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Surah The Iron [Al-Hadid] in English

Surah The Iron [Al-Hadid] Ayah 29 Location Madanah Number 57

سَبَّحَ لِلَّهِ مَا فِى ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۖ وَهُوَ ٱلْعَزِيزُ ٱلْحَكِيمُ ﴿١﴾

Whatever is in the heavens and earth exalts Allah, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.


Sabbaha lillahi ma fee alssamawati waalardi wahuwa alAAazeezu alhakeemu

Ahmed Ali

WHATSOEVER IS IN the heavens and the earth sings the praises of God. He is all-mighty and all-wise.

Ahmed Raza Khan

All whatever is in the heavens and in the earth proclaims the Purity of Allah; and He only is the Most Honourable, the Wise.


All that is in the heavens and the earth magnifies God; He is the All-mighty, the All-wise.


Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth halloweth Allah; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

Hilali & Khan

Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah, and He is the All-Mighty, All-Wise.


Glorifying God is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, the Wise.


All that is in the heavens and the earth extols the glory of Allah. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise.


Whatever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah -- and He is the Almighty, All-Wise.


All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Allah; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.


Whatever there is in the heavens and [whatever there is on] the earth glorifies Allah and He is the All-mighty, the All-wise.

Qaribullah & Darwish

All that is in the heavens and earth exalt Allah. He is the Almighty, the Wise.


All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify God. He is Majestic and All-wise.


Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares the glory of Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

Wahiduddin Khan

Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies God -- He is the Mighty, the Wise One.

Yusuf Ali

Whatever is in the heavens and on earth,- let it declare the Praises and Glory of Allah: for He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

لَهُۥ مُلْكُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۖ يُحْىِۦ وَيُمِيتُ ۖ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٢﴾

His is the dominion of the heavens and earth. He gives life and causes death, and He is over all things competent.


Lahu mulku alssamawati waalardi yuhyee wayumeetu wahuwa AAala kulli shayin qadeerun

Ahmed Ali

His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He is the giver of life and death, and He has power over everything.

Ahmed Raza Khan

For Him only is the kingship of the heavens and the earth; He gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.


To Him belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He gives life, and He makes to die, and He is powerful over everything.


His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He giveth life and He causeth to die; and He is over everything Potent.

Hilali & Khan

His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.


To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes death, and He has power over all things.


His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes death, and He has power over everything.


His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.


His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth; He quickeneth and He giveth death; and He is Able to do all things.


To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth: He gives life and brings death, and He has power over all things.

Qaribullah & Darwish

To Him belongs the Kingdom in the heavens and earth. It is He who revives and causes to die, and He has power over all things.


To Him belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes things to die. He has power over all things.


His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He gives life and causes death; and He has power over all things.

Wahiduddin Khan

He has sovereign control over the heavens and the earth. He gives life and brings death. He has power over all things.

Yusuf Ali

To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: It is He Who gives Life and Death; and He has Power over all things.

هُوَ ٱلْأَوَّلُ وَٱلْءَاخِرُ وَٱلظَّٰهِرُ وَٱلْبَاطِنُ ۖ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ عَلِيمٌ ﴿٣﴾

He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.


Huwa alawwalu waalakhiru waalththahiru waalbatinu wahuwa bikulli shayin AAaleemun

Ahmed Ali

He is the first and He the last, the transcendent and the immanent; and He has knowledge of everything.

Ahmed Raza Khan

He only is the First and He only the Last, and He only is the Evident and He only the Concealed; and it is He Who knows all things.


He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward; He has knowledge of everything.


He is the First and the Last, and the OutWard and the inward, and He is of everything the Knower.

Hilali & Khan

He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of every thing.


He is the First and the Last, and the Outer and the Inner, and He has knowledge of all things.


He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Hidden, and He has knowledge of everything.


He is Al-Awwal and Al-Akhir, Az-Zahir and Al-Batin. And He is the All-Knower of everything.


He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower of all things.


He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, and He has knowledge of all things.

Qaribullah & Darwish

He is the First and the Last, the Clear and the Hidden. He has knowledge of all things.


He is the First, the Last, the Manifest, and the Unseen and He knows all things.


He is the First and the Last and the Ascendant (over all) and the Knower of hidden things, and He is Cognizant of all things.

Wahiduddin Khan

He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward. He has knowledge of all things.

Yusuf Ali

He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things.

هُوَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضَ فِى سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍۢ ثُمَّ ٱسْتَوَىٰ عَلَى ٱلْعَرْشِ ۚ يَعْلَمُ مَا يَلِجُ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَمَا يَخْرُجُ مِنْهَا وَمَا يَنزِلُ مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ وَمَا يَعْرُجُ فِيهَا ۖ وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُمْ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌۭ ﴿٤﴾

It is He who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He knows what penetrates into the earth and what emerges from it and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein; and He is with you wherever you are. And Allah, of what you do, is Seeing.


Huwa allathee khalaqa alssamawati waalarda fee sittati ayyamin thumma istawa AAala alAAarshi yaAAlamu ma yaliju fee alardi wama yakhruju minha wama yanzilu mina alssamai wama yaAAruju feeha wahuwa maAAakum ayna ma kuntum waAllahu bima taAAmaloona baseerun

Ahmed Ali

It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six stages, then assumed the throne. He knows whatsoever enters the earth, and whatsoever comes out of it, and what comes down from the sky and what goes up to it; and He is with you wheresoever you may be, and He perceives whatsoever you do.

Ahmed Raza Khan

It is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then ascended the Throne (of Control), in a manner befitting His Majesty; He knows all what goes into the earth and all what comes out of it, and all what descends from the sky and all that rises in it; and He is with you, wherever you may be; and Allah is seeing your deeds.


It is He that created the heavens and the earth in six days then seated Himself upon the Throne. He knows what penetrates into the earth, and what comes forth from it, -- what comes down from heaven, and what goes up unto it. He is with you wherever you are; and God sees the things you do.


He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days; then He established Himself on the Throne. He knoweth whatsoever plungeth into the earth and whatsoever cometh forth therefrom, and whatsoever descendeth from the heaven and whatsoever ascendeth thereto; and He is with you wheresoever ye be. And Allah is of whatsoever ye work a Beholder.

Hilali & Khan

He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then Istawa (rose over) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And Allah is the All-Seer of what you do.


It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then settled over the Throne. He knows what penetrates into the earth, and what comes out of it, and what descends from the sky, and what ascends to it. And He is with you wherever you may be. God is Seeing of everything you do.


He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself on the Throne. He knows all that enters the earth and all that comes forth from it, and all that comes down from the heaven and all that goes up to it. He is with you wherever you are. Allah sees all that you do.


He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then rose (Istawa) over the Throne. He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, and what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you wheresoever you may be. And Allah is the All-Seer of what you do.


He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days; then He mounted the Throne. He knoweth all that entereth the earth and all that emergeth therefrom and all that cometh down from the sky and all that ascendeth therein; and He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah is Seer of what ye do.


It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days; then settled on the Throne. He knows whatever enters the earth and whatever emerges from it and whatever descends from the sky and whatever ascends to it, and He is with you wherever you may be, and Allah watches what you do.

Qaribullah & Darwish

He created the heavens and the earth in six days, and willed to the Throne. He knows what penetrates the earth and all that emerges from it; all that descends from heaven and all that ascends to it. He is with you wherever you are. Allah sees the things you do.


It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established His Dominion over the Throne. He knows whatever enters into the earth, what comes out of it, what descends from the sky, and what ascends to it. He is with you wherever you may be and He is Well Aware of what you do.


He it is who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, and He is firm in power; He knows that which goes deep down into the earth and that which comes forth out of it, and that which comes down from the heaven and that which goes up into it, and He is with you wherever you are; and Allah sees what you do.

Wahiduddin Khan

It was He who created the heavens and earth in six Days [periods] and then ascended the throne. He knows what enters the earth and what comes out of it; what descends from the sky and what ascends to it. He is with you wherever you are; He sees all that you do;

Yusuf Ali

He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of Authority). He knows what enters within the earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from heaven and what mounts up to it. And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah sees well all that ye do.

لَّهُۥ مُلْكُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ وَإِلَى ٱللَّهِ تُرْجَعُ ٱلْأُمُورُ ﴿٥﴾

His is the dominion of the heavens and earth. And to Allah are returned [all] matters.


Lahu mulku alssamawati waalardi waila Allahi turjaAAu alomooru

Ahmed Ali

His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and all things will go back to Him.

Ahmed Raza Khan

For Him only is the kingship of the heavens and the earth; and towards Allah only is the return of all matters.


To Him belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and unto Him all matters are returned.


His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Unto Allah will all affairs be brought back.

Hilali & Khan

His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allah return all the matters (for decision).


To Him belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth, and to God all matters are referred.


His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Him are all matters referred (for judgement).


His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allah return all the matters.


His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and unto Allah (all) things are brought back.


To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah all matters are returned.

Qaribullah & Darwish

To Him belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. To Him all matters shall return.


To Him belong the heavens and the earth and to Him all things return.


His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and to Allah are (all) affairs returned.

Wahiduddin Khan

He has sovereignty over the heavens and the earth. All affairs will return to God.

Yusuf Ali

To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: and all affairs are referred back to Allah.

يُولِجُ ٱلَّيْلَ فِى ٱلنَّهَارِ وَيُولِجُ ٱلنَّهَارَ فِى ٱلَّيْلِ ۚ وَهُوَ عَلِيمٌۢ بِذَاتِ ٱلصُّدُورِ ﴿٦﴾

He causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night, and he is Knowing of that within the breasts.


Yooliju allayla fee alnnahari wayooliju alnnahara fee allayi wahuwa AAaleemun bithati alssudoori

Ahmed Ali

He turns night into day, and turns day into night; and He knows whatsoever is in your hearts.

Ahmed Raza Khan

He brings the night in a part of the day, and brings the day in a part of the night; and He knows what lies within the hearts.


He makes the night to enter into the day and makes the day to enter into the night. He knows the thoughts within the breasts.


He plungeth the night into the day, and plungeth the day into the night, and He is the Knower of whatsoever is in the breasts.

Hilali & Khan

He merges night into day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night is added into the hours of the day), and merges day into night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day is added into the hours of the night), and He has full knowledge of whatsoever is in the breasts.


He merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night; and He knows what the hearts contains.


He causes the night to pass into the day, and causes the day to pass into the night, and He fully knows all that is hidden in the breasts of people.


He merges night into day, and merges day into night, and He has full knowledge of whatsoever is in the breasts.


He causeth the night to pass into the day, and He causeth the day to pass into the night, and He is knower of all that is in the breasts.


He makes the night pass into the day and makes the day pass into the night, and He knows best what is in the breasts.

Qaribullah & Darwish

He causes the night to enter into the day and the day to enter into the night. He has knowledge of the thoughts of the innermost of the chests.


He causes night to enter into day and day into night. He knows best what all hearts contain.


He causes the night to enter in upon the day, and causes the day to enter in upon the night, and He is Cognizant of what is in the hearts.

Wahiduddin Khan

He causes the night to pass into the day and the day to pass into the night. And He knows all that is in the hearts of men.

Yusuf Ali

He merges Night into Day, and He merges Day into Night; and He has full knowledge of the secrets of (all) hearts.

ءَامِنُوا۟ بِٱللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِۦ وَأَنفِقُوا۟ مِمَّا جَعَلَكُم مُّسْتَخْلَفِينَ فِيهِ ۖ فَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ مِنكُمْ وَأَنفَقُوا۟ لَهُمْ أَجْرٌۭ كَبِيرٌۭ ﴿٧﴾

Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of that in which He has made you successors. For those who have believed among you and spent, there will be a great reward.


Aminoo biAllahi warasoolihi waanfiqoo mimma jaAAalakum mustakhlafeena feehi faallatheena amanoo minkum waanfaqoo lahum ajrun kabeerun

Ahmed Ali

Believe in God and His Apostle, and spend of what He has given you as His trustee. And those of you who believe and spend in charity will have a great reward.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Accept faith in Allah and His Noble Messenger, and spend in His cause from what He has made you the heirs of; so for those among you who accepted faith and spent in His cause, is a great reward.


Believe in God and His Messenger, and expend of that unto which He has made you successors. And those of you who believe and expend shall have a mighty wage.


Believe in Allah and His apostle, and expend of that whereof He hath made you successors to. Those of you who believe and expend - theirs shall be a great hire.

Hilali & Khan

Believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), and spend of that whereof He has made you trustees. And such of you as believe and spend (in Allah's Way), theirs will be a great reward.


Believe in God and His Messenger, and spend from what He made you inherit. Those among you who believe and give will have a great reward.


Believe in Allah and in His Messenger and expend of what He has entrusted to you. A great reward awaits those of you who believe and spend their wealth.


Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and spend of that whereof He has made you trustees. And such of you as believe and spend, theirs will be a great reward.


Believe in Allah and His messenger, and spend of that whereof He hath made you trustees; and such of you as believe and spend (aright), theirs will be a great reward.


Have faith in Allah and His Apostle, and spend out of that of which He has made you heirs. There is a great reward for those of you who have faith and spend [in Allah’s way].

Qaribullah & Darwish

Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend (in charity) of that which He has made you successors. Whosoever of you believes and spends shall have amighty wage.


Have faith in God and His Messenger and spend for His cause out of what is entrusted to you. Those who believe and spend for the cause of God will have a great reward.


Believe in Allah and His Apostle, and spend out of what He has made you to be successors of; for those of you who believe and spend shall have a great reward.

Wahiduddin Khan

Have faith in God and His Messenger and spend in charity from that of which He has made you trustees: those of you who believe and give alms shall be richly rewarded.

Yusuf Ali

Believe in Allah and His messenger, and spend (in charity) out of the (substance) whereof He has made you heirs. For, those of you who believe and spend (in charity),- for them is a great Reward.

وَمَا لَكُمْ لَا تُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ ۙ وَٱلرَّسُولُ يَدْعُوكُمْ لِتُؤْمِنُوا۟ بِرَبِّكُمْ وَقَدْ أَخَذَ مِيثَٰقَكُمْ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ ﴿٨﴾

And why do you not believe in Allah while the Messenger invites you to believe in your Lord and He has taken your covenant, if you should [truly] be believers?


Wama lakum la tuminoona biAllahi waalrrasoolu yadAAookum lituminoo birabbikum waqad akhatha meethaqakum in kuntum mumineena

Ahmed Ali

What has come upon you that you believe not in God, though the Prophet is calling you to believe in your Lord? And He has already taken your pledge, if you are believers.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And what is the matter with you, that you should not accept faith in Allah? Whereas this Noble Messenger is calling you to believe in your Lord, and Allah has indeed already taken a covenant from you, if you believe.


How is it with you, that you believe not in God seeing that the Messenger is calling you to believe in your Lord, and He has taken compact with you, if you are believers?


And what aileth you that ye believe not in Allah whereas the apostle is calling you to believe in your Lord, and He hath already taken your bond, if ye are going to be believers?

Hilali & Khan

And what is the matter with you that you believe not in Allah! While the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) invites you to believe in your Lord (Allah), and He (Allah) has indeed taken your covenant, if you are real believers.


What is the matter with you that you do not believe in God, when the Messenger calls you to believe in your Lord, and He has received a pledge from you, if you are believers?


How is it that you do not believe in Allah when the Messenger calls you to believe in your Lord and although he has taken a covenant from you, if indeed you are believers?


And what is the matter with you that you believe not in Allah! While the Messenger invites you to believe in your Lord; and He has indeed taken your covenant, if you are real believers.


What aileth you that ye believe not in Allah, when the messenger calleth you to believe in your Lord, and He hath already made a covenant with you, if ye are believers?


Why should you not have faith in Allah when the Apostle invites you to have faith in your Lord, and He has certainly made a covenant with you, if you are [genuinely] faithful?

Qaribullah & Darwish

Why is it that you do not believe in Allah, when the Messenger calls on you to believe in your Lord, and He has made a covenant with you if you arebelievers?


If you are true indeed to this covenant, why do you not believe in God, when His Messenger invites you to believe in your Lord with whom you have made a solemn covenant?


And what reason have you that you should not believe in Allah? And the Apostle calls on you that you may believe in your Lord, and indeed He has made a covenant with you if you are believers.

Wahiduddin Khan

What could be your reason for not believing in God, when the Messenger calls on you to have faith in your Lord and He has already made a covenant with you, if indeed you are true believers?

Yusuf Ali

What cause have ye why ye should not believe in Allah?- and the Messenger invites you to believe in your Lord, and has indeed taken your Covenant, if ye are men of Faith.

هُوَ ٱلَّذِى يُنَزِّلُ عَلَىٰ عَبْدِهِۦٓ ءَايَٰتٍۭ بَيِّنَٰتٍۢ لِّيُخْرِجَكُم مِّنَ ٱلظُّلُمَٰتِ إِلَى ٱلنُّورِ ۚ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِكُمْ لَرَءُوفٌۭ رَّحِيمٌۭ ﴿٩﴾

It is He who sends down upon His Servant [Muhammad] verses of clear evidence that He may bring you out from darknesses into the light. And indeed, Allah is to you Kind and Merciful.


Huwa allathee yunazzilu AAala AAabdihi ayatin bayyinatin liyukhrijakum mina alththulumati ila alnnoori wainna Allaha bikum laraoofun raheemun

Ahmed Ali

It is He who sends down splendent revelations to His votary that he may take you out of darkness into light; for surely God is gracious and kind to you.

Ahmed Raza Khan

It is He Who sends down clear verses upon His chosen bondman, in order to take you out from the realms of darkness towards light; and indeed Allah is Most Compassionate, Most Merciful upon you.


It is He who sends down upon His servant signs, clear signs, that He may bring you forth from the shadows into the light. Surely God is to you All-gentle, All-compassionate.


He it is Who sendeth down Unto His bondman manifest signs that He may bring you forth from darknesses into the light; and verily Allah is Unto you Tender, Merciful.

Hilali & Khan

It is He Who sends down manifest Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to His slave (Muhammad SAW) that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful.


It is He who sends down upon His servant clear revelations, to bring you out of darkness into the light. God is Gentle towards you, Most Compassionate.


He it is Who sends down Clear Signs to His servant so as to bring you out from darkness into light. Surely Allah is Most Kind and Most Compassionate to you.


It is He Who sends down manifest Ayat to His servant that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful.


He it is Who sendeth down clear revelations unto His slave, that He may bring you forth from darkness unto light; and lo! for you, Allah is Full of Pity, Merciful.


It is He who sends down manifest signs to His servant that He may bring you out of darkness into light, and indeed Allah is most kind and merciful to you.

Qaribullah & Darwish

It is He who sends down clear verses to His worshiper, so that He brings you out of the darkness into the light. Indeed, Allah is the Gentle, the Most Merciful to you.


It is He who sends illustrious revelations to His servant to take you out of darkness to light. God is Compassionate and All-merciful to you.


He it is who sends down clear communications upon His servant, that he may bring you forth from utter darkness into light; and most surely Allah is Kind, Merciful to you.

Wahiduddin Khan

It is He who sends down to His Servant clear revelations, so that He may lead you out of darkness into light. God is indeed compassionate and merciful to you.

Yusuf Ali

He is the One Who sends to His Servant Manifest Signs, that He may lead you from the depths of Darkness into the Light and verily Allah is to you most kind and Merciful.

وَمَا لَكُمْ أَلَّا تُنفِقُوا۟ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ وَلِلَّهِ مِيرَٰثُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ لَا يَسْتَوِى مِنكُم مَّنْ أَنفَقَ مِن قَبْلِ ٱلْفَتْحِ وَقَٰتَلَ ۚ أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ أَعْظَمُ دَرَجَةًۭ مِّنَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنفَقُوا۟ مِنۢ بَعْدُ وَقَٰتَلُوا۟ ۚ وَكُلًّۭا وَعَدَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْحُسْنَىٰ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌۭ ﴿١٠﴾

And why do you not spend in the cause of Allah while to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth? Not equal among you are those who spent before the conquest [of Makkah] and fought [and those who did so after it]. Those are greater in degree than they who spent afterwards and fought. But to all Allah has promised the best [reward]. And Allah, with what you do, is Acquainted.


Wama lakum alla tunfiqoo fee sabeeli Allahi walillahi meerathu alssamawati waalardi la yastawee minkum man anfaqa min qabli alfathi waqatala olaika aAAthamu darajatan mina allatheena anfaqoo min baAAdu waqataloo wakullan waAAada Allahu alhusna waAllahu bima taAAmaloona khabeerun

Ahmed Ali

What has come upon you that you do not spend in the way of God, when the heritage of the heavens and the earth belongs to God? Those of you who spent before the victory and fought, are not equal (to those who did not). They are higher in position than those who spent after (the victory) and fought. To each one God has made the promise of excellence, for God is aware of all you do.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And what is the matter with you that you should not spend in Allah’s cause, whereas Allah is the Inheritor of all that is in the heavens and in the earth? Those among you who spent and fought before the conquest of Mecca are not equal to others; they are greater in rank than those who spent and fought after the conquest; and Allah has promised Paradise to all of them; and Allah well knows what you do.


How is it with you, that you expend not in the way of God, and to God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth? Not equal is he among you who spent, and who fought before the victory; those are mightier in rank than they who spent and fought afterwards; and unto each God has promised the reward most fair; and God is aware of the things you do.


And what aileth you that ye expend not in the way of Allah, when Allah's shall be the inheritance of the heavens and the earth! Those among you who expended and fought before the victory shall not be held equal They are mightier in rank than those who expended and fought afterwards; Unto each hath Allah promised good; and Allah is of whatsoever ye work Aware.

Hilali & Khan

And what is the matter with you that you spend not in the Cause of Allah? And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. Not equal among you are those who spent and fought before the conquering (of Makkah) (with those among you who did so later). Such are higher in degree than those who spent and fought afterwards. But to all, Allah has promised the best (reward). And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.


And why is it that you do not spend in the cause of God, when to God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth? Not equal among you are those who contributed before the conquest, and fought. Those are higher in rank than those who contributed afterwards, and fought. But God promises both a good reward. God is Well Experienced in what you do.


How is it that you do not expend in the Way of Allah when to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth? Those who spent their wealth and took part in fighting before the Victory cannot be equated (with those who spent their wealth and took part in fighting afterwards). They are higher in rank than those who spent and fought afterwards. But to each Allah has promised a good reward. Allah is well aware of all that you do.


And what is the matter with you that you spend not in the cause of Allah And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. Not equal among you are those who spent and fought before the conquering. Such are higher in degree than those who spent and fought afterwards. But to all Allah has promised the best. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.


And what aileth you that ye spend not in the way of Allah when unto Allah belongeth the inheritance of the heavens and the earth? Those who spent and fought before the victory are not upon a level (with the rest of you). Such are greater in rank than those who spent and fought afterwards. Unto each hath Allah promised good. And Allah is Informed of what ye do.


Why should you not spend in the way of Allah, when to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth? Those of you who spent [their means] and fought before the victory are not equal [to others]. They are greater in rank than those who have spent and fought afterwards. Yet Allah has promised the best reward to each and Allah is well aware of what you do.

Qaribullah & Darwish

And why is it that you do not spend in the Way of Allah, when the inheritance of the heavens and earth belong to Allah alone? Those who spent before the victory and took part in the fighting are mightier in rank and are not equal to those who spent and fought thereafter. Yet, Allah has promised each a fine reward, and Allah is Aware of what you do.


Why do you not spend for the cause of God when to Him belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth? Those who spend for the cause of God and fight before victory will have higher positions than those who spend for the cause of God and fight after victory. However, to both parties God has promised good rewards. God is Well Aware of what you do.


And what reason have you that you should not spend in Allah's way? And Allah's is the inheritance of the heavens and the earth, not alike among you are those who spent before the victory and fought (and those who did not): they are more exalted in rank than those who spent and fought afterwards; and Allah has promised good to all; and Allah is Aware of what you do.

Wahiduddin Khan

Why should you not spend for the cause of God, when God alone holds the heritage of the heavens and the earth? Those of you who spent and fought before the victory will be higher in rank than those who spent and fought afterwards. Yet God has promised you all a good reward. He is aware of all that you do.

Yusuf Ali

And what cause have ye why ye should not spend in the cause of Allah?- For to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. Not equal among you are those who spent (freely) and fought, before the Victory, (with those who did so later). Those are higher in rank than those who spent (freely) and fought afterwards. But to all has Allah promised a goodly (reward). And Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do.

مَّن ذَا ٱلَّذِى يُقْرِضُ ٱللَّهَ قَرْضًا حَسَنًۭا فَيُضَٰعِفَهُۥ لَهُۥ وَلَهُۥٓ أَجْرٌۭ كَرِيمٌۭ ﴿١١﴾

Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He will multiply it for him and he will have a noble reward?


Man tha allathee yuqridu Allaha qardan hasanan fayudaAAifahu lahu walahu ajrun kareemun

Ahmed Ali

Who will give a goodly loan to God which He will double for him, and be for him a splendid reward?

Ahmed Raza Khan

Who will lend a handsome loan to Allah so that He may double it for him? And for such is an honourable reward.


Who is he that will lend to God a good loan, and He will multiply it for him, and his shall be a generous wage?


Who is he that will lend Allah a goodly loan, so that He may multiply it for him, and his shall be a hire honourable?

Hilali & Khan

Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan, then (Allah) will increase it manifold to his credit (in repaying), and he will have (besides) a good reward (i.e. Paradise).


Who is he who will lend God a loan of goodness, that He may double it for him, and will have a generous reward?


Who is it that will give Allah a beautiful loan? A loan that Allah will repay after increasing it many times and grant him a generous reward.


Who is he that will lend Allah a handsome loan: then He will increase it manifold to his credit, and he will have a honorable reward.


Who is he that will lend unto Allah a goodly loan, that He may double it for him and his may be a rich reward?


Who is it that will lend Allah a good loan, that He may multiply it for him and [that] there may be a noble reward for him?

Qaribullah & Darwish

Who will lend a generous loan to Allah? He will multiply it for him and he shall receive a generous wage.


Whoever gives a virtuous loan to God will receive double from Him in addition to an honorable reward.


Who is there that will offer to Allah a good gift so He will double it for him, and he shall have an excellent reward.

Wahiduddin Khan

Who will offer God a generous loan? He will double it for him and give him a rich reward.

Yusuf Ali

Who is he that will Loan to Allah a beautiful loan? for (Allah) will increase it manifold to his credit, and he will have (besides) a liberal Reward.

يَوْمَ تَرَى ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنَٰتِ يَسْعَىٰ نُورُهُم بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَبِأَيْمَٰنِهِم بُشْرَىٰكُمُ ٱلْيَوْمَ جَنَّٰتٌۭ تَجْرِى مِن تَحْتِهَا ٱلْأَنْهَٰرُ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُوَ ٱلْفَوْزُ ٱلْعَظِيمُ ﴿١٢﴾

On the Day you see the believing men and believing women, their light proceeding before them and on their right, [it will be said], \"Your good tidings today are [of] gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein you will abide eternally.\" That is what is the great attainment.


Yawma tara almumineena waalmuminati yasAAa nooruhum bayna aydeehim wabiaymanihim bushrakumu alyawma jannatun tajree min tahtiha alanharu khalideena feeha thalika huwa alfawzu alAAatheemu

Ahmed Ali

The day you see the believers, men and women, with their light advancing ahead and to the right of them, (they will be told:) \"There is good news for you this day, of gardens with rivers flowing by where you will live for ever.\" This will be the great attainment.

Ahmed Raza Khan

The day when you will see the believing men and believing women, that their light runs before them and on their right – it being said to them, “This day, the best tidings for you are the Gardens beneath which rivers flow – abide in it forever; this is the greatest success.”


Upon the day when thou seest the believers, men and women, their light running before them, and on their right hands. 'Good tidings for you today! Gardens underneath which rivers flow, therein to dwell for ever; that is indeed the mighty triumph.'


Mention the Day whereon thou shalt see the believing men and believing women, their light running before them and on their right hands: glad tidings Unto you To-day: Gardens whereunder rivers flow, abiders therein they will be. That! it is the mighty achievement.

Hilali & Khan

On the Day you shall see the believing men and the believing women their light running forward before them and by their right hands. Glad tidings for you this Day! Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever! Truly, this is the great success!


On the Day when you see the believing men and believing women—their light radiating ahead of them, and to their right: “Good news for you today: gardens beneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever. That is the great triumph.”


On that Day you will see believing men and women that their light will be running before them and on their right hands. (They will be told): “A good tiding to you today.” There shall be Gardens beneath which rivers flow; therein they shall abide. That indeed is the great triumph.


On the Day you shall see the believing men and the believing women -- their light running forward before them and in their right hands. Glad tidings for you this Day! Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever! Truly, this is the great success!


On the day when thou (Muhammad) wilt see the believers, men and women, their light shining forth before them and on their right hands, (and wilt hear it said unto them): Glad news for you this day: Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein ye are immortal. That is the supreme triumph.


The day you will see the faithful, men and women, with their light moving swiftly in front of them and on their right, [and they are greeted with the words:] ‘There is good news for you today! Gardens with streams running in them, to remain in them [forever]. That is the great success.’

Qaribullah & Darwish

The Day (will surely come) when you shall see believing men and women with their light running before them on their right hands, (it will be said to them):'Glad tidings for you this Day. You shall live for ever in Gardens underneath which rivers flow! That is indeed the mighty triumph.


On the Day of Judgment you will see the believers with their light shining in front of them and to their right. They will be told, \"Paradise wherein streams flow is the glad news for you today. You will live therein forever. This is the greatest triumph\".


On that day you will see the faithful men and the faithful women-- their light running before them and on their right hand-- good news for you today: gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein, that is the grand achievement.

Wahiduddin Khan

On the Day, you [Prophet] shall see the faithful, both men and women, with their light streaming out before them and on their right hands, [and you shall hear a voice saying to them:] \"Glad tidings for you today! You shall enter gardens with rivers flowing through them wherein you shall forever dwell. That is the supreme triumph.\"

Yusuf Ali

One Day shalt thou see the believing men and the believing women- how their Light runs forward before them and by their right hands: (their greeting will be): \"Good News for you this Day! Gardens beneath which flow rivers! to dwell therein for aye! This is indeed the highest Achievement!\"

يَوْمَ يَقُولُ ٱلْمُنَٰفِقُونَ وَٱلْمُنَٰفِقَٰتُ لِلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱنظُرُونَا نَقْتَبِسْ مِن نُّورِكُمْ قِيلَ ٱرْجِعُوا۟ وَرَآءَكُمْ فَٱلْتَمِسُوا۟ نُورًۭا فَضُرِبَ بَيْنَهُم بِسُورٍۢ لَّهُۥ بَابٌۢ بَاطِنُهُۥ فِيهِ ٱلرَّحْمَةُ وَظَٰهِرُهُۥ مِن قِبَلِهِ ٱلْعَذَابُ ﴿١٣﴾

On the [same] Day the hypocrite men and hypocrite women will say to those who believed, \"Wait for us that we may acquire some of your light.\" It will be said, \"Go back behind you and seek light.\" And a wall will be placed between them with a door, its interior containing mercy, but on the outside of it is torment.


Yawma yaqoolu almunafiqoona waalmunafiqatu lillatheena amanoo onthuroona naqtabis min noorikum qeela irjiAAoo waraakum failtamisoo nooran faduriba baynahum bisoorin lahu babun batinuhu feehi alrrahmatu wathahiruhu min qibalihi alAAathabu

Ahmed Ali

The day the hypocrites, men and women, will say to the believers: \"Wait for us that we may borrow a little light from your light,\" they will be told: \"Go back, and look for your light.\" A wall shall be raised between them in which there will be a door. Within it will be benevolence and retribution without.

Ahmed Raza Khan

The day when hypocrite men and hypocrite women will say to the Muslims, “Look mercifully towards us, so that we may gain some of your light!”; it will be said to them, “Turn back, search light over there!”; so they will turn around, whereupon a wall will be erected between them, in which is a gate; inside the gate is mercy, and on the outer side is the punishment.


Upon the day when the hypocrites, men and women, shall say to those who have believed, 'Wait for us, so that we may borrow your light!' It shall be said, 'Return you back behind, and seek for a light!' And a wall shall be set up between them, having a door in the inward whereof is mercy, and against the outward thereof is chastisement.


It shall be the Day whereon the hypocritical men and hypocritical women will say Unto those who believe: wait for us that we may borrow some of your light. Then betwixt them there will be set a high wall, wherein will be a door, the inside whereof hath mercy, while the outside thereof is toward the torment.

Hilali & Khan

On the Day when the hypocrites men and women will say to the believers: \"Wait for us! Let us get something from your light!\" It will be said: \"Go back to your rear! Then seek a light!\" So a wall will be put up between them, with a gate therein. Inside it will be mercy, and outside it will be torment.\"


On the Day when the hypocritical men and hypocritical women will say to those who believed, “Wait for us; let us absorb some of your light.” It will be said, “Go back behind you, and seek light.” A wall will be raised between them, in which is a door; within it is mercy, and outside it is agony.


On that Day the hypocrites, both men and women, shall say to the believers: “Look at us that we may extract some light from your light.” They will be told: “Go back and seek light for yourselves elsewhere.” Then a wall shall be erected between them with a door in it. On the inside of it there will be mercy, and on the outside of it there will be chastisement.


On the Day when the hypocrites men and women will say to the believers: \"Wait for us! Let us get something from your light!\" It will be said: \"Go back to your rear! Then seek a light!\" So, a wall will be put up between them, with a gate therein. Inside it will be mercy, and outside it will be torment.


On the day when the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women will say unto those who believe: Look on us that we may borrow from your light! it will be said: Go back and seek for light! Then there will separate them a wall wherein is a gate, the inner side whereof containeth mercy, while the outer side thereof is toward the doom.


The day the hypocrites, men and women, will say to the faithful, ‘Please wait, that we may glean something from your light!’ They will be told: ‘Go back and grope for light!’ Then there will be set up between them a wall with a gate, with mercy within and punishment without.

Qaribullah & Darwish

On that Day the hypocrites, both men and women, will say to the believers: 'Wait for us so that we can take from your light' But they will be answered: 'Go back and seek a light' And a wall with a door shall be between them. Inside it there is mercy, and outside will be the punishment.


On that day the hypocrites will say to the believers, \"Please look at us so that we might benefit from your light.\" They will be told, \"Go back and search for your own light.\" A barrier with a door will be placed between them. Inside it there will be mercy but outside of it there will be torment.


On the day when the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women will say to those who believe: Wait for us, that we may have light from your light; it shall be said: Turn back and seek a light. Then separation would be brought about between them, with a wall having a door in it; (as for) the inside of it, there shall be mercy in it, and (as for) the outside of it, before it there shall be punishment.

Wahiduddin Khan

On that Day, the hypocrites, both men and women, will say to the faithful, \"Wait a while for us, so that we may have some of your light.\" They will be told, \"Turn back and look for a light elsewhere.\" A wall will then be raised between them. It will have a gate on the inside of which will be grace and mercy and on the outside of which will be punishment.

Yusuf Ali

One Day will the Hypocrites- men and women - say to the Believers: \"Wait for us! Let us borrow (a Light) from your Light!\" It will be said: \"Turn ye back to your rear! then seek a Light (where ye can)!\" So a wall will be put up betwixt them, with a gate therein. Within it will be Mercy throughout, and without it, all alongside, will be (Wrath and) Punishment!

يُنَادُونَهُمْ أَلَمْ نَكُن مَّعَكُمْ ۖ قَالُوا۟ بَلَىٰ وَلَٰكِنَّكُمْ فَتَنتُمْ أَنفُسَكُمْ وَتَرَبَّصْتُمْ وَٱرْتَبْتُمْ وَغَرَّتْكُمُ ٱلْأَمَانِىُّ حَتَّىٰ جَآءَ أَمْرُ ٱللَّهِ وَغَرَّكُم بِٱللَّهِ ٱلْغَرُورُ ﴿١٤﴾

The hypocrites will call to the believers, \"Were we not with you?\" They will say, \"Yes, but you afflicted yourselves and awaited [misfortune for us] and doubted, and wishful thinking deluded you until there came the command of Allah. And the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah.


Yunadoonahum alam nakun maAAakum qaloo bala walakinnakum fatantum anfusakum watarabbastum wairtabtum wagharratkumu alamaniyyu hatta jaa amru Allahi wagharrakum biAllahi algharooru

Ahmed Ali

They will call to them: \"Were we not with you?\" They will answer: \"Certainly; but then you let yourselves be tempted, and waited in expectation but were suspicious and were deceived by vain desires, till the decree of God came to pass, and the deceiver duped you in respect of God.

Ahmed Raza Khan

The hypocrites will call out to the Muslims, “Were we not with you?”; they will answer, “Yes you were, why not? But you had put your souls into trial, and you used to await misfortune for the Muslims, and you doubted, and false hopes deceived you until Allah’s command came – and the big cheat had made you conceited towards the command of Allah.”


They shall be calling unto them, 'Were we not with you?' They shall say, 'Yes indeed; but you tempted yourselves, and you awaited, and you were in doubt, and fancies deluded you, until God's commandment came, and the Deluder deluded you concerning God.


They will cry unto them: have we not been with you? They will say: 'yea! but ye tempted your souls, and ye Waited, and ye dubitated, and your vain desires beguiled you until the affair of Allah came, and in respect to Allah the beguiler beguiled you.

Hilali & Khan

(The hypocrites) will call the believers: \"Were we not with you?\" The believers will reply: \"Yes! But you led yourselves into temptations, you looked forward for our destruction; you doubted (in Faith); and you were deceived by false desires, till the Command of Allah came to pass. And the chief deceiver (Satan) deceived you in respect of Allah.\"


They will call to them, “Were we not with you?” They will say, “Yes, but you cheated your souls, and waited, and doubted, and became deluded by wishful thinking, until the command of God arrived; and arrogance deceived you regarding God.”


The hypocrites will call out to the believers: “Were we not with you?” The believers will reply: “Yes; but you allowed yourselves to succumb to temptations, and you wavered and you remained in doubt and false expectations deluded you until Allah's command came to pass, and the Deluder deluded you concerning Allah.


(The hypocrites) will call the believers: \"Were we not with you\" The believers will reply: \"Yes! But you led yourselves into temptations, you looked forward to our destruction; and you doubted, and you were deceived by false hopes, till the command of Allah came to pass. And the deceiver deceived you in regard to Allah.\"


They will cry unto them (saying): Were we not with you? They will say: Yea, verily; but ye tempted one another, and hesitated, and doubted, and vain desires beguiled you till the ordinance of Allah came to pass; and the deceiver deceived you concerning Allah;


They will call out to them, ‘Did we not use to be with you?’ They will say, ‘Yes! But you cast yourselves into perdition. You awaited and were skeptical, and [false] hopes deceived you until the edict of Allah came, and the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah.

Qaribullah & Darwish

They will call out to them, saying: 'Were we not with you' 'Yes' they will reply, 'but you tempted yourselves, you waited (for problems to befall thebelievers), and you doubted, and were deluded by your own fancies until the Command of Allah came, and the deluder (satan) deluded you concerning Allah.


(Those outside) will call out, \"Were we not with you?\" (Those inside) will reply, \"Yes, you were with us but you spent your life in disbelief and hypocrisy, wished death to (Muhammad), had doubts about his message and let your longings deceive you until the decree of God came to pass. The devil deceived you about the mercy of God.


They will cry out to them: Were we not with you? They shall say: Yea! but you caused yourselves to fall into temptation, and you waited and doubted, and vain desires deceived you till the threatened punishment of Allah came, while the archdeceiver deceived you about Allah.

Wahiduddin Khan

The hypocrites will call out to the faithful: \"Were we not on your side?\" They will reply, \"Yes, but you gave in to temptation, you wavered and doubted and were deceived by your wishful thinking until God's will was done; then the Deceiver [Satan] misled you about God.\"

Yusuf Ali

(Those without) will call out, \"Were we not with you?\" (The others) will reply, \"True! but ye led yourselves into temptation; ye looked forward (to our ruin); ye doubted (Allah's Promise); and (your false) desires deceived you; until there issued the Command of Allah. And the Deceiver deceived you in respect of Allah.

فَٱلْيَوْمَ لَا يُؤْخَذُ مِنكُمْ فِدْيَةٌۭ وَلَا مِنَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ ۚ مَأْوَىٰكُمُ ٱلنَّارُ ۖ هِىَ مَوْلَىٰكُمْ ۖ وَبِئْسَ ٱلْمَصِيرُ ﴿١٥﴾

So today no ransom will be taken from you or from those who disbelieved. Your refuge is the Fire. It is most worthy of you, and wretched is the destination.


Faalyawma la yukhathu minkum fidyatun wala mina allatheena kafaroo mawakumu alnnaru hiya mawlakum wabisa almaseeru

Ahmed Ali

So no ransom will be accepted of you on this day, or of those who refused to believe. Hell will be your refuge and the only friend -- and how evil a destination!\"

Ahmed Raza Khan

“So this day no ransom is to be taken from you nor from the declared disbelievers; your destination is the fire; that is your companion; and what a wretched outcome!”


Therefore today no ransom shall be taken from you, neither from those who disbelieved. Your refuge is the Fire, that is your master -- an evil homecoming!'


To-day therefore no ransom will be accepted of you nor of those who openly disbelieved; your abode is the Fire; that is your companion; a hapless destination.

Hilali & Khan

So this Day no ransom shall be taken from you (hypocrites), nor of those who disbelieved, (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism). Your abode is the Fire, that is the proper place for you, and worst indeed is that destination.


“Therefore, today no ransom will be accepted from you, nor from those who disbelieved. The Fire is your refuge. It is your companion—what an evil fate!”


So no ransom shall be accepted from you today, nor from those who disbelieved. You are destined for the Fire. That will be your guardian. And that indeed is a grievous destination.


So, this Day no ransom shall be taken from you, nor of those who disbelieved. Your abode is the Fire. That is your protector, and worst indeed is that destination.


So this day no ransom can be taken from you nor from those who disbelieved. Your home is the Fire; that is your patron, and a hapless journey's end.


So today no ransom shall be taken from you or the faithless. The Fire will be your abode: it is your [ultimate] refuge and an evil destination.’

Qaribullah & Darwish

Today no ransom shall be accepted from you or from the unbelievers. Your shelter is the Fire, that is your sponsor, the worst arrival'


So on this day no ransom will be accepted from you nor from the disbelievers. Your dwelling will be fire. It will be your friend and a terrible end\".


So today ransom shall not be accepted from you nor from those who disbelieved; your abode is the fire; it is your friend and evil is the resort.

Wahiduddin Khan

So this Day no ransom can be taken from you nor from those who were bent on denying the truth. Your home is the fire; that is your companion, and a hapless journey's end.

Yusuf Ali

\"This Day shall no ransom be accepted of you, nor of those who rejected Allah.\" Your abode is the Fire: that is the proper place to claim you: and an evil refuge it is!\"

۞ أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ أَن تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ وَمَا نَزَلَ مِنَ ٱلْحَقِّ وَلَا يَكُونُوا۟ كَٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُوا۟ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ مِن قَبْلُ فَطَالَ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلْأَمَدُ فَقَسَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌۭ مِّنْهُمْ فَٰسِقُونَ ﴿١٦﴾

Has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? And let them not be like those who were given the Scripture before, and a long period passed over them, so their hearts hardened; and many of them are defiantly disobedient.


Alam yani lillatheena amanoo an takhshaAAa quloobuhum lithikri Allahi wama nazala mina alhaqqi wala yakoonoo kaallatheena ootoo alkitaba min qablu fatala AAalayhimu alamadu faqasat quloobuhum wakatheerun minhum fasiqoona

Ahmed Ali

Has the moment not yet come when the hearts of believers should be moved by the thought of God and the truth that has been sent down, so that they should not be like those who received the Book before them but whose hearts were hardened after a lapse of time, and many of them turned disobedient?

Ahmed Raza Khan

Has not the time come for the believers to surrender their hearts to Allah’s remembrance and to this truth that has come down? And do not be like those who were earlier given the Book(s) and when a long term passed over them, their hearts became hardened; and many of them are sinners.


Is it not time that the hearts of those who believe should be humbled to the Remembrance of God and the Truth which He has sent down, and that they should not be as those to whom the Book was given aforetime, and the term seemed over long to them, so that their hearts have become hard, and many of them are ungodly?


Is not the time yet come unto those who believe, that their hearts should humble themselves to the admonition of Allah and to the truth which hath come down, and that they become not as those who were vouchsafed the Book aforetime, and the time become extended unto them, and so their hearts became hard? And many of them are transgressors

Hilali & Khan

Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) to be affected by Allah's Reminder (this Quran), and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before (i.e. Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).


Is it not time for those who believe to surrender their hearts to the remembrance of God, and to the truth that has come down, and not be like those who were given the Book previously, but time became prolonged for them, so their hearts hardened, and many of them are sinners?


Is the time not come that the hearts of the believers should be humbled to Allah's remembrance and to the Truth that He has revealed, and that they should not be like those who were vouchsafed the Book and then a long time elapsed so that their hearts were hardened? A great many of them are now evil-doers.


Has not the time yet come for the believers that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah And that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture before, and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened And many of them were rebellious.


Is not the time ripe for the hearts of those who believe to submit to Allah's reminder and to the truth which is revealed, that they become not as those who received the scripture of old but the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened, and many of them are evil-livers.


Is it not time yet for those who have faith that their hearts should be humbled for Allah’s remembrance and toward the truth which has come down [to them], and to be not like those who were given the Book before? Time took its toll on them and so their hearts were hardened, and many of them are transgressors.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Is it not time that the hearts of the believers be humbled to the Remembrance of Allah and the truth which He has sent down? They should not be like those who were given the Book before this, whose time became very long so that their hearts became hardened. Many of them were impious.


Is it not time for the hearts of the believers to become humbled by the remembrance of God and by the Truth which has been revealed so that they will not be like the followers of the Bible who lived before them and whose hearts have become hard like stone through the long years. Many of them are evil doers.


Has not the time yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? And that they should not be like those who were given the Book before, but the time became prolonged to them, so their hearts hardened, and most of them are transgressors.

Wahiduddin Khan

Has the time not come for the faithful when their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of God and of the revelation of truth, so that they should not become like those who were given the Book before them, whose hearts with the passage of time became hardened and many of whom were disobedient?

Yusuf Ali

Has not the Time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which has been revealed (to them), and that they should not become like those to whom was given Revelation aforetime, but long ages passed over them and their hearts grew hard? For many among them are rebellious transgressors.

ٱعْلَمُوٓا۟ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُحْىِ ٱلْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا ۚ قَدْ بَيَّنَّا لَكُمُ ٱلْءَايَٰتِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ ﴿١٧﴾

Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its lifelessness. We have made clear to you the signs; perhaps you will understand.


IAAlamoo anna Allaha yuhyee alarda baAAda mawtiha qad bayyanna lakumu alayati laAAallakum taAAqiloona

Ahmed Ali

Know that God enlivens the earth even after it has died. We have explained to you clearly Our signs that you may understand.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Know that it is Allah Who revives the earth after its death; We have indeed illustrated the signs for you, for you to understand.


Know that God revives the earth after it was dead. We have indeed made clear for you the signs, that haply you will understand.


Know that Allah quickeneth earth after the death thereof. Surely We have propounded unto you the signs, that haply ye may reflect.

Hilali & Khan

Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death! Indeed We have made clear the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to you, if you but understand.


Know that God revives the earth after its death. We thus explain the revelations for you, so that you may understand.


Know well that Allah revives the earth after it becomes lifeless. We have clearly shown Our Signs to you, perchance you will use your reason.


Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death! Indeed We have made clear the Ayat to you, if you but understand.


Know that Allah quickeneth the earth after its death. We have made clear Our revelations for you, that haply ye may understand.


Know that Allah revives the earth after its death. We have certainly made the signs clear for you, so that you may exercise your reason.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Know that Allah revives the earth after it was dead. We have made plain to you the signs in order that you understand.


Know that God brings the dead earth back to life. We have explained Our revelations to you so that you may perhaps have understanding.


Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death; indeed, We have made the communications clear to you that you may understand.

Wahiduddin Khan

Remember that God brings the earth back to life after its death. We have made Our signs clear to you, so that you may fully understand.

Yusuf Ali

Know ye (all) that Allah giveth life to the earth after its death! already have We shown the Signs plainly to you, that ye may learn wisdom.

إِنَّ ٱلْمُصَّدِّقِينَ وَٱلْمُصَّدِّقَٰتِ وَأَقْرَضُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ قَرْضًا حَسَنًۭا يُضَٰعَفُ لَهُمْ وَلَهُمْ أَجْرٌۭ كَرِيمٌۭ ﴿١٨﴾

Indeed, the men who practice charity and the women who practice charity and [they who] have loaned Allah a goodly loan - it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward.


Inna almussaddiqeena waalmussaddiqati waaqradoo Allaha qardan hasanan yudaAAafu lahum walahum ajrun kareemun

Ahmed Ali

Surely the men and women who spend in charity and give a goodly loan to God, will have it doubled for them and will receive a generous reward.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Indeed the charity-giving men and women, and those who lend an excellent loan to Allah – for them is double, and for them is an honourable reward.


Surely those, the men and the women, who make freewill offerings and have lent to God a good loan, it shall be multiplied for them, and theirs shall be a generous wage.


Verily the alms-giving men and alms-giving women--and they are lending unto Allah a goodly lone--it shall be multiplied for them and theirs shall be a hire honourable.

Hilali & Khan

Verily, those who give Sadaqat (i.e. Zakat and alms, etc.), men and women, and lend to Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs shall be an honourable good reward (i.e. Paradise).


The charitable men and charitable women, who have loaned God a loan of righteousness—it will be multiplied for them, and for them is a generous reward.


Verily those who give alms -- be they men or women, -- and give Allah a beautiful loan shall be repaid after increasing it many times; and theirs shall be a generous reward.


Verily, those who give Sadaqat, men and women, and lend Allah handsome loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs shall be an honorable good reward.


Lo! those who give alms, both men and women, and lend unto Allah a goodly loan, it will be doubled for them, and theirs will be a rich reward.


Indeed the charitable men and women and those who lend Allah a good loan—it shall be multiplied for them, and there will be a noble reward for them.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Indeed, those who give in charity, be they men or women, and those who lend a good loan to Allah, shall be repaid in multiples. They shall receive agenerous wage.


The charitable men and women who give a virtuous loan to God will receive double from Him in addition to their honorable reward.


Surely (as for) the charitable men and the charitable women and (those who) set apart for Allah a goodly portion, it shall be doubled for them and they shall have a noble reward.

Wahiduddin Khan

Alms-givers, both men and women, who give a generous loan to God, shall have it multiplied and shall have an honourable reward.

Yusuf Ali

For those who give in Charity, men and women, and loan to Allah a Beautiful Loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and they shall have (besides) a liberal reward.

وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ بِٱللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِۦٓ أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ هُمُ ٱلصِّدِّيقُونَ ۖ وَٱلشُّهَدَآءُ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ لَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ وَنُورُهُمْ ۖ وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ وَكَذَّبُوا۟ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَآ أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ أَصْحَٰبُ ٱلْجَحِيمِ ﴿١٩﴾

And those who have believed in Allah and His messengers - those are [in the ranks of] the supporters of truth and the martyrs, with their Lord. For them is their reward and their light. But those who have disbelieved and denied Our verses - those are the companions of Hellfire.


Waallatheena amanoo biAllahi warusulihi olaika humu alssiddeeqoona waalshshuhadao AAinda rabbihim lahum ajruhum wanooruhum waallatheena kafaroo wakaththaboo biayatina olaika ashabu aljaheemi

Ahmed Ali

Those who believe in God and His apostles are true of word and deed; and by their Lord are considered testifiers of the truth. They have their guerdon and their light. As for those who do not believe and reject Our revelations, are the people of Hell.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And those who believe in Allah and all His Noble Messengers, are the truly sincere; and are witness upon others, before their Lord; for them is their reward, and their light; and those who disbelieved and denied Our signs, are the people of hell.


And those who believe in God and His Messengers -- they are the just men and the martyrs in their Lord's sight; they have their wage, and their light. But the unbelievers, who have cried lies to Our signs, they are the inhabitants of Hell.


And those who believe in Allah and His apostles - those! they are the saints and martyrs in the sight of their Lord; theirs will be their full hire and their light. And those who disbelieved and belied Our signs--they shall be the fellows of the Blaze.

Hilali & Khan

And those who believe in (the Oneness of) Allah and His Messengers, they are the Siddiqun (i.e. those followers of the Prophets who were first and foremost to believe in them), and the martyrs with their Lord, they shall have their reward and their light. But those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) and deny Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), they shall be the dwellers of the blazing Fire.


Those who believe in God and His messengers—these are the sincere and the witnesses with their Lord; they will have their reward and their light. But as for those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations—these are the inmates of the Blaze.


In Allah's sight only those who truly believe in Allah and His Messengers are utterly truthful and true bearers of witness (for the sake of Allah). For them is their reward and their light. As for those who gave the lie to Our Signs, they are the people of Hell.


And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. they are the Siddiqun (true believers) and the martyrs with their Lord. They shall have their reward and their light. But those who disbelieve and deny Our Ayat -- they shall be the dwellers of the blazing Fire.


And those who believe in Allah and His messengers, they are the loyal, and the martyrs are with their Lord; they have their reward and their light; while as for those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations, they are owners of hell-fire.


Those who have faith in Allah and His apostles—it is they who are the truthful and witnesses with their Lord; they shall have their reward and their light. But as for those who are faithless and deny Our signs, they shall be the inmates of hell.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Those who believe in Allah and His Messengers are the sincere and the martyrs before their Lord, they shall have their reward and their light. But those that disbelieve and belied Our verses are the inhabitants of Gehenna (Hell).


Those who believe in God and His Messenger are the truthful ones and are witness (to the deeds of others) before their Lord. They will have their reward and their light. Those who disbelieve and reject Our revelations shall be the dwellers of hell.


And (as for) those who believe in Allah and His apostles, these it is that are the truthful and the faithful ones in the sight of their Lord: they shall have their reward and their light, and (as for) those who disbelieve and reject Our communications, these are the inmates of the hell.

Wahiduddin Khan

Those who believe in God and His messengers are the truthful ones and the witnesses in the sight of their Lord. They shall have their reward and their light. But those who are bent on denying the truth and reject Our signs shall be destined for Hell.

Yusuf Ali

And those who believe in Allah and His messengers- they are the Sincere (lovers of Truth), and the witnesses (who testify), in the eyes of their Lord: They shall have their Reward and their Light. But those who reject Allah and deny Our Signs,- they are the Companions of Hell-Fire.

ٱعْلَمُوٓا۟ أَنَّمَا ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَا لَعِبٌۭ وَلَهْوٌۭ وَزِينَةٌۭ وَتَفَاخُرٌۢ بَيْنَكُمْ وَتَكَاثُرٌۭ فِى ٱلْأَمْوَٰلِ وَٱلْأَوْلَٰدِ ۖ كَمَثَلِ غَيْثٍ أَعْجَبَ ٱلْكُفَّارَ نَبَاتُهُۥ ثُمَّ يَهِيجُ فَتَرَىٰهُ مُصْفَرًّۭا ثُمَّ يَكُونُ حُطَٰمًۭا ۖ وَفِى ٱلْءَاخِرَةِ عَذَابٌۭ شَدِيدٌۭ وَمَغْفِرَةٌۭ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ وَرِضْوَٰنٌۭ ۚ وَمَا ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَآ إِلَّا مَتَٰعُ ٱلْغُرُورِ ﴿٢٠﴾

Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.


IAAlamoo annama alhayatu alddunya laAAibun walahwun wazeenatun watafakhurun baynakum watakathurun fee alamwali waalawladi kamathali ghaythin aAAjaba alkuffara nabatuhu thumma yaheeju fatarahu musfarran thumma yakoonu hutaman wafee alakhirati AAathabun shadeedun wamaghfiratun mina Allahi waridwanun wama alhayatu alddunya illa mataAAu alghuroori

Ahmed Ali

Know that the life of this world is only a frolic and mummery, an ornamentation, boasting and bragging among yourselves, and lust for multiplying wealth and children. It is like rain so pleasing to the cultivator for his vegetation which sprouts and swells, and then begins to wither, and you see it turn to yellow and reduced to chaff. There is severe punishment in the Hereafter, but also forgiveness from God, and acceptance. As for the life of this world, it is no more than merchandise of vanity.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Know that the life of this world is nothing but play and pastime, and adornment, and boasting amongst yourselves, and the desire to surpass each other in wealth and children; like the rain the produce of which pleased the farmer, then dried so you see it yellow, and then turned into dry trampled hay; and in the Hereafter is a severe punishment, and the forgiveness from Allah and His pleasure; and the life of this world is nothing but counterfeit wealth.


Know that the present life is but a sport and a diversion, an adornment and a cause for boasting among you, and a rivalry in wealth and children. It is as a rain whose vegetation pleases the unbelievers; then it withers, and thou seest it turning yellow, then it becomes broken orts. And in the world to come there is a terrible chastisement, and forgiveness from God and good pleasure; and the present life is but the joy of delusion.


Know that the life of the world is but a play and a pastime, and an adornment and a self-glorification among you and vying in respect of riches and children; as the likeness of vegetation after rains whereof the growth pleaseth the husbandmen, then it withereth and thou seest it becoming yellow, then it becometh chaff. And in the Hereafter there is both a grievous torment and forgiveness from Allah and His pleasure, and the life of the world is but a vain bauble.

Hilali & Khan

Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain, thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment (for the disbelievers, evil-doers), and (there is) Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the believers, good-doers), whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.


Know that the worldly life is only play, and distraction, and glitter, and boasting among you, and rivalry in wealth and children. It is like a rainfall that produces plants, and delights the disbelievers. But then it withers, and you see it yellowing, and then it becomes debris. While in the Hereafter there is severe agony, and forgiveness from God, and acceptance. The life of this world is nothing but enjoyment of vanity.


Know well that the life of this world is merely sport and diversion and adornment and an object of your boasting with one another, and a rivalry in the multiplication of riches and children. Its likeness is that of rain: when it produces vegetation it delights the tillers. But then it withers and you see it turn yellow, and then it crumbles away. In the Hereafter there is (either) grievous chastisement (or) forgiveness from Allah and (His) good pleasure. The life of this world is nothing but delusion.


Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children. (It is) like a rain (Ghayth), thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment, and (there is) forgiveness from Allah and (His) pleasure. And the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.


Know that the life of the world is only play, and idle talk, and pageantry, and boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children; as the likeness of vegetation after rain, whereof the growth is pleasing to the husbandman, but afterward it drieth up and thou seest it turning yellow, then it becometh straw. And in the Hereafter there is grievous punishment, and (also) forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure, whereas the life of the world is but matter of illusion.


Know that the life of this world is mere diversion and play, glamour and mutual vainglory among you and rivalry for wealth and children—like rain, whose growth impresses the farmer. Then it withers and you see it turn yellow, then it becomes chaff. Whereas in the Hereafter there is forgiveness from Allah and His approval and a severe punishment. The life of this world is nothing but the wares of delusion.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Know that the life of this world is but play and an amusement, and adornment, and a cause for boasting among you, a rivalry for greater riches and children. It is like rain whose vegetation pleases the unbelievers, but then it withers and turns yellow, becoming broken stubble. In the Everlasting Life is a terrible punishment, forgiveness, and great pleasure from Allah. The life of this world is nothing except the joy of delusion.


Know that the worldly life is only a game, a temporary attraction, a means of boastfulness among yourselves and a place for multiplying your wealth and children. It is like the rain which produces plants that are attractive to the unbelievers. These plants flourish, turn yellow, and then become crushed bits of straw. In the life hereafter there will be severe torment or forgiveness and mercy from God. The worldly life is only an illusion.


Know that this world's life is only sport and play and gaiety and boasting among yourselves, and a vying in the multiplication of wealth and children, like the rain, whose causing the vegetation to grow, pleases the husbandmen, then it withers away so that you will see it become yellow, then it becomes dried up and broken down; and in the hereafter is a severe chastisement and (also) forgiveness from Allah and (His) pleasure; and this world's life is naught but means of deception.

Wahiduddin Khan

Never forget that the life of this world is only a game and a passing delight, a show, and mutual boasting and trying to outrival each other in riches and children. It is like the growth of vegetation after the rain, which delights the planter, but which then withers away, turns yellow and becomes worthless stubble. In the life to come there will be a terrible punishment, or God's forgiveness and approval: the life of this world is nothing but means of deception.

Yusuf Ali

Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is a similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of Allah). And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception?

سَابِقُوٓا۟ إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍۢ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا كَعَرْضِ ٱلسَّمَآءِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ أُعِدَّتْ لِلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ بِٱللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِۦ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ فَضْلُ ٱللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ ذُو ٱلْفَضْلِ ٱلْعَظِيمِ ﴿٢١﴾

Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty.


Sabiqoo ila maghfiratin min rabbikum wajannatin AAarduha kaAAardi alssamai waalardi oAAiddat lillatheena amanoo biAllahi warusulihi thalika fadlu Allahi yuteehi man yashao waAllahu thoo alfadli alAAatheemi

Ahmed Ali

Hasten for the forgiveness of your Lord and Paradise whose expanse is as wide as that of the heavens and the earth, which has been prepared for those who believe in God and His apostles. This is the bounty of God which He bestows on whosoever He please; and the bounty of God is infinite.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Rush towards the forgiveness of your Lord and a Paradise wide as the expanse of the heavens and the earth – made for those who believe in Allah and all His Noble Messengers; this is Allah’s munificence, He may bestow it to whomever He wills; and Allah is Extremely Munificent.


Race to forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden the breadth whereof is as the breadth of heaven and earth, made ready for those who believe in God and His Messengers. That is the bounty of God; He gives it unto whomsoever He will; and God is of bounty abounding.


Strive with one another in hastening toward forgiveness from your Lord and toward a Garden whereof the width is as the width of the heavens and the earth, gotten ready for those who beiieve in Allah and His apostles. This is the grace of Allah; He vouchsafeth It Unto whomsoever He will; and Allah is Owner of mighty grace.

Hilali & Khan

Race one with another in hastening towards Forgiveness from your Lord (Allah), and towards Paradise, the width whereof is as the width of heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. That is the Grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He pleases. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.


Race towards forgiveness from your Lord; and a Garden as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers. That is the grace of God; He bestows it on whomever He wills. God is the Possessor of Immense Grace.


So vie with one another in seeking to attain your Lord's forgiveness and a Garden whose width is as the width of the heaven and the earth, one which has been prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. That is Allah's bounty which He bestows upon those whom He pleases. Allah is the Lord of abounding bounty.


Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord, and Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. That is the grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He is pleased with. And Allah is the Owner of great bounty.


Race one with another for forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whereof the breadth is as the breadth of the heavens and the earth, which is in store for those who believe in Allah and His messengers. Such is the bounty of Allah, which He bestoweth upon whom He will, and Allah is of Infinite Bounty.


Take the lead towards forgiveness from your Lord and a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who have faith in Allah and His apostles. That is Allah’s grace, which He grants to whomever He wishes, and Allah is dispenser of a great grace.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Therefore, race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. Such is the Favor of Allah; He gives it to whom He will. Allah is the Owner of great favor.


Compete with one another to achieve forgiveness from your Lord and to reach Paradise, which is as vast as the heavens and the earth, and is prepared for those who believe in God and His Messenger. This is the blessing of God and He grants it to whomever He wants. The blessings of God are great.


Hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and to a garden the extensiveness of which is as the extensiveness of the heaven and the earth; it is prepared for those who believe in Allah and His apostles; that is the grace of Allah: He gives it to whom He pleases, and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.

Wahiduddin Khan

Vie with one another for your Lord's forgiveness and for a Paradise as vast as heaven and earth, which has been made ready for those who believe in God and His messengers. Such is God's grace. He bestows it upon whoever He pleases. There is no limit to God's bounty.

Yusuf Ali

Be ye foremost (in seeking) Forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden (of Bliss), the width whereof is as the width of heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers: that is the Grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom he pleases: and Allah is the Lord of Grace abounding.

مَآ أَصَابَ مِن مُّصِيبَةٍۢ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِىٓ أَنفُسِكُمْ إِلَّا فِى كِتَٰبٍۢ مِّن قَبْلِ أَن نَّبْرَأَهَآ ۚ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ يَسِيرٌۭ ﴿٢٢﴾

No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register before We bring it into being - indeed that, for Allah, is easy -


Ma asaba min museebatin fee alardi wala fee anfusikum illa fee kitabin min qabli an nabraaha inna thalika AAala Allahi yaseerun

Ahmed Ali

There is no calamity that befalls the earth or your own selves but in accordance with the law (of causation) before We make it evident. This is indeed how the law of God works inevitably.

Ahmed Raza Khan

There is no misfortune that reaches in the earth or in your selves but is mentioned in a Book, before We initiate it; indeed this is easy for Allah.


No affliction befalls in the earth or in yourselves, but it is in a Book, before We create it; that is easy for God;


Naught of distress befalleth the earth or your persons but it is inscribed in the Book even before We have created them. Verily with Allahs that is easy.

Hilali & Khan

No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz), before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.


No calamity occurs on earth, or in your souls, but it is in a Book, even before We make it happen. That is easy for God.


No misfortune ever befalls on earth, nor on yourselves but We have inscribed it in the Book before We make it manifest. Surely that is easy for Allah.


No calamity occurs in the earth nor in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.


Naught of disaster befalleth in the earth or in yourselves but it is in a Book before we bring it into being - Lo! that is easy for Allah -


No affliction visits the land or yourselves but it is in a Book before We bring it about—that is indeed easy for Allah—

Qaribullah & Darwish

No affliction can befall either the earth, or yourself, except that it is (written) in a Book before We created it. That is easy for Allah;


Whatever hardships you face on earth and in your souls were written in the Book before the creation of the souls. This is certainly easy for God


No evil befalls on the earth nor in your own souls, but it is in a book before We bring it into existence; surely that is easy to Allah:

Wahiduddin Khan

No misfortune can affect the earth or your own selves without its first having been recorded in a book, before We bring it into being. That is easy for God to do;

Yusuf Ali

No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree before We bring it into existence: That is truly easy for Allah:

لِّكَيْلَا تَأْسَوْا۟ عَلَىٰ مَا فَاتَكُمْ وَلَا تَفْرَحُوا۟ بِمَآ ءَاتَىٰكُمْ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍۢ فَخُورٍ ﴿٢٣﴾

In order that you not despair over what has eluded you and not exult [in pride] over what He has given you. And Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful -


Likayla tasaw AAala ma fatakum wala tafrahoo bima atakum waAllahu la yuhibbu kulla mukhtalin fakhoorin

Ahmed Ali

Lest you grieve for what you missed, or rejoice at what you received. God does not love the egoist and the braggart,

Ahmed Raza Khan

So that you may not be saddened upon losing something, nor rejoice upon what you are given; and Allah does not like any boastful, conceited person.


that you may not grieve for what escapes you, nor rejoice in what has come to you; God loves not any man proud and boastful,


This is announced lest ye sorrow for the sake of that which hath escaped you, or exult over that which He hath vouchsafed Unto you: And Allah loveth not any vainglorious boaster:

Hilali & Khan

In order that you may not be sad over matters that you fail to get, nor rejoice because of that which has been given to you. And Allah likes not prideful boasters.


That you may not sorrow over what eludes you, nor exult over what He has given you. God does not love the proud snob.


(We do so) that you may not grieve over the loss you suffer, nor exult over what He gave you. Allah does not love the vainglorious, the boastful,


In order that you may not grieve at the things over that you fail to get, nor rejoice over that which has been given to you. And Allah likes not prideful boasters.


That ye grieve not for the sake of that which hath escaped you, nor yet exult because of that which hath been given. Allah loveth not all prideful boasters,


so that you may not grieve for what escapes you, nor boast for what comes your way, and Allah does not like any swaggering braggart.

Qaribullah & Darwish

so that you will not be saddened for whatever does not come to you, nor be overjoyed in what has come to you. Allah does not love those who are proudand boastful


so that you would not grieve over what you have lost nor become too happy about what God has granted to you. God does not love the arrogant boastful ones who are niggardly and who try to make other people also niggardly.


So that you may not grieve for what has escaped you, nor be exultant at what He has given you; and Allah does not love any arrogant boaster:

Wahiduddin Khan

so that you may not grieve for what has escaped you, nor be exultant over what you have gained. God loves neither the conceited nor the boastful,

Yusuf Ali

In order that ye may not despair over matters that pass you by, nor exult over favours bestowed upon you. For Allah loveth not any vainglorious boaster,-

ٱلَّذِينَ يَبْخَلُونَ وَيَأْمُرُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ بِٱلْبُخْلِ ۗ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ هُوَ ٱلْغَنِىُّ ٱلْحَمِيدُ ﴿٢٤﴾

[Those] who are stingy and enjoin upon people stinginess. And whoever turns away - then indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy.


Allatheena yabkhaloona wayamuroona alnnasa bialbukhli waman yatawalla fainna Allaha huwa alghaniyyu alhameedu

Ahmed Ali

Who hold back what they possess and enjoin stinginess on others. Whoever turns away (from God, should remember) that God is self-sufficient, worthy of praise.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Those who practice miserliness, and exhort others to miserliness; and whoever turns away, then (know that) Allah is the Independent, the Most Praiseworthy.


such as are niggardly, and bid men to be niggardly. And whosoever turns away, God is the All-sufficient, the All-laudable.


Ihey who are niggardly and command mankind to niggardliness. And whosoever turneth away, then verily Allah! He is the Self-sufficient, the praise-worthy.

Hilali & Khan

Those who are misers and enjoin upon people miserliness (Allah is not in need of their charity). And whosoever turns away (from Faith Allah's Monotheism), then Allah is Rich (Free of all wants), Worthy of all praise.


Those who are stingy, and induce people to be stingy. Whoever turns away—God is the Independent, the Praiseworthy.


those who are niggardly and bid others to be niggardly. And he who turns away, (should know that) Allah is Self-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy.


Those who are misers and enjoin miserliness upon people. And whosoever turns away, then Allah is Rich, Worthy of all praise.


Who hoard and who enjoin upon the people avarice. And whosoever turneth away, still Allah is the Absolute, the Owner of Praise.


Such as are [themselves] stingy and bid [other] people to be stingy. And whoever refuses to comply [should know that] indeed Allah is the All-sufficient, the All-laudable.

Qaribullah & Darwish

nor those who are mean, and encourage others to be mean. And he that turns away, (know) that Allah is Rich and Praised.


Those who turn away (from guidance) should know that God is Self-sufficient and Praiseworthy.


Those who are niggardly and enjoin niggardliness on men; and whoever turns back, then surely Allah is He Who is the Selfsufficient, the Praised.

Wahiduddin Khan

nor those who, being miserly themselves, urge others to be miserly. He who turns his back should remember that God alone is self-sufficient and worthy of all praise.

Yusuf Ali

Such persons as are covetous and commend covetousness to men. And if any turn back (from Allah's Way), verily Allah is Free of all Needs, Worthy of all Praise.

لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلَنَا بِٱلْبَيِّنَٰتِ وَأَنزَلْنَا مَعَهُمُ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ وَٱلْمِيزَانَ لِيَقُومَ ٱلنَّاسُ بِٱلْقِسْطِ ۖ وَأَنزَلْنَا ٱلْحَدِيدَ فِيهِ بَأْسٌۭ شَدِيدٌۭ وَمَنَٰفِعُ لِلنَّاسِ وَلِيَعْلَمَ ٱللَّهُ مَن يَنصُرُهُۥ وَرُسُلَهُۥ بِٱلْغَيْبِ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ قَوِىٌّ عَزِيزٌۭ ﴿٢٥﴾

We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.


Laqad arsalna rusulana bialbayyinati waanzalna maAAahumu alkitaba waalmeezana liyaqooma alnnasu bialqisti waanzalna alhadeeda feehi basun shadeedun wamanafiAAu lilnnasi waliyaAAlama Allahu man yansuruhu warusulahu bialghaybi inna Allaha qawiyyun AAazeezun

Ahmed Ali

We have surely sent apostles with clear signs, and sent with them the Book and the Balance, so that men may stand by justice; and We sent down iron which causes much distress but also has advantages for men, so that God may know who helps Him and His apostles in secret. Verily God is all-powerful and all-mighty.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Indeed We sent Our Noble Messengers with proofs, and sent down the Book and the Balance of Justice along with them, so that people may stay upon justice; and We sent down iron having severe heat and benefits for mankind, and so that Allah may see him, who without seeing aides Him and His Noble Messengers; indeed Allah is Almighty, Dominant.


Indeed, We sent Our Messengers with the clear signs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance so that men might uphold justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is great might, and many uses for men, and so that God might know who helps Him, and His Messengers, in the Unseen. Surely God is All-strong, All-mighty.


Assuredly We sent Our apostles with evidences, and We sent down With them the book and the balance, that people might observe equity. And We sent down iron wherein is great violence and also advantages Unto mankind, and that Allah may know him who succoureth Him, unseen, and His apostles. Verily Allah is Strong, Mighty.

Hilali & Khan

Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice. And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power (in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help Him (His religion), and His Messengers in the unseen. Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.


We sent Our messengers with the clear proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, that humanity may uphold justice. And We sent down iron, in which is violent force, and benefits for humanity. That God may know who supports Him and His messengers invisibly. God is Strong and Powerful.


Indeed We sent Our Messengers with Clear Signs, and sent down with them the Book and the Balance that people may uphold justice. And We sent down iron, wherein there is awesome power and many benefits for people, so that Allah may know who, without even having seen Him, helps Him and His Messengers. Surely Allah is Most Strong, Most Mighty.


Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Mizan that mankind may keep up justice. And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help Him (His religion) and His Messengers in the unseen. Verily, Allah is Powerful, Almighty.


We verily sent Our messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance, that mankind may observe right measure; and He revealed iron, wherein is mighty power and (many) uses for mankind, and that Allah may know him who helpeth Him and His messengers, though unseen. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty.


Certainly We sent Our apostles with manifest proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, so that mankind may maintain justice; and We sent down iron, in which there is great might and uses for mankind, and so that Allah may know those who help Him and His apostles [with faith] in the Unseen. Indeed Allah is all-strong, all-mighty.

Qaribullah & Darwish

We have sent Our Messengers with proofs, and sent them with the Book and the Scales, so that people might establish the Scale (of justice). We have sent down iron in which there is great might and diverse benefit for people, so that Allah knows those who help Him and His Messengers in the Unseen. Indeed, Allah is the Strong, the Almighty.


We sent Our Messengers with clear evidence (to support their truthfulness), and sent with them the Book and the Balance so that people would maintain justice. We sent down iron - in which there is strong power and benefit for the people - so that God would know who would help Him and His Messenger without seeing the unseen. God is All-powerful and Majestic.


Certainly We sent Our apostles with clear arguments, and sent down with them the Book and the balance that men may conduct themselves with equity; and We have made the iron, wherein is great violence and advantages to men, and that Allah may know who helps Him and His apostles in the secret; surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.

Wahiduddin Khan

We sent Our messengers with evidence and, with them, We sent down the Book and the Scales of Justice, so that men might act in all fairness. We sent down iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for mankind, so that God might know who would stand up for God, though unseen, and His messengers. God is powerful, and almighty.

Yusuf Ali

We sent aforetime our messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, Unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (and able to enforce His Will).

وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًۭا وَإِبْرَٰهِيمَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِى ذُرِّيَّتِهِمَا ٱلنُّبُوَّةَ وَٱلْكِتَٰبَ ۖ فَمِنْهُم مُّهْتَدٍۢ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌۭ مِّنْهُمْ فَٰسِقُونَ ﴿٢٦﴾

And We have already sent Noah and Abraham and placed in their descendants prophethood and scripture; and among them is he who is guided, but many of them are defiantly disobedient.


Walaqad arsalna noohan waibraheema wajaAAalna fee thurriyyatihima alnnubuwwata waalkitaba faminhum muhtadin wakatheerun minhum fasiqoona

Ahmed Ali

We sent Noah and Abraham, and gave prophethood to their progeny and the Book, and some of them are well-directed, but many of them are disobedient.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And indeed We sent Nooh and Ibrahim, and placed Prophethood and the Book among their descendants, so some among them took to guidance; and many of them are sinners.


And We sent Noah, and Abraham, and We appointed the Prophecy and the Book to be among their seed; and some of them are guided, and many of them are ungodly.


And assuredly We sent Nuh and Ibrahim, and We placed in the posterity of the twain the prophecy and the Book. Then of them some are guided ones, and many of them are transgressors.

Hilali & Khan

And indeed, We sent Nuh (Noah) and Ibrahim (Abraham), and placed in their offspring Prophethood and Scripture, and among them there is he who is guided, but many of them are Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).


We sent Noah and Abraham, and established in their line Prophethood and the Scripture. Some of them are guided, but many of them are sinners.


Indeed We sent forth Noah and Abraham and established in their line Prophecy and the Book. Then some of them embraced the guidance and many of them are wicked.


And indeed, We sent Nuh and Ibrahim, and placed in their offspring prophethood and Scripture. And among them there are some who are guided; but many of them are rebellious.


And We verily sent Noah and Abraham and placed the prophethood and the scripture among their seed, and among them there is he who goeth right, but many of them are evil-livers.


Certainly We sent Noah and Abraham and We ordained among their descendants prophethood and the Book. Some of them are [rightly] guided, and many of them are transgressors.

Qaribullah & Darwish

We sent forth Noah and Abraham, and appointed the Prophethood and the Book to be given to their descendants. Some were guided, but many wereimpious.


We sent Noah and Abraham and placed prophethood and the Book among their offsprings, some of whom have the right guidance. However, most of them are evil doers.


And certainly We sent Nuh and Ibrahim and We gave to their offspring the (gift of) prophecy and the Book; so there are among them those who go aright, and most of them are transgressors.

Wahiduddin Khan

We sent forth Noah and Abraham and bestowed upon their offspring prophethood and the Book. Some of them were rightly guided, but many others were transgressors.

Yusuf Ali

And We sent Noah and Abraham, and established in their line Prophethood and Revelation: and some of them were on right guidance. But many of them became rebellious transgressors.

ثُمَّ قَفَّيْنَا عَلَىٰٓ ءَاثَٰرِهِم بِرُسُلِنَا وَقَفَّيْنَا بِعِيسَى ٱبْنِ مَرْيَمَ وَءَاتَيْنَٰهُ ٱلْإِنجِيلَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِى قُلُوبِ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱتَّبَعُوهُ رَأْفَةًۭ وَرَحْمَةًۭ وَرَهْبَانِيَّةً ٱبْتَدَعُوهَا مَا كَتَبْنَٰهَا عَلَيْهِمْ إِلَّا ٱبْتِغَآءَ رِضْوَٰنِ ٱللَّهِ فَمَا رَعَوْهَا حَقَّ رِعَايَتِهَا ۖ فَـَٔاتَيْنَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ مِنْهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌۭ مِّنْهُمْ فَٰسِقُونَ ﴿٢٧﴾

Then We sent following their footsteps Our messengers and followed [them] with Jesus, the son of Mary, and gave him the Gospel. And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy and monasticism, which they innovated; We did not prescribe it for them except [that they did so] seeking the approval of Allah. But they did not observe it with due observance. So We gave the ones who believed among them their reward, but many of them are defiantly disobedient.


Thumma qaffayna AAala atharihim birusulina waqaffayna biAAeesa ibni maryama waataynahu alinjeela wajaAAalna fee quloobi allatheena ittabaAAoohu rafatan warahmatan warahbaniyyatan ibtadaAAooha ma katabnaha AAalayhim illa ibtighaa ridwani Allahi fama raAAawha haqqa riAAayatiha faatayna allatheena amanoo minhum ajrahum wakatheerun minhum fasiqoona

Ahmed Ali

Then in their train We sent Our apostles, and succeeding them Jesus, son of Mary, and gave him the Gospel, and put into the hearts of his followers compassion and kindness. But they created monasticism which had not been prescribed for them by Us except for seeking the pleasure of God; yet they did not observe it as it should have been rightly observed. So We gave those among them who were believers their reward; but most of them are disobedient.

Ahmed Raza Khan

We then sent Our other Noble Messengers after them following their footsteps, and after them We sent Eisa, the son of Maryam, and bestowed the Injeel to him; and We instilled compassion and mercy in the hearts of his followers; and they invented monasticism which We had not ordained upon them only to seek Allah’s pleasure, then did not properly abide by it as it should have been rightfully abided; We therefore gave the believers among them their reward; and many of them are sinners.


Then We sent, following in their footsteps, Our Messengers; and We sent, following, Jesus son of Mary, and gave unto him the Gospel. And We set in the hearts of those who followed him tenderness and mercy. And monasticism they invented -- We did not prescribe it for them -- only seeking the good pleasure of God; but they observed it not as it should be observed. So We gave those of them who believed their wage; and many of them are ungodly.


Thereafter in their footsteps We caused Our apostles to follow, and We caused lsa, son Of Maryam, to follow them, and We vouchsafed Unto him the Injil, and We placed In the hearts of those who followed him tenderness and mercy. And asceticism! they innovated it- We prescribed it not for them Only seeking Allah's pleasure yet they tended it not with tendence due thereto. So We vouchsafed Unto such of them as believed their hire, and many of them are transgressors.

Hilali & Khan

Then, We sent after them, Our Messengers, and We sent 'Iesa (Jesus) - son of Maryam (Mary), and gave him the Injeel (Gospel). And We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him, compassion and mercy. But the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them, but (they sought it) only to please Allah therewith, but that they did not observe it with the right observance. So We gave those among them who believed, their (due) reward, but many of them are Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).


Then We sent in their wake Our messengers, and followed up with Jesus son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel, and instilled in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. But as for the monasticism which they invented—We did not ordain it for them—only to seek God’s approval. But they did not observe it with its due observance. So We gave those of them who believed their reward, but many of them are sinful.


In their wake, We sent a succession of Our Messengers, and raised Jesus, son of Mary, after all of them, and bestowed upon him the Evangel, and We set tenderness and mercy in the hearts of those that followed him. As for monasticism, it is they who invented it; We did not prescribe it for them. They themselves invented it in pursuit of Allah's good pleasure, and then they did not observe it as it ought to have been observed. So We gave their reward to those of them that believed. But many of them are wicked.


Then, We sent after them Our Messengers, and We sent `Isa the son of Maryam, and gave him the Injil. And We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him, compassion and mercy. But the monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them, but (they sought it) only to please Allah therewith, but that they did not observe it with the right observance. So, We gave those among them who believed, their (due) reward; but many of them are rebellious.


Then We caused Our messengers to follow in their footsteps; and We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow, and gave him the Gospel, and placed compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. But monasticism they invented - We ordained it not for them - only seeking Allah's pleasure, and they observed it not with right observance. So We give those of them who believe their reward, but many of them are evil-livers.


Then We followed them up with Our apostles and We followed [them] with Jesus son of Mary, and We gave him the Evangel, and We put kindness and mercy into the hearts of those who followed him. But as for monasticism, they innovated it—We had not prescribed it for them—only seeking Allah’s pleasure. Yet they did not observe it with due observance. So We gave to the faithful among them their [due] reward, but many of them are transgressors.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Following them We sent Our (other) Messengers, and We sent following in their footsteps, (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary and gave him the Gospel, and put tenderness and mercy in the hearts of his followers. As for monasticism, they invented it thereby seeking the pleasure of Allah. We did not write it for them, and they did not observe it as it should be observed. We gave to those of them who believed their wage, but many of them are impious.


Then We sent Our other Messengers to follow their traditions. After them We sent Jesus, the son of Mary, to whom We gave the Gospel. In the hearts of his followers We placed compassion and mercy. We did not command them to lead the monastic life. This was their own method of seeking the pleasure of God. Despite this intention, they did not properly observe it (the monastic life). To the believers among them, We gave their reward but many of them are evil-doers.


Then We made Our apostles to follow in their footsteps, and We sent Isa son of Marium afterwards, and We gave him the Injeel, and We put in the hearts of those who followed him kindness and mercy; and (as for) monkery, they innovated it-- We did not prescribe it to them-- only to seek Allah's pleasure, but they did not observe it with its due observance; so We gave to those of them who believed their reward, and most of them are transgressors.

Wahiduddin Khan

Then, in their wake, We followed them up with [others of] Our messengers and after them Jesus, son of Mary. We gave him the Gospel and imbued the hearts of those who followed him with compassion and mercy. But We did not prescribe monasticism for them: that was their own innovation by which they sought to please God. But then, they did not observe it in the way that it should have been observed. So We rewarded only those who were truly faithful, for many of them were disobedient.

Yusuf Ali

Then, in their wake, We followed them up with (others of) Our messengers: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, and bestowed on him the Gospel; and We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and Mercy. But the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them: (We commanded) only the seeking for the Good Pleasure of Allah; but that they did not foster as they should have done. Yet We bestowed, on those among them who believed, their (due) reward, but many of them are rebellious transgressors.

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَءَامِنُوا۟ بِرَسُولِهِۦ يُؤْتِكُمْ كِفْلَيْنِ مِن رَّحْمَتِهِۦ وَيَجْعَل لَّكُمْ نُورًۭا تَمْشُونَ بِهِۦ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ غَفُورٌۭ رَّحِيمٌۭ ﴿٢٨﴾

O you who have believed, fear Allah and believe in His Messenger; He will [then] give you a double portion of His mercy and make for you a light by which you will walk and forgive you; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.


Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ittaqoo Allaha waaminoo birasoolihi yutikum kiflayni min rahmatihi wayajAAal lakum nooran tamshoona bihi wayaghfir lakum waAllahu ghafoorun raheemun

Ahmed Ali

O you who believe, have fear of displeasing God, and believe in His Prophet. He will give you twice as much of His bounty and place a light for you to walk in, and forgive you, for God is forgiving and kind;

Ahmed Raza Khan

O People who Believe (in the earlier Noble Messengers)! Fear Allah and accept faith in this Noble Messenger of His – He will bestow two portions of His mercy to you and will create a light for you to walk in it, and will forgive you; and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.


O believers, fear God, and believe in His Messenger, and He will give you a twofold portion of His mercy; and He will appoint for you a light whereby you shall walk, and forgive you; God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate;


O ye who believe! fear Aliah and believe in His apostle; He will vouch safe Unto you two portions of His mercy and will appoint for you a light wherewith ye will walk, and He will forgive you. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Hilali & Khan

O you who believe [in Musa (Moses) (i.e. Jews) and 'Iesa (Jesus) (i.e. Christians)]! Fear Allah, and believe too in His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), He will give you a double portion of His Mercy, and He will give you a light by which you shall walk (straight), and He will forgive you. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.


O you who believe! Fear God, and believe in His Messenger: He will give you a double portion of His mercy, and will give you a light by which you walk, and will forgive you. God is Forgiving and Merciful.


Believers, have fear of Allah and believe in His Messenger, and He will grant you a two-fold portion of His Mercy, and will appoint for you a light whereby you shall walk; and He will forgive you. Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate.


O you who believe! Have Taqwa of Allah, and believe in His Messenger, He will give you a double portion of His mercy, and He will give you a light by which you shall walk (straight). And He will forgive you. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.


O ye who believe! Be mindful of your duty to Allah and put faith in His messenger. He will give you twofold of His mercy and will appoint for you a light wherein ye shall walk, and will forgive you. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful;


O you who have faith! Be wary of Allah and have faith in His Apostle. He will grant you a double share of His mercy and a light to walk by, and He will forgive you, and Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful;

Qaribullah & Darwish

Believers, fear Allah and believe in His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad), He will give you a double portion of His Mercy and He will make for you a light inwhich to walk, and forgive you; Allah is the Forgiver and the Most Merciful.


Believers, have fear of God and believe in His Messenger. God will grant you a double share of mercy, a light by which you can walk, and forgive your sins. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.


O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah and believe in His Apostle: He will give you two portions of His mercy, and make for you a light with which you will walk, and forgive you, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful;

Wahiduddin Khan

Believers, fear God and believe in His messenger. He will show you mercy in double measure and will provide a light for you to walk in. God will grant you forgiveness. He is forgiving and merciful.

Yusuf Ali

O ye that believe! Fear Allah, and believe in His Messenger, and He will bestow on you a double portion of His Mercy: He will provide for you a Light by which ye shall walk (straight in your path), and He will forgive you (your past): for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

لِّئَلَّا يَعْلَمَ أَهْلُ ٱلْكِتَٰبِ أَلَّا يَقْدِرُونَ عَلَىٰ شَىْءٍۢ مِّن فَضْلِ ٱللَّهِ ۙ وَأَنَّ ٱلْفَضْلَ بِيَدِ ٱللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ ذُو ٱلْفَضْلِ ٱلْعَظِيمِ ﴿٢٩﴾

[This is] so that the People of the Scripture may know that they are not able [to obtain] anything from the bounty of Allah and that [all] bounty is in the hand of Allah; He gives it to whom He wills. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty.


Lialla yaAAlama ahlu alkitabi alla yaqdiroona AAala shayin min fadli Allahi waanna alfadla biyadi Allahi yuteehi man yashao waAllahu thoo alfadli alAAatheemi

Ahmed Ali

So that the people of the Book may know that they have not the least power over the bounty of God, and that the bounty is wholly in the hands of God to give whosoever He please, for God is the master of infinite bounty.

Ahmed Raza Khan

This is so that the disbelievers among People given the Book(s) may know that they do not have any control over Allah’s munificence, and that the munificence is in Allah’s Hand (control) – He bestows to whomever He wills; and Allah is Extremely Munificent.


that the People of the Book may know that they have no power over anything of God's bounty, and that bounty is in the hand of God; He gives it unto whomsoever He will; and God is of bounty abounding.


This He will award that the people of the Book may know that they control naught of the grace of Allah, and that the grace is in Allah's hand; He vouchsafeth it Unto whomsoever He wilt, And Allah is Owner of mighty grace.

Hilali & Khan

So that the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) may know that they have no power whatsoever over the Grace of Allah, and that (His) Grace is (entirely) in His Hand to bestow it on whomsoever He wills. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.


That the People of the Book may know that they have no power whatsoever over God’s grace, and that all grace is in God’s hand; He gives it to whomever He wills. God is Possessor of Great Grace.


(You should do this) so that the People of the Book know that they have no control over Allah's Bounty, and that all bounty is in Allah's Hand; He bestows it on whomsoever He pleases. Allah is the Lord of abounding bounty.


So that the People of the Scriptures may know that they have no power whatsoever over the grace of Allah, and that (His) grace is in His Hand to bestow it on whomsoever He wills. And Allah is the Owner of great bounty.


That the People of the Scripture may know that they control naught of the bounty of Allah, but that the bounty is in Allah's hand to give to whom He will. And Allah is of Infinite Bounty.


so that the People of the Book may know that they do not control Allah grace in any wise and that in Allah’s hand is all grace, which He grants to whomever He wishes and Allah is dispenser of a mighty grace.

Qaribullah & Darwish

So that the People of the Book may know that they have no power over any of the favors of Allah; that the favors are in the Hand of Allah; He gives it towhom He will. The Favor of Allah is the Great.


(Have fear of God and believe in His Messenger) so that the followers of the Bible will know that they can receive no reward from God. They should know that all favors are in the hands of God. He grants them to whomever He wants. The favors of God are great.


So that the followers of the Book may know that they do not control aught of the grace of Allah, and that grace is in Allah's hand, He gives it to whom He pleases; and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.

Wahiduddin Khan

The People of the Book should know that they have no power whatsoever over God's grace. His grace is entirely in His hand and He bestows it upon whoever He wills. God is truly infinite in His bounty.

Yusuf Ali

That the People of the Book may know that they have no power whatever over the Grace of Allah, that (His) Grace is (entirely) in His Hand, to bestow it on whomsoever He wills. For Allah is the Lord of Grace abounding.