Surah Stoneland, Rock city, Al-Hijr valley [Al-Hijr] in English
الٓر ۚ تِلْكَ ءَايَٰتُ ٱلْكِتَٰبِ وَقُرْءَانٍۢ مُّبِينٍۢ ﴿1﴾
Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the Book and a clear Qur'an.
Aliflamra tilka ayatu alkitabi waquranin mubeenin
ALIF LAM RA. These are the verses of the Book and the perspicuous oration.
Alif-Lam-Ra; these are verses of the Book and the bright Qur’an.
Alif Lam Ra. Those are the signs of the Book and of a manifest Koran.
Alif. Lam. Ra. These are the verses of the Book, and a Qur'an luminous.
Alif-Lam-Ra. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]. These are the Verses of the Book, and a plain Quran.
Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the Verses of the Book; a Quran that makes things clear.
Alif. Lam. Ra'. These are the verses of the Book, and a Clear Qur'an.
Alif. Lam. Ra. These are verses of the Scripture and a plain Reading.
Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the signs of the Book and a manifest Quran.
AlifLaamRa. Those are the verses of the Book, the Clear Koran.
Alif. Lam. Ra. These are the verses of the Book and the glorious Quran.
Alif Lam Ra. These are the verses of the Book and (of) a Quran that makes (things) clear.
Alif Lam Ra. These are the verses of a clear Book, the Quran.
A. L. R. These are the Ayats of Revelation,- of a Qur'an that makes things clear.
رُّبَمَا يَوَدُّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ لَوْ كَانُوا۟ مُسْلِمِينَ ﴿2﴾
Perhaps those who disbelieve will wish that they had been Muslims.
Rubama yawaddu allatheena kafaroo law kanoo muslimeena
The unbelievers would haply like to wish that they had submitted (and become Muslim).
The disbelievers will ardently wish that if only they had been Muslims! (At the time of death / in their graves / on the Day of Resurrection.)
Perchance the unbelievers will wish that they had surrendered:
Oft times would those who disbelieve fain that they had been Muslims.
Perhaps (often) will those who disbelieve wish that they were Muslims [those who have submitted themselves to Allah's Will in Islam Islamic Monotheism, this will be on the Day of Resurrection when they will see the disbelievers going to Hell and the Muslims going to Paradise].
Perhaps those who disbelieve would like to become Muslims.
Soon will the time come when the unbelievers will wish they were Muslims.
It may be that those who disbelieve wish ardently that they were Muslims.
Much will the faithless wish that they had been Muslims.
It could be that those who disbelieve will wish that they were Muslims.
How strongly the unbelievers will wish that they had been Muslims.
Often will those who disbelieve wish that they had been Muslims.
A time will surely come when those who are bent on denying the truth will wish that they had surrendered themselves to God,
Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to Allah's will) in Islam.
ذَرْهُمْ يَأْكُلُوا۟ وَيَتَمَتَّعُوا۟ وَيُلْهِهِمُ ٱلْأَمَلُ ۖ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿3﴾
Let them eat and enjoy themselves and be diverted by [false] hope, for they are going to know.
Tharhum yakuloo wayatamattaAAoo wayulhihimu alamalu fasawfa yaAAlamoona
Leave them to feast and revel, beguiled by hope; they will come to know soon.
Leave them to eat and enjoy, and for aspiration to involve them in play – so they will shortly come to know.
leave them to eat, and to take their joy, and to be bemused by hope; certainly they will soon know!
Leave them thou to eat and to enjoy, and let vain hope divert them; presently they will know.
Leave them to eat and enjoy, and let them be preoccupied with (false) hope. They will come to know!
Leave them to eat, and enjoy, and be lulled by hope. They will find out.
Leave them to eat and enjoy life and let false hopes amuse them. They will soon come to know.
Let them eat and enjoy life, and let (false) hope beguile them. They will come to know!
Leave them to eat and enjoy and to be diverted by longings. Soon they will know.
Let them eat and enjoy; and let their hopes deceive them, soon they shall know.
(Muhammad), leave them alone to eat and enjoy themselves and let their desires deceive them; they will soon know (the Truth).
Leave them that they may eat and enjoy themselves and (that) hope may beguile them, for they will soon know.
so leave them to eat and enjoy themselves and let them be beguiled by vain hopes; for soon they will realise [the truth].
Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them).
وَمَآ أَهْلَكْنَا مِن قَرْيَةٍ إِلَّا وَلَهَا كِتَابٌۭ مَّعْلُومٌۭ ﴿4﴾
And We did not destroy any city but that for it was a known decree.
Wama ahlakna min qaryatin illa walaha kitabun maAAloomun
Not one habitation have We destroyed but at the time determined for it.
And every dwelling that We destroyed, had a known decree for it.
Never a city have We destroyed, but it had a known decree,
And We have not destroyed a town but there was therefor a decree known.
And never did We destroy a township but there was a known decree for it.
We have never destroyed a town unless it had a set time.
Whenever We destroyed a town, a definite term had previously been decreed for it.
And We destroyed no township but there was a known decree for it.
We did not destroy any town but that it had a known term.
We never destroyed a village whose term had not already been decreed.
We never destroyed any town without pre-ordaining the fate of its people.
And never did We destroy a town but it had a term made known.
We have never destroyed a township without a definite decree having been issued;
Never did We destroy a population that had not a term decreed and assigned beforehand.
مَّا تَسْبِقُ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ أَجَلَهَا وَمَا يَسْتَـْٔخِرُونَ ﴿5﴾
No nation will precede its term, nor will they remain thereafter.
Ma tasbiqu min ommatin ajalaha wama yastakhiroona
No people can hasten or delay the term already fixed for them.
No group may advance its appointed promise nor postpone it.
and no nation outstrips its term, nor do they put it back.
No community precedeth the term thereof nor doth it fall behind.
No nation can anticipate its term, nor delay it.
No nation can bring its time forward, nor can they delay it.
No people can outstrip the term for its destruction nor can it delay it.
No nation can outstrip its term nor can they lag behind.
No nation can advance its time nor can it defer it.
No nation can outstrip its term, nor do they put it back.
Every nation can only live for the time appointed for it.
No people can hasten on their doom nor can they postpone (it).
no people can forestall their doom, nor can they delay it.
Neither can a people anticipate its term, nor delay it.
وَقَالُوا۟ يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِى نُزِّلَ عَلَيْهِ ٱلذِّكْرُ إِنَّكَ لَمَجْنُونٌۭ ﴿6﴾
And they say, \"O you upon whom the message has been sent down, indeed you are mad.
Waqaloo ya ayyuha allathee nuzzila AAalayhi alththikru innaka lamajnoonun
And yet they say: \"You, to whom this Exposition has been sent are surely possessed of the Devil.
And they said, “O you upon whom the Qur’an has been sent, you are indeed insane.”
They say: 'Thou, upon whom the Remembrance is sent down, thou art assuredly possessed!
And they say: O thou unto whom the Admonition hath been sent down! verily thou art possessed.
And they say: \"O you (Muhammad SAW) to whom the Dhikr (the Quran) has been sent down! Verily, you are a mad man.
And they said, “O you who received the message, you are insane.”
They say: \"O you to whom the Admonition has been revealed, you are surely crazed.
And they say: O thou unto whom the Reminder is revealed, lo! thou art indeed a madman!
They said, ‘O you, to whom the Reminder has been sent down, you are indeed crazy.
They say: 'You to whom the Remembrance is sent down, you are indeed mad.
(The unbelievers have said), \"You to whom the Quran has been revealed are insane.
And they say: O you to whom the Reminder has been revealed! you are most surely insane:
They say, \"You to whom the Reminder [the Quran] has been sent down, you are surely possessed.
They say: \"O thou to whom the Message is being revealed! truly thou art mad (or possessed)!
لَّوْ مَا تَأْتِينَا بِٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةِ إِن كُنتَ مِنَ ٱلصَّٰدِقِينَ ﴿7﴾
Why do you not bring us the angels, if you should be among the truthful?\"
Law ma tateena bialmalaikati in kunta mina alssadiqeena
If you are a man of truth, why can't you bring the angels to us?\"
“Why do you not bring angels to us, if you are truthful?”
Why dost thou not bring the angels unto us, if thou speakest truly?'
Why bringest thou not angels unto us if thou art of the truthtellers!
\"Why do you not bring angels to us if you are of the truthful ones?\"
Why do you not bring us the angels, if you are truthful?”
Why do you not bring down angels upon us if you are indeed truthful?\"
Why bringest thou not angels unto us, if thou art of the truthful?
Why do you not bring us the angels should you be truthful?!’
Why do you not bring down the angels, if what you say is true'
Why do you not bring down the angels if what you say is true\".
Why do you not bring to us the angels if you are of the truthful ones?
Why do you not bring down the angels upon us, if you are truthful?\"
\"Why bringest thou not angels to us if it be that thou hast the Truth?\"
مَا نُنَزِّلُ ٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةَ إِلَّا بِٱلْحَقِّ وَمَا كَانُوٓا۟ إِذًۭا مُّنظَرِينَ ﴿8﴾
We do not send down the angels except with truth; and the disbelievers would not then be reprieved.
Ma nunazzilu almalaikata illa bialhaqqi wama kanoo ithan munthareena
But then We never send the angels down save with the purpose (of enforcing their doom), after which they will not be given more respite.
We do not send down angels without reason, and if the angels descend they would not get any respite!
We send not down the angels, save with truth;
We send not the angels down save with judgment, and then they would not be respited.
We send not the angels down except with the truth (i.e. for torment, etc.), and in that case, they (the disbelievers) would have no respite!
We do not send the angels down except with reason, and they will not be held back.
We do not send down the angels (in frivolity); and when We do send them down, We do so with Truth; then people are granted no respite.
We send not down the angels save with the Fact, and in that case (the disbelievers) would not be tolerated.
We do not send down the angels except with due reason, and then they will not be granted any respite.
We do not send angels except with the truth. Then they shall have no respite.
We do not send down angels except for a genuine purpose, at which time none will be given any further respite.
We do not send the angels but with truth, and then they would not be respited.
But We send down the angels only to bring justice and then they will not be reprieved.
We send not the angels down except for just cause: if they came (to the ungodly), behold! no respite would they have!
إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَٰفِظُونَ ﴿9﴾
Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.
Inna nahnu nazzalna alththikra wainna lahu lahafithoona
We have sent down this Exposition, and We will guard it.
Indeed We have sent down the Qur’an, and indeed We Ourselves surely are its Guardians. (This is one of the miracles of the Qur’an – no one has been able to change even one letter of its text, despite every effort. It has remained in its original form since the 6th Century (A. D) and will remain so forever. Other Holy Books such as the Torah and the Bible have lost their originality.)
then they would not be respited. It is We who have sent down the Remembrance, and We watch over it.
Verily We! it is We who have revealed the Admonition, and verily We are the guardians thereof.
Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Quran) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption).
Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it.
As for the Admonition, indeed it is We Who have revealed it and it is indeed We Who are its guardians.
Lo! We, even We, reveal the Reminder, and lo! We verily are its Guardian.
Indeed We have sent down the Reminder, and indeed We will preserve it.
It is We who sent down the Koran, and We watch over it.
We Ourselves have revealed the Quran and We are its Protectors.
Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian.
It is We who have sent down the Reminder and We will, most surely, safeguard it.
We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).
وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ فِى شِيَعِ ٱلْأَوَّلِينَ ﴿10﴾
And We had certainly sent [messengers] before you, [O Muhammad], among the sects of the former peoples.
Walaqad arsalna min qablika fee shiyaAAi alawwaleena
We had also sent apostles to people of earlier persuasions.
And indeed We sent Noble Messengers before you, to the former nations.
Indeed, We sent Messengers before thee, among the factions of the ancients,
And assuredly We have sent apostles before thee among the sects of the ancients.
Indeed, We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad SAW) amongst the sects (communities) of old.
We sent others before you, to the former communities.
(O Muhammad), certainly We did send Messengers before you among the nations which have gone by.
We verily sent (messengers) before thee among the factions of the men of old.
Certainly We sent [apostles] before you to former communities,
We have sent forth before you Messengers among the factions of the ancients.
We sent Messengers to the ancient people who lived before you.
And certainly We sent (apostles) before you among the nations of yore.
We sent messengers before you to the previous peoples,
We did send messengers before thee amongst the religious sects of old:
وَمَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا۟ بِهِۦ يَسْتَهْزِءُونَ ﴿11﴾
And no messenger would come to them except that they ridiculed him.
Wama yateehim min rasoolin illa kanoo bihi yastahzioona
But never once an apostle came to them at whom they did not scoff.
And never does a Noble Messenger come to them, but they mock at him.
and not a single Messenger came to them, but they mocked at him;
And not an apostle came unto them but at him they were wont to mock.
And never came a Messenger to them but they did mock him.
But no messenger came to them, but they ridiculed him.
And whenever a Messenger came to them, they never failed to mock him.
And never came there unto them a messenger but they did mock him.
and there did not come to them any apostle but that they used to deride him.
But no Messenger came to them except he was mocked.
No Messenger went to them whom they did not mock.
And there never came an apostle to them but they mocked him.
but there was never a messenger who came to them but they mocked him:
But never came a messenger to them but they mocked him.
كَذَٰلِكَ نَسْلُكُهُۥ فِى قُلُوبِ ٱلْمُجْرِمِينَ ﴿12﴾
Thus do We insert denial into the hearts of the criminals.
Kathalika naslukuhu fee quloobi almujrimeena
We place in the hearts of sinners (disbelief).
This is how We make the mocking* enter the hearts of the guilty. (* The acts of disbelief.)
even so We cause it to enter into the hearts of the sinners --
Even so we make a way for it in the hearts of the culprits.
Thus do We let it (polytheism and disbelief) enter into the hearts of the Mujrimun [criminals, polytheists, pagans, etc. (because of their mockery at the Messengers)].
Thus We slip it into the hearts of the guilty.
Even so We make a way for it (that is, the Admonition) in the hearts of the culprits (like a hot rod);
Thus do We make it traverse the hearts of the guilty:
That is how We let it pass through the hearts of the guilty:
So We make it enter the hearts of the sinners.
This is how We cause the hearts of the guilty ones to behave.
Thus do We make it to enter into the hearts of the guilty;
thus We cause this [habit of mocking] to enter into the hearts of the sinful.
Even so do we let it creep into the hearts of the sinners -
لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِهِۦ ۖ وَقَدْ خَلَتْ سُنَّةُ ٱلْأَوَّلِينَ ﴿13﴾
They will not believe in it, while there has already occurred the precedent of the former peoples.
La yuminoona bihi waqad khalat sunnatu alawwaleena
So, they will not believe in it: The example of former people is there.
They do not believe in him, and the tradition of earlier nations has passed.
they believe not in it, though the wont of the ancients is already gone.
They believe not therein, and already the example of the ancients hath gone forth.
They would not believe in it (the Quran), and already the example of (Allah's punishment of) the ancients (who disbelieved) has gone forth.
They do not believe in it, though the ways of the ancients have passed away.
they do not believe in it. This has been the wont of people of this kind from ancient times.
They believe not therein, though the example of the men of old hath gone before.
they do not believe in it, and the precedent of the ancients has already passed.
They do not believe in it even though the practice of the ancients has already gone.
They do not believe in the Truth and they exactly follow the tradition of the ancient (unbelievers)
They do not believe in it, and indeed the example of the former people has already passed.
They will not believe in it, though they have before them the example of former peoples,
That they should not believe in the (Message); but the ways of the ancients have passed away.
وَلَوْ فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَابًۭا مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ فَظَلُّوا۟ فِيهِ يَعْرُجُونَ ﴿14﴾
And [even] if We opened to them a gate from the heaven and they continued therein to ascend,
Walaw fatahna AAalayhim baban mina alssamai fathalloo feehi yaAArujoona
Even if We open a door in the heavens and they ascend through it in broad daylight,
And if We open for them a gate in the heavens, to ascend it through the day –
Though We opened to them a gate in heaven, and still they mounted through it,
And if We opened upon them a door of the heaven, and they passed the day mounting thereto.
And even if We opened to them a gate from the heaven and they were to continue ascending thereto,
Even if We opened for them a gateway into the sky, and they began to ascend through it.
If We were even to open for them a way to the heavens, and they could continually climb up to it in broad daylight,
And even if We opened unto them a gate of heaven and they kept mounting through it,
Were We to open for them a gate of the sky, so that they could go on ascending through it,
If We opened a gate in the heaven and they kept ascending through it,
Had We opened a door for them in the sky through which they could easily pass,
And even if We open to them a gateway of heaven, so that they ascend into it all the while,
and even if We opened to them a door from heaven, and they began ascending through it,
Even if We opened out to them a gate from heaven, and they were to continue (all day) ascending therein,
لَقَالُوٓا۟ إِنَّمَا سُكِّرَتْ أَبْصَٰرُنَا بَلْ نَحْنُ قَوْمٌۭ مَّسْحُورُونَ ﴿15﴾
They would say, \"Our eyes have only been dazzled. Rather, we are a people affected by magic.\"
Laqaloo innama sukkirat absaruna bal nahnu qawmun mashooroona
They will say all the same: \"Our eyes were dazed (and clouded over). We were a people ensorcelled.\"
Even then they would say, “Our sights have been hypnotised – in fact, a magic spell has been cast upon us.”
yet would they say, 'Our eyes have been dazzled; nay, we are a people bewitched!'
They would surely say: intoxicated have been our sights; aye! we are a people enchanted.
They would surely say: \"Our eyes have been (as if) dazzled. Nay, we are a people bewitched.\"
They would still say, “Our eyes are hallucinating; in fact, we are people bewitched.”
they would still have said: \"Surely our eyes have been dazzled; rather, we have been enchanted.\"
They would say: Our sight is wrong - nay, but we are folk bewitched.
they would surely say, ‘Indeed a spell has been cast on our eyes; indeed, we are a bewitched lot.’
still they would say: 'Our eyes were dazzled; truly, we must have been a bewitched people'
they would have said, \"Our eyes are bewildered and we have been affected by magic.\"
They would certainly say: Only our eyes have been covered over, rather we are an enchanted people.
they would still say, \"Our eyes have been dazzled. We are bewitched.\"
They would only say: \"Our eyes have been intoxicated: Nay, we have been bewitched by sorcery.\"
وَلَقَدْ جَعَلْنَا فِى ٱلسَّمَآءِ بُرُوجًۭا وَزَيَّنَّٰهَا لِلنَّٰظِرِينَ ﴿16﴾
And We have placed within the heaven great stars and have beautified it for the observers.
Walaqad jaAAalna fee alssamai buroojan wazayyannaha lilnnathireena
We have placed the signs of the Zodiac in the sky, and decked it out for those who can see;
And indeed We created towers in the skies, and beautified it for the beholders.
We have set in heaven constellations and decked them out fair to the beholders,
And assuredly We have set constellations in the heaven and made it fairseeming unto the beholders
And indeed, We have put the big stars in the heaven and We beautified it for the beholders.
We placed constellations in the sky, and made them beautiful to the beholders.
We have indeed set constellations in the heavens and have beautified them for the beholders,
And verily in the heaven we have set mansions of the stars, and We have beautified it for beholders.
Certainly We have appointed houses in the sky and adorned them for the onlookers,
We have set constellations in the heavens and made them pleasing to the beholders,
We have made constellations in the sky and decorated them for the onlookers.
And certainly We have made strongholds in the heaven and We have made it fair seeming to the beholders.
We have placed constellations in heaven and have beautified it for beholders,
It is We Who have set out the zodiacal signs in the heavens, and made them fair-seeming to (all) beholders;
وَحَفِظْنَٰهَا مِن كُلِّ شَيْطَٰنٍۢ رَّجِيمٍ ﴿17﴾
And We have protected it from every devil expelled [from the mercy of Allah]
Wahafithnaha min kulli shaytanin rajeemin
And We have preserved it from every accursed devil,
And We have kept it guarded from every outcast devil.
and guarded them from every accursed Satan
And We have guarded it from every Satan damned.
And We have guarded it (near heaven) from every outcast Shaitan (devil).
And We guarded them from every outcast devil.
and have protected them against every accursed satan
And We have guarded it from every outcast devil,
and We have guarded them from every outcast Satan,
and guarded them from every stoned satan.
We have protected them from every condemned devil,
And We guard it against every accursed Shaitan,
and We have guarded it from every accursed devil:
And (moreover) We have guarded them from every cursed devil:
إِلَّا مَنِ ٱسْتَرَقَ ٱلسَّمْعَ فَأَتْبَعَهُۥ شِهَابٌۭ مُّبِينٌۭ ﴿18﴾
Except one who steals a hearing and is pursued by a clear burning flame.
Illa mani istaraqa alssamAAa faatbaAAahu shihabun mubeenun
Except the ones who listen on the sly, yet they are chased away by a shooting flame.
Except one who comes to eavesdrop – therefore a bright flame goes after him.
excepting such as listens by stealth -- and he is pursued by a manifest flame.
Save him who stealeth the hearing, and him there followeth a flame gleaming.
Except him (devil) that gains hearing by stealing, he is pursued by a clear flaming fire.
Except one who steals a hearing, and is followed by a visible projectile.
save him who may eavesdrop, and then a bright flame pursues him.
Save him who stealeth the hearing, and them doth a clear flame pursue.
except someone who may eavesdrop, whereat there pursues him a manifest flame.
Except for he who steals the listening and is then pursued by a visible flame.
except for those who stealthily try to listen to the heavens, but who are chased away by a bright flame.
But he who steals a hearing, so there follows him a visible flame.
but if anyone eavesdrops, he is pursued by a bright flaming fire.
But any that gains a hearing by stealth, is pursued by a flaming fire, bright (to see).
وَٱلْأَرْضَ مَدَدْنَٰهَا وَأَلْقَيْنَا فِيهَا رَوَٰسِىَ وَأَنۢبَتْنَا فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ مَّوْزُونٍۢ ﴿19﴾
And the earth - We have spread it and cast therein firmly set mountains and caused to grow therein [something] of every well-balanced thing.
Waalarda madadnaha waalqayna feeha rawasiya waanbatna feeha min kulli shayin mawzoonin
We stretched the earth and placed upon it firm stabilisers, and made all things grow upon it balanced evenly.
And We spread out the earth, and placed mountains as anchors in it, and in it grew all things by a proper measure.
And the earth -- We stretched it forth, and cast on it firm mountains, and We caused to grow therein of every thing justly weighed,
And the earth! We have stretched it out and have cast thereon mountains firm, and We have caused to spring up thereon everything weighed.
And the earth We spread out, and placed therein firm mountains, and caused to grow therein all kinds of things in due proportion.
We spread the earth, and placed stabilizers in it, and in it We grew all things in proper measure.
As for the earth, We have stretched it out and have cast on it firm mountains, and have caused to grow in it everything well-measured.
And the earth have We spread out, and placed therein firm hills, and caused each seemly thing to grow therein.
And We spread out the earth, and cast in it firm mountains, and We grew in it every kind of balanced thing,
We have spread out the earth and set upon it firm mountains. Everything We have caused to grow therein is justly weighed;
We have spread out the earth, fixed mountains thereupon and caused everything to grow to its proper weight
And the earth-- We have spread it forth and made in it firm mountains and caused to grow in it of every suitable thing.
We have spread out the earth, and set upon it firm mountains and caused everything to grow in due proportion.
And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.
وَجَعَلْنَا لَكُمْ فِيهَا مَعَٰيِشَ وَمَن لَّسْتُمْ لَهُۥ بِرَٰزِقِينَ ﴿20﴾
And We have made for you therein means of living and [for] those for whom you are not providers.
WajaAAalna lakum feeha maAAayisha waman lastum lahu biraziqeena
We have provided on it sustenance for you, and for those you cannot provide.
And created livelihoods for you in it, and created those for whom you do not provide the sustenance.
and there appointed for you livelihood, and for those you provide not for.
And We have appointed thereon for you livelihoods and also for those of whom ye are not the providers.
And We have provided therein means of living, for you and for those whom you provide not [moving (living) creatures, cattle, beasts, and other animals].
And in it We created livelihoods for you, and for those for whom you are not the providers.
And We have provided sustenance for you on it and also for those of whom you are not the providers.
And we have given unto you livelihoods therein, and unto those for whom ye provide not.
and made in it [various] means of livelihood for you and for those whom you do not provide for.
and there appointed for you is a livelihood, and for those you do not provide.
to provide you and those for whose sustenance you are not responsible, with the necessities of life.
And We have made in it means of subsistence for you and for him for whom you are not the suppliers.
We have provided therein a means of livelihood for you and for all those creatures for whom you do not provide.
And We have provided therein means of subsistence,- for you and for those for whose sustenance ye are not responsible.
وَإِن مِّن شَىْءٍ إِلَّا عِندَنَا خَزَآئِنُهُۥ وَمَا نُنَزِّلُهُۥٓ إِلَّا بِقَدَرٍۢ مَّعْلُومٍۢ ﴿21﴾
And there is not a thing but that with Us are its depositories, and We do not send it down except according to a known measure.
Wain min shayin illa AAindana khazainuhu wama nunazziluhu illa biqadarin maAAloomin
Of all things there are We have the stores, and send them down in determined measure.
And there is not a thing the treasure* of which is not with Us; and We do not send it down except by a known measure. (* The power to create it.)
Naught is there, but its treasuries are with Us, and We send it not down but in a known measure.
And there is not of aught but with Us are the treasures thereof, and We send it not down save in a measure known
And there is not a thing, but with Us are the stores thereof. And We send it not down except in a known measure.
There is not a thing but with Us are its stores, and We send it down only in precise measure.
There is nothing except that its treasuries are with Us and We do not send it down except in a known measure.
And there is not a thing but with Us are the stores thereof. And we send it not down save in appointed measure.
There is not a thing but that its sources are with Us, and We do not send it down except in a known measure.
And there is not a thing but with Us are its treasuries, and We do not send it down except in a known measure.
With Us is the source of everything and We do not send it down except in a known quantity.
And there is not a thing but with Us are the treasures of it, and We do not send it down but in a known measure.
There is not a thing but its storehouses are with Us. But We only send down each thing in an appropriate measure:
And there is not a thing but its (sources and) treasures (inexhaustible) are with Us; but We only send down thereof in due and ascertainable measures.
وَأَرْسَلْنَا ٱلرِّيَٰحَ لَوَٰقِحَ فَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءًۭ فَأَسْقَيْنَٰكُمُوهُ وَمَآ أَنتُمْ لَهُۥ بِخَٰزِنِينَ ﴿22﴾
And We have sent the fertilizing winds and sent down water from the sky and given you drink from it. And you are not its retainers.
Waarsalna alrriyaha lawaqiha faanzalna mina alssamai maan faasqaynakumoohu wama antum lahu bikhazineena
We send rain-impregnated winds, and water from the sky which you drink, but you are not the keepers of its store.
And We sent the winds that relieve the clouds’ burden, therefore caused water to descend from the sky, then give it to you to drink; and you are not at all its treasurers.
And We loose the winds fertilising, and We send down out of heaven water, then We give it to you to drink, and you are not its treasurers.
And We send the winds fertilizing, then We send down water from the heaven and We give it to you to drink, and thereof ye could not be the treasurers.
And We send the winds fertilizing (to fill heavily the clouds with water), then caused the water (rain) to descend from the sky, and We gave it to you to drink, and it is not you who are the owners of its stores [i.e. to give water to whom you like or to withhold it from whom you like].
We send the fertilizing winds; and send down water from the sky, and give it to you to drink, and you are not the ones who store it.
We send fertilizing winds, and then cause rain to descend from the sky, providing you abundant water to drink even though you could not have stored it up for yourselves.
And We send the winds fertilising, and cause water to descend from the sky, and give it you to drink. It is not ye who are the holders of the store thereof.
And We send the fertilizing winds and send down water from the sky providing it for you to drink and you are not maintainers of its resources.
We send the winds fertilizing, and We send down out of heaven water, from which you drink and you are not its treasurers.
We send impregnating winds and send down water from the sky for you to drink and you have no (control over its) storage.
And We send the winds fertilizing, then send down water from the cloud so We give it to you to drink of, nor is it you who store it up.
We let loose fertilizing winds, and bring water from the sky for you to drink; and you could not have stored it up for yourselves.
And We send the fecundating winds, then cause the rain to descend from the sky, therewith providing you with water (in abundance), though ye are not the guardians of its stores.
وَإِنَّا لَنَحْنُ نُحْىِۦ وَنُمِيتُ وَنَحْنُ ٱلْوَٰرِثُونَ ﴿23﴾
And indeed, it is We who give life and cause death, and We are the Inheritor.
Wainna lanahnu nuhyee wanumeetu wanahnu alwarithoona
It is We who give life and We who give death, and We are the One who will abide.
And indeed it is We Who give life and it is We Who cause death, and We are the Inheritors.
It is We who give life, and make to die, and it is We who are the inheritors.
And verily We! it is We who give life and death, and We shall be the survivors.
And certainly We! We it is Who give life, and cause death, and We are the Inheritors.
It is We who give life and cause death, and We are the Inheritors.
It is indeed We Who grant life and cause death and it is We who shall be the sole Inheritors of all.
Lo! and it is We, even We, Who quicken and give death, and We are the Inheritor.
Indeed it is We who give life and bring death and We are the inheritors.
And surely, it is We who give life and make to die. We are the Inheritor.
It is We who give life and cause things to die and We are the sole Heirs.
And most surely We bring to life and cause to die and We are the heirs.
Truly, it is We who bring to life and We who cause death and We are the inheritor of all things.
And verily, it is We Who give life, and Who give death: it is We Who remain inheritors (after all else passes away).
وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْنَا ٱلْمُسْتَقْدِمِينَ مِنكُمْ وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْنَا ٱلْمُسْتَـْٔخِرِينَ ﴿24﴾
And We have already known the preceding [generations] among you, and We have already known the later [ones to come].
Walaqad AAalimna almustaqdimeena minkum walaqad AAalimna almustakhireena
We surely know those of you who go forward and those of you who lag behind.
And indeed We know those among you who came forward and indeed We know those among you who remained behind.
We know the ones of you who press forward, and We know the laggards;
And assuredly We know those of you who have gone before and those who will come hereafter.
And indeed, We know the first generations of you who had passed away, and indeed, We know the present generations of you (mankind), and also those who will come afterwards.
And We know those of you who go forward, and We know those who lag behind.
Surely We know those of you who have passed before and those who will come later.
And verily We know the eager among you and verily We know the laggards.
Certainly We know the predecessors among you and certainly We know the successors,
We know those of you who press forward, and We know the laggards,
We know the people who lived before you and those who will come into existence after you.
And certainly We know those of you who have gone before and We certainly know those who shall come later.
We know those who lived before you and those who will come after you.
To Us are known those of you who hasten forward, and those who lag behind.
وَإِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ يَحْشُرُهُمْ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ حَكِيمٌ عَلِيمٌۭ ﴿25﴾
And indeed, your Lord will gather them; indeed, He is Wise and Knowing.
Wainna rabbaka huwa yahshuruhum innahu hakeemun AAaleemun
Your Lord will surely gather them together: Certainly He is all-wise and all-knowing.
Indeed your Lord only will raise them all on the Day of Resurrection; indeed only He is Wise, All Knowing.
and it is thy Lord shall muster them, and He is All-wise, All-knowing.
And veriiy thy Lord! He will gather them, and verily He is Wise. Knowing.
And verily, your Lord will gather them together. Truly, He is All-Wise, All-Knowing.
It is your Lord who will gather them together. He is the Wise, the Knowing.
Indeed your Lord will gather them all together. Surely He is All-Wise, All-Knowing.
Lo! thy Lord will gather them together. Lo! He is Wise, Aware.
and indeed it is your Lord who will resurrect them. Indeed, He is all-wise, all-knowing.
and it is your Lord who will gather them. He is Wise, Knowing.
Your Lord will resurrect them all; He is All-wise and All-knowing.
And surely your Lord will gather them together; surely He is Wise, Knowing.
It is your Lord who will gather them. He is all wise and all knowing.
Assuredly it is thy Lord Who will gather them together: for He is perfect in Wisdom and Knowledge.
وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ مِن صَلْصَٰلٍۢ مِّنْ حَمَإٍۢ مَّسْنُونٍۢ ﴿26﴾
And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud.
Walaqad khalaqna alinsana min salsalin min hamain masnoonin
Man We fashioned from fermented clay dried tingling hard,
Indeed We created man from sounding clay made out of black smelly mud.
Surely We created man of a clay of mud moulded,
And assuredly We have created human being from ringing clay of loam moulded.
And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.
We created the human being from clay, from molded mud.
Surely We brought man into being out of dry ringing clay which was wrought from black mud,
Verily We created man of potter's clay of black mud altered,
Certainly We created man out of a dry clay [drawn] from an aging mud,
We created mankind from clay, molded from mud,
We have created the human being out of pure mud-moulded clay
And certainly We created man of clay that gives forth sound, of black mud fashioned in shape.
We created man out of dry clay, from moulded mud,
We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape;
وَٱلْجَآنَّ خَلَقْنَٰهُ مِن قَبْلُ مِن نَّارِ ٱلسَّمُومِ ﴿27﴾
And the jinn We created before from scorching fire.
Waaljanna khalaqnahu min qablu min nari alssamoomi
As We fashioned jinns before from intense radiated heat.
And created the jinn before him, from smokeless fire.
and the jinn created We before of fire flaming.
And the Jinn, We had created them afore of the fire of the scroching wind.
And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.
And the jinn We created before, from piercing fire.
while We had brought the jinn into being before out of blazing fire.
And the jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire.
and We created the jinn earlier, out of a piercing fire.
and before him We created the jinn from smokeless fire.
and the jinn before (the human being) of smokeless fire.
And the jinn We created before, of intensely hot fire.
and the jinn We had created before from flaming fire.
And the Jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind.
وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةِ إِنِّى خَٰلِقٌۢ بَشَرًۭا مِّن صَلْصَٰلٍۢ مِّنْ حَمَإٍۢ مَّسْنُونٍۢ ﴿28﴾
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, \"I will create a human being out of clay from an altered black mud.
Waith qala rabbuka lilmalaikati innee khaliqun basharan min salsalin min hamain masnoonin
But when your Lord said to the angels: \"I am verily going to create a human being from fermented clay dried tingling hard;
And recall when your Lord said to the angels, “I will create man from sounding clay made out of black smelly mud.”
And when thy Lord said to the angels, 'See, I am creating a mortal of a clay of mud moulded.
And recall what time thy Lord said unto the angels: verily I am about to createa man from ringing clay of loam moulded.
And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: \"I am going to create a man (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.
Your Lord said to the angels, “I am creating a human being from clay, from molded mud.”
Recall when your Lord said to the angels: \"I will indeed bring into being a human being out of dry ringing clay wrought from black mud.
And (remember) when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am creating a mortal out of potter's clay of black mud altered,
When your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed I am going to create a human out of a dry clay [drawn] from an aging mud.
When your Lord said to the angels: 'See, I am creating a mortal from clay of molded mud.
When your Lord said to the angels, \"I will create the human being out of pure mud-moulded clay.
And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape.
Your Lord said to the angels, \"I am about to bring into being a man wrought from mud.
Behold! thy Lord said to the angels: \"I am about to create man, from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape;
فَإِذَا سَوَّيْتُهُۥ وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِى فَقَعُوا۟ لَهُۥ سَٰجِدِينَ ﴿29﴾
And when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] soul, then fall down to him in prostration.\"
Faitha sawwaytuhu wanafakhtu feehi min roohee faqaAAoo lahu sajideena
And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, bow before him in homage;\"
“Therefore when I have properly fashioned him and breathed into him a chosen noble soul from Myself, fall down before him in prostration.”
When I have shaped him, and breathed My spirit in him, fall you down, bowing before him!'
Then when I have formed him and breathed into him of My Spirit fall down unto him prostrate.
\"So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him.\"
“When I have formed him, and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down prostrating before him.”
When I have completed shaping him and have breathed into him of My Spirit, then fall you down before him in prostration.\"
So, when I have made him and have breathed into him of My Spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him.
So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down in prostration before him.’
When I have shaped him and ran My created soul in him fall down prostrating towards him'.
When it is properly shaped and I have blown My Spirit into it, you should then bow down in prostration\".
So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him.
When I have formed him and breathed My spirit into him, fall down in prostration before him,\"
\"When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.\"
فَسَجَدَ ٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةُ كُلُّهُمْ أَجْمَعُونَ ﴿30﴾
So the angels prostrated - all of them entirely,
Fasajada almalaikatu kulluhum ajmaAAoona
The angels bowed in homage in a body
Therefore all the angels, each and every one of them, fell prostrate.
Then the angels bowed themselves all together,
So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together.
So, the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together.
So the angels prostrated themselves, all together.
So, the angels - all of them - fell down in prostration,
So the angels fell prostrate, all of them together
Thereat the angels prostrated, all of them together,
All the angels prostrated themselves,
All the angels prostrated before Adam
So the angels made obeisance, all of them together,
then the angels all prostrated themselves together.
So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together:
إِلَّآ إِبْلِيسَ أَبَىٰٓ أَن يَكُونَ مَعَ ٱلسَّٰجِدِينَ ﴿31﴾
Except Iblees, he refused to be with those who prostrated.
Illa ibleesa aba an yakoona maAAa alssajideena
Except Iblis. He refused to bow with the adorers.
Except Iblis (Satan); he refused to be among those who prostrated.
save Iblis; he refused to be among those bowing.
But Iblis did not; he refused to be with the prostrates.
Except Iblis (Satan), - he refused to be among the prostrators.
Except for Satan. He refused to be among those who prostrated themselves.
except Iblis; he refused to join those who prostrated.
Save Iblis. He refused to be among the prostrate.
but not Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated.
except iblis (father of the jinn) who refused to be one of those who prostrated themselves.
except Iblis who refused to join with the others in prostration.
But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance.
But Satan did not; he refused to join those who prostrated themselves.
Not so Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves.
قَالَ يَٰٓإِبْلِيسُ مَا لَكَ أَلَّا تَكُونَ مَعَ ٱلسَّٰجِدِينَ ﴿32﴾
[Allah] said, O Iblees, what is [the matter] with you that you are not with those who prostrate?\"
Qala ya ibleesu ma laka alla takoona maAAa alssajideena
\"How is it, O Iblis,\" said (the Lord), \"you did not join those who bowed in homage?\"
Said Allah, “O Iblis! What happened to you that you stayed apart from those who prostrated?”
Said He, 'What ails thee, Iblis, that thou art not among those bowing?'
Allah said: O Iblis! what aileth thou that thou art not with the prostrates?
(Allah) said: \"O Iblis (Satan)! What is your reason for not being among the prostrators?\"
He said, “O Satan, what kept you from being among those who prostrated themselves?”
The Lord inquired: \"Iblis! What is the matter with you that you did not join those who prostrated?\"
He said: O Iblis! What aileth thee that thou art not among the prostrate?
He said, ‘O Iblis! What kept you from being among those who have prostrated?’
He said: 'iblis, what is the matter with you, that you do you not prostrate yourself'
God asked Iblis, \"What made you not join the others in prostration?\"
He said: O Iblis! what excuse have you that you are not with those who make obeisance?
God asked him, \"What is the matter with you, that you are not among those who have prostrated themselves?\"
(Allah) said: \"O Iblis! what is your reason for not being among those who prostrated themselves?\"
قَالَ لَمْ أَكُن لِّأَسْجُدَ لِبَشَرٍ خَلَقْتَهُۥ مِن صَلْصَٰلٍۢ مِّنْ حَمَإٍۢ مَّسْنُونٍۢ ﴿33﴾
He said, \"Never would I prostrate to a human whom You created out of clay from an altered black mud.\"
Qala lam akun liasjuda libasharin khalaqtahu min salsalin min hamain masnoonin
\"How could I bow,\" said he, \"before a mortal whom You created from fermented clay dried tingling hard?\"
He answered, “It does not befit me to prostrate myself to a human whom You have created from sounding clay made out of black smelly mud.”
Said he, 'I would never bow myself before a mortal whom Thou hast created of a clay of mud moulded.'
He said it was not for me that should prostrate myself unto a human being whom Thou hast created from ringing clay of loam moulded.
[Iblis (Satan)] said: \"I am not the one to prostrate myself to a human being, whom You created from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.\"
He said, “I am not about to prostrate myself before a human being, whom You created from clay, from molded mud.”
He said: \"It does not behove of me to prostrate myself before a human being whom You have created out of dry ringing clay wrought from black mud.\"
He said: I am not one to prostrate myself unto a mortal whom Thou hast created out of potter's clay of black mud altered!
Said he, ‘I will not prostrate before a human whom You have created out of a dry clay [drawn] from an aging mud.’
He replied: 'I will not prostrate to a mortal You have created of clay, from molded mud'
Iblis replied, \"I did not want to prostrate before a human being whom You have created out of mud-moulded clay\".
He said: I am not such that I should make obeisance to a mortal whom Thou hast created of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape.
He replied, \"I am not one to prostrate myself to a man whom You have created out of a clay of moulded mud.\"
(Iblis) said: \"I am not one to prostrate myself to man, whom Thou didst create from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape.\"
قَالَ فَٱخْرُجْ مِنْهَا فَإِنَّكَ رَجِيمٌۭ ﴿34﴾
[Allah] said, \"Then get out of it, for indeed, you are expelled.
Qala faokhruj minha fainnaka rajeemun
\"Go hence, execrable,\" (said the Lord), \"from this place,
Said Allah, “Therefore exit from Paradise, for you are an outcast.”
Said He, 'Then go thou forth hence; thou art accursed.
Allah said: then get thee forth therefrom; verily thou art one damned.
(Allah) said: \"Then, get out from here, for verily, you are Rajim (an outcast or a cursed one).\" [Tafsir At-Tabari]
He said, “Then get out of here, for you are an outcast”.
The Lord said: \"Then get out of here; you are rejected,
He said: Then go thou forth from hence, for lo! thou art outcast.
He said, ‘Begone hence, for you are indeed an outcast,
(Allah) said: 'Begone, you are accursed!
God told him, \"Get out of the garden; you are rejected
He said: Then get out of it, for surely you are driven away:
God said, \"Then get out of here; for you are accursed,
(Allah) said: \"Then get thee out from here; for thou art rejected, accursed.
وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكَ ٱللَّعْنَةَ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ ﴿35﴾
And indeed, upon you is the curse until the Day of Recompense.\"
Wainna AAalayka allaAAnata ila yawmi alddeeni
Condemned till the day of Doom!\"
“And indeed you are accursed till the Day of Judgement.”
Upon thee shall rest the curse, till the Day of Doom.'
And verily on thee shall be the curse till the Day of Requital.
\"And verily, the curse shall be upon you till the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).\"
“And the curse will be upon you until the Day of Judgment.”
and there shall be a curse upon you till the Day of Recompense.\"
And lo! the curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgment.
and indeed the curse shall lie on you until the Day of Retribution.’
A curse shall be on you till the Day of Recompense'
and will be subjected to condemnation until the Day of Judgment.\"
And surely on you is curse until the day of judgment.
and the curse shall be on you till the Day of Judgement!\"
\"And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Judgment.\"
قَالَ رَبِّ فَأَنظِرْنِىٓ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ ﴿36﴾
He said, \"My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.\"
Qala rabbi faanthirnee ila yawmi yubAAathoona
\"O my Lord,\" said he, \"give me respite till the day the dead are raised.\"
He said, “My Lord! Grant me respite till the day when they will all be raised.”
Said he, 'My Lord, respite me till the day they shall be raised.'
He said: my Lord! respite me then till the Day whereon they will be raised up.
[Iblis (Satan)] said: \"O my Lord! Give me then respite till the Day they (the dead) will be resurrected.\"
He said, “My Lord, reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.”
Iblis said: \"My Lord! Grant me respite till the Day when they will be resurrected.\"
He said: My Lord! Reprieve me till the day when they are raised.
He said, ‘My Lord! Respite me till the day they will be resurrected.’
He said: 'My Lord, reprieve me till the Day they are raised'
Iblis prayed, \"Lord, grant me respite until the Day of Judgment\".
He said: My Lord! then respite me till the time when they are raised.
Satan said, \"O my Lord! Grant me respite till the Day of Resurrection.\"
(Iblis) said: \"O my Lord! give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised.\"
قَالَ فَإِنَّكَ مِنَ ٱلْمُنظَرِينَ ﴿37﴾
[Allah] said, \"So indeed, you are of those reprieved
Qala fainnaka mina almunthareena
\"You are among the reprieved,\" (said the Lord),
Said Allah, “You are of those given respite.”
Said He, 'Thou art among the ones that are respited
Allah said: verily then thou art of the respited:
Allah said: \"Then, verily, you are of those reprieved,
He said, “You are of those reprieved.”
Allah said: \"For sure you are granted respite
He said: Then lo! thou art of those reprieved
Said He, ‘You are indeed among the reprieved
He answered: 'You are among those reprieved
The Lord said, \"Your request is granted
He said: So surely you are of the respited ones
He said, \"You are granted respite
(Allah) said: \"Respite is granted thee
إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ ٱلْوَقْتِ ٱلْمَعْلُومِ ﴿38﴾
Until the Day of the time well-known.\"
Ila yawmi alwaqti almaAAloomi
\"Till the predetermined time.\"
“Till the Day of a well-known time.”
unto the day of a known time.'
Till the Day of the Time known.
\"Till the Day of the time appointed.\"
“Until the Day of the time appointed.”
until the day of a known time.\"
Till the Day of appointed time.
until the day of the known time.’
till the appointed time.
for an appointed time.\"
Till the period of the time made known.
till that Appointed Day.\"
\"Till the Day of the Time appointed.\"
قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَآ أَغْوَيْتَنِى لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَلَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ ﴿39﴾
[Iblees] said, \"My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all
Qala rabbi bima aghwaytanee laozayyinanna lahum fee alardi walaoghwiyannahum ajmaAAeena
\"O my Lord,\" he said, \"since You have led me into error I'll beguile them with the pleasures of the world and lead them astray,
He said, “My Lord! I swear by the fact that You sent me astray, I shall distract them in the earth, and I shall lead all of them astray.”
Said he, 'My Lord, for Thy perverting me I shall deck all fair to them in the earth, and I shall pervert them, all together,
He said: my Lord! because Thou hast led me to err I will surely make things fairseeming unto them on the earth and will surely seduce them all:
[Iblis (Satan)] said: \"O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all.
He said, “My Lord, since You have lured me away, I will glamorize for them on earth, and I will lure them all away.”
Iblis said: \"My Lord! In the manner You led me to error, I will make things on earth seem attractive to them and lead all of them to error,
He said: My Lord! Because Thou hast sent me astray, I verily shall adorn the path of error for them in the earth, and shall mislead them every one,
He said, ‘My Lord! As You have consigned me to perversity, I will surely glamorize [evil] for them on the earth, and I will surely pervert them, all
(satan) said: 'My Lord, for Your perverting me, I shall make (matters) in the earth seem most fair to them and I shall pervert all,
Iblis said, \"Lord, because you have caused me to go astray, I shall make earthly things attractive to (people) and mislead all of them
He said: My Lord! because Thou hast made life evil to me, I will certainly make (evil) fair-seeming to them on earth, and I will certainly cause them all to deviate
He said, \"My Lord, since You have let me go astray. I shall make the path of error seem alluring to them on the earth and shall mislead them all,
(Iblis) said: \"O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong,-
إِلَّا عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ ٱلْمُخْلَصِينَ ﴿40﴾
Except, among them, Your chosen servants.\"
Illa AAibadaka minhumu almukhlaseena
Except the chosen ones among Your creatures.\"
“Except those among them who are Your chosen bondmen.”
excepting those Thy servants among them that are devoted.
But not such of them as are Thy bondmen single-hearted.
\"Except Your chosen, (guided) slaves among them.\"
“Except for Your sincere servants among them.”
except those of Your servants whom You have singled out for Yourself.\"
Save such of them as are Thy perfectly devoted slaves.
except Your dedicated servants among them.’
except the devoted amongst Your worshippers.
except Your sincere servants\".
Except Thy servants from among them, the devoted ones.
except for Your chosen servants.\"
\"Except Thy servants among them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace).\"
قَالَ هَٰذَا صِرَٰطٌ عَلَىَّ مُسْتَقِيمٌ ﴿41﴾
[Allah] said, \"This is a path [of return] to Me [that is] straight.
Qala hatha siratun AAalayya mustaqeemun
(To which God) said: \"This way is right by Me.
Said Allah, “This path* leads straight towards Me.” (* The path of the chosen bondmen.)
Said He, 'This is for Me a straight path:
Allah said: this is the path leeding unto Me straight.
(Allah) said: \"This is the Way which will lead straight to Me.\"
He said, “This is a right way with Me.”
Allah said: \"Here is the path that leads straight to Me.
He said: This is a right course incumbent upon Me:
He said, ‘This is the path [leading] straight to Me.
He (Allah) said: 'This is for Me the Right Path
God said, \"The path which leads to Me is a straight
He said: This is a right way with Me:
God said, \"This is the path which leads straight to Me.
(Allah) said: \"This (way of My sincere servants) is indeed a way that leads straight to Me.
إِنَّ عِبَادِى لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَٰنٌ إِلَّا مَنِ ٱتَّبَعَكَ مِنَ ٱلْغَاوِينَ ﴿42﴾
Indeed, My servants - no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators.
Inna AAibadee laysa laka AAalayhim sultanun illa mani ittabaAAaka mina alghaweena
No power shall you have over (all) My creatures except those who fall into error and follow you,
“Indeed you do not have any power over My bondmen, except those wanderers who follow you.” (The devil is unsuccessful in tempting Allah’s chosen bondmen to commit sin.)
over My servants thou shalt have no authority, except those that follow thee,
Verily as for My bondmen, no authority shalt thou have over them, except the erring one who follow thee.
\"Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves, except those who follow you of the Ghawin (Mushrikun and those who go astray, criminals, polytheists, and evil-doers, etc.).
“Over My servants you have no authority, except for the sinners who follow you.”
Over My true servants you will be able to exercise no power, your power will be confined to the erring ones, those who choose to follow you.
Lo! as for My slaves, thou hast no power over any of them save such of the froward as follow thee,
Indeed, as for My servants you do not have any authority over them, except the perverse who follow you,
over My worshipers you have no authority, except the perverse that follow you.
and you have no authority over My servants except the erring ones who follow you.
Surely. as regards My servants, you have no authority, over them except those who follow you of the deviators.
Surely, you shall have no power over My true servants, except those misguided ones who choose to follow you.
\"For over My servants no authority shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee.\"
وَإِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ لَمَوْعِدُهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ ﴿43﴾
And indeed, Hell is the promised place for them all.
Wainna jahannama lamawAAiduhum ajmaAAeena
For whom the ordained place is surely Hell,
And indeed hell is the promise for all of them.
being perverse; Gehenna shall be their promised land all together.
And verily Hell is the place promised unto them all.
\"And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all.
And Hell is the meeting-place for them all.
Surely Hell is the promised place for all of them.\"
And lo! for all such, hell will be the promised place.
and indeed hell is the tryst of them all.
Gehenna (Hell) will be the promise for all of them.
Hell is the promised place for them all.
And surely Hell is the promised place of them all:
Surely, Hell is the place to which they are destined,
And verily, Hell is the promised abode for them all!
لَهَا سَبْعَةُ أَبْوَٰبٍۢ لِّكُلِّ بَابٍۢ مِّنْهُمْ جُزْءٌۭ مَّقْسُومٌ ﴿44﴾
It has seven gates; for every gate is of them a portion designated.\"
Laha sabAAatu abwabin likulli babin minhum juzon maqsoomun
Which has several gates, and each gate is marked for every section of them.\"
It has seven gates; for each gate is a portion assigned from them.
Seven gates it has, and unto each gate a set portion of them belongs.'
Unto it are seven portals; unto each portal is a Portion of them assigned.
\"It (Hell) has seven gates, for each of those gates is a (special) class (of sinners) assigned.
“It has seven doors; for each door is an assigned class.”
There are seven gates in it, and to each gate a portion of them has been allotted.
It hath seven gates, and each gate hath an appointed portion.
It has seven gates, and to each gate belongs a separate portion of them.’
It has seven gates, and through each gate a portion of them belong.
It has seven gates and each gate is assigned for a certain group of people.
It has seven gates; for every gate there shall be a separate party of them.
it has seven gates: and each gate has a portion of them allotted to it.
To it are seven gates: for each of those gates is a (special) class (of sinners) assigned.
إِنَّ ٱلْمُتَّقِينَ فِى جَنَّٰتٍۢ وَعُيُونٍ ﴿45﴾
Indeed, the righteous will be within gardens and springs.
Inna almuttaqeena fee jannatin waAAuyoonin
Verily those who keep away from evil and follow the straight path shall be in the midst of gardens and springs of water.
Indeed the pious are amidst Gardens and springs.
But the godfearing shall be amidst gardens and fountains:
Verily the God-fearing shall be amidst gardens and springs.
\"Truly! The Muttaqun (pious and righteous persons - see V. 2:2) will be amidst Gardens and water-springs (Paradise).
But the righteous will be in gardens with springs.
As for the God-fearing, they shall be amid gardens and springs.
Lo! those who ward off (evil) are among gardens and watersprings.
Indeed the Godwary will be amid gardens and springs.
But the cautious shall live amongst gardens and fountains:
The pious will live in gardens with streams
Surely those who guard (against evil) shall be in the midst of gardens and fountains:
Truly, the God-fearing shall dwell amid gardens and fountains --
The righteous (will be) amid gardens and fountains (of clear-flowing water).
ٱدْخُلُوهَا بِسَلَٰمٍ ءَامِنِينَ ﴿46﴾
[Having been told], \"Enter it in peace, safe [and secure].\"
Odkhulooha bisalamin amineena
\"Enter in peace and tranquility,\" (they will be told).
“Enter them with peace, in safety.”
'Enter you them, in peace and security!'
Enter therein in peace, secure.
\"(It will be said to them): 'Enter therein (Paradise), in peace and security.'
“Enter it in peace and security.”
They will be told: \"Enter it in peace and security.\"
(And it is said unto them): Enter them in peace, secure.
‘‘Enter it in peace and safety!’’
'In peace and security, enter them'
and they will be told to enter there in peace and safety.
Enter them in peace, secure.
\"Enter therein in peace and security!\" --
(Their greeting will be): \"Enter ye here in peace and security.\"
وَنَزَعْنَا مَا فِى صُدُورِهِم مِّنْ غِلٍّ إِخْوَٰنًا عَلَىٰ سُرُرٍۢ مُّتَقَٰبِلِينَ ﴿47﴾
And We will remove whatever is in their breasts of resentment, [so they will be] brothers, on thrones facing each other.
WanazaAAna ma fee sudoorihim min ghillin ikhwanan AAala sururin mutaqabileena
We shall cast out any grudge they may have in their hearts. (There) they will sit on couches face to face like brothers together.
And We have removed any resentments which were in their breasts – they are brothers, sitting face to face on thrones.
We shall strip away all rancour that is in their breasts; as brothers they shall be upon couches set face to face;
And We shall have removed whatsoever of grudge may be in their breasts: brethren they. sitting upon couches facing each other.
\"And We shall remove from their breasts any sense of injury (that they may have), (So they will be like) brothers facing each other on thrones.
And We will remove all ill-feelings from their hearts—brothers and sisters, on couches facing one another.
And We shall purge their breasts of all traces of rancour; and they shall be seated on couches facing one another as brothers.
And We remove whatever rancour may be in their breasts. As brethren, face to face, (they rest) on couches raised.
We will remove whatever rancour there is in their breasts; [intimate like] brothers, [they will be reclining] on couches, facing one another.
We shall remove all rancor from their hearts, and as brethren they shall recline on couches face to face.
We shall remove all hatred from their breasts and make them as brothers reclining on thrones facing one another.
And We will root out whatever of rancor is in their breasts-- (they shall be) as brethren, on raised couches, face to face.
We shall cleanse their hearts of all traces of ill-will; they will be like brethren seated on couches facing one another.
And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury: (they will be) brothers (joyfully) facing each other on thrones (of dignity).
لَا يَمَسُّهُمْ فِيهَا نَصَبٌۭ وَمَا هُم مِّنْهَا بِمُخْرَجِينَ ﴿48﴾
No fatigue will touch them therein, nor from it will they [ever] be removed.
La yamassuhum feeha nasabun wama hum minha bimukhrajeena
No weariness will come upon them, nor will they be sent away from there.
Neither any hardship is to reach them in it, nor are they to be expelled from it.
no fatigue there shall smite them, neither shall they ever be driven forth from there.
There shall touch them no toil therein, nor therefrom they shall ever be driven out.
\"No sense of fatigue shall touch them, nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave it.\"
No fatigue will ever touch them therein, nor will they be asked to leave it.
They shall face no fatigue in it, nor shall they ever be driven out of it.
Toil cometh not unto them there, nor will they be expelled from thence.
Therein neither weariness shall touch them, nor will they [ever] be expelled from it.
There, no fatigue shall smite them, nor shall they ever be driven from it'
No fatigue will touch them nor will they be expelled therefrom.\"
Toil shall not afflict them in it, nor shall they be ever ejected from it.
They will not be affected by any weariness there, and they will never be made to leave.\"
There no sense of fatigue shall touch them, nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave.
۞ نَبِّئْ عِبَادِىٓ أَنِّىٓ أَنَا ٱلْغَفُورُ ٱلرَّحِيمُ ﴿49﴾
[O Muhammad], inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful.
Nabbi AAibadee annee ana alghafooru alrraheemu
Announce to My creatures that I am indeed forgiving and kind,
Inform My bondmen that undoubtedly, I surely am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
Tell My servants I am the All-forgiving, the All-compassionate,
Declare thou unto My bondmen: verily I! I am the Forgiver, the Merciful.
Declare (O Muhammad SAW) unto My slaves, that truly, I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful.
Inform My servants that I am the Forgiver, the Merciful.
(O Prophet), declare to My servants that I am indeed Ever Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Announce, (O Muhammad) unto My slaves that verily I am the Forgiving, the Merciful,
Inform my servants that I am indeed the All-forgiving, the All-merciful,
Tell My worshipers that I am the Forgiving, the Most Merciful,
(Muhammad), tell My servants that I am All-forgiving and All-merciful
Inform My servants that I am the Forgiving, the Merciful,
Tell My servants that I alone am the Forgiving, the Merciful One,
Tell My servants that I am indeed the Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful;
وَأَنَّ عَذَابِى هُوَ ٱلْعَذَابُ ٱلْأَلِيمُ ﴿50﴾
And that it is My punishment which is the painful punishment.
Wa anna AAathabee huwa alAAathabu alaleemu
But My punishment is surely a painful one.
And that indeed the punishment of Mine is a painful punishment.
and that My chastisement is the painful chastisement.
And verily My torment! that is the torment afflictive
And that My Torment is indeed the most painful torment.
And that My punishment is the painful punishment.
At the same time, My chastisement is highly painful.
And that My doom is the dolorous doom.
and that My punishment is a painful punishment.
and that My punishment is the painful chastisement.
and that My punishment is a painful one.
And that My punishment-- that is the painful punishment.
and that My punishment is a painful punishment.
And that My Penalty will be indeed the most grievous Penalty.
وَنَبِّئْهُمْ عَن ضَيْفِ إِبْرَٰهِيمَ ﴿51﴾
And inform them about the guests of Abraham,
Wanabbihum AAan dayfi ibraheema
Inform them about the matter of Abraham's guests.
And inform them of Ibrahim’s guests.
And tell them of the guests of Abraham,
And declare thou unto them of Ibrahim's guests.
And tell them about the guests (the angels) of Ibrahim (Abraham).
And inform them of the guests of Abraham.
And tell them about Abraham's guests.
And tell them of Abraham's guests,
And inform them about the guests of Abraham,
Tell them of Abraham's guests.
Tell them about the guests of Abraham
And inform them of the guests of Ibrahim:
Tell them about Abraham's guests:
Tell them about the guests of Abraham.
إِذْ دَخَلُوا۟ عَلَيْهِ فَقَالُوا۟ سَلَٰمًۭا قَالَ إِنَّا مِنكُمْ وَجِلُونَ ﴿52﴾
When they entered upon him and said, \"Peace.\" [Abraham] said, \"Indeed, we are fearful of you.\"
Ith dakhaloo AAalayhi faqaloo salaman qala inna minkum wajiloona
When they came to him and said: \"Peace,\" he answered: \"Truly we are afraid of you.\"
When the angels came to him and said, “Peace\"; he said, “We feel afraid of you.”
when they entered unto him, saying, 'Peace!' He said, 'Behold, we are afraid of you.'
When they entered unto him, and said; peace! He said: verily we are afraid of you.
When they entered unto him, and said: Salaman (peace)! [Ibrahim (Abraham)] said: \"Indeed! We are afraid of you.\"
When they entered upon him, and said, “Peace.” He said, “We are wary of you.”
When they came to Abraham they said: \"Peace be upon you!\" He replied: \"Indeed we feel afraid of you.\"
(How) when they came in unto him, and said: Peace. He said: Lo! we are afraid of you.
when they entered into his presence and said, ‘Peace!’ He said, ‘We are indeed afraid of you.’
They entered to him and said: 'Peace' but he replied: 'We are afraid of you'
who came to him saying, \"Peace be with you.\" Abraham said, \"We are afraid of you\".
When they entered upon him, they said, Peace. He said: Surely we are afraid of you.
when they came to him they greeted him with: \"Peace.\" He said,\"We feel afraid of you.\"
When they entered his presence and said, \"Peace!\" He said, \"We feel afraid of you!\"
قَالُوا۟ لَا تَوْجَلْ إِنَّا نُبَشِّرُكَ بِغُلَٰمٍ عَلِيمٍۢ ﴿53﴾
[The angels] said, \"Fear not. Indeed, we give you good tidings of a learned boy.\"
Qaloo la tawjal inna nubashshiruka bighulamin AAaleemin
\"Have no fear,\" they said. \"We bring you news of a son full of wisdom.\"
They said, “Do not fear – we convey to you the glad tidings of a knowledgeable boy.”
They said, 'Be not afraid; behold, we give thee good tidings of a cunning boy.'
They said: be not afraid; verily we bear thou the glad tidings of a boy knowing.
They (the angels) said: \"Do not be afraid! We give you glad tidings of a boy (son) possessing much knowledge and wisdom.\"
They said, “Do not fear; we bring you good news of a boy endowed with knowledge.”
They said: \"Do not feel afraid, for we give you the good news of a wise boy.\"
They said: Be not afraid! Lo! we bring thee good tidings of a boy possessing wisdom.
They said, ‘Do not be afraid. Indeed we give you the good news of a wise son.’
'Do not be afraid' they answered. 'We come to give you glad tidings of a knowledgeable child'
They replied, \"Do not be afraid. We have brought you the glad news of (the birth) of a learned son\".
They said: Be not afraid, surely we give you the good news of a boy, possessing knowledge.
They said, \"Do not be afraid. We come to you with good news. You shall have a son who shall be endowed with great knowledge.\"
They said: \"Fear not! We give thee glad tidings of a son endowed with wisdom.\"
قَالَ أَبَشَّرْتُمُونِى عَلَىٰٓ أَن مَّسَّنِىَ ٱلْكِبَرُ فَبِمَ تُبَشِّرُونَ ﴿54﴾
He said, \"Have you given me good tidings although old age has come upon me? Then of what [wonder] do you inform?\"
Qala abashshartumoonee AAala an massaniya alkibaru fabima tubashshirooni
\"You bring me the good news now,\" he said, \"when old age has come upon me. What good news are you giving me then?\"
He said, “Do you convey to me the glad tidings upon old age reaching me? So upon what do you convey glad tidings?” (* Prophet Ibrahim said this out of surprise.)
He said, 'What, do you give me good tidings, though old age has smitten me? Of what do you
He said: bear ye me glad tidings when old age hath touched me? of what then ye bear me glad tidings?
[Ibrahim (Abraham)] said: \"Do you give me glad tidings (of a son) when old age has overtaken me? Of what then is your news?\"
He said, “Do you bring me good news, when old age has overtaken me? What good news do you bring?”
Abraham said: \"What, do you give me this tiding though old age has smitten me? Just consider what tiding do you give me!\"
He said: Bring ye me good tidings (of a son) when old age hath overtaken me? Of what then can ye bring good tidings?
He said, ‘Do you give me good news though old age has befallen me? What is the good news that you bring me?’
He said: 'What is this, do you bring me glad tidings even though I am old' Of what do you give me glad tidings'
Abraham asked, \"Are you giving me the glad news of a son in my old age? What reason can you give for such glad news?\"
He said: Do you give me good news (of a son) when old age has come upon me?-- Of what then do you give me good news!
He said, \"Do you bring me such news despite my old age? What kind of good news are you bringing me?\"
He said: \"Do ye give me glad tidings that old age has seized me? Of what, then, is your good news?\"
قَالُوا۟ بَشَّرْنَٰكَ بِٱلْحَقِّ فَلَا تَكُن مِّنَ ٱلْقَٰنِطِينَ ﴿55﴾
They said, \"We have given you good tidings in truth, so do not be of the despairing.\"
Qaloo bashsharnaka bialhaqqi fala takun mina alqaniteena
\"We have given you the happy tidings of a truth,\" they replied. \"So do not be one of those who despair.\"
They said, “We have given you true tidings, therefore do not lose hope.”
give me good tidings?' They said, 'We give thee good tidings of truth. Be not of those that despair.'
They said: we bear tidings of a truth; be then thou not of the desponding.
They (the angels) said: \"We give you glad tidings in truth. So be not of the despairing ones.\"
They said, “We bring you good news in truth, so do not despair.”
They said: \"The good tiding we give you is of truth. Do not, therefore, be of those who despair.\"
They said: We bring thee good tidings in truth. So be not thou of the despairing.
They said, ‘We bring you good news in truth; so do not be despondent.’
They replied: 'In truth we have given you glad tidings, do not be one of those who despair'
They said, \"We have given you the glad news for a true reason so do not despair\".
They said: We give you good news with truth, therefore be not of the despairing.
They said, \"We have, indeed, given you glad tidings in truth; do not therefore despair.\"
They said: \"We give thee glad tidings in truth: be not then in despair!\"
قَالَ وَمَن يَقْنَطُ مِن رَّحْمَةِ رَبِّهِۦٓ إِلَّا ٱلضَّآلُّونَ ﴿56﴾
He said, \"And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord except for those astray?\"
Qala waman yaqnatu min rahmati rabbihi illa alddalloona
\"Who would despair of the mercy of his Lord,\" he answered, \"but those who go astray.\"
He said, “Who is it that despairs from the mercy of his Lord, except those who are astray?”
He said, 'And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord, excepting those that are astray?'
He said: and who despondeth of the mercy of his Lord except the astray
[Ibrahim (Abraham)] said: \"And who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except those who are astray?\"
He said, “And who despairs of his Lord’s mercy but the lost?”
Abraham said: \"Who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except the misguided?\"
He said: And who despaireth of the mercy of his Lord save those who are astray?
He said, ‘Who despairs of his Lord’s mercy except the astray?!’
He replied: 'And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord, except those that are astray?
He said, \"No one despairs of the mercy of his Lord except those who are in error.
He said: And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord but the erring ones?
He said, \"Who but the misguided despair of the mercy of their Lord?\"
He said: \"And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord, but such as go astray?\"
قَالَ فَمَا خَطْبُكُمْ أَيُّهَا ٱلْمُرْسَلُونَ ﴿57﴾
[Abraham] said, \"Then what is your business [here], O messengers?\"
Qala fama khatbukum ayyuha almursaloona
And asked them: \"What matter, O angels, brings you here?\"
He said, “And what is your next task, O the sent angels?”
He said, 'And what is your business, envoys?'
He said: what is your errand, sent ones?
[Ibrahim (Abraham) again] said: \"What then is the business on which you have come, O Messengers?\"
He said, “So what is your business, O envoys?”
He added: \"What is your errand O sent ones?\"
He said: And afterward what is your business, O ye messengers (of Allah)?
He said, ‘O messengers, what is now your errand?’
He asked: 'Messengers, what is your errand'
Messengers, what is your task?\"
He said: What is your business then, O apostles?
Then he asked, \"What then is your business, O messengers?\"
Abraham said: \"What then is the business on which ye (have come), O ye messengers (of Allah)?\"
قَالُوٓا۟ إِنَّآ أُرْسِلْنَآ إِلَىٰ قَوْمٍۢ مُّجْرِمِينَ ﴿58﴾
They said, \"Indeed, we have been sent to a people of criminals,
Qaloo inna orsilna ila qawmin mujrimeena
\"We have been sent,\" they said, \"to (punish) a sinful people,
They said, “We have been sent towards a guilty nation.”
They said, 'We have been sent unto a people of sinners,
They said: verily we have been sent unto a people guilty-
They (the angels) said: \"We have been sent to a people who are Mujrimun (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners).
They said, “We were sent to a sinful people.”
They said: \"Verily we have been sent to a guilty people
They said: We have been sent unto a guilty folk,
They said, ‘We have been sent toward a guilty people,
They replied: 'We are sent to sinful nation.
They said, \"We are sent to a sinful people.
They said: Surely we are sent towards a guilty people,
They said, \"We have been sent forth to a guilty people.\"
They said: \"We have been sent to a people (deep) in sin,
إِلَّآ ءَالَ لُوطٍ إِنَّا لَمُنَجُّوهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ ﴿59﴾
Except the family of Lot; indeed, we will save them all
Illa ala lootin inna lamunajjoohum ajmaAAeena
\"Except the family of Lot whom we shall save
“Except the family of Lut; we shall rescue all of them.”
excepting the folk of Lot; them we shall deliver
All except the household of Lut; surely we are going to deliver all of them.
\"(All) except the family of Lout (Lot). Them all we are surely going to save (from destruction).
“Except for the family of Lot; we will save them all.”
excepting the household of Lot. We shall deliver all of them,
(All) save the family of Lot. Them we shall deliver every one,
[who shall perish] except the family of Lot. We will indeed deliver all of them,
Except Lot's family, of whom we shall save all,
Only the family of Lot will all be saved,
Except Lut's followers: We will most surely deliver them all,
Except for Lot's household, all of whom we shall rescue,
\"Excepting the adherents of Lut: them we are certainly (charged) to save (from harm),- All -
إِلَّا ٱمْرَأَتَهُۥ قَدَّرْنَآ ۙ إِنَّهَا لَمِنَ ٱلْغَٰبِرِينَ ﴿60﴾
Except his wife.\" Allah decreed that she is of those who remain behind.
Illa imraatahu qaddarna innaha lamina alghabireena
\"Other than his wife who, it is decreed, will remain with those who will stay behind.\"
“Except his wife – we have decided that she is of those who will stay behind.”
all together, excepting his wife -- we have decreed, she shall surely be of those that tarry.'
But not his wife; we have decreed that she will be of those staying behind.
\"Except his wife, of whom We have decreed that she shall be of those who remain behind (i.e. she will be destroyed).\"
“Except for his wife.” We have determined that she will be of those who lag behind.
except his wife (about whom Allah says that) We have decreed that she shall be among those who stay behind.\"
Except his wife, of whom We had decreed that she should be of those who stay behind.
except his wife, [who], We have ordained, will indeed be among those who remain behind.’
but his wife. We decreed that she should be amongst those who remain behind.
except his wife who is doomed to be left behind.\"
Except his wife; We ordained that she shall surely be of those who remain behind.
except his wife. We have decreed that she will be among those who remain behind [and will be lost].
\"Except his wife, who, We have ascertained, will be among those who will lag behind.\"
فَلَمَّا جَآءَ ءَالَ لُوطٍ ٱلْمُرْسَلُونَ ﴿61﴾
And when the messengers came to the family of Lot,
Falamma jaa ala lootin almursaloona
When the messengers came to the family of Lot,
And when the sent angels came to the house of Lut.
So, when the envoys came to the folk of Lot,
Then when the sent ones entered unto the household of Lut.
Then, when the Messengers (the angels) came unto the family of Lout (Lot).
And when the envoys came to the family of Lot.
So when the envoys came to the household of Lot,
And when the messengers came unto the family of Lot,
So when the messengers came to Lot’s family,
And when the envoys came to the family of Lot,
When the Messengers came to the family of Lot,
So when the apostles came to Lut's followers,
When the messengers came to Lot and his family,
At length when the messengers arrived among the adherents of Lut,
قَالَ إِنَّكُمْ قَوْمٌۭ مُّنكَرُونَ ﴿62﴾
He said, \"Indeed, you are people unknown.\"
Qala innakum qawmun munkaroona
He said: \"You are people I do not know.\"
He said, “You are an unfamiliar people.”
he said, 'Surely you are a people unknown to me!'
He said: verily ye are a people stranger.
He said: \"Verily! You are people unknown to me.\"
He said, “You are a people unknown to me.”
he said: \"Surely you are an unknown folk.\"
He said: Lo! ye are folk unknown (to me).
he said, ‘You are indeed strangers [to me].’
he said to them: 'I do not know you'
he said, \"You seem to be strangers\".
He said: Surely you are an unknown people.
he said, \"You are strangers [to me].\"
He said: \"Ye appear to be uncommon folk.\"
قَالُوا۟ بَلْ جِئْنَٰكَ بِمَا كَانُوا۟ فِيهِ يَمْتَرُونَ ﴿63﴾
They said, \"But we have come to you with that about which they were disputing,
Qaloo bal jinaka bima kanoo feehi yamtaroona
\"We have come to you with news,\" they said, \"of what your people doubt;
They said, “In fact we have brought to you the matter which these people doubted.”
They said, 'Nay, but we have brought thee that concerning which they were doubting.
They said: nay! we have come to thee with that whereof they have been dubitating.
They said: \"Nay, we have come to you with that (torment) which they have been doubting.
They said, “We bring you what they have doubts about.”
They said: \"Nay, we have brought to you that concerning which they have been in doubt.
They said: Nay, but we bring thee that concerning which they keep disputing,
They said, ‘Indeed, we bring you what they used to doubt.
'No' they replied: 'We bring you (news) of that concerning which they were doubting.
They replied, \"We have come to you about the matter which the (unbelievers) have rejected.
They said: Nay, we have come to you with that about which they disputed.
They said, \"No, but we bring you news about what they disputed,
They said: \"Yea, we have come to thee to accomplish that of which they doubt.
وَأَتَيْنَٰكَ بِٱلْحَقِّ وَإِنَّا لَصَٰدِقُونَ ﴿64﴾
And we have come to you with truth, and indeed, we are truthful.
Waataynaka bialhaqqi wainna lasadiqoona
\"Yet we bring to you the truth, and we are truthful.
“And we have brought to you a true command, and indeed we are truthful.”
We have come to thee with the truth, and assuredly we speak truly.
And we have brought unto thee the truth, and verily we say sooth.
\"And we have brought to you the truth (the news of the destruction of your nation) and certainly, we tell the truth.
“We bring you the truth, and we are truthful.”
We truly tell you that we have brought to you the Truth.
And bring thee the Truth, and lo! we are truth-tellers.
We bring you the truth, and indeed, we speak truly.
We bring you the truth, and indeed we are truthful.
We have come to you for a genuine purpose and We are true in what we say.
And we have come to you with the truth, and we are most surely truthful.
and we have come to you with the truth, and surely we are truthful,
\"We have brought to thee that which is inevitably due, and assuredly we tell the truth.
فَأَسْرِ بِأَهْلِكَ بِقِطْعٍۢ مِّنَ ٱلَّيْلِ وَٱتَّبِعْ أَدْبَٰرَهُمْ وَلَا يَلْتَفِتْ مِنكُمْ أَحَدٌۭ وَٱمْضُوا۟ حَيْثُ تُؤْمَرُونَ ﴿65﴾
So set out with your family during a portion of the night and follow behind them and let not anyone among you look back and continue on to where you are commanded.\"
Faasri biahlika biqitAAin mina allayli waittabiAA adbarahum wala yaltafit minkum ahadun waimdoo haythu tumaroona
\"So leave with your family late in the night, yourself remaining in the rear, and let none turn back to look, and go where you will be commanded.\"
“Therefore journey with your household while a portion of the night remains, and you tread behind them – and none of you may turn around and see, and proceed directly to the place you are commanded to.”
So set forth, thou with thy family, in a watch of the night, and follow after the backs of them, and let not any one of you turn round; and depart unto the place you are commanded.'
So set out thou with thy house hold in a portion of the night, and follow thou their backs, and let not one of you look back, and pass whither ye are commanded.
\"Then travel in a part of the night with your family, and you go behind them in the rear, and let no one amongst you look back, but go on to where you are ordered.\"
“Travel with your family at the dead of the night, and follow up behind them, and let none of you look back, and proceed as commanded.”
So set out with your family in a watch of the night, and keep yourself behind them, and no one of you may turn around, and keep going ahead as you have been commanded.\"
So travel with thy household in a portion of the night, and follow thou their backs. Let none of you turn round, but go whither ye are commanded.
Take your family in a watch of the night; and follow in their rear, and none of you should turn round, and proceed as you are bidden.’
Depart with your family in a part of the night and walk behind them and let none of you turn round. Go to a place where you are commanded'
Leave the town with your family sometime during the night. Walk behind them and let no one turn around. Proceed as you are commanded.\"
Therefore go forth with your followers in a part of the night and yourself follow their rear, and let not any one of you turn round, and go forth whither you are commanded.
so leave with your family some time in the latter part of the night, and walk behind them. Let none of you look back. Go where you are commanded.\"
\"Then travel by night with thy household, when a portion of the night (yet remains), and do thou bring up the rear: let no one amongst you look back, but pass on whither ye are ordered.\"
وَقَضَيْنَآ إِلَيْهِ ذَٰلِكَ ٱلْأَمْرَ أَنَّ دَابِرَ هَٰٓؤُلَآءِ مَقْطُوعٌۭ مُّصْبِحِينَ ﴿66﴾
And We conveyed to him [the decree] of that matter: that those [sinners] would be eliminated by early morning.
Waqadayna ilayhi thalika alamra anna dabira haolai maqtooAAun musbiheena
We issued this command to him, for they were going to be destroyed in the morning.
And We informed him the decision of this command, that at morning the root of the disbelievers would be cut off.
And We decreed for him that commandment, that the last remnant of those should be cut off in the morning.
And We decreed unto him this commandment because the last of those was to be cut off in the early morning.
And We made known this decree to him, that the root of those (sinners) was to be cut off in the early morning.
And We informed him of Our decree: the last remnant of these will be uprooted by early morning.
And We communicated to him the decree that by the morning those people will be totally destroyed.
And We made plain the case to him, that the root of them (who did wrong) was to be cut at early morn.
We apprised him of the matter that these will be rooted out by dawn.
And We made known to him this decree that the wrongdoers were to be utterly cut off in the morning.
We informed him that the unbelievers would be utterly destroyed.
And We revealed to him this decree, that the roots of these shall be cut off in the morning.
We communicated to him Our decree that the guilty ones would be destroyed by the morning.
And We made known this decree to him, that the last remnants of those (sinners) should be cut off by the morning.
وَجَآءَ أَهْلُ ٱلْمَدِينَةِ يَسْتَبْشِرُونَ ﴿67﴾
And the people of the city came rejoicing.
Wajaa ahlu almadeenati yastabshiroona
Then came the people of the city, exulting at the news.
And the people of the city came rejoicing. (* To the house of Prophet Lut.)
And the people of the city came rejoicing.
And there came the people of the city rejoicing
And the inhabitants of the city came rejoicing (at the news of the young men's arrival).
And the people of the town came joyfully.
In the meantime the people of the city came to Lot rejoicing.
And the people of the city came, rejoicing at the news (of new arrivals).
The people of the city came, rejoicing.
The people of the city came to him rejoicing.
The people of the town rejoicingly
And the people of the town came rejoicing.
The people of the town came along, revelling,
The inhabitants of the city came in (mad) joy (at news of the young men).
قَالَ إِنَّ هَٰٓؤُلَآءِ ضَيْفِى فَلَا تَفْضَحُونِ ﴿68﴾
[Lot] said, \"Indeed, these are my guests, so do not shame me.
Qala inna haolai dayfee fala tafdahooni
Said Lot: \"These are my guests; do not put me to shame,
He said, “These are my guests – do not dishonour me.”
He said, 'These are my guests; put me not to shame,
He said: verily these are my guests, so disgace me not.
[Lout (Lot)] said: \"Verily! these are my guests, so shame me not.
He said, “These are my guests, so do not embarrass me.”
He said: \"These are my guests, so do not disgrace me.
He said: Lo! they are my guests. Affront me not!
He said, ‘These are indeed my guests. Do not bring dishonour on me.
He said: 'These are my guests; do not shame me.
rushed towards the house of Lot. Lot said to them, \"These are my guests. Do not disgrace me.
He said: Surely these are my guests, therefore do not disgrace me,
and he told them, \"These are my guests, so do not disgrace me.
Lut said: \"These are my guests: disgrace me not:
وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَلَا تُخْزُونِ ﴿69﴾
And fear Allah and do not disgrace me.\"
Waittaqoo Allaha wala tukhzooni
\"And do not disgrace me. Have some fear of God.\"
“And fear Allah and do not disgrace me.”
and fear God, and do not degrade me.'
And fear Allah, and humiliate me not.
\"And fear Allah and disgrace me not.\"
“And fear God, and do not disgrace me.”
Have fear of Allah, and do not humiliate me.\"
And keep your duty to Allah, and shame me not!
Be wary of Allah and do not humiliate me.’
Fear Allah and do not disgrace me'
Have fear of God and do not humiliate me\".
And guard against (the punishment of) Allah and do not put me to shame.
Fear God and do not shame me.\"
\"But fear Allah, and shame me not.\"
قَالُوٓا۟ أَوَلَمْ نَنْهَكَ عَنِ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ ﴿70﴾
They said, \"Have we not forbidden you from [protecting] people?\"
Qaloo awalam nanhaka AAani alAAalameena
\"Did we not restrain you,\" they said, \"from (entertaining) creatures from the outside world?\"
They said, “Had we not forbidden you from meddling in the affairs of anyone?”
They said, 'Have we not forbidden thee all beings?'
They said: forbade we not thee against the worlds?
They (people of the city) said: \"Did we not forbid you to entertain (or protect) any of the 'Alamin (people, foreigners, strangers, etc. from us)?\"
They said, “Did we not forbid you from strangers?”
They replied: \"Did we not forbid you again and again to extend hospitality to all and sundry?\"
They said; Have we not forbidden you from (entertaining) anyone?
They said, ‘Did we not forbid you from [defending ] strangers?’
They replied: 'Have we not forbidden you (the people of) the worlds'
They replied, \"Did we not forbid you to bring anyone to your house?\"
They said: Have we not forbidden you from (other) people?
They said, \"Did we not forbid you to extend hospitality to strangers?\"
They said: \"Did we not forbid thee (to speak) for all and sundry?\"
قَالَ هَٰٓؤُلَآءِ بَنَاتِىٓ إِن كُنتُمْ فَٰعِلِينَ ﴿71﴾
[Lot] said, \"These are my daughters - if you would be doers [of lawful marriage].\"
Qala haolai banatee in kuntum faAAileena
\"Here are my daughters,\" said Lot, \"if you are so active.\"
He said, “These women of our tribe are my daughters, if you have to.”
He said, 'These are my daughters, if you would be doing.'
He said: these are my daughters, if act ye must.
[Lout (Lot)] said: \"These (the girls of the nation) are my daughters (to marry lawfully), if you must act (so).\"
He said, “These are my daughters, if you must.”
Lot exclaimed in exasperation: \"If you are bent on doing something, then here are my daughters.\"
He said: Here are my daughters, if ye must be doing (so).
He said, ‘These are my daughters, [marry them] if you should do anything.’
He said: 'Here are my daughters; take them (in marriage), if you would be doing'
Lot said, \"These are my daughters if you want them.\"
He said: These are my daughters, if you will do (aught).
He said, \"Here are my daughters, if you must act in this way.\"
He said: \"There are my daughters (to marry), if ye must act (so).\"
لَعَمْرُكَ إِنَّهُمْ لَفِى سَكْرَتِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ ﴿72﴾
By your life, [O Muhammad], indeed they were, in their intoxication, wandering blindly.
LaAAamruka innahum lafee sakratihim yaAAmahoona
Verily by your life they were utterly confused in their (lustful) drunkenness.
By your life O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) – they are indeed straying in their intoxication.
By thy life, they wandered blindly in their dazzlement,
By thy life, in their intoxication they were wandering bewildered.
Verily, by your life (O Muhammad SAW), in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly.
By your life, they were blundering in their drunkenness.
By your life, (O Prophet), they went about blindly stumbling in their intoxication.
By thy life (O Muhammad) they moved blindly in the frenzy of approaching death.
By your life, they were bewildered in their drunkenness.
By your life, they wandered blindly in their dazzlement.
By your life! In their drunkenness they were truly blind.
By your life! they were blindly wandering on in their intoxication.
By your life, they wandered on in their wild intoxication
Verily, by thy life (O Prophet), in their wild intoxication, they wander in distraction, to and fro.
فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ ٱلصَّيْحَةُ مُشْرِقِينَ ﴿73﴾
So the shriek seized them at sunrise.
Faakhathathumu alssayhatu mushriqeena
So they were seized by the mighty blast at break of day;
Therefore the scream overcame them at sunrise.
and the Cry seized them at the sunrise,
Then the shout took hold of them at the sunrise.
So As-Saihah (torment - awful cry, etc.) overtook them at the time of sunrise;
So the Blast struck them at sunrise.
Then the mighty Blast caught them at sunrise,
Then the (Awful) Cry overtook them at the sunrise.
So the Cry seized them at sunrise,
At sunrise a dreadful Shout seized them.
An explosion struck them at sunrise.
So the rumbling overtook them (while) entering upon the time of sunrise;
and thereupon the blast [of Our punishment] overtook them at sunrise.
But the (mighty) Blast overtook them before morning,
فَجَعَلْنَا عَٰلِيَهَا سَافِلَهَا وَأَمْطَرْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ حِجَارَةًۭ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ ﴿74﴾
And We made the highest part [of the city] its lowest and rained upon them stones of hard clay.
FajaAAalna AAaliyaha safilaha waamtarna AAalayhim hijaratan min sijjeelin
And We turned the city upside down, and rained on them stones of hardened lava.
And We turned the township upside down and rained upon them stones of heated clay.
and We turned it uppermost nethermost and rained on it stones of baked clay.
And We made the upside there of downwards, and We rained on them stones of baked clay.
And We turned (the towns of Sodom in Palestine) upside down and rained down on them stones of baked clay.
And We turned it upside down, and rained down upon them stones of baked clay.
and turned the land upside down, and rained down stones of baked clay.
And We utterly confounded them, and We rained upon them stones of heated clay.
and We made its topmost part its nethermost, and rained on them stones of shale.
We laid it (the city) upside down and rained stones of baked clay upon them.
We turned the town upside-down and showered on them lumps of baked clay.
Thus did We turn it upside down, and rained down upon them stones of what had been decreed.
We turned the town upside down and rained upon them stones of clay.
And We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay.
إِنَّ فِى ذَٰلِكَ لَءَايَٰتٍۢ لِّلْمُتَوَسِّمِينَ ﴿75﴾
Indeed in that are signs for those who discern.
Inna fee thalika laayatin lilmutawassimeena
Herein are really signs for those who discern.
Indeed in this are signs for people who perceive.
Surely in that are signs for such as mark;
Verily therein are signs for men of sagacity.
Surely! In this are signs, for those who see (or understand or learn the lessons from the Signs of Allah).
Surely in that are lessons for those who read signs.
There are great Signs in this for those endowed with intelligence.
Lo! therein verily are portents for those who read the signs.
There are indeed signs in that for the percipient.
Surely, in that there are signs for those who contemplate.
In this there is evidence (of the Truth) for the prudent ones.
Surely in this are signs for those who examine.
There are certainly signs in that for those who can learn a lesson --
Behold! in this are Signs for those who by tokens do understand.
وَإِنَّهَا لَبِسَبِيلٍۢ مُّقِيمٍ ﴿76﴾
And indeed, those cities are [situated] on an established road.
Wainnaha labisabeelin muqeemin
This (city) lies on a road that still survives.
And indeed that township is upon a road still in use.
surely it is on a way yet remaining;
And verily they are on a pathway lasting.
And verily! They (the cities) were right on the highroad (from Makkah to Syria i.e. the place where the Dead Sea is now).
And it is on an existing road.
The place (where this occurred) lies along a known route.
And lo! it is upon a road still uneffaced.
Indeed it is on a standing road,
Indeed, it is on a way which still exists.
That town lies on a road which still exists.
And surely it is on a road that still abides.
it is still there on the highway --
And the (cities were) right on the high-road.
إِنَّ فِى ذَٰلِكَ لَءَايَةًۭ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ ﴿77﴾
Indeed in that is a sign for the believers.
Inna fee thalika laayatan lilmumineena
Indeed there is a portent in this for those who believe.
Indeed in this are signs for the believers.
surely in that is a sign for believers.
Verily in that is a sign for the believers.
Surely! Therein is indeed a sign for the believers.
Surely in that is a sign for the believers.
Verily there is a Sign in this for the believers.
Lo! therein is indeed a portent for believers.
and there is indeed a sign in that for the faithful.
Surely, in that there is a sign for those who believe.
In this there is evidence (of the Truth) for the believers.
Most surely there is a sign in this for the believers.
surely in this there is a sign for those who believe.
Behold! in this is a sign for those who believed.
وَإِن كَانَ أَصْحَٰبُ ٱلْأَيْكَةِ لَظَٰلِمِينَ ﴿78﴾
And the companions of the thicket were [also] wrongdoers.
Wain kana ashabu alaykati lathalimeena
The dwellers of the Wood (near Midian) were also wicked.
And indeed the Dwellers of the Woods were unjust.
Certainly the dwellers in the Thicket were evildoers,
And the dwellers of the wood surely were wrong-doers.
And the dwellers in the wood [i.e. the people of Madyan (Midian) to whom Prophet Shu'aib was sent by Allah), were also Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.).
The people of the Woods were also wrongdoers.
And the people of Aykah were also wrong-doers.
And the dwellers in the wood indeed were evil-doers.
Indeed the inhabitants of Aykah were [also] wrongdoers.
The dwellers of the Thicket were harmdoers.
Since the People of the Forest were unjust,
And the dwellers of the thicket also were most surely unjust.
The people of the Wood were also surely wrongdoers.
And the Companions of the Wood were also wrong-doers;
فَٱنتَقَمْنَا مِنْهُمْ وَإِنَّهُمَا لَبِإِمَامٍۢ مُّبِينٍۢ ﴿79﴾
So We took retribution from them, and indeed, both [cities] are on a clear highway.
Faintaqamna minhum wainnahuma labiimamin mubeenin
So We punished them too. They are both situated by the highway, clearly visible.
We therefore took revenge from them; and indeed both these townships are situated on an open road.
and We took vengeance on them. The two of them were upon a roadway manifest.
So We took vengeance on them. And verily both are on a high-road open.
So, We took vengeance on them. They are both on an open highway, plain to see.
So We took revenge upon them. Both are clearly documented.
So We chastised them. The desolate locations of both communities lie on a well-known highway.
So we took vengeance on them; and lo! they both are on a high-road plain to see.
So We took vengeance on them, and indeed the two of them are on an open highway.
On them, too, We took vengeance, and they are both on a clear roadway.
We afflicted them with punishment. Both people had clear (divine) authority among them.
So We inflicted retribution on them, and they are both, indeed, on an open road (still) pursued.
So We took vengeance on them. Both are still there on the highway, plain for all to see.
So We exacted retribution from them. They were both on an open highway, plain to see.
وَلَقَدْ كَذَّبَ أَصْحَٰبُ ٱلْحِجْرِ ٱلْمُرْسَلِينَ ﴿80﴾
And certainly did the companions of Thamud deny the messengers.
Walaqad kaththaba ashabu alhijri almursaleena
The people of Al-Hijr denied Our apostles;
And the people of the Hijr (rocks) denied the Noble Messengers.
The dwellers in El-Hijr cried lies to the Envoys.
And assuredly the dwellers of Hijr belied the sent ones.
And verily, the dwellers of Al-Hijr (the rocky tract) denied the Messengers.
The people of the Rock also rejected the messengers.
Surely the people of al-Hijr also rejected the Messengers, calling them liars.
And the dwellers in Al-Hijr denied (Our) messengers.
Certainly the inhabitants of Hijr denied the apostles.
And the dwellers of Al Hijr also belied the Messengers.
People of Hijr rejected the Messengers.
And the dwellers of the Rock certainly rejected the apostles;
The people of al-Hijr also rejected Our messengers:
The Companions of the Rocky Tract also rejected the messengers:
وَءَاتَيْنَٰهُمْ ءَايَٰتِنَا فَكَانُوا۟ عَنْهَا مُعْرِضِينَ ﴿81﴾
And We gave them Our signs, but from them they were turning away.
Waataynahum ayatina fakanoo AAanha muAArideena
And though We had given them Our signs they turned away from them.
And We gave them Our signs, and they remained averse to them.
We brought them. Our signs, and they turned away from them.
And We brought Our signs unto them, yet they were averting themselves therefrom.
And We gave them Our Signs, but they were averse to them.
We gave them Our revelations, but they turned away from them.
We also gave them Our Signs, yet they turned away from them.
And we gave them Our revelations, but they were averse to them.
We had given them Our signs but they disregarded them.
We brought them signs, but they turned away.
We showed them miracles but they ignored them.
And We gave them Our communications, but they turned aside from them;
We gave them Our signs, but they turned away from them.
We sent them Our Signs, but they persisted in turning away from them.
وَكَانُوا۟ يَنْحِتُونَ مِنَ ٱلْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا ءَامِنِينَ ﴿82﴾
And they used to carve from the mountains, houses, feeling secure.
Wakanoo yanhitoona mina aljibali buyootan amineena
They used to hew dwellings in the mountains to live in security.
And they used to carve dwellings in the hills, without fear.
They were hewing the mountains into houses, therein dwelling securely;
And they were hewing out houses from mountains feeling secure.
And they used to hew out dwellings from the mountains (feeling themselves) secure.
They used to carve homes in the mountains, feeling secure.
They used to hew out houses from the mountains and lived in security.
And they used to hew out dwellings from the hills, (wherein they dwelt) secure.
They used to hew out dwellings from mountains feeling secure.
They hewed their dwellings out of the mountains in safety.
They would carve secure houses out of the mountains.
And they hewed houses in the mountains in security.
They carved out dwellings in the mountains, and lived in security --
Out of the mountains did they hew (their) edifices, (feeling themselves) secure.
فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ ٱلصَّيْحَةُ مُصْبِحِينَ ﴿83﴾
But the shriek seized them at early morning.
Faakhathathumu alssayhatu musbiheena
But they were seized by the mighty blast towards the morning;
So the scream overcame them at morning.
and the Cry seized them in the morning;
Then the shout took hold of them in the early morn.
But As-Saihah (torment - awful cry etc.) overtook them in the early morning (of the fourth day of their promised punishment days).
But the Blast struck them in the morning.
Then the Blast caught them in the morning
But the (Awful) Cry overtook them at the morning hour,
So the Cry seized them at dawn,
But the Shout seized them in the morning,
An explosion struck them in the morning.
So the rumbling overtook them in the morning;
the blast overtook them early one morning.
But the (mighty) Blast seized them of a morning,
فَمَآ أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُم مَّا كَانُوا۟ يَكْسِبُونَ ﴿84﴾
So nothing availed them [from] what they used to earn.
Fama aghna AAanhum ma kanoo yaksiboona
And all that they had done (for security) availed them nothing.
Therefore their earnings did not in the least benefit them.
that they earned did not avail them.
Then availed them not that which they had been earning.
And all that which they used to earn availed them not.
All they had acquired was of no avail to them.
and whatever they had been earning proved of no avail.
And that which they were wont to count as gain availed them not.
and what they used to earn did not avail them.
and that which they had earned did not help them.
Out of what they had gained, nothing proved to be of any benefit to them.
And what they earned did not avail them.
All that they had acquired was of no avail to them.
And of no avail to them was all that they did (with such art and care)!
وَمَا خَلَقْنَا ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَآ إِلَّا بِٱلْحَقِّ ۗ وَإِنَّ ٱلسَّاعَةَ لَءَاتِيَةٌۭ ۖ فَٱصْفَحِ ٱلصَّفْحَ ٱلْجَمِيلَ ﴿85﴾
And We have not created the heavens and earth and that between them except in truth. And indeed, the Hour is coming; so forgive with gracious forgiveness.
Wama khalaqna alssamawati waalarda wama baynahuma illa bialhaqqi wainna alssaAAata laatiyatun faisfahi alssafha aljameela
We have not created but with reason the heavens and the earth and all that lies within them. The Hour (of the great change) is certain to come. So turn away (from them) with a grace.
And We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, except with the Truth; and indeed the Last Day will come, therefore (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), forbear graciously.
We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, save in truth. Surely the Hour is coming; so pardon thou, with a gracious pardoning.
And We have not created the heaven and the earth and that which is in between them save with a purpose. And verily the Hour is surely coming; so overlook thou with a seemly overlooking,
And We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them except with truth, and the Hour is surely coming, so overlook (O Muhammad SAW), their faults with gracious forgiveness. [This was before the ordainment of Jihad holy fighting in Allah's Cause].
We did not create the heavens and the earth, and what lies between them, except with truth. The Hour is coming, so forgive with gracious forgiveness.
We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is in between them except with Truth. Surely the Hour will come. So, (O Muhammad), do graciously overlook them (despite their misdeeds).
We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them save with truth, and lo! the Hour is surely coming. So forgive, (O Muhammad), with a gracious forgiveness.
We did not create the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them except with consummate wisdom, and indeed the Hour is bound to come. So forbear with a graceful forbearance.
We did not create the heavens and the earth, and what is between them except in truth. The Hour is sure to come, therefore, forgive them with a graciouspardon.
We have created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, for a genuine purpose. The Day of Judgment will certainly approach, so (Muhammad) forgive them graciously.
And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them two but in truth; and the hour is most surely coming, so turn away with kindly forgiveness.
We have created the heavens and the earth and all that is between the two in accordance with the requirements of truth and wisdom. The Hour is surely coming. So overlook [their faults] with gracious forgiveness.
We created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, but for just ends. And the Hour is surely coming (when this will be manifest). So overlook (any human faults) with gracious forgiveness.
إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ ٱلْخَلَّٰقُ ٱلْعَلِيمُ ﴿86﴾
Indeed, your Lord - He is the Knowing Creator.
Inna rabbaka huwa alkhallaqu alAAaleemu
Surely your Lord is the Creator and knows (everything).
Indeed your Lord only is the Great Creator, the All Knowing.
Surely thy Lord, He is the All-creator, the All-knowing.
Verify thy Lord! He is the Great Creator, the Knower.
Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing Creator.
Your Lord is the All-Knowing Creator.
Your Lord is indeed the Creator of all, the All-Knowing.
Lo! Thy Lord! He is the All-Wise Creator.
Indeed your Lord is the All-creator, the All-knowing.
Your Lord is the Creator, the Knower.
Your Lord is certainly the All-knowing Creator.
Surely your Lord is the Creator of all things, the Knowing.
Surely your Lord is the All Knowing Creator!
For verily it is thy Lord who is the Master-Creator, knowing all things.
وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَٰكَ سَبْعًۭا مِّنَ ٱلْمَثَانِى وَٱلْقُرْءَانَ ٱلْعَظِيمَ ﴿87﴾
And We have certainly given you, [O Muhammad], seven of the often repeated [verses] and the great Qur'an.
Walaqad ataynaka sabAAan mina almathanee waalqurana alAAatheema
We have indeed given you the seven oft-repeated (examples), and the majestic Qur'an.
And indeed We have given you seven verses that are repeated, and the great Qur’an.
We have given thee seven of the oft-repeated, and the mighty Koran.
And assuredly We have vouchsafed unto thee seven of the repetitions and the mighty Qur'an.
And indeed, We have bestowed upon you seven of Al-Mathani (the seven repeatedly recited Verses), (i.e. Surat Al-Fatiha) and the Grand Quran.
We have given you seven of the pairs, and the Grand Quran.
We have indeed bestowed on you the seven oft-repeated verses and the Great Qur'an.
We have given thee seven of the oft-repeated (verses) and the great Qur'an.
Certainly We have given you [the surah of] the seven oft-repeated verses and the great Quran.
We have given you the seven dual (verses, Al Fatihah) and the Mighty Holy Reading (Koran).
(Muhammad), We have given you the seven most repeated (verses) and the great Quran.
And certainly We have given you seven of the oft-repeated (verses) and the grand Quran.
We have given you the seven oft-recited verses and the great Quran.
And We have bestowed upon thee the Seven Oft-repeated (verses) and the Grand Qur'an.
لَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتَّعْنَا بِهِۦٓ أَزْوَٰجًۭا مِّنْهُمْ وَلَا تَحْزَنْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَٱخْفِضْ جَنَاحَكَ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ ﴿88﴾
Do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to [certain] categories of the disbelievers, and do not grieve over them. And lower your wing to the believers
La tamuddanna AAaynayka ila ma mattaAAna bihi azwajan minhum wala tahzan AAalayhim waikhfid janahaka lilmumineena
So covet not things We have bestowed on a portion of them to enjoy, and do not grieve for them, and protect those who believe;
Do not direct your eyes towards the things We have given to some of their couples to enjoy, and do not at all grieve because of them, and take the Muslims within the folds of your mercy.
Stretch not thine eyes to that We have given pairs of them to enjoy; and do not sorrow for them, and lower thy wing unto the believers,
Cast not thine eyes toward that which We have let classes of them to enjoy; and grieve not over them, and lower thy wing unto the believers.
Look not with your eyes ambitiously at what We have bestowed on certain classes of them (the disbelievers), nor grieve over them. And lower your wings for the believers (be courteous to the fellow-believers).
Do not extend your eyes towards what We have bestowed on some couples of them to enjoy, and do not grieve over them, and lower your wing to the believers.
Do not even cast your eyes towards the worldly goods We have granted to different kinds of people, nor grieve over the state they are in, but turn your loving attention to the believers instead,
Strain not thine eyes toward that which We cause some wedded pairs among them to enjoin, and be not grieved on their account, and lower thy wing (in tenderness) for the believers.
Do not extend your glance toward what We have provided to certain groups of them, and do not grieve for them, and lower your wing to the faithful,
Do not stretch your eyes to that We have given pairs of them to enjoy, nor sorrow for them, and lower your wing to the believers.
Do not yearn for other people's property and wives and do not grieve (that they do not believe). Be kind to the believers.
Do not strain your eyes after what We have given certain classes of them to enjoy, and do not grieve for them, and make yourself gentle to the believers.
Do not strain your eyes towards the worldly benefits We have bestowed on some of them, nor grieve on their account. Lower your wing of mercy for the believers
Strain not thine eyes. (Wistfully) at what We have bestowed on certain classes of them, nor grieve over them: but lower thy wing (in gentleness) to the believers.
وَقُلْ إِنِّىٓ أَنَا ٱلنَّذِيرُ ٱلْمُبِينُ ﴿89﴾
And say, \"Indeed, I am the clear warner\" -
Waqul innee ana alnnatheeru almubeenu
And say: \"I am a distinct warner,\"
And proclaim, “Indeed I, yes I, am the clear Herald of Warning.”
and say, 'Surely, I am the manifest warner.'
And say thou: verily I! I am a plain warner.
And say: \"I am indeed a plain warner.\"
And say, “I am the clear warner.”
and clearly tell the unbelievers: \"I am most certainly a plain warner,\"
And say: Lo! I, even I, am a plain warner,
and say, ‘I am indeed a manifest warner [of punishment from God],’
And say: 'I am the plain warner'
Say, \"Indeed, I am simply one who warns.\"
And say: Surely I am the plain warner.
and say, \"I am, indeed, a plain warner,\"
And say: \"I am indeed he that warneth openly and without ambiguity,\"-
كَمَآ أَنزَلْنَا عَلَى ٱلْمُقْتَسِمِينَ ﴿90﴾
Just as We had revealed [scriptures] to the separators
Kama anzalna AAala almuqtasimeena
Like (those) We had sent to those schismatics who slandered their Books
(Of a punishment) Like the one We sent down upon the dividers.
So We sent it down to the partitioners,
Even as We sent down on the dividers -
As We have sent down on the dividers, (Quraish pagans or Jews and Christians).
Just as We sent down to the separatists.
even as We had sent warning to those who had divided their religion into fragments;
Such as We send down for those who make division,
like that We sent down upon those who split into bands,
So We sent it down to the partitioners,
(We have given you the Quran) as We had given (the Bible) to those who divided themselves into groups
Like as We sent down on the dividers
such as We send down for those who are divisive,
(Of just such wrath) as We sent down on those who divided (Scripture into arbitrary parts),-
ٱلَّذِينَ جَعَلُوا۟ ٱلْقُرْءَانَ عِضِينَ ﴿91﴾
Who have made the Qur'an into portions.
Allatheena jaAAaloo alqurana AAideena
And severed their Scripture into fragments.
Those who broke the Word of Allah into several parts. (Those who broke the Torah / Bible or changed its text – or those who called the Qur’an a fabrication / poetry.)
who have broken the Koran into fragments.
Those who have made the scripture bits.
Who have made the Quran into parts. (i.e. believed in a part and disbelieved in the other).
Those who made the Quran obsolete.
those who had split up their Qur'an into pieces.
Those who break the Qur'an into parts.
who represented the Quran as magic.
who have broken the Koran into parts,
and also divided the Quran believing in some parts and rejecting others.
Those who made the Quran into shreds.
and who have broken the Scripture into fragments --
(So also on such) as have made Qur'an into shreds (as they please).
فَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَسْـَٔلَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ ﴿92﴾
So by your Lord, We will surely question them all
Fawarabbika lanasalannahum ajmaAAeena
By your Lord We shall question them one and all
Therefore, by your Lord, We shall question every one of them.
Now by thy Lord, We shall surely question them all together
By thy Lord, We will question them all.
So, by your Lord (O Muhammad SAW), We shall certainly call all of them to account.
By your Lord, we will question them all.
By your Lord, We will question them all
Them, by thy Lord, We shall question, every one,
By your Lord, We will question them all
so by your Lord, We will question them all
By the Lord, We will hold them all responsible
So, by your Lord, We would most certainly question them all,
by your Lord, We shall question them all
Therefore, by the Lord, We will, of a surety, call them to account,
عَمَّا كَانُوا۟ يَعْمَلُونَ ﴿93﴾
About what they used to do.
AAamma kanoo yaAAmaloona
About their deeds.
About all what they used to do.
concerning that they were doing.
For that which they have been working.
For all that they used to do.
About what they used to do.
concerning what they have been doing.
Of what they used to do.
concerning what they used to do.
about what they did.
for what they have done
As to what they did.
about whatever they had been doing!
For all their deeds.
فَٱصْدَعْ بِمَا تُؤْمَرُ وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ ﴿94﴾
Then declare what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists.
FaisdaAA bima tumaru waaAArid AAani almushrikeena
So declare to them what We have enjoined, and turn away from idolaters.
Therefore publicly announce what you are commanded, and turn away from the polytheists.
So shout that thou art commanded and turn thou away from the idolaters.
Promulgate thou that which thou art commanded, and turn away from the associaters.
Therefore proclaim openly (Allah's Message Islamic Monotheism) that which you are commanded, and turn away from Al-Mushrikun (polytheists, idolaters, and disbelievers, etc. - see V. 2:105).
So proclaim openly what you are commanded, and turn away from the polytheists.
(O Prophet), proclaim what you are commanded, and pay no heed to those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity.
So proclaim that which thou art commanded, and withdraw from the idolaters.
So proclaim what you have been commanded, and turn away from the polytheists.
Proclaim then, what you are commanded and turn away from the unbelievers.
Preach what you have been commanded to and stay away from the pagans.
Therefore declare openly what you are bidden and turn aside from the polytheists.
Proclaim openly what you are commanded, and avoid the polytheists.
Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.
إِنَّا كَفَيْنَٰكَ ٱلْمُسْتَهْزِءِينَ ﴿95﴾
Indeed, We are sufficient for you against the mockers
Inna kafaynaka almustahzieena
We are surely sufficient to deal with those who scoff at you,
Indeed We suffice you against these mockers.
We suffice thee against the mockers,
Verily We will suffice unto thee against the mockers.
Truly! We will suffice you against the scoffers.
We are enough for you against the mockers.
Surely We suffice to deal with those who scoff at you,
Lo! We defend thee from the scoffers,
Indeed We will suffice you against the deriders
We suffice you against those who mock,
We shall help you against those who mock you
Surely We will suffice you against the scoffers
We will, surely, suffice you against those who mock,
For sufficient are We unto thee against those who scoff,-
ٱلَّذِينَ يَجْعَلُونَ مَعَ ٱللَّهِ إِلَٰهًا ءَاخَرَ ۚ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿96﴾
Who make [equal] with Allah another deity. But they are going to know.
Allatheena yajAAaloona maAAa Allahi ilahan akhara fasawfa yaAAlamoona
Who place other gods besides God. They will come to know soon.
Those who ascribe another God along with Allah; so they will soon come to know.
even against those who set up with God another god. Certainly they will soon know!
Who set up along with Allah anot her god; presently they shall know.
Who set up along with Allah another ilah (god), they will come to know.
Those who set up another god with God. They will come to know.
those who set up another deity alongside Allah. They shall soon come to know.
Who set some other god along with Allah. But they will come to know.
—those who set up another deity besides Allah. Soon they will know!
and those who set up other gods with Allah, indeed, they will soon know.
and believe other things to be equal to God. They will soon know the truth.
Those who set up another god with Allah; so they shall soon know.
who set up another god with God, but they shall soon learn.
Those who adopt, with Allah, another god: but soon will they come to know.
وَلَقَدْ نَعْلَمُ أَنَّكَ يَضِيقُ صَدْرُكَ بِمَا يَقُولُونَ ﴿97﴾
And We already know that your breast is constrained by what they say.
Walaqad naAAlamu annaka yadeequ sadruka bima yaqooloona
We are well aware that you are disheartened by what they say.
And indeed We know that you are disheartened by their speech.
We know indeed thy breast is straitened by the things they say.
And assuredly We know that thou straitenest thy breast by that which they say.
Indeed, We know that your breast is straitened at what they say.
We are aware that your heart is strained by what they say.
We certainly know that their statements sorely grieve you.
Well know We that thy bosom is oppressed by what they say,
Certainly We know that you become upset because of what they say.
Indeed, We know your chest is straitened by that they say.
We certainly know that you feel sad about what they say against you.
And surely We know that your breast straitens at what they say;
We do indeed know how your heart is distressed at what they say.
We do indeed know how thy heart is distressed at what they say.
فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَكُن مِّنَ ٱلسَّٰجِدِينَ ﴿98﴾
So exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord and be of those who prostrate [to Him].
Fasabbih bihamdi rabbika wakun mina alssajideena
But you should glorify your Lord with praises, and be among those who bow in submission;
Therefore proclaim the Purity of your Lord with praise, and be of those who prostrate.
Proclaim thy Lord's praise, and be of those that bow,
So hallow thou the praise of thy Lord, and be thou of the prostrate.
So glorify the praises of your Lord and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him).
So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be among those who bow down.
When (you feel so) glorify your Lord with His praise and prostrate yourself before Him,
But hymn the praise of thy Lord, and be of those who make prostration (unto Him).
So celebrate the praise of your Lord and be among those who prostrate,
Exalt with the praise of your Lord and be one of those who prostrate.
Glorify and praise your Lord and be with those who prostrate themselves before God.
Therefore celebrate the praise of your Lord, and be of those who make obeisance.
But glorify your Lord with His praise, and prostrate yourself:
But celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and be of those who prostrate themselves in adoration.
وَٱعْبُدْ رَبَّكَ حَتَّىٰ يَأْتِيَكَ ٱلْيَقِينُ ﴿99﴾
And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (death).
WaoAAbud rabbaka hatta yatiyaka alyaqeenu
And go on worshipping your Lord till the certainty (of death) comes upon you.
And keep worshipping your Lord, till death* comes to you. (* The certainty.)
and serve thy Lord, until the Certain comes to thee.
And worship thy Lord until there cometh unto thee the certainty.
And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (i.e. death).
And worship your Lord in order to attain certainty.
and worship your Lord until the last moment (of your life) that will most certainly come.
And serve thy Lord till the Inevitable cometh unto thee.
and worship your Lord until certainty comes to you.
Worship your Lord till the certainty (death) comes to you.
Worship your Lord until you achieve the ultimate certainty.
And serve your Lord until there comes to you that which is certain.
and worship your Lord until what is certain [death] comes to you.
And serve thy Lord until there come unto thee the Hour that is Certain.