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And to many a township did I give respite although they were oppressors; then I seized them; and towards Me is the return.


How many a city I have respited in its evildoing; then I seized it, and to Me was the homecoming.


And how many a city did give reins to, While it wronged itself, then took hold of it! and unto Me is the return.

Hilali & Khan

And many a township did I give respite while it was given to wrong-doing. Then (in the end) I seized it (with punishment). And to Me is the (final) return (of all).


How many a town have I reprieved, although it was unjust? Then I seized it. To Me is the destination.


How many towns did I respite at first though they were steeped in iniquity, and then I seized them! To Me are all destined to return.


And many a township did I give respite while it was given to wrongdoing. Then I seized it (with punishment). And to Me is the (final) return (of all).


And how many a township did I suffer long though it was sinful! Then I grasped it. Unto Me is the return.


To how many a town did I give respite while it was doing wrong! Then I seized it, and toward Me is the destination.

Qaribullah & Darwish

And how many a village have I respited in its evil doing! Then I seized it. To Me is the return.


To how many unjust towns have We given respite and then sized with torment. To Me do all things return.


And how many a town to which I gave respite while it was unjust, then I overtook it, and to Me is the return.

Wahiduddin Khan

To how many a town We gave respite while it was given to wrongdoing. Then I seized it. To Me all things shall return.

Yusuf Ali

And to how many populations did I give respite, which were given to wrong-doing? in the end I punished them. To me is the destination (of all).

قُلْ يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّمَآ أَنَا۠ لَكُمْ نَذِيرٌۭ مُّبِينٌۭ ﴿٤٩﴾

Say, \"O people, I am only to you a clear warner.\"


Qul ya ayyuha alnnasu innama ana lakum natheerun mubeenun

Ahmed Ali

Tell them: \"O men, it's my duty to warn you clearly.\"

Ahmed Raza Khan

Proclaim, “O mankind, I am for you only a clear Herald of Warning.”


Say: 'O men, I am only for you a plain warner.'


Say thou: mankind! I am unto you only a warner manifest.

Hilali & Khan

Say (O Muhammad SAW): \"O mankind! I am (sent) to you only as a plain warner.\"


Say, “O people, I am only a plain warner to you.”


Say (O Muhammad): \"O people! I have been sent to you only as a plain warner (before the Doom strikes you).\"


Say: \"O mankind! I am (sent) to you only as a plain warner.\"


Say: O mankind! I am only a plain warner unto you.


Say, ‘O mankind! I am only a manifest warner to you!’

Qaribullah & Darwish

Say (Prophet Muhammad): 'O people, I have been sent to warn you plainly.


(Muhammad), tell them, \"People, I am giving you a clear warning.


Say: O people! I am only a plain warner to you.

Wahiduddin Khan

Say, \"O people, I am sent only to give you clear warning.\"

Yusuf Ali

Say: \"O men! I am (sent) to you only to give a Clear Warning:

فَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌۭ وَرِزْقٌۭ كَرِيمٌۭ ﴿٥٠﴾

And those who have believed and done righteous deeds - for them is forgiveness and noble provision.


Faallatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati lahum maghfiratun warizqun kareemun

Ahmed Ali

For those who believe and do the right is forgiveness and gracious provision.

Ahmed Raza Khan

So those who believed and did good deeds, for them are forgiveness, and an excellent sustenance.


Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness -- theirs shall be forgiveness and generous provision.


Then those who believe and work righteous works--for them is forgiveness and a provision honourable.

Hilali & Khan

So those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, for them is forgiveness and Rizqun Karim (generous provision, i.e. Paradise).


Those who believe and work righteousness—for them is forgiveness and a generous provision.


So those who believe and act righteously shall be granted forgiveness and an honourable sustenance,


So those who believe and do righteous good deeds, for them is forgiveness and Rizq Karim.


Those who believe and do good works, for them is pardon and a rich provision;


As for those who have faith and do righteous deeds, for them will be forgiveness and a noble provision.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Those who believe and do good works, theirs shall be forgiveness and a generous provision;


The righteously striving believers will receive forgiveness and honorable sustenance.


Then (as for) those who believe and do good, they shall have forgiveness and an honorable sustenance.

Wahiduddin Khan

Those who believe and do good deeds shall be forgiven and shall receive an honourable provision.

Yusuf Ali

\"Those who believe and work righteousness, for them is forgiveness and a sustenance most generous.

وَٱلَّذِينَ سَعَوْا۟ فِىٓ ءَايَٰتِنَا مُعَٰجِزِينَ أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ أَصْحَٰبُ ٱلْجَحِيمِ ﴿٥١﴾

But the ones who strove against Our verses, [seeking] to cause failure - those are the companions of Hellfire.


Waallatheena saAAaw fee ayatina muAAajizeena olaika ashabu aljaheemi

Ahmed Ali

But those who try to defeat Our signs are people of Hell.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And those who strive in Our signs with the intention of disputing, are the people of fire.


And those who strive against Our signs to void them -- they shall be the inhabitants of Hell.


And those who endeavour in respect of Our signs to frustrate them- those shall be the fellows of Flaming Fire.

Hilali & Khan

But those who strive against Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), to frustrate and obstruct them, they will be dwellers of the Hell-fire.


But those who strive against Our revelations—these are the inmates of Hell.


whereas those who strive against Our Signs, seeking to profane them, they are the friends of the Fire!


But those who strive against Our Ayat to frustrate them, they will be dwellers of the Hellfire.


While those who strive to thwart Our revelations, such are rightful owners of the Fire.


But as for those who contend with Our signs, seeking to frustrate [their purpose], they shall be the inmates of hell.

Qaribullah & Darwish

but those who strive to void Our verses, thinking they have escaped, shall be the people of Hell'


Those who try to challenge Our miracles will be the dwellers of hell.\"


And (as for) those who strive to oppose Our communications, they shall be the inmates of the flaming fire.

Wahiduddin Khan

Whereas those who strive against Our signs, seeking to defeat their purpose, shall be the inmates of the Fire.

Yusuf Ali

\"But those who strive against Our Signs, to frustrate them,- they will be Companions of the Fire.\"

وَمَآ أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ مِن رَّسُولٍۢ وَلَا نَبِىٍّ إِلَّآ إِذَا تَمَنَّىٰٓ أَلْقَى ٱلشَّيْطَٰنُ فِىٓ أُمْنِيَّتِهِۦ فَيَنسَخُ ٱللَّهُ مَا يُلْقِى ٱلشَّيْطَٰنُ ثُمَّ يُحْكِمُ ٱللَّهُ ءَايَٰتِهِۦ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌۭ ﴿٥٢﴾

And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he spoke [or recited], Satan threw into it [some misunderstanding]. But Allah abolishes that which Satan throws in; then Allah makes precise His verses. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.


Wama arsalna min qablika min rasoolin wala nabiyyin illa itha tamanna alqa alshshaytanu fee omniyyatihi fayansakhu Allahu ma yulqee alshshaytanu thumma yuhkimu Allahu ayatihi waAllahu AAaleemun hakeemun

Ahmed Ali

We have sent no messenger or apostle before you with whose recitations Satan did not tamper. Yet God abrogates what Satan interpolates; then He confirms His revelations, for God is all-knowing and all-wise.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And all the Noble Messengers or Prophets whom We sent before you – it occurred with all of them – that whenever they recited (the message) Satan included a bit (from his own speech) in their recitation to the people; so Allah obliterates what Satan includes and then Allah fortifies His verses; and Allah is All Knowing, Wise.


We sent not ever any Messenger or Prophet before thee, but that Satan cast into his fancy, when he was fancying; but God annuls what Satan casts, then God confirms His signs -- surely God is All-knowing, All-wise --


And We have sent before thee no apostle or prophet but when he read the Satan cast forth suggestions in respect of his reading; then Allah abolisheth that which the Satan casteth forth; then Allah confirmeth His revelations; and Allah is Knowing. Wise;

Hilali & Khan

Never did We send a Messenger or a Prophet before you, but; when he did recite the revelation or narrated or spoke, Shaitan (Satan) threw (some falsehood) in it. But Allah abolishes that which Shaitan (Satan) throws in. Then Allah establishes His Revelations. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise:


We never sent a messenger before you, or a prophet, but when he had a desire Satan interfered in his wishes. But God nullifies what Satan interjects, and God affirms His revelations. God is Omniscient and Wise.


Never did We send a Messenger or a Prophet before you (O Muhammad), but that whenever he had a desire, Satan interfered with that desire. Allah eradicates the interference of Satan and strengthens His Signs. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.


Never did We send a Messenger or a Prophet before you but when he did recite (the revelation or narrated or spoke), Shaytan threw (some falsehood) in his recitation (of the revelation). But Yansakh Allah that which Shaytan throws in. Then Allah establishes His revelations. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise:


Never sent We a messenger or a prophet before thee but when He recited (the message) Satan proposed (opposition) in respect of that which he recited thereof. But Allah abolisheth that which Satan proposeth. Then Allah establisheth His revelations. Allah is Knower, Wise;


We did not send any apostle or prophet before you but that when he recited [the scripture] Satan interjected [something] in his recitation. Thereat Allah nullifies whatever Satan has interjected, and then Allah confirms His signs, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Never have We sent a Messenger or a Prophet before you, but when he hoped, satan tampered with his hope. But Allah supersedes the tampering of satan and confirms His verses. And Allah is the Knower, the Wise.


Satan would try to tamper with the desires of every Prophet or Messenger whom We sent. Then God would remove Satan's temptations and strengthen His revelations. God is All-knowing and All-wise.


And We did not send before you any apostle or prophet, but when he desired, the Shaitan made a suggestion respecting his desire; but Allah annuls that which the Shaitan casts, then does Allah establish His communications, and Allah is Knowing, Wise,

Wahiduddin Khan

Whenever We sent any messenger or prophet before you, and he recited anything [of Our revelation], Satan tampered with it. But God abrogates Satan's interjections and then He firmly reaffirms His revelations. God is all knowing and all wise.

Yusuf Ali

Never did We send a messenger or a prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and Allah will confirm (and establish) His Signs: for Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom:

لِّيَجْعَلَ مَا يُلْقِى ٱلشَّيْطَٰنُ فِتْنَةًۭ لِّلَّذِينَ فِى قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌۭ وَٱلْقَاسِيَةِ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۗ وَإِنَّ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ لَفِى شِقَاقٍۭ بَعِيدٍۢ ﴿٥٣﴾

[That is] so He may make what Satan throws in a trial for those within whose hearts is disease and those hard of heart. And indeed, the wrongdoers are in extreme dissension.


LiyajAAala ma yulqee alshshaytanu fitnatan lillatheena fee quloobihim maradun waalqasiyati quloobuhum wainna alththalimeena lafee shiqaqin baAAeedin

Ahmed Ali

This is in order to make the interpolations of Satan a test for those whose hearts are diseased and hardened: Surely the sinners have gone far in dissent.

Ahmed Raza Khan

So that He may make what the devil includes a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease, and those whose hearts are hardened; indeed the unjust are extremely quarrelsome.


that He may make what Satan casts a trial for those in whose hearts is sickness, and those whose hearts are hard; and surely the evildoers are in wide schism;


That he may make that which the Satan casteth forth a temptation for those in whose heart is a disease and whose hearts are hardened--and the wrong-doers are in divergence far-off -

Hilali & Khan

That He (Allah) may make what is thrown in by Shaitan (Satan) a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy and disbelief) and whose hearts are hardened. And certainly, the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) are in an opposition far-off (from the truth against Allah's Messenger and the believers).


In order to make Satan’s suggestions a trial for those whose hearts are diseased, and those whose hearts are hardened. The wrongdoers are in profound discord.


(He does this) in order that He may make the evil caused by Satan a trial for those in whose hearts there is sickness (of hypocrisy), whose hearts are hard (and vitiated). Surely these wrong-doers have gone too far in their dissension.


That He (Allah) may make what is thrown in by Shaytan a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and whose hearts are hardened. And certainly, the wrongdoers are in an opposition far-off (from the truth).


That He may make that which the devil proposeth a temptation for those in whose hearts is a disease, and those whose hearts are hardened - Lo! the evil-doers are in open schism -


That He may make what Satan has thrown in a test for those in whose hearts is a sickness and those whose hearts have hardened. Indeed the wrongdoers are steeped in extreme defiance.

Qaribullah & Darwish

(This He permits) in order that He makes satan's interjections a temptation for those in whose hearts is a sickness and those whose hearts are hardened and the harmdoers are in a wide schism,


He would make Satan's temptations a trial for those whose hearts are hard and sick. The wrong-doers are far away from the Lord,


So that He may make what the Shaitan casts a trial for those in whose hearts is disease and those whose hearts are hard; and most surely the unjust are in a great opposition,

Wahiduddin Khan

He makes Satan's suggestions a trial for those whose hearts are diseased or hardened, and, surely, the wrongdoers are far gone in error,

Yusuf Ali

That He may make the suggestions thrown in by Satan, but a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and who are hardened of heart: verily the wrong-doers are in a schism far (from the Truth):

وَلِيَعْلَمَ ٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُوا۟ ٱلْعِلْمَ أَنَّهُ ٱلْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكَ فَيُؤْمِنُوا۟ بِهِۦ فَتُخْبِتَ لَهُۥ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۗ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَهَادِ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِلَىٰ صِرَٰطٍۢ مُّسْتَقِيمٍۢ ﴿٥٤﴾

And so those who were given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord and [therefore] believe in it, and their hearts humbly submit to it. And indeed is Allah the Guide of those who have believed to a straight path.


WaliyaAAlama allatheena ootoo alAAilma annahu alhaqqu min rabbika fayuminoo bihi fatukhbita lahu quloobuhum wainna Allaha lahadi allatheena amanoo ila siratin mustaqeemin

Ahmed Ali

At the same time those who have been given knowledge may know that this is the truth from your Lord, and come to believe in it, and their hearts become submissive to Him. Verily God guides those who believe, to the even path.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And so that the people given the knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, in order that they may accept faith in it, therefore their hearts may humble before Him; and indeed Allah will guide the believers on the Straight Path.


and that they who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from thy Lord and believe in it, and so their hearts be humble unto Him; and assuredly God ever guides those who believe to a straight path.


And that those who have been vouchsafed knowledge may know that it is the truth from thy Lord and may believe therein, and so their hearts may submit thereto. And verily Allah is the Guide of those who believe unto a path straight.

Hilali & Khan

And that those who have been given knowledge may know that it (this Quran) is the truth from your Lord, and that they may believe therein, and their hearts may submit to it with humility. And verily, Allah is the Guide of those who believe, to the Straight Path.


And so that those endowed with knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, and so believe in it, and their hearts soften to it. God guides those who believe to a straight path.


(He also does this) in order that those endowed with knowledge may know that it is the Truth from your Lord and that they may have faith in it and their hearts may humble themselves before Him. Verily Allah always directs those that believe to the Right Way.


And that those who have been given knowledge may know that it (this Qur'an) is the truth from your Lord, so that they may believe therein, and their hearts may submit to it with humility. And verily, Allah is the Guide of those who believe, to the straight path.


And that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from thy Lord, so that they may believe therein and their hearts may submit humbly unto Him. Lo! Allah verily is guiding those who believe unto a right path.


[And also for the reason] that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, and so they may have faith in it, and their hearts may be humbled before Him. Indeed Allah guides those who have faith to a straight path.

Qaribullah & Darwish

and so that those to whom knowledge has been given will know that this is the truth from your Lord and so believe in it and that their hearts will be humble to Him. Indeed, Allah will surely guide those who believe to a Straight Path.


so that those who have received knowledge would know and believe that whatever happens with the Prophets and Messengers is the Truth from their Lord and will believe it. This will cause their hearts to become filled with awe. God guides the believers to the right path.


And that those who have been given the knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, so they may believe in it and their hearts may be lowly before it; and most surely Allah is the Guide of those who believe into a right path.

Wahiduddin Khan

so that those who are given knowledge may realize that this is the truth from your Lord and thus believe in it, and so that in their hearts they may humbly submit to Him. God will surely guide the faithful to a straight path.

Yusuf Ali

And that those on whom knowledge has been bestowed may learn that the (Qur'an) is the Truth from thy Lord, and that they may believe therein, and their hearts may be made humbly (open) to it: for verily Allah is the Guide of those who believe, to the Straight Way.

وَلَا يَزَالُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ فِى مِرْيَةٍۢ مِّنْهُ حَتَّىٰ تَأْتِيَهُمُ ٱلسَّاعَةُ بَغْتَةً أَوْ يَأْتِيَهُمْ عَذَابُ يَوْمٍ عَقِيمٍ ﴿٥٥﴾

But those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt of it until the Hour comes upon them unexpectedly or there comes to them the punishment of a barren Day.


Wala yazalu allatheena kafaroo fee miryatin minhu hatta tatiyahumu alssaAAatu baghtatan aw yatiyahum AAathabu yawmin AAaqeemin

Ahmed Ali

The infidels will remain in doubt about it till the Hour overtakes them unawares, or the punishment of the barren day destructive should come upon them.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And the disbelievers will always be in doubt of it, to the extent that the Last Day will suddenly come upon them, or will come upon them the punishment of a day the result of which is not at all good for them.


And the unbelievers will not cease to be in doubt of it, until the Hour comes on them suddenly, or there shall come upon them the chastisement of a barren day.


And those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt thereof until the Hour cometh upon them on a sudden, or there cometh upon them the torment of a Barren Day.

Hilali & Khan

And those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt about it (this Quran) until the Hour comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the torment of the Day after which there will be no night (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).


Those who disbelieve will continue to be hesitant about it, until the Hour comes upon them suddenly, or there comes to them the torment of a desolate Day.


The unbelievers will not cease to be in doubt about it until the Hour suddenly comes upon them, or the chastisement of an ominous day overtakes them.


And those who disbelieved, will not cease to be in doubt about it until the Hour comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the torment of Yawm `Aqim.


And those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt thereof until the Hour come upon them unawares, or there come unto them the doom of a disastrous day.


Those who are faithless persist in their doubt about it, until either the Hour overtakes them suddenly, or they are overtaken by the punishment of an inauspicious day.

Qaribullah & Darwish

The unbelievers will never cease to doubt it until the Hour overtakes them suddenly or the punishment of the Barren Day comes upon them.


The unbelievers will continue to doubt the Quran until the Hour of Doom suddenly sizes them or the torment of the last day strikes them.


And those who disbelieve shall not cease to be in doubt concerning it until the hour overtakes them suddenly, or there comes on them the chastisement of a destructive day.

Wahiduddin Khan

Those who deny the truth will continue in doubt until the [Last] Hour suddenly comes upon them or the scourge of the woeful Day descends upon them.

Yusuf Ali

Those who reject Faith will not cease to be in doubt concerning (Revelation) until the Hour (of Judgment) comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the Penalty of a Day of Disaster.

ٱلْمُلْكُ يَوْمَئِذٍۢ لِّلَّهِ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَهُمْ ۚ فَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ فِى جَنَّٰتِ ٱلنَّعِيمِ ﴿٥٦﴾

[All] sovereignty that Day is for Allah; He will judge between them. So they who believed and did righteous deeds will be in the Gardens of Pleasure.


Almulku yawmaithin lillahi yahkumu baynahum faallatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati fee jannati alnnaAAeemi

Ahmed Ali

The order will be God's on that Day; He will judge between them. Then those who had come to believe and done the right will be in gardens of delight.

Ahmed Raza Khan

For Allah only is the kingship on that day; He will judge between them; so those who believed and did good deeds are in Gardens of content.


The Kingdom upon that day shall belong to God, and He shall judge between them. As for those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, they shall be in Gardens of Bliss.


The dominion on that Day will be Allah's; He shall judge between them; then those who believed and worked righteous works shall be in the Gardens of Delight.

Hilali & Khan

The sovereignty on that Day will be that of Allah (the one Who has no partners). He will judge between them. So those who believed (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and did righteous good deeds will be in Gardens of delight (Paradise).


Sovereignty on that Day belongs to God; He will judge between them. Those who believe and do good deeds will be in the Gardens of Bliss.


On that Day all sovereignty shall be Allah's and He will judge among them. Then those who believed and acted righteously shall be in Gardens of Bliss.


The sovereignty on that Day will be that of Allah. He will judge between them. So those who believed and did righteous good deeds will be in Gardens of Delight.


The Sovereignty on that day will be Allah's, He will judge between them. Then those who believed and did good works will be in Gardens of Delight,


On that day all sovereignty will belong to Allah: He will judge between them; then those who have faith and do righteous deeds will be in gardens of bliss,

Qaribullah & Darwish

The Kingdom upon that Day shall belong to Allah. He will judge between them. Those who believe and do good works shall be in Gardens of Bliss,


On that day it is God who will be the Absolute King and Judge of (mankind). The righteously striving believers will go to Paradise


The kingdom on that day shall be Allah's; He will judge between them; so those who believe and do good will be in gardens of bliss.

Wahiduddin Khan

On that Day all control will belong to God. He will judge between them. Those who believe and do good deeds shall enter the Gardens of Bliss,

Yusuf Ali

On that Day of Dominion will be that of Allah: He will judge between them: so those who believe and work righteous deeds will be in Gardens of Delight.

وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ وَكَذَّبُوا۟ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا فَأُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌۭ مُّهِينٌۭ ﴿٥٧﴾

And they who disbelieved and denied Our signs - for those there will be a humiliating punishment.


Waallatheena kafaroo wakaththaboo biayatina faolaika lahum AAathabun muheenun

Ahmed Ali

But those who did not believe and called Our revelations lies, will be given disgraceful punishment.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And those who disbelieved and denied Our signs – for them will be a disgraceful punishment.


But as for the unbelievers, who cried lies to Our signs; for them awaits a humbling chastisement.


And those who disbelieved and belied Our signs--then these! for them will be a torment ignominous.

Hilali & Khan

And those who disbelieved and belied Our Verses (of this Quran), for them will be a humiliating torment (in Hell).


But those who disbelieve and reject Our revelations—these will have a humiliating punishment.


A humiliating chastisement awaits those who disbelieved and denied Our Signs.


And those who disbelieved and denied Our Ayat, for them will be a humiliating torment (in Hell).


While those who disbelieved and denied Our revelations, for them will be a shameful doom.


and those who are faithless and deny Our signs—for such there will be a humiliating punishment.

Qaribullah & Darwish

but for those who disbelieved Our verses and belied there awaits a humbling punishment.


and the unbelievers who called Our revelations lies will suffer humiliating torment.


And (as for) those who disbelieve in and reject Our communications, these it is who shall have a disgraceful chastisement.

Wahiduddin Khan

but those who deny the truth and deny Our signs will receive a humiliating punishment.

Yusuf Ali

And for those who reject Faith and deny our Signs, there will be a humiliating Punishment.

وَٱلَّذِينَ هَاجَرُوا۟ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ ثُمَّ قُتِلُوٓا۟ أَوْ مَاتُوا۟ لَيَرْزُقَنَّهُمُ ٱللَّهُ رِزْقًا حَسَنًۭا ۚ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ ٱلرَّٰزِقِينَ ﴿٥٨﴾

And those who emigrated for the cause of Allah and then were killed or died - Allah will surely provide for them a good provision. And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers.


Waallatheena hajaroo fee sabeeli Allahi thumma qutiloo aw matoo layarzuqannahumu Allahu rizqan hasanan wainna Allaha lahuwa khayru alrraziqeena

Ahmed Ali

Those who left their homes in the way of God, and then were killed or died, will surely be given a better provision by God, for God is surely the best of providers.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And those who left their homes and belongings in Allah's cause and were then killed or died – Allah will therefore indeed provide for them an excellent sustenance; and indeed the sustenance bestowed by Allah is the best.


And those who emigrated in God's way and were slain, or died, God shall provide them with a fair provision; and surely God is the best of providers.


And those who emigrated in the way of Allah, and thereafter they were slain or they died - surely Allah will provide them with a goodly provision; and verily Allah! He is the Best Provider.

Hilali & Khan

Those who emigrated in the Cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely, Allah will provide a good provision for them. And verily, it is Allah Who indeed is the Best of those who make provision.


Those who emigrate in God’s cause, then get killed, or die, God will provide them with fine provisions. God is the Best of Providers.


As for those who migrated in the way of Allah, whereafter they were slain, or died, Allah will certainly grant them a goodly provision. Indeed, Allah is the Best of all those who provide.


Those who emigrated in the cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely, Allah will provide a good provision for them. And verily, it is Allah Who indeed is the Best of those who make provision.


Those who fled their homes for the cause of Allah and then were slain or died, Allah verily will provide for them a good provision. Lo! Allah, He verily is Best of all who make provision.


Those who migrate in the way of Allah and then are slain, or die, Allah will surely provide them with a good provision. Allah is indeed the best of providers.

Qaribullah & Darwish

As for those who emigrated in the way of Allah and were slain, or died, Allah will provide them with fine provisions. Allah is the Best of providers.


Those who abandoned their homes for the cause of God and who then died or were murdered will receive honorable sustenance from God; He is the Most Generous and Munificent.


And (as for) those who fly in Allah's way and are then slain or die, Allah will most certainly grant them a goodly sustenance, and most surely Allah is the best Giver of sustenance.

Wahiduddin Khan

As for those who left their homes for the cause of God and then were slain or died, God will give them a generous provision. Surely God is the Best of Providers.

Yusuf Ali

Those who leave their homes in the cause of Allah, and are then slain or die,- On them will Allah bestow verily a goodly Provision: Truly Allah is He Who bestows the best provision.

لَيُدْخِلَنَّهُم مُّدْخَلًۭا يَرْضَوْنَهُۥ ۗ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَعَلِيمٌ حَلِيمٌۭ ﴿٥٩﴾

He will surely cause them to enter an entrance with which they will be pleased, and indeed, Allah is Knowing and Forbearing.


Layudkhilannahum mudkhalan yardawnahu wainna Allaha laAAaleemun haleemun

Ahmed Ali

God will surely lead them to a place with which they will be gratified. Verily God is all-knowing and forbearing.

Ahmed Raza Khan

He will certainly admit them to a place they will love; and indeed Allah is All Knowing, Most Forbearing.


He shall admit them by a gate that is well-pleasing to them; and surely God is All-knowing, All-clement.


Surely He will make them enter an entrance wherewith they will be well pleased and verily Allah is Knowing, Forbearing.

Hilali & Khan

Truly, He will make them enter an entrance with which they shall be well-pleased, and verily, Allah indeed is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.


He will admit them an admittance that will please them. God is Knowing and Clement.


He will surely admit them to a resort which will please them. Most certainly Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.


Truly, He will make them enter an entrance with which they shall be well-pleased, and verily, Allah indeed is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.


Assuredly He will cause them to enter by an entry that they will love. Lo! Allah verily is Knower, Indulgent.


He will admit them into an abode they are pleased with. Indeed Allah is all-knowing, all-forbearing.

Qaribullah & Darwish

He will admit them by a gate that is pleasing to them, and surely, Allah is the Knower, the Clement.


God will certainly admit them to a pleasant dwelling. God is All-knowing and Forbearing.


He will certainly cause them to enter a place of entrance which they shall be well pleased with, and most surely Allah is Knowing, Forbearing.

Wahiduddin Khan

He will admit them to a place with which they shall be well-pleased. For God is all knowing and most forbearing.

Yusuf Ali

Verily He will admit them to a place with which they shall be well pleased: for Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.

۞ ذَٰلِكَ وَمَنْ عَاقَبَ بِمِثْلِ مَا عُوقِبَ بِهِۦ ثُمَّ بُغِىَ عَلَيْهِ لَيَنصُرَنَّهُ ٱللَّهُ ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَعَفُوٌّ غَفُورٌۭ ﴿٦٠﴾

That [is so]. And whoever responds [to injustice] with the equivalent of that with which he was harmed and then is tyrannized - Allah will surely aid him. Indeed, Allah is Pardoning and Forgiving.


Thalika waman AAaqaba bimithli ma AAooqiba bihi thumma bughiya AAalayhi layansurannahu Allahu inna Allaha laAAafuwwun ghafoorun

Ahmed Ali

Whosoever retaliates to the extent of injury suffered by him, and is wronged again, will certainly be helped by God. Verily God is forgiving and kind.

Ahmed Raza Khan

So it is; and whoever retaliates similarly to the affliction he was made to suffer, and then he is wronged again – so Allah will definitely assist him; indeed Allah is Oft Pardoning, Oft Forgiving.


All that; and whosoever chastises after the manner that he was chastised and then again is oppressed, assuredly God will help him; surely God is All-pardoning, All-forgiving.


That is so. And whosoever Chastiseth the like of that whereby He was injured, and thereafter he hath been ogain oppressed, surely Allah will succour him: verily Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving.

Hilali & Khan

That is so. And whoever has retaliated with the like of that which he was made to suffer, and then has again been wronged, Allah will surely help him. Verily! Allah indeed is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.


That is so! Whoever retaliates similarly to the affliction he was made to suffer, and then he is wronged again, God will definitely assist him. God is Pardoning and Forgiving.


That indeed is so, as for him who retaliates in proportion to the excess committed against him, and is thereafter again subjected to transgression, Allah will surely aid him. Verily Allah is All-Pardoning, All-Forgiving.


That is so. And whoever has retaliated with the like of that which he was made to suffer, and then has again been wronged, Allah will surely help him. Verily, Allah indeed is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.


That (is so). And whoso hath retaliated with the like of that which he was made to suffer and then hath (again) been wronged, Allah will succour him. Lo! Allah verily is Mild, Forgiving.


So will it be; and whoever retaliates with the like of what he has been made to suffer, and is aggressed against [again] thereafter, Allah will surely help him. Indeed Allah is all-excusing, all-forgiving.

Qaribullah & Darwish

So shall it be. He who punishes after the manner that he was punished and then again is oppressed, shall be helped by Allah. Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving.


One who is wronged and who retaliates by that which is equal to his suffering, God will certainly help him; He is All-pardoning and All-forgiving.


That (shall be so); and he who retaliates with the like of that with which he has been afflicted and he has been oppressed, Allah will most certainly aid him; most surely Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving.

Wahiduddin Khan

Thus it shall be. As for one who retaliates to the same extent as he has suffered and then is again wronged, God will surely come to his aid. God is merciful and forgiving.

Yusuf Ali

That (is so). And if one has retaliated to no greater extent than the injury he received, and is again set upon inordinately, Allah will help him: for Allah is One that blots out (sins) and forgives (again and again).

ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُولِجُ ٱلَّيْلَ فِى ٱلنَّهَارِ وَيُولِجُ ٱلنَّهَارَ فِى ٱلَّيْلِ وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ سَمِيعٌۢ بَصِيرٌۭ ﴿٦١﴾

That is because Allah causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night and because Allah is Hearing and Seeing.


Thalika bianna Allaha yooliju allayla fee alnnahari wayooliju alnnahara fee allayli waanna Allaha sameeAAun baseerun

Ahmed Ali

That is so for God turns night into day and day into night, for God is all-hearing and all-seeing;

Ahmed Raza Khan

This is because Allah inserts the night into a part of the day and inserts the day into a part of the night, and because Allah is All Hearing, All Seeing.


That is because God makes the night to enter into the day and makes the day to enter into the night; and that God is All-hearing, All-seeing.


That is to be because Allah plungeth the night into the day and plungeth the day into the night, and because He is Hearing, Beholding.

Hilali & Khan

That is because Allah merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night. And verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer.


That is because God merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night, and because God is Hearing and Seeing.


So shall it be because it is Allah Who causes the night to emerge out of the day and causes the day to emerge out of the night and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.


That is because Allah merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night. And verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer.


That is because Allah maketh the night to pass into the day and maketh the day to pass into the night, and because Allah is Hearer, Seer.


So will it be, because Allah makes the night pass into the day and makes the day pass into the night, and because Allah is all-hearing, all-seeing.

Qaribullah & Darwish

That is because Allah causes the night to enter into the day, and the day enter into the night. Allah is the Hearer and the Seer.


God causes the night to enter the day and the day to enter the night. He is All-hearing and All-aware.


That is because Allah causes the night to enter into the day and causes the day to enter into the night, and because Allah is Hearing, Seeing.

Wahiduddin Khan

That is because God makes the night pass into the day and makes the day pass into the night. God is all hearing and all seeing.

Yusuf Ali

That is because Allah merges night into day, and He merges day into night, and verily it is Allah Who hears and sees (all things).

ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ هُوَ ٱلْحَقُّ وَأَنَّ مَا يَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِهِۦ هُوَ ٱلْبَٰطِلُ وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ هُوَ ٱلْعَلِىُّ ٱلْكَبِيرُ ﴿٦٢﴾

That is because Allah is the Truth, and that which they call upon other than Him is falsehood, and because Allah is the Most High, the Grand.


Thalika bianna Allaha huwa alhaqqu waanna ma yadAAoona min doonihi huwa albatilu waanna Allaha huwa alAAaliyyu alkabeeru

Ahmed Ali

That is so for God is the undeniable truth, and what they invoke apart from Him is false; yet God is all-high and supreme.

Ahmed Raza Khan

This is because Allah only is the Truth, and what they worship other than Him, is itself falsehood, and because Allah only is the Supreme, the Great.


That is because God -- He is the Truth, and that they call upon apart from Him -- that is the false; and for that God is the All-high, the All-great.


That is because Allah! He is the Truth, and because that which they call upon beside Him--it is the false. And verily Allah! He is the High, the Great.

Hilali & Khan

That is because Allah He is the Truth (the only True God of all that exists, Who has no partners or rivals with Him), and what they (the polytheists) invoke besides Him, it is Batil (falsehood) And verily, Allah He is the Most High, the Most Great.


That is because God is the Reality, and what they invoke besides Him is vanity, and because God is the Sublime, the Grand.


So shall it be because Allah, He is the Truth, and all whom they invoke instead of Him are false. Allah is Most High, All-Great.


That is because Allah -- He is the Truth, and what they invoke besides Him, it is false. And verily, Allah -- He is the Most High, the Most Great.


That is because Allah, He is the True, and that whereon they call instead of Him, it is the false, and because Allah, He is the High, the Great.


So will it be, because Allah is the Reality, and what they invoke besides Him is nullity, and because Allah is the All-exalted, the All-great.

Qaribullah & Darwish

That is because Allah is the Truth, and falsehood is all that they call upon, other than Him. Allah is the Most High, the Most Great.


God is the Supreme Truth and whatever they worship instead of Him is falsehood. God is most Exalted and most Great.


That is because Allah is the Truth, and that what they call upon besides Him-- that is the falsehood, and because Allah is the High, the Great.

Wahiduddin Khan

That is because God is the Truth while anything they invoke besides God is sheer falsehood. God is the Sublime, the Great One.

Yusuf Ali

That is because Allah - He is the Reality; and those besides Him whom they invoke,- they are but vain Falsehood: verily Allah is He, Most High, Most Great.

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ أَنزَلَ مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءًۭ فَتُصْبِحُ ٱلْأَرْضُ مُخْضَرَّةً ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَطِيفٌ خَبِيرٌۭ ﴿٦٣﴾

Do you not see that Allah has sent down rain from the sky and the earth becomes green? Indeed, Allah is Subtle and Acquainted.


Alam tara anna Allaha anzala mina alssamai maan fatusbihu alardu mukhdarratan inna Allaha lateefun khabeerun

Ahmed Ali

Do you not see how God sends down water from the sky and in the morning the earth turns green? Truly God is benign and well-informed.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Did you not see that Allah sent down water from the sky, so the earth became green at morn? Indeed Allah is Pure, Aware.


Hast thou not seen how that God has sent down out of heaven water, and in the morning the earth becomes green? God is All-subtle, All-aware.


Beholdest thou not that Allah sendeth down water from the heaven and the earth becometh green? Verily Allah is subtile, Aware.

Hilali & Khan

See you not that Allah sends down water (rain) from the sky, and then the earth becomes green? Verily, Allah is the Most Kind and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things.


Do you not see that God sends down water from the sky, and the land becomes green? God is Kind and Aware.


Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the sky whereby the earth turns green? Verily Allah is Subtle, All-Aware.


See you not that Allah sends down water from the sky, and then the earth becomes green Verily, Allah is the Most Kind and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things.


Seest thou not how Allah sendeth down water from the sky and then the earth becometh green upon the morrow? Lo! Allah is Subtile, Aware.


Have you not regarded that Allah sends down water from the sky, whereupon the earth turns green? Indeed Allah is all-attentive, all-aware.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the sky and in the morning the earth becomes green? Allah is Subtle, the Aware.


Have you not seen that God has sent water from the sky and has made the earth green all over. He is Kind and All-aware.


Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the cloud so the earth becomes green? Surely Allah is Benignant, Aware.

Wahiduddin Khan

Have you not seen how God sends down water from sky, whereupon the earth becomes green? God is unfathomable, and all aware;

Yusuf Ali

Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and forthwith the earth becomes clothed with green? for Allah is He Who understands the finest mysteries, and is well-acquainted (with them).

لَّهُۥ مَا فِى ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَمَا فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ ۗ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَهُوَ ٱلْغَنِىُّ ٱلْحَمِيدُ ﴿٦٤﴾

To Him belongs what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. And indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy.


Lahu ma fee alssamawati wama fee alardi wainna Allaha lahuwa alghaniyyu alhameedu

Ahmed Ali

Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him. Surely God is all-sufficing, worthy of praise.

Ahmed Raza Khan

To Him only belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; and indeed Allah only is the Perfect (Not Needing Anything), the Most Praiseworthy.


To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth; surely God -- He is the All-sufficient, the All-laudable.


His is whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth; and verily Allah He is the Self-sufficient, the PraiseWorthy.

Hilali & Khan

To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. And verily, Allah He is Rich (Free of all wants), Worthy of all praise.


To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. God is the Rich, the Praised.


To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Surely Allah - He alone is Self- Sufficient, Praiseworthy.


To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. And verily, Allah -- He is Rich, Worthy of all praise.


Unto Him belongeth all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Lo! Allah, He verily is the Absolute, the Owner of Praise.


To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, Indeed Allah is the All-sufficient, the All-laudable.

Qaribullah & Darwish

To Him belong all that is in the heavens and earth, surely, Allah is the Rich, the Praised.


To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. God is Self-sufficient and Praiseworthy.


His is whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; and most surely Allah is the Self-sufficient, the Praised.

Wahiduddin Khan

all that is in the heavens and on the earth belongs to Him. Surely, God is self-sufficient and praiseworthy.

Yusuf Ali

To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: for verily Allah,- He is free of all wants, Worthy of all Praise.

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ سَخَّرَ لَكُم مَّا فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَٱلْفُلْكَ تَجْرِى فِى ٱلْبَحْرِ بِأَمْرِهِۦ وَيُمْسِكُ ٱلسَّمَآءَ أَن تَقَعَ عَلَى ٱلْأَرْضِ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِۦٓ ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِٱلنَّاسِ لَرَءُوفٌۭ رَّحِيمٌۭ ﴿٦٥﴾

Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you whatever is on the earth and the ships which run through the sea by His command? And He restrains the sky from falling upon the earth, unless by His permission. Indeed Allah, to the people, is Kind and Merciful.


Alam tara anna Allaha sakhkhara lakum ma fee alardi waalfulka tajree fee albahri biamrihi wayumsiku alssamaa an taqaAAa AAala alardi illa biithnihi inna Allaha bialnnasi laraoofun raheemun

Ahmed Ali

Do you not see God has harnessed all that is in the earth, to your service? And the boats ply in the ocean by His command. He holds the sky in position lest it should fall upon the earth save by His dispensation. Verily God is compassionate and kind to men.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Did you not see that Allah has given in your control all that is in the earth – and the ship that moves upon the sea by His command? And He restricts the heavens that it may not fall on to the earth except by His command; indeed Allah is Most Compassionate, Most Merciful upon mankind.


Hast thou not seen how that God has subjected to you all that is in the earth and the ships to run upon the sea at His commandment, and He holds back heaven lest it should fall upon the earth, save by His leave? Surely God is All-gentle to men, All-compassionate.


Beholdest thou not that Allah hath subjected to Himself for you whatsoever is on the earth and the ships running in the sea by His command? And He with holdeth the heaven that it fall not on the earth save by His leave. Verily Allah is, unto mankind, Clement, Merciful.

Hilali & Khan

See you not that Allah has subjected to you (mankind) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His Command? He withholds the heaven from falling on the earth except by His Leave. Verily, Allah is, for mankind, full of Kindness, Most Merciful.


Do you not see that God made everything on earth subservient to you? How the ships sail at sea by His command? That He holds up the sky lest it falls on earth—except by His permission? God is Gracious towards the people, Most Merciful.


Have you not seen how Allah has subjected to you all that is in the earth, and the vessels that sail in the sea by His command, and it is He Who holds back the sky that it may not fall on earth except by His leave? Surely Allah is Most Gentle, Ever Compassionate to people.


See you not that Allah has subjected to you all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His command He withholds the heaven from falling on the earth except by His leave. Verily, Allah is for mankind, full of kindness, Most Merciful.


Hast thou not seen how Allah hath made all that is in the earth subservient unto you? And the ship runneth upon the sea by His command, and He holdeth back the heaven from falling on the earth unless by His leave. Lo! Allah is, for mankind, Full of Pity, Merciful.


Have you not regarded that Allah has disposed for you [r benefit] whatever there is in the earth, and [that] the ships sail at sea by His command, and He sustains the sky lest it should fall on the earth, excepting [when it does so] by His leave? Indeed Allah is most kind and merciful to mankind.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you all that is on the earth, and the ships which run upon the sea by His command? He holds the sky back lest it should fall upon the earth except by His permission. Allah is Gentle to people, the Most Merciful.


Have you not seen that God, through His command, has made all that is in the earth and the ships that sail on the sea subservient to you? He prevents the sky from falling on the earth unless He decides otherwise. God is Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.


Do you not see that Allah has made subservient to you whatsoever is in the earth and the ships running in the sea by His command? And He withholds the heaven from falling on the earth except with His permission; most surely Allah is Compassionate, Merciful to men.

Wahiduddin Khan

Do you not see, how God has subjected everything on the earth to you, and the ships that sail on the sea by His command. He holds back the sky from falling down on the earth, except with His permission. God is most compassionate and most merciful to mankind --

Yusuf Ali

Seest thou not that Allah has made subject to you (men) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His Command? He withholds the sky (rain) from failing on the earth except by His leave: for Allah is Most Kind and Most Merciful to man.

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَحْيَاكُمْ ثُمَّ يُمِيتُكُمْ ثُمَّ يُحْيِيكُمْ ۗ إِنَّ ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ لَكَفُورٌۭ ﴿٦٦﴾

And He is the one who gave you life; then He causes you to die and then will [again] give you life. Indeed, mankind is ungrateful.


Wahuwa allathee ahyakum thumma yumeetukum thumma yuhyeekum inna alinsana lakafoorun

Ahmed Ali

It is He who gives you life, then makes you die; then He will bring you back to life again. Man is surely most ungrateful.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And it is He Who gave you life, then will cause you to die, and will then revive you; indeed man is very ungrateful.


It is He who gave you life, then He shall make you dead, then He shall give you life. Surely man is ungrateful.


And He it is who gave you life and will thereafter cause you to die, and will thereafter give you life; verily man is ingrate.

Hilali & Khan

It is He, Who gave you life, and then will cause you to die, and will again give you life (on the Day of Resurrection). Verily! Man is indeed an ingrate.


And it is He who gives you life, then makes you die, then revives you. The human being is unappreciative.


And it is He Who has endowed you with life and it is He who causes you to die, and it is He Who will then resurrect you. Man is indeed extremely prone to denying the Truth.


It is He, Who gave you life, and then will cause you to die, and will again give you life. Verily, man is indeed Kafurun.


And He it is Who gave you life, then He will cause you to die, and then will give you life (again). Lo! man is verily an ingrate.


It is He who gave you life then He makes you die, then He brings you to life. Indeed man is very ungrateful.

Qaribullah & Darwish

It is He who revives you, then He will cause you to die and then He revives you. Indeed, the human is ungrateful.


It is He who has given you life, He will make you die and will make you live again. Surely the human being is ungrateful.


And He it is Who has brought you to life, then He will cause you to die, then bring you to life (again); most surely man is ungrateful.

Wahiduddin Khan

it is He who gave you life. Then He will cause you to die. Then He will give you life again. Surely, man is most ungrateful.

Yusuf Ali

It is He Who gave you life, will cause you to die, and will again give you life: Truly man is a most ungrateful creature!

لِّكُلِّ أُمَّةٍۢ جَعَلْنَا مَنسَكًا هُمْ نَاسِكُوهُ ۖ فَلَا يُنَٰزِعُنَّكَ فِى ٱلْأَمْرِ ۚ وَٱدْعُ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ هُدًۭى مُّسْتَقِيمٍۢ ﴿٦٧﴾

For every religion We have appointed rites which they perform. So, [O Muhammad], let the disbelievers not contend with you over the matter but invite them to your Lord. Indeed, you are upon straight guidance.


Likulli ommatin jaAAalna mansakan hum nasikoohu fala yunaziAAunnaka fee alamri waodAAu ila rabbika innaka laAAala hudan mustaqeemin

Ahmed Ali

We have determined for each community a way of worship which they follow. So they should not contend with you in this matter; and you should go on calling them to your Lord. You are surely on the right path.

Ahmed Raza Khan

For each nation We have made the rules of worship for them to follow – so never should they quarrel with you in this matter – and call them towards your Lord; indeed you are upon the Straight Path.


We have appointed for every nation a holy rite that they shall perform. Let them not therefore wrangle with thee upon the matter, and do thou summon unto thy Lord; surely thou art upon a straight guidance.


Unto every community We have appointed a rite which they perform. Let them not therefore contend with thee in the affair; and call them thou unto thy Lord, verily thou art on true guidance.

Hilali & Khan

For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies [e.g. slaughtering of the beast of cattle during the three days of stay at Mina (Makkah) during the Hajj (pilgrimage)] which they must follow; so let them (pagans) not dispute with you on the matter (i.e. to eat of the cattle which you slaughter, and not to eat of cattle which Allah kills by its natural death), but invite them to your Lord. Verily! You (O Muhammad SAW) indeed are on the (true) straight guidance. (i.e. the true religion of Islamic Monotheism).


For every congregation We have appointed acts of devotion, which they observe. So do not let them dispute with you in this matter. And invite to your Lord; you are upon a straight guidance.


For every people We have prescribed a way of worship which they follow. So, (O Muhammad), let them not dispute with you concerning this, and call them to Your Lord. You are certainly on the Straight Way.


For every nation We have made Mansak which they must follow; so let them not dispute with you on the matter, but invite them to your Lord. Verily, you indeed are on the straight guidance.


Unto each nation have We given sacred rites which they are to perform; so let them not dispute with thee of the matter, but summon thou unto thy Lord. Lo! thou indeed followest right guidance.


For every nation We have appointed rites [of worship] which they observe; so let them not dispute with you concerning your religion, and invite to your Lord. Indeed, you are on a straight guidance.

Qaribullah & Darwish

For every nation We have appointed a Holy Rite which they shall perform. Do not let them dispute with you concerning the matter. Call to your Lord; surely, you are upon a Straight Path.


We enjoined every nation with certain worship acts which they perform. The unbelievers must not dispute with you about the manner of your worship. Invite them to follow the right path of the Lord.


To every nation We appointed acts of devotion which they observe, therefore they should not dispute with you about the matter and call to your Lord; most surely you are on a right way.

Wahiduddin Khan

We have appointed for every community ways of worship to observe. Let them not dispute with you on this matter. Call them to the path of your Lord -- for surely, you are rightly guided --

Yusuf Ali

To every People have We appointed rites and ceremonies which they must follow: let them not then dispute with thee on the matter, but do thou invite (them) to thy Lord: for thou art assuredly on the Right Way.

وَإِن جَٰدَلُوكَ فَقُلِ ٱللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ ﴿٦٨﴾

And if they dispute with you, then say, \"Allah is most knowing of what you do.


Wain jadalooka faquli Allahu aAAlamu bima taAAmaloona

Ahmed Ali

If they argue with you, tell them: \"God knows well what you are doing.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And if they quarrel with you, say, “Allah well knows your evil deeds.”


And if they should dispute with thee, do thou say, 'God knows very well what you are doing.


And if they dispute with thee, say thou: Allah knoweth best that which ye Work.

Hilali & Khan

And if they argue with you (as regards the slaughtering of the sacrifices), say; \"Allah knows best of what you do.


But if they dispute with you, say, “God is fully aware of what you do.”


And if they dispute with you, say: \"Allah knows well what you do.


And if they argue with you, say: \"Allah knows best of what you do.\"


And if they wrangle with thee, say: Allah is Best Aware of what ye do.


But if they dispute with you, say, ‘Allah knows best what you are doing.

Qaribullah & Darwish

If they argue with you, say: 'Allah knows best all that you do.


If they still dispute with you about your worship, tell them, \"God knows best what you do.


And if they contend with you, say: Allah best knows what you do.

Wahiduddin Khan

if they should dispute with you, then say, \"God is well aware of what you do.\"

Yusuf Ali

If they do wrangle with thee, say, \"Allah knows best what it is ye are doing.\"

ٱللَّهُ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَكُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ فِيمَا كُنتُمْ فِيهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ ﴿٦٩﴾

Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which you used to differ.\"


Allahu yahkumu baynakum yawma alqiyamati feema kuntum feehi takhtalifoona

Ahmed Ali

God will judge between you on the Day of Judgement in what you are at variance.\"

Ahmed Raza Khan

Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection concerning what you dispute.


God shall judge between you on the Day of Resurrection touching that whereon you were at variance.'


Allah will judge between you on the Day of Judgment concerning that wherein ye have been differing.

Hilali & Khan

\"Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection about that wherein you used to differ.\"


God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection regarding what you disagree about.


Allah will judge among you on the Day of Resurrection concerning matters about which you disagreed.\"


\"Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection about that wherein you used to differ.\"


Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein ye used to differ.


Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection concerning that about which you used to differ.

Qaribullah & Darwish

On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will judge between you concerning that in which you vary.


He will issue His decree about your differences on the Day of Judgment.\"


Allah will judge between you on the day of resurrection respecting that in which you differ.

Wahiduddin Khan

On the Day of Resurrection, God will judge between you regarding your differences.

Yusuf Ali

\"Allah will judge between you on the Day of Judgment concerning the matters in which ye differ.\"

أَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَعْلَمُ مَا فِى ٱلسَّمَآءِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۗ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ فِى كِتَٰبٍ ۚ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ يَسِيرٌۭ ﴿٧٠﴾

Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the heaven and earth? Indeed, that is in a Record. Indeed that, for Allah, is easy.


Alam taAAlam anna Allaha yaAAlamu ma fee alssamai waalardi inna thalika fee kitabin inna thalika AAala Allahi yaseerun

Ahmed Ali

Do you not know that God knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth? This is surely in accordance with the law. This is certainly how (the law of) God works inevitably.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Did you not realise that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and in the earth? Indeed all this is in a Book; indeed this is easy for Allah.


Didst thou not know that God knows all that is in heaven and earth? Surely that is in a Book; surely that for God is an easy matter.


Knowest thou of that Allah knoweth whatsoever is in the heaven and the earth? Verily that is in a Book; verily that is for Allah easy.

Hilali & Khan

Know you not that Allah knows all that is in heaven and on earth? Verily, it is (all) in the Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz). Verily! That is easy for Allah.


Do you not know that God knows everything in the heavens and the earth? This is in a book. That is easy for God.


Are you not aware that Allah knows all that is in the heaven and the earth? Surely it is all preserved in a Book. Indeed that is easy with Allah.


Know you not that Allah knows all that is in the heaven and on the earth Verily, it is (all) in the Book. Verily, that is easy for Allah.


Hast thou not known that Allah knoweth all that is in the heaven and the earth? Lo! it is in a record. Lo! that is easy for Allah.


Do you not know that Allah knows whatever there is in the heaven and the earth? All that is in a Book. That is indeed easy for Allah.’

Qaribullah & Darwish

Are you not aware that Allah has knowledge of what is in the heaven and earth? This is (recorded) in a Book. That is easy for Allah.


Do you not know that God knows all that is in the heavens and the earth? His decree is already recorded in the Book and issuing such a Judgment is not difficult for Him at all.


Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the heaven and the earth? Surely this is in a book; surely this is easy to Allah.

Wahiduddin Khan

Do you not know that God has knowledge of what the heavens and the earth contain? All is recorded in a Book; all this is easy for God.

Yusuf Ali

Knowest thou not that Allah knows all that is in heaven and on earth? Indeed it is all in a Record, and that is easy for Allah.

وَيَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ مَا لَمْ يُنَزِّلْ بِهِۦ سُلْطَٰنًۭا وَمَا لَيْسَ لَهُم بِهِۦ عِلْمٌۭ ۗ وَمَا لِلظَّٰلِمِينَ مِن نَّصِيرٍۢ ﴿٧١﴾

And they worship besides Allah that for which He has not sent down authority and that of which they have no knowledge. And there will not be for the wrongdoers any helper.


WayaAAbudoona min dooni Allahi ma lam yunazzil bihi sultanan wama laysa lahum bihi AAilmun wama lilththalimeena min naseerin

Ahmed Ali

Yet they worship in place of God that for which no authority has been sent to them, and of which they have no knowledge. The wicked will have none to help them.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And they worship those instead of Allah regarding whom He has not sent down any proof, and those regarding whom they themselves do not have any knowledge; and there are no supporters for the unjust.


They serve, apart from God, that whereon He has sent down never authority and that whereof they have no knowledge; and for the evildoers there shall be no helper.


And they worship, beside Allah, that for which He hath revealed no authority and that whereof they have no knowledge; and for the wrong-doers there shall not be a helper.

Hilali & Khan

And they worship besides Allah others for which He has sent down no authority, and of which they have no knowledge and for the Zalimun (wrong-doers, polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) there is no helper.


Yet they worship, besides God, things for which He sent down no warrant, and what they have no knowledge of. There is no savior for the transgressors.


Instead of Allah they worship those concerning whom He has revealed no sanction and concerning whom they have no true knowledge. None shall be able to help such evil-doers.


And they worship besides Allah others for which He has sent down no authority, and of which they have no knowledge; and for the wrongdoers there is no helper.


And they worship instead of Allah that for which He hath sent down no warrant, and that whereof they have no knowledge. For evil-doers there is no helper.


They worship besides Allah that for which He has not sent down any authority, and of which they have no knowledge. The wrongdoers will have no helper.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Yet they worship that for which He did not send down authority, and that of which they have no knowledge. Indeed, the harmdoers shall have no helpers.


They worship things instead of God that have received no authority (from the heavens) nor have they any knowledge of such authority. The unjust people will have no one to help them.


And they serve besides Allah that for which He has not sent any authority, and that of which they have no knowledge; and for the unjust there shall be no helper.

Wahiduddin Khan

Yet instead of God, they worship something for which God has sent no authority and about which they have no knowledge. The wrongdoers will have no helper.

Yusuf Ali

Yet they worship, besides Allah, things for which no authority has been sent down to them, and of which they have (really) no knowledge: for those that do wrong there is no helper.

وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَٰتُنَا بَيِّنَٰتٍۢ تَعْرِفُ فِى وُجُوهِ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ ٱلْمُنكَرَ ۖ يَكَادُونَ يَسْطُونَ بِٱلَّذِينَ يَتْلُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَٰتِنَا ۗ قُلْ أَفَأُنَبِّئُكُم بِشَرٍّۢ مِّن ذَٰلِكُمُ ۗ ٱلنَّارُ وَعَدَهَا ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ ۖ وَبِئْسَ ٱلْمَصِيرُ ﴿٧٢﴾

And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, you recognize in the faces of those who disbelieve disapproval. They are almost on the verge of assaulting those who recite to them Our verses. Say, \"Then shall I inform you of [what is] worse than that? [It is] the Fire which Allah has promised those who disbelieve, and wretched is the destination.\"


Waitha tutla AAalayhim ayatuna bayyinatin taAArifu fee wujoohi allatheena kafaroo almunkara yakadoona yastoona biallatheena yatloona AAalayhim ayatina qul afaonabbiokum bisharrin min thalikum alnnaru waAAadaha Allahu allatheena kafaroo wabisa almaseeru

Ahmed Ali

When Our clear messages are read out to them you can see denial on the faces of unbelievers. They can hardly restrain themselves from attacking those who recite Our revelations. Tell them: \"Should I give you news of something worse than this?\" -- Hell, which God has promised the infidels. How evil a destination!

Ahmed Raza Khan

And when Our clear verses are recited to them, you will see traces of anger in the faces of the disbelievers; possibly they may attack those who recite Our verses to them; say, “Shall I show you what is worse than your current state? That is the fire! Allah has promised it to the disbelievers; and what a wretched place to return!”


And when Our signs are recited to them, clear signs, thou recognisest in the faces of the unbelievers denial; wellnigh they rush upon those who recite to them Our signs. Say: 'Shall I tell you of something worse than that? The Fire -- God has promised it to the unbelievers -- an evil homecoming!'


And when Our manifest signs are rehearsed unto them, thou recognizest repugnance on the countenaces of those who disbelieve; well- nigh they rush upon these who rehearse unto them Our Signs. Say thou: shall declare unto you something more grievous than that-the Fire--Allah hath promised it to those who disbelieve? An evil destination!

Hilali & Khan

And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, you will notice a denial on the faces of the disbelievers! They are nearly ready to attack with violence those who recite Our Verses to them. Say: \"Shall I tell you of something worse than that? The Fire (of Hell) which Allah has promised to those who disbelieve, and worst indeed is that destination!\"


And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, you will recognize disgust on the faces of those who disbelieve. They nearly assault those who recite to them Our Verses. Say, “Shall I inform you of something worse than that? The Fire! God has promised it to those who disbelieve. And what a wretched outcome!”


When Our Signs are plainly recited to them, you will perceive utter repugnance on their faces and it all but seems as if they will soon pounce upon those who recite Our Signs to them. Say: \"Shall I tell you what is worse than that? The Fire with which Allah has threatened those who disbelieve. That is truly an evil end.\"


And when Our clear Ayat are recited to them, you will notice a denial on the faces of the disbelievers! They are nearly ready to attack with violence those who recite Our Ayat to them. Say: \"Shall I tell you of something worse than that The Fire which Allah has promised to those who disbelieved, and worst indeed is that destination!\"


And when Our revelations are recited unto them, thou knowest the denial in the faces of those who disbelieve; they all but attack those who recite Our revelations unto them. Say: Shall I proclaim unto you worse than that? The Fire! Allah hath promised it for those who disbelieve. A hapless journey's end!


When Our manifest signs are recited to them, you perceive denial on the faces of the faithless: they would almost pounce upon those who recite Our signs to them. Say, ‘Shall I inform you about something worse than that? The Fire which Allah has promised the faithless, and it is an evil destination.’

Qaribullah & Darwish

When Our clear verses are recited to them, you will recognize denial upon the faces of the unbelievers. They nearly rush upon those who recite Our verses to them. Say: 'Shall I tell you what is worse than that' The Fire which Allah has promised those who disbelieve an evil arrival'


When Our authoritative revelations are recited to the unbelievers, you can clearly read the dislike on their faces. They almost attack those who read Our revelations to them. Say to them, \"Should I tell you about what is the worst thing for you than these revelations? It is the fire which God has prepared for the unbelievers. What a terrible destination!


And when Our clear communications are recited to them you will find denial on the faces of those who disbelieve; they almost spring upon those who recite to them Our communications. Say: Shall I inform you of what is worse than this? The fire; Allah has promised it to those who disbelieve; and how evil the resort!

Wahiduddin Khan

Whenever Our clear revelations are recited to them, you will recognize the disgust on the faces of those who deny the truth. It is almost as if they are going to attack those who recite Our message to them. Say, \"Shall I tell you of something worse than this? It is the Fire that God has promised to those who are bent on denying the truth. What an evil destination!\"

Yusuf Ali

When Our Clear Signs are rehearsed to them, thou wilt notice a denial on the faces of the Unbelievers! they nearly attack with violence those who rehearse Our Signs to them. Say, \"Shall I tell you of something (far) worse than these Signs? It is the Fire (of Hell)! Allah has promised it to the Unbelievers! and evil is that destination!\"

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ ضُرِبَ مَثَلٌۭ فَٱسْتَمِعُوا۟ لَهُۥٓ ۚ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ لَن يَخْلُقُوا۟ ذُبَابًۭا وَلَوِ ٱجْتَمَعُوا۟ لَهُۥ ۖ وَإِن يَسْلُبْهُمُ ٱلذُّبَابُ شَيْـًۭٔا لَّا يَسْتَنقِذُوهُ مِنْهُ ۚ ضَعُفَ ٱلطَّالِبُ وَٱلْمَطْلُوبُ ﴿٧٣﴾

O people, an example is presented, so listen to it. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah will never create [as much as] a fly, even if they gathered together for that purpose. And if the fly should steal away from them a [tiny] thing, they could not recover it from him. Weak are the pursuer and pursued.


Ya ayyuha alnnasu duriba mathalun faistamiAAoo lahu inna allatheena tadAAoona min dooni Allahi lan yakhluqoo thubaban walawi ijtamaAAoo lahu wain yaslubuhumu alththubabu shayan la yastanqithoohu minhu daAAufa alttalibu waalmatloobu

Ahmed Ali

O men, give ear to this parable: Those you worship other than God can never create as much as a fly, even if they get together to do so; and if the fly were to rob them of a thing they would not be able to snatch it away from it. How weak the seeker and how weak the sought!

Ahmed Raza Khan

O people, an example is being illustrated therefore listen to it attentively; “Those whom you worship besides Allah can never create a fly even if they all come together for it; and if a fly took away something from them, they cannot retrieve that from it; how weak are the seeker and the sought!”


O men, a similitude is struck; so give you ear to it. Surely those upon whom you call, apart from God, shall never create a fly, though they banded together to do it; and if a fly should rob them of aught, they would never rescue it from him. Feeble indeed alike are the seeker and the sought!


O Mankind! a similitude is propounded; so hearken thereto. Verily those whom ye call upon beside Allah will by no means create a fly, even though they assembled for that; and if the fly were to snatch away aught from them, they cannot recover it from him: weak the seeker and the sought!

Hilali & Khan

O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it (carefully): Verily! Those on whom you call besides Allah, cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought.


O people! A parable is presented, so listen to it: Those you invoke besides God will never create a fly, even if they banded together for that purpose. And if the fly steals anything from them, they cannot recover it from it. Weak are the pursuer and the pursued.


O people, a parable is set forth: pay heed to it. Those who call upon aught other than Allah shall never be able to create even a fly, even if all of them were to come together to do that. And if the fly were to snatch away anything from them, they would not be able to recover that from it. Powerless is the supplicant; and powerless is he to whom he supplicates.


O mankind! A parable has been made, so listen to it: Verily, those on whom you call besides Allah, cannot create a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatches away a thing from them, they will have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are the seeker and the sought.


O mankind! A similitude is coined, so pay ye heed to it: Lo! those on whom ye call beside Allah will never create a fly though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly took something from them, they could not rescue it from it. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought!


O people! Listen to a parable that is being drawn: Indeed those whom you invoke besides Allah will never create [even] a fly even if they all rallied to do so! And if a fly should take away something from them, they can not recover that from it. Feeble is the seeker and the sought!

Qaribullah & Darwish

People, this is a parable, listen to it. Those whom you call upon, other than Allah, could never create a fly, though they banded together to do this. And if a fly robs them of anything, they could never rescue it from it. The seeker and the sought are alike in their weakness.


People, listen to this parable: Those whom you worship instead of God do not have the power to create even a fly, even though all of them would come together for the task. If the fly was to snatch something from them they would not be able to rescue it from the fly. How feeble are such worshippers and that which they worship.


O people! a parable is set forth, therefore listen to it: surely those whom you call upon besides Allah cannot create fly, though they should all gather for it, and should the fly snatch away anything from them, they could not take it back from it; weak are the invoker and the invoked.

Wahiduddin Khan

People, here is an illustration. So listen carefully. Surely, those whom you invoke other than God cannot create even a fly, even if they were all to combine together to do it, and if a fly should snatch anything away from them, they cannot recover it from it. Both are indeed weak, the seeker and the sought.

Yusuf Ali

O men! Here is a parable set forth! listen to it! Those on whom, besides Allah, ye call, cannot create (even) a fly, if they all met together for the purpose! and if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. Feeble are those who petition and those whom they petition!

مَا قَدَرُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِۦٓ ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَقَوِىٌّ عَزِيزٌ ﴿٧٤﴾

They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.


Ma qadaroo Allaha haqqa qadrihi inna Allaha laqawiyyun AAazeezun

Ahmed Ali

They do not esteem God with the right estimation. God is surely all-powerful and all-mighty.

Ahmed Raza Khan

They did not realise the importance of Allah as was His right; indeed Allah is Almighty, Dominant.


They measure not God with His true measure; surely God is All-strong, All-mighty.


They have not estimated Allah His rightful estimate; verily Allah is strong, Mighty!

Hilali & Khan

They have not estimated Allah His Rightful Estimate; Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.


They do not value God as He should be valued. God is Strong and Powerful.


They have not formed a true estimate of Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.


They have not regarded Allah with His rightful esteem. Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.


They measure not Allah His rightful measure. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty.


They do not regard Allah with the regard due to Him. Indeed Allah is all-strong, all-mighty.

Qaribullah & Darwish

They do not value Allah as He should be valued. For Allah is Powerful and Mighty.


They have not revered God properly. God is All-powerful and Majestic.


They have not estimated Allah with the estimation that i due to Him; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.

Wahiduddin Khan

No just estimate have they made of God. Surely God is powerful and mighty.

Yusuf Ali

No just estimate have they made of Allah: for Allah is He Who is strong and able to Carry out His Will.

ٱللَّهُ يَصْطَفِى مِنَ ٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةِ رُسُلًۭا وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ سَمِيعٌۢ بَصِيرٌۭ ﴿٧٥﴾

Allah chooses from the angels messengers and from the people. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Seeing.


Allahu yastafee mina almalaikati rusulan wamina alnnasi inna Allaha sameeAAun baseerun

Ahmed Ali

God chooses messengers from the angels and human beings. Verily God is all-hearing and all-seeing.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Allah chooses the Noble Messengers from the angels, and from men; indeed Allah is All Hearing, All Seeing.


God chooses of the angels Messengers and of mankind; surely God is All-hearing, All-seeing.


Allah chooseth from the angels messengers and also from mankind; verily Allah is Hearing, Beholding.

Hilali & Khan

Allah chooses Messengers from angels and from men. Verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer.


God chooses messengers from among the angels, and from among the people. God is Hearing and Seeing.


Allah chooses Messengers from among angels and from among human beings (to convey His command). Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.


Allah chooses Messengers from angels and from men. Verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer.


Allah chooseth from the angels messengers, and (also) from mankind. Lo! Allah is Hearer, Seer.


Allah chooses messengers from angels and from mankind. Indeed Allah is all-hearing, all-seeing.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Allah chooses Messengers from angels and from people. Allah is the Hearer, the Seer.


God chooses Messengers from both angels and human beings. God is All-hearing and All-aware.


Allah chooses apostles from among the angels and from among the men; surely Allah is Hearing, Seeing.

Wahiduddin Khan

God selects messengers from both angels and from mankind; God is all hearing and all seeing:

Yusuf Ali

Allah chooses messengers from angels and from men for Allah is He Who hears and sees (all things).

يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ ۗ وَإِلَى ٱللَّهِ تُرْجَعُ ٱلْأُمُورُ ﴿٧٦﴾

He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them. And to Allah will be returned [all] matters.


YaAAlamu ma bayna aydeehim wama khalfahum waila Allahi turjaAAu alomooru

Ahmed Ali

He knows what is before them and what lies behind them, and all things go back to God.

Ahmed Raza Khan

He knows all that is before them and all that is behind them; and towards Allah is the return of all matters.


He knows whatsoever is before them and behind them, and unto God all matters are returned.'


He knoweth whatsoever is before them and whatsoever is behind them; and unto Allah are returned all affairs

Hilali & Khan

He knows what is before them, and what is behind them. And to Allah return all matters (for decision).


He knows what is before them, and what is behind them. To God all matters are referred.


He knows all that is before them and that which is hidden from them. And it is to Allah that all affairs are returned.


He knows what is before them, and what is behind them. And to Allah return all matters.


He knoweth all that is before them and all that is behind them, and unto Allah all things are returned. $$A


He knows that which is before them and that which is behind them, and to Allah all matters are returned.

Qaribullah & Darwish

He knows what is before them and behind them. To Allah all things are returned.


God knows all that they have and all that is behind them, and to Him do all things return.


He knows what is before them and what is behind them and to Allah are all affairs turned back.

Wahiduddin Khan

He knows what lies ahead of them and what is behind them. All things shall return to God.

Yusuf Ali

He knows what is before them and what is behind them: and to Allah go back all questions (for decision).

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱرْكَعُوا۟ وَٱسْجُدُوا۟ وَٱعْبُدُوا۟ رَبَّكُمْ وَٱفْعَلُوا۟ ٱلْخَيْرَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ ۩ ﴿٧٧﴾

O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good - that you may succeed.


Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo irkaAAoo waosjudoo waoAAbudoo rabbakum waifAAaloo alkhayra laAAallakum tuflihoona

Ahmed Ali

O you who believe, bow in adoration, Worship your Lord and do what is good that you may find success.

Ahmed Raza Khan

O People who Believe, bow and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord, and do good deeds in the hope of attaining salvation.


O men, bow you down and prostrate yourselves, and serve your Lord, and do good; haply so you shall prosper;


O Ye who believe! bow down and prostrate yourselves and worship your Lord, and do the good, that haply ye may thrive.

Hilali & Khan

O you who believe! Bow down, and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord and do good that you may be successful.


O you who believe! Kneel, and prostrate, and worship your Lord, and do good deeds, so that you may succeed.


Believers, bow down and prostrate yourselves before Your Lord and serve Your Lord and do good that you may prosper.


O you who believe! Bow down, and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord and do good that you may be successful.


O ye who believe! Bow down and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord, and do good, that haply ye may prosper.


O you who have faith! Bow down and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord, and do good, so that you may be felicitous.

Qaribullah & Darwish

O you who believe, bow down and prostrate yourselves. Worship your Lord and do good, in order that you prosper.


Believers, worship your Lord, bow down and prostrate yourselves before Him and do virtuous deeds so that perhaps you will have everlasting happiness.


O you who believe! bow down and prostrate yourselves and serve your Lord, and do good that you may succeed.

Wahiduddin Khan

You who are true believers, kneel and prostrate yourselves, worship your Lord and do good works, so that you may succeed.

Yusuf Ali

O ye who believe! bow down, prostrate yourselves, and adore your Lord; and do good; that ye may prosper.

وَجَٰهِدُوا۟ فِى ٱللَّهِ حَقَّ جِهَادِهِۦ ۚ هُوَ ٱجْتَبَىٰكُمْ وَمَا جَعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِى ٱلدِّينِ مِنْ حَرَجٍۢ ۚ مِّلَّةَ أَبِيكُمْ إِبْرَٰهِيمَ ۚ هُوَ سَمَّىٰكُمُ ٱلْمُسْلِمِينَ مِن قَبْلُ وَفِى هَٰذَا لِيَكُونَ ٱلرَّسُولُ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْكُمْ وَتَكُونُوا۟ شُهَدَآءَ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ ۚ فَأَقِيمُوا۟ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَءَاتُوا۟ ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ وَٱعْتَصِمُوا۟ بِٱللَّهِ هُوَ مَوْلَىٰكُمْ ۖ فَنِعْمَ ٱلْمَوْلَىٰ وَنِعْمَ ٱلنَّصِيرُ ﴿٧٨﴾

And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. Allah named you \"Muslims\" before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So establish prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper.


Wajahidoo fee Allahi haqqa jihadihi huwa ijtabakum wama jaAAala AAalaykum fee alddeeni min harajin millata abeekum ibraheema huwa sammakumu almuslimeena min qablu wafee hatha liyakoona alrrasoolu shaheedan AAalaykum watakoonoo shuhadaa AAala alnnasi faaqeemoo alssalata waatoo alzzakata waiAAtasimoo biAllahi huwa mawlakum faniAAma almawla waniAAma alnnaseeru

Ahmed Ali

Strive in the way of God with a service worthy of Him. He has chosen you and laid no hardship on you in the way of faith, the faith of your forbear Abraham. He named you Muslim earlier, and in this (Qur'an), in order that the Prophet be witness over you, and you be witness over mankind. So be firm in devotion, pay the zakat, and hold on firmly to God. He is your friend: How excellent a friend is He, how excellent a helper!

Ahmed Raza Khan

And fight in Allah's cause as is the true manner of fighting; He has preferred you and has not kept any hardship upon you in religion; the religion of your father Ibrahim; Allah has named you Muslims – in the previous Books and in this Qur’an, so that the Noble Messenger be your guardian and witness, and you be witness against other people; therefore keep the prayer established and give charity, and hold fast to the rope of Allah; He is your Master; so what an excellent Master and what an excellent Supporter!


and struggle for God as is His due, for He has chosen you, and has laid on you no impediment in your religion, being the creed of your father Abraham; He named you Muslims aforetime and in this, that the Messenger might be a witness against you, and that you might be witnesses against mankind. So perform the prayer, and pay the alms, and hold you fast to God; He is your Protector -- an excellent Protector, an excellent Helper.


And strive hard for Allah as is due unto Him hard striving. He hath distinguished you, and hath not placed upon you any narrowness in the religion the faith of your father, Ibrahim. He hath named you Muslim aforetime and in this, that the apostle may be a witness for you, and that ye may be witnesses against mankind. Wherefore establish the prayer and'give the poor-rate, and hold fast by Allah; He is your Patron: an Excellent Patron and Excellent helper!

Hilali & Khan

And strive hard in Allah's Cause as you ought to strive (with sincerity and with all your efforts that His Name should be superior). He has chosen you (to convey His Message of Islamic Monotheism to mankind by inviting them to His religion, Islam), and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship, it is the religion of your father Ibrahim (Abraham) (Islamic Monotheism). It is He (Allah) Who has named you Muslims both before and in this (the Quran), that the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind! So perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), give Zakat and hold fast to Allah [i.e. have confidence in Allah, and depend upon Him in all your affairs] He is your Maula (Patron, Lord, etc.), what an Excellent Maula (Patron, Lord, etc.) and what an Excellent Helper!


And strive for God, with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you, and has not burdened you in religion—the faith of your father Abraham. It is he who named you Muslims before, and in this. So that the Messenger may be a witness over you, and you may be witnesses over the people. So pray regularly, and give regular charity, and cleave to God. He is your Protector. What an excellent Protector, and what an excellent Helper.


Strive in the cause of Allah in a manner worthy of that striving. He has chosen you (for His task), and He has not laid upon you any hardship in religion. Keep to the faith of your father Abraham. Allah named you Muslims earlier and even in this (Book), that the Messenger may be a witness over you, and that you may be witnesses over all mankind. So establish Prayer, and pay Zakah, and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protector. What an excellent Protector; what an excellent Helper!


And strive hard in Allah's cause as you ought to strive. He has chosen you, and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship: it is the religion of your father Ibrahim. He has named you Muslims both before and in this (Qur'an), that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind! So, perform the Salah, give the Zakah and hold fast to Allah. He is your Mawla, what an Excellent Mawla and what an Excellent Helper!


And strive for Allah with the endeavour which is His right. He hath chosen you and hath not laid upon you in religion any hardship; the faith of your father Abraham (is yours). He hath named you Muslims of old time and in this (Scripture), that the messenger may be a witness against you, and that ye may be witnesses against mankind. So establish worship, pay the poor-due, and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protecting friend. A blessed Patron and a blessed Helper!


And wage jihad for the sake of Allah, a jihad which is worthy of Him. He has chosen you and has not placed for you any obstacle in the religion, the faith of your father, Abraham. He named you ‘Muslims’ before, and in this, so that the Apostle may be a witness to you, and that you may be witnesses to mankind. So maintain the prayer, give the zakat, and hold fast to Allah. He is your master—an excellent master and an excellent helper.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Struggle for Allah as is due to Him. He has chosen you and has not laden a burden upon you in your religion, being the Creed of Abraham your father. He has named you Muslims before and in this so that the Messenger (Muhammad) can be a witness for you, and in order that you be witnesses against mankind. Therefore, establish the prayer and pay the obligatory charity and hold fast to Allah. He is your Guardian, the Excellent Guardian, the Excellent Helper!


Strive steadfastly for the Cause of God. He has chosen you but has not imposed on you hardship in your religion, the noble religion of your father, Abraham. God named you Muslims before and in this Book, so that the Messenger will witness (your actions) and will be the witness over mankind. Be steadfast in your prayer, pay the religious tax, and seek protection from God; He is your Guardian, a gracious Guardian and Helper.


And strive hard in (the way of) Allah, (such) a striving as is due to Him; He has chosen you and has not laid upon you an hardship in religion; the faith of your father Ibrahim; He named you Muslims before and in this, that the Apostle may be a bearer of witness to you, and you may be bearers of witness to the people; therefore keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and hold fast by Allah; He is your Guardian; how excellent the Guardian and how excellent the Helper!

Wahiduddin Khan

Strive for the cause of God as it behoves you to strive for it. He has chosen you and laid on you no burden in the matter of your religion, the faith of Abraham your forefather. In this, as in former scriptures He has given you the name of Muslims, so that the Messenger may be a witness over you, and so that you may be witnesses over mankind. Therefore, say your prayers regularly and pay the zakat and hold fast to God. He is your master. An excellent master and an excellent helper!

Yusuf Ali

And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector - the Best to protect and the Best to help!