Surah The Sun [Ash-Shams] in English
وَٱلشَّمْسِ وَضُحَىٰهَا ﴿1﴾
By the sun and its brightness
Waalshshamsi waduhaha
I CALL TO witness the sun and his early morning splendour,
By oath of the sun and its light
By the sun and his morning brightness
By the sun and his morning bright-ness,
And by the sun and its brightness;
By the sun and its radiance.
By the sun and its heat and brightness,
By the sun and his brightness,
By the sun and her forenoon splendour,
By the sun and its midmorning,
By the sun and its noon-time brightness,
I swear by the sun and its brilliance,
By the sun and its rising brightness
By the Sun and his (glorious) splendour;
وَٱلْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلَىٰهَا ﴿2﴾
And [by] the moon when it follows it
Waalqamari itha talaha
And the moon as she follows in his wake,
And by oath of the moon when it follows the sun
and by the moon when she follows him,
By the moon, when she followeth him,
And by the moon as it follows it (the sun);
And the moon as it follows it.
and by the moon as it follows it;
And the moon when she followeth him,
by the moon when he follows her,
by the moon, which follows it,
by the moon when it follows the sun,
And the moon when it follows the sun,
and by the moon as it follows it,
By the Moon as she follows him;
وَٱلنَّهَارِ إِذَا جَلَّىٰهَا ﴿3﴾
And [by] the day when it displays it
Waalnnahari itha jallaha
The day when it reveals his radiance,
And by oath of the day when it reveals it
and by the day when it displays him
By the day when it glorifieth him.
And by the day as it shows up (the sun's) brightness;
And the day as it reveals it.
and by the day as it displays the sun's glory,
And the day when it revealeth him,
by the day when it reveals her,
by the day, when it displays it,
by the day when it brightens the earth,
And the day when it shows it,
and by the day as it reveals its glory
By the Day as it shows up (the Sun's) glory;
وَٱلَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَىٰهَا ﴿4﴾
And [by] the night when it covers it
Waallayli itha yaghshaha
The night when it covers him over,
And by oath of the night when it hides it
and by the night when it enshrouds him!
By the night; when it envelopeth him,
And by the night as it conceals it (the sun);
And the night as it conceals it.
and by the night as it envelopes the sun;
And the night when it enshroudeth him,
by the night when it covers her,
by the night, when it envelops it!
by the night when it covers the earth with darkness,
And the night when it draws a veil over it,
and by the night when it draws a veil over it,
By the Night as it conceals it;
وَٱلسَّمَآءِ وَمَا بَنَىٰهَا ﴿5﴾
And [by] the sky and He who constructed it
Waalssamai wama banaha
The heavens and its architecture,
And by oath of the heaven and by oath of Him Who made it.
By the heaven and That which built it
By the heaven and Him Who builded it,
And by the heaven and Him Who built it;
And the sky and He who built it.
and by the sky and by Him Who made it;
And the heaven and Him Who built it,
by the sky and Him who built it,
By the heaven and Who built it,
by the heavens and that (Power) which established them,
And the heaven and Him Who made it,
by the sky and how He built it
By the Firmament and its (wonderful) structure;
وَٱلْأَرْضِ وَمَا طَحَىٰهَا ﴿6﴾
And [by] the earth and He who spread it
Waalardi wama tahaha
The earth and its spreading out,
And by oath of the earth and by oath of Him Who spread it.
and by the earth and That which extended it!
By the earth and Him Who spread it forth,
And by the earth and Him Who spread it,
And the earth and He who spread it.
and by the earth and by Him Who stretched it out;
And the earth and Him Who spread it,
by the earth and Him who spread it,
by the earth and Who spread it,
by the earth and that (Power) which spread it out
And the earth and Him Who extended it,
and by the earth and how He spread it,
By the Earth and its (wide) expanse:
وَنَفْسٍۢ وَمَا سَوَّىٰهَا ﴿7﴾
And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it
Wanafsin wama sawwaha
The soul and how it was integrated
And by oath of the soul and by oath of Him Who made it proper.
By the soul, and That which shaped it
By the soul and Him Who propertioned it,
And by Nafs (Adam or a person or a soul, etc.), and Him Who perfected him in proportion;
And the soul and He who proportioned it.
and by the soul and by Him Who perfectly proportioned it,
And a soul and Him Who perfected it
by the soul and Him who fashioned it,
by the soul and Who shaped it
and by the soul and that (Power) which designed it
And the soul and Him Who made it perfect,
by the soul and how He formed it,
By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it;
فَأَلْهَمَهَا فُجُورَهَا وَتَقْوَىٰهَا ﴿8﴾
And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness,
Faalhamaha fujooraha wataqwaha
And given the faculty of knowing what is disruptive and what is intrinsic to it.
And inspired in it the knowledge of its sins and its piety.
and inspired it to lewdness and godfearing!
And inspired it with the wickedness thereof and the piety thereof,
Then He showed him what is wrong for him and what is right for him;
And inspired it with its wickedness and its righteousness.
and imbued it with (the consciousness of) its evil and its piety:
And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it.
and inspired it with [discernment between] its virtues and vices:
and inspired it with its sin and its piety,
and inspired it with knowledge of evil and piety,
Then He inspired it to understand what is right and wrong for it;
then inspired it to understand what was right and wrong for it.
And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;-
قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن زَكَّىٰهَا ﴿9﴾
He has succeeded who purifies it,
Qad aflaha man zakkaha
He who nourishes it will surely be successful,
Indeed successful is the one who made it pure.
Prosperous is he who purifies it,
Surely blissful is he who hath cleansed, it,
Indeed he succeeds who purifies his ownself (i.e. obeys and performs all that Allah ordered, by following the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism and by doing righteous good deeds).
Successful is he who purifies it.
He who purifies it will prosper,
He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow,
one who purifies it is felicitous,
prosperous is he who purified it,
those who purify their souls will certainly have everlasting happiness
He will indeed be successful who purifies it,
He who purifies it will indeed be successful,
Truly he succeeds that purifies it,
وَقَدْ خَابَ مَن دَسَّىٰهَا ﴿10﴾
And he has failed who instills it [with corruption].
Waqad khaba man dassaha
And he who confines it will surely come to grief.
And indeed failed is the one who covered it in sin.
and failed has he who seduces it.
And miserable is he who hath buried it.
And indeed he fails who corrupts his ownself (i.e. disobeys what Allah has ordered by rejecting the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism or by following polytheism, etc. or by doing every kind of evil wicked deeds).
Failing is he who corrupts it.
and he who suppresses it will be ruined.
And he is indeed a failure who stunteth it.
and one who betrays it fails.
and failed is he who buried it!
and those who corrupt their souls will certainly be deprived (of happiness).
And he will indeed fail who corrupts it.
and he who corrupts it is sure to fail.
And he fails that corrupts it!
كَذَّبَتْ ثَمُودُ بِطَغْوَىٰهَآ ﴿11﴾
Thamud denied [their prophet] by reason of their transgression,
Kaththabat thamoodu bitaghwaha
The Thamud denied (the truth) in their perverseness
The tribe of Thamud denied with rebellion.
Thamood cried lies in their insolence
Thamud belied in their exorbitance.
Thamud (people) denied (their Prophet) through their transgression (by rejecting the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism, and by following polytheism, and by committing every kind of sin).
Thamood denied in its pride.
In their presumptuous insolence the Thamud called the Truth a lie
(The tribe of) Thamud denied (the truth) in their rebellious pride,
The [people of] Thamud denied [Allah’s signs] out of their rebellion,
Thamood belied in their pride
The people of Thamud rejected (the truth) as a result of their rebelliousness
Samood gave the lie (to the truth) in their inordinacy,
The Thamud tribe rejected the truth because of their arrogance,
The Thamud (people) rejected (their prophet) through their inordinate wrong-doing,
إِذِ ٱنۢبَعَثَ أَشْقَىٰهَا ﴿12﴾
When the most wretched of them was sent forth.
Ithi inbaAAatha ashqaha
When among them the great wretch arose,
When the most wicked among them stood up in defiance.
when the most wretched of them uprose,
What time the greatest wretch of them rose up.
When the most wicked man among them went forth (to kill the she-camel).
When it followed its most wicked.
when their arch-criminal rose up in rage.
When the basest of them broke forth
when the most wretched of them rose up.
when the most wicked of them broke forth,
when the most corrupt of them incited them (to commit evil).
When the most unfortunate of them broke forth with
when the most wicked man among them rose up.
Behold, the most wicked man among them was deputed (for impiety).
فَقَالَ لَهُمْ رَسُولُ ٱللَّهِ نَاقَةَ ٱللَّهِ وَسُقْيَٰهَا ﴿13﴾
And the messenger of Allah [Salih] said to them, \"[Do not harm] the she-camel of Allah or [prevent her from] her drink.\"
Faqala lahum rasoolu Allahi naqata Allahi wasuqyaha
And the apostle of God had to tell them: \"This is God's she-camel, let her drink.\"
So the Noble Messenger of Allah said to them, “Stay away from the she camel of Allah, and from its turn to drink.”
then the Messenger of God said to them, 'The She-camel of God; let her drink!'
Then the apostle of Allah said Unto them: beware of the she-camel of Allah and her drink.
But the Messenger of Allah [Salih (Saleh)] said to them: \"Be cautious! Fear the evil end. That is the she-camel of Allah! (Do not harm it) and bar it not from having its drink!\"
The messenger of God said to them, “This is the she-camel of God, so let her drink.”
Then Allah's Messenger warned them: “Hands off the she-camel and her drink!”
And the messenger of Allah said: It is the she-camel of Allah, so let her drink!
The apostle of Allah had told them, ‘This is Allah’s she-camel, let her drink!’
the Messenger of Allah said to them: '(This is) the shecamel of Allah, let her drink'
The Messenger of God told them, \"This is a she-camel, belonging to God. Do not deprive her of her share of water\".
So Allah's apostle said to them (Leave alone) Allah's she-camel, and (give) her (to) drink.
Then the messenger of God said to them, \"This is God's she-camel. Let her drink.\"
But the Messenger of Allah said to them: \"It is a She-camel of Allah! And (bar her not from) having her drink!\"
فَكَذَّبُوهُ فَعَقَرُوهَا فَدَمْدَمَ عَلَيْهِمْ رَبُّهُم بِذَنۢبِهِمْ فَسَوَّىٰهَا ﴿14﴾
But they denied him and hamstrung her. So their Lord brought down upon them destruction for their sin and made it equal [upon all of them].
Fakaththaboohu faAAaqarooha fadamdama AAalayhim rabbuhum bithanbihim fasawwaha
But they called him a liar and hamstrung her. So God obliterated them for their crime, and (destroyed) all of them alike.
In response they belied him, and hamstrung the she camel – so Allah put ruin over them because of their sins and flattened their dwellings.
But they cried him lies, and hamstrung her, so their Lord crushed them for their sin, and leveled them:
Then they belied him, and they hamstrung her; wherefore their Lord overwhelmed them for their crime, and made it equal.
Then they denied him and they killed it. So their Lord destroyed them because of their sin, and made them equal in destruction (i.e. all grades of people, rich and poor, strong and weak, etc.)!
But they called him a liar, and hamstrung her. So their Lord crushed them for their sin, and leveled it.
But they rejected his statement as a lie and hamstrung the she-camel. For that crime their Lord rumbled down upon them, utterly razing them to the ground.
But they denied him, and they hamstrung her, so Allah doomed them for their sin and rased (their dwellings).
But they impugned him and hamstrung her. So their Lord took them unawares by night because of their sin, and levelled it.
But they belied him, and hamstrung her. So their Lord crushed them for their sin and leveled it (their village).
However, they rejected him and slew her. So their Lord completely destroyed them and their city for their sins.
But they called him a liar and slaughtered her, therefore their Lord crushed them for their sin and levelled them (with the ground).
But they gave him the lie, and hamstrung the she-camel. So their Lord destroyed them for their crime and razed their city to the ground.
Then they rejected him (as a false prophet), and they hamstrung her. So their Lord, on account of their crime, obliterated their traces and made them equal (in destruction, high and low)!
وَلَا يَخَافُ عُقْبَٰهَا ﴿15﴾
And He does not fear the consequence thereof.
Wala yakhafu AAuqbaha
He does not fear the consequence.
And He does not fear its coming behind (to take vengeance).
and He fears not the issue thereof.
And He feared not the consequence thereof
And He (Allah) feared not the consequences thereof.
And He does not fear its sequel.
He has no fear of its sequel.
He dreadeth not the sequel (of events).
And He does not fear its outcome.
He does not fear the result (of their destruction).
God is not afraid of the result of what He had decreed.
And He fears not its consequence.
He did not fear the consequences.
And for Him is no fear of its consequences.